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Procedure Number程序编号HY-WP-W-001Rev. No版本1Page页码1 of 20Document Status:文件状态: PRE/准备 CFC/执行Reference procedure No./Rev./参考程序编号/版本: N/A不适用Document Title文件名称:Procedure for Prewelding Preheating and postwelding heat treatment焊前预热、焊后热处理程序Document Type/文件类型 :Working Procedure工作程序Name &Title姓名及职务Signature/Date签名及日期Approved by批准Prepared by编制职务:Title:Reviewed by审核Signature/Date:签名及日期QA ReviewerQA审核Translator翻译Translation reviewer译审Copyright Declaration:版权声明 :This document is the property of the SNPEMC. It must not be used, reproduced, transmitted or disclosed without the prior written permission of SNPEMC。本程序未经山东核电设备制造有限公司书面批准不得外用、复制和泄露Historical Records of Modification修改历史记录版本Rev.发布日期Issue date修改范围及依据Scope and Basis of the Modification1Table of Contents目 录1 Purpose目的42Scope范围43References参考文件44Responsibilities职责45Pre-requisite先决条件56Steps of Operation操作步骤57. Detailed Description详细描述67.1 Detailed Description详细描述67.2 Heat Treatment热处理98Appendix 附录161 Purpose目的The procedure is defined as the criteria in preheating, heat treatment and heating straightening of Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd for ensuring the smooth implementation of the work.为山东核电设备制造有限公司进行焊前预热、热处理以及热矫直提供工作依据,保证工作的顺利进行,特制定本程序。2 Scope范围The procedure is applicable for the prewelding preheating and stress-relief heat treatment of all welding joints and heating straightening of the non-centered pipes of Shandong Nuclear Power Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 本程序适用于山东核电设备制造有限公司中的所有的焊接接头的焊前预热、消应力热处理以及不对中管的热矫直。3 References参考文件ASME Standards B3.1 Power Pipeline Edition 2001, including 2002 AddendaASME标准B3.1 动力管道2001版,2002增补ASME Standards Volume IX Criteria for Welding and Braze Welding Edition 2001, including 2002 AddendaASME标准第IX卷 焊接和钎焊评定标准2001版,2002增补ASME Standards Volume III Construction Rules of Nuclear Power Equipments Edition 2001, including 2002 AddendaASME标准第III卷 核动力设备建造规则2001版,2002增补Welding control procedure焊接控制程序 HY-MP-COP-001Welding Procedure for CV Bottom SchemeCV底封头焊接方案 HY-WP-W-00054 Responsibilities职责4.1 Technical Department技术部4.1.1 The heat treatment engineer of Technical Department should be liable for the technical guidance for preheating, post heating treatment & heating straightening of welding products. 技术部热处理工程师负责焊接产品焊前预热、焊后热处理和热矫直工作的技术指导4.1.2 Be liable for carrying out the operations of preheating, heat treatment and heating straightening according to the data sheet of heat treatment; 负责按照热处理数据单的要求执行预热、热处理和热矫直操作;4.1.3 Be liable for collecting temperature curve of heat treatment and filling in the record list of heat treatment; 负责收集热处理温度记录曲线并填写热处理记录表;4.1.4 Submit relevant records to Quality Management Dept.; 将相关记录送质量管理部;4.2 Quality Management Department质量管理部4.2.1 Perform inspection & supervision responsibility for the heat treatment and qualification of heat treatment personnel; 对热处理工作和热处理人员资格履行检查、监督职责;4.2.2 Inspect and confirm if the heat treatment is in conformity with process regulations, and sign on the heat treatment records for confirming; 检查热处理工作是否按工艺规程执行,并对热处理记录签字确认;Collect the records on preheating, heat treatment and heating straightening. 收集预热记录、热处理记录及热矫直工作记录。5 Pre-requisite先决条件5.1 Procedure and instruction are approved and addressed 所有相关的程序批准并执行。5.2 The operating personnel of heat treatment must be trained and tested as qualified. 热处理操作人员须经过培训并考核合格。5.3 All measuring technical conditions must stay in good working conditions. 所有测量技术条件必须满足的工作要求。