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情态动词will与would的用法一、 情态动词will的用法归纳 1. will“惯于,老是,总是”表示主语的习惯性,倾向性,经常性,必然性,不可避免性。(will 用于一般的习惯,would 用于描述过去的习惯或例行的活动)如: People will talk.人总会说闲话。Boys will be boys.男孩终究是男孩。(倾向性)Water will boil at 100. 水在100时沸腾。Jealousy will spoil friendship.嫉妒会破坏友谊。Accidents