5.4 Calibration of measuring and instrument, within the effective calibration period测量设备经过标定,并处在有效的标定期内.6 Steps of Operation操作步骤6.1 General Operation Steps通用操作步骤Inspection of Pre-requisite preheating welding postwelding heating treatment NDE检查先决条件 焊前预热 焊接 无损检测 焊后热处理 NDE6.2 Operation Step of Preheating焊前预热操作步骤Inspection of Pre-requisite confirm preheating temperature heating temperature measuring records检查先决条件 确定预热温度 加热 测温 记录6.3 Operation Step of Heat Treatment热处理操作步骤6.3.1 Operation Steps of Partial Heat Treatment局部热处理操作步骤Inspection of Pre-requisite fix thermal couple(K) wind heating rope thermal insulation connect tranHYission wire turn on power do heat treatment recording diHYantle heating coil and thermal couple inspect the thermal cycle检查先决条件固定热电偶(K型) 缠绕加热绳 保温 连接传输导线 送电 进行热处理 记录 拆除加热圈及热电偶 检查热循环6.3.2 Operation Steps of Overall Heat Treatment整体热处理操作步骤Inspection of Pre-requisite reception of working piece material load carry out heat treatment recording discharge检查先决条件 工件接受 装料 进行热处理 记录 出料7. Detailed Description详细描述7.1 Detailed Description详细描述7.1.1 Inspection of Pre-requisite检查先决条件1) Inspect if the parts are cleaned and degrease (cleanness have to be performed on the bevel and within 2 inches on each side of the bevel); 检查部件是否清洁和去脂(应将破口两侧2英寸范围内清理干净。);2) Inspect the preparation of bevel; 检查坡口制备状况;3) Inspect and confirm if the surface thermodetector or metal tempilstick 检查表面测温计或金属测温笔。7.1.2 Confirm Preheating Temperature确定预热温度The preheating temperature cannot exceed the highest interpass temperature specified in the welding procedure for preventing unfavorable influence while interpass temperature cannot be lower than the preheating temperature.预热时注意预热温度不能超过在焊接程序中规定的最高层间温度,防止产生不良影响;但层间温度不能低于预热温度。7.1.3 According to ASME Volume Division 1 Subsection NE Class MC Components, the lowest preheating temperature of all P1 and P3 materials with nominal thickness exceeding 19mm should be 95 and moreover, the highest interpass temperature cannot exceed 150. 对于P1和P3材料,按ASME第卷 第一册 NE分卷 MC级部件的规定,所有公称厚度超过19mm的材料,最低预热温度为95并且最大层间温度不能超过150。7.1.4 No preheating is required for P8 material in general. For the correct preheating and interpass temperatures, please refer to corresponding WPS.对于P8材料,一般不需要预热,关于正确的预热和层间温度的要求,参见相应的WPS。7.1.5 For correct preheating and interpass temperatures of all other materials, please refer to corresponding WPS.对于所有其它材料,正确的预热和层间温度的要求,参见相应的WPS。7.1.6 Confirm the Preheating Method确定预热方法Electric heating or direct flame heating can be applied. However, during workshop manufacturing, electric heating should be applied as possible under the Pre-requisite of temperature balance.采用电加热或火焰直接加热,但在车间制造过程中,为了确保温度均衡的前提下,尽量采用电加热。7.1.7 Confirm the Area of Heating确定加热区域1) The minimum heating scope in preheating is 100mm(100mm on both sides of joint);预热时加热范围最小为100mm(指接头两侧各100mm);2) When an electric heating method is used for heating, thermal couple and heating coil should be installed closest to the bevel while should not hinder the access of welder to the joint.采用电加热法加热时,需注意热电偶及加热圈的安装要尽可能靠近坡口,但不得妨碍焊工接近接头。7.1.8 Heating加热1) Necessary measures are required for enabling heat to diffuse along the heated joint evenly (especially in direct flame heating), so as to prevent partial overheating that may cause sharp temperature gradients, produce unfavorable result and deteriorate the metal performance in the preheating area;采取必要措施,使热量沿被加热的接头均匀扩散(特别是采用火焰直接加热时),防止局部过热产生过大的温度梯度,造成不良后果,影响预热区金属性能;2) Preheating shall not cause pollution on the surface of joints and related parts;预热不得在接头和所涉及的部件表面引起污染;3) In case that direct flame heating can hardly enable the weld along the entire length to reach the preset preheating temperature if the pipeline diameter is large, the whole area to be heated can be evenly heated for one time, and the part to be welded can be further heated in the scope of at least 100mm away from the weld center for welding. Confirm the temperature after heating according to the preset temperature;在管道直径比较大时,采用火焰直接加热很难保证焊缝的整个长度上都能达到规定的预热温度,可以先将整个要加热的区域均匀加热一遍,然后在待焊接的部位集中加热,范围为距待焊的焊缝中心至少100mm。加热后核实温度是否达到规定的温度;4) Due to the fact that air circulation in the pipe shapes air current, a tamper can plug up the end head of pipeline or other opening method is used for eliminating air current if possible. The tamper cannot pollute working piece and be easy for removal.由于空气在管内流通造成气流,在可能的情况下可采用堵塞物堵住管道端头和其它开孔的方法消除,堵塞物不得污染工件,且要便于去除。7.1.9 Temperature Measuring测温1) In direct flame heating, four points evenly allocated along the whole length of a weld can be specified once the flame taken away. Surface thermodetector or metal tempilstick can be used for verifying the preheating temperature;当用火焰直接加热时,移走火焰后,在焊缝的整个长度上确定均匀分布的四个点,用表面测温计或金属测温笔核实预热温度;2) The temperature should be continuously kept and monitored till welding operation is over. Preheating temperature should be inspected at interval for ensuring a temperature within the scope defined for the welding;温度要连续保持并监视直至焊接作业结束,隔一段时间检查一次预热温度,以保证该温度在焊接规定的范围之内;3) When heating coil is used for heating, thermal couple must be used for temperature measuring.使用加热圈加热时,测温必须使用热电偶。7.1.10 Records记录Records on preheating operation should be kept. Relevant personnel should fill in a list of preheating records (See Appendix A) for future inspection. However, if outdoor temperature is comparatively low, the records preheating arent required for the welding operation preheating to room temperature.进行预热操作应作相应记录,相关人员应填好焊前预热记录表(见附录A),以备检查。但由于室外温度比较低,要求预热到室温后再进行焊接操作的焊前预热可不作记录。7.2 Heat Treatment热处理Partial heat treatment in adoption of electric ceramic heater & overall heat treatment in heating treatment oven are included; and, overall heat treatment is recommended if the conditions permit.包括采用陶瓷电加热器加热的局部热处理和采用热处理炉处理的整体热处理;条件适合的情况下优先采用整体热处理。7.2.1 Inspection of Pre-requisite检查先决条件Besides the Pre-requisite s in Part 5, the following requirements must be met:除满足节5中的先决条件外还必须满足以下要求:1) The parts for heat treatment must be clean and degreasing treatment is requirement if necessary;热处理部件必须清洁,如果有必要应进行脱脂处理;2) Inspect the mark and serial number; 检查标记和编号;3) Inspect and confirm if the previous process is completed; 检查前道工序是否完成;4) The technical parameters of heating oven for overall heat treatment should comply with the requirements. 整体热处理时加热炉技术参数应符合要求。7.2.2 Partial Heat Treatment局部热处理A rope-shaped (crawler-type) electric ceramic heater is used for heating; and thermal couple is applied for temperature monitoring. 采用绳状(履带式)陶瓷电加热器加热;使用热电偶监测温度。1) Inspection of Pre-requisite检查先决条件2) The above-said requirements should be met应满足前述的要求3) Installation of thermal couple热电偶的安装a) The quantity and position of thermal couple is defined according to the direction and diameter of the pipe. If the pipe lies in horizontal position with Dn4in, a thermal couple should be installed at the position 30 vertical to standing axis (See Figure 1 in Appendix E); if 4in10in, three thermal couples are installed (See Figure 3 in Appendix E); and, if the pipeline lies in vertical position, three thermal couples are installed (See Figure 4 in Appendix E);根据管子的方向和直径来确定热电偶的数量和位置。当管子处于水平位置时,若Dn4in,在垂直于竖轴30角的位置安装一个热电偶(见附录E中图1);若4in10in时,安装3个热电偶(见附录E中图3);当管子处于垂直位置时,安装3个热电偶(见附录E中图4);b) A standby thermal couple (marked as R in the figure) should be prepared, of which the position of installation is included in Appendix E. It can replace the damaged thermal couple;准备一个备用热电偶(图中标为R),安装位置见附录E,可用它来代替坏损的热电偶;c) The head of thermal couple lies in the heat-affected area of weld and closely sticks to the surface of the part. The thermal couple should be fixed in proper method.热电偶头部位于焊缝热影响区且紧贴部件表面,用适当方法固定热电偶。4) Installation of heating coil加热圈的安装a) Heating rope (sheet) is wound on both sides with the crater as center; 以焊口为中心在两侧均匀缠绕加热绳(片);b) The heating rope should be tightly wound, and closely stick to the surface of parts, instead of any overlap, crossover, floating or looseness. 缠绕加热绳时要确保缠紧,加热绳须紧贴部件表面,不得重叠、交叉、悬空或松动。5) Thermal insulation保温a) 50600mm aluminum silicates fiber carpet is used for thermal insulation; 采用50600mm硅酸铝纤维毯保温;b) Aluminum silicates fiber carpet must be bound up with iron wire for preventing any fall-off; 硅酸铝纤维毯必须用铁丝绑紧以防止脱落;c) Both ends of the pipeline can be plugged up for preventing air current in the pipeline during heating while the tamper in use must be easy to remove. 加热时为防止管内空气流动,可将管道两端堵死,但必须注意使用的堵塞物要便于去除。6) Installation of TranHYission Wire传输导线的安装After the heating coil and aluminum silicates fiber carpet are installed, relevant wires will be used for connecting the heating coil and thermal couple with corresponding part of the console. 加热圈及硅酸铝纤维毯安装好后,用相应导线把加热圈及热电偶和操作台的相应部位连接起来。7) Turn-on of Power Supply送电Carefully inspect and confirm the circuit after the wire connected, switch on the power supply of console, turn on the temperature recording instrument, input process curve as per the parameters of the process, and tranHYit power supply to heating coil and start heating. 接好导线后,仔细检查一遍线路,确认无误后接通操作台电源,打开温度记录仪,按照工艺参数输入工艺曲线,向加热圈送电,开始加热。8) Carry out Heat Treatment进行热处理The process of heat treatment should be subject to the following regulations: 在热处理过程中应遵守以下规定:a) Heating rate, thermal insulation temperature, holding time and cooling rate must be subject to Article 7.2.4;升温速率、保温温度、保持时间以及冷却速率必须按节7.2.4中的要求执行;b) All heat treatment temperature must be consecutive and be automatically recorded.所有热处理温度必须连续并且自动记录。9) Records记录Fill in the list of heat treatment records (See Appendix B) after heat treatment is over.在热处理结束后填写热处理记录表(见附录B)。10) DiHYantle Heating Coil and Thermal Couple拆除加热圈及热电偶DiHYantle heating coil & thermal couple after the parts are completely cooled down. 当部件完全冷却后拆除加热圈及热电偶。11) Inspect the Thermal Cycle检查热循环The records on temperature and time should be inspected according to the specified conditions and at the same time, the heat treatment records should be inspected as well. 温度和时间的记录应对照规定的条件进行检查,同时也应检查热处理记录。7.2.3 Overall Heat Treatment整体热处理Heat treatment ov en is used for heat treatment. Thermal insulation materials have to be free of any detrimental material.采用热处理炉进行热处理。1) Inspection of Pre-requisite检查先决条件Besides the above-said Part 5 and Article 7.2.1, the lifting equipment (traveling crane and chain block) must comply with the technical requirements. 除满足前述节5及节7.2.1中所有要求外,吊装设备(天车和倒链)必须满足技术要求。2) Reception of Parts部件接收Inspect and confirm the labels on the parts in conformity with the regulations. 检查部件上标记是否符合规定的要求。3) Material Loading装料A traveling crane is used for lifting, and the parts should be loaded into the furnace in conformity with the following requirements: 采用天车吊装,部件装入炉内应该注意以下几点:a) The parts should be evenly distributed in the hearth; 部件均匀分布在炉膛内;b) The parts should be flatly placed and supported for preventing any deforming; 部件应平放并支撑以防变形;c) The parts are placed on the foundation (fire-retardant tile or bed); 部件放置在支座上(耐火砖或座);d) The parts cannot be in touch with each other for ensuring good thermal convection; 部件之间不得相互接触,以便于良好的热对流;e) The parts should be in the heating area. Thermal insulation materials have to be free of any detrimental material.部件应位于加热区内,热的绝缘材料不能有有任何的有害材料。4) The thermal couple of heat treatment furnace itself should be used采用热处理炉自带的热电偶5) Inspect the Material Load检查装料The inspector should confirm if the parts are placed in conformity with the requirement before the furnace closes. 在炉子关闭前检查员应核实部件摆放是否符合要求。6) Carry out Heat Treatment进行热处理The process of heat treatment should abide by the following regulations: 在热处理过程中应遵守以下规定:a) Heating rate, thermal insulation temperature, holding time and cooling rate must be subject to Article 7.2.4; 保温温度、保温时间、升温速率以及冷却速率必须按节7.2.4中的要求执行;b) All heat treatment temperature must be consecutive and be automatically recorded except the cooling outside the furnace. 所有热处理温度必须自动连续记录,但炉外冷却除外。7)Records记录Fill in the list of heat treatment records (See Appendix B) after heat treatment is over. 在热处理结束后填写热处理记录表(见附录B)。8)Discharge出料After the parts are completely cooled down, the same equipment for loading material can be used for discharge. 当部件完全冷却后使用装料所用的相同设备出料。9)检查热循环Inspect the Thermal CycleThe records on temperature and time should be inspected according to the specified conditions and at the same time, the heat treatment records should be inspected as well. 温度和时间的记录应对照规定的条件进行检查,同时也应检查热处理记录。7.2.4 Parameters of Postwelding Heating Treatment焊后热处理参数1)Insulation Temperature保温温度According to AHYE V.III List NB/NC/ND-4622.1-1, thermal insulation temperature of the welds of nuclear-grade 1, 2 & 3 with P1 & P3 materials is 600C670C; according to ANSI/AHYE B31.1 Table 132, that of non-nuclear-grade weld with P1 & P3 materials is 600C-650C.对于材料为P1及P3的核1,2,3级焊缝,根据AHYE 第卷 表NB/NC/ND-4622.1-1,保温温度为600C670C;对于材料为P1及P3的非核级焊缝,根据ANSI/AHYE B31.1表132,保温温度为600C650C。According to ASME Section Subsection NE and WECs design requirement, the preheat temperature for all CV welds should be 100-200 .For those welds which should go through PWHT, the holding temperature for PWHT should be 593-620 and the temperature holding time should be 10 hours.根据ASME规范NE分卷和WEC的设计要求,CV安全壳的焊缝均需要预热到100-200 C,对于需要做焊后热处理工艺的安全壳焊缝,焊后热处理保温温度为593-620 C,保温时间10小时。2)Holding Time保温时间The shortest thermal insulation time is defined according to the thickness of pipe wall (See Table 1 for details). 根据管壁的厚度确定最短保温时间(详见表1)。Table 1 Relationship Chart of Thickness and Shortest Thermal Insulation Time表1 厚度与最短保温时间关系表Nominal thickness公称厚度Shortest thermal insulation time最短保温时间2in1h/in,最少30min1h/in, 30min at min.2in2h+15min/inTable 2 Relationship Chart of Temperature and Shortest Thermal Insulation Time表2 温度与最短保温时间关系表Temperature (C) 温度(C)Shortest thermal insulation time (h/in) 最短保温时间(h/in)565254035105If the temperature in heat treatment fails to reach the specified scope of temperature, postwelding heating treatment can be done at lower temperature while thermal insulation time should increase accordingly (See Table 2 for details); and, in case of several heat treatments on the same weld, the longest total thermal insulation time shall not exceed 8 hours. 如果热处理时温度达不到规定的温度范围,那么焊后热处理可以在较低的温度下进行,但要求保温时间要相应增加(详见表2);如在同一焊缝上进行几次热处理,那么最大累积保温时间不得超过8小时。3) Heating and cooling Rate加热和冷却速率a) In case of a temperature higher than 425C, heating and cooling rate of the welds of nuclear grade 1, 2 & 3 is the result of 200C/hr divided by quantity of nominal thickness (in) while shall not exceed 200C/hr; and, in case of the temperature lower than 425C, heating rate isnt limited, and natural cooling can be used, and the console can be closed while the thermal insulation layer on the weld cannot be diHYantled.对于核1,2,3级的焊缝,当温度高于425C时,加热和冷却速率为200C/hr除以公称厚度(in)数,但不得超过200C/hr;当温度低于425C时,加热速率不限,降温时可以自由冷却,关闭操作台,但焊缝上的保温层不得拆除。b) In case of temperature higher than 315C, heating & cooling rate of non-clear-grade weld is the result of 315C/hr divided by half of nominal thickness (in) while shall not be higher than 315C/hr; and, in case of temperature lower than 315C, heating rate isnt limited, and natural cooling can be used, and the console can be closed while thermal insulation layer on the weld cannot be diHYantled.对于非核级,当温度高于315C时,加热和冷却速率为315C/hr除以公称厚度(in)数的一半,但不得超过315C/hr;温度低于315C时,加热速率不限,降温时可以自由冷却,关闭操作台,但焊缝上的保温层不得拆除。7.2.5 Heat Treatment for Pipeline Bending管道弯曲热处理The method and process are similar to that of postwelding heating treatment of weld, and the form of records is included in Appendix C. 方法及工艺与焊缝焊后热处理相似,记录表格见附录C。8 Appendix 附录Appendix 1: Preheating Record附录1:预热记录Appendix 2: PWHT Record附录2:焊后热处理记录Appendix3: Arrangement Chart of Thermal Couple附录3:热电偶布置图Appendix 4:Structure HEAT-TRE


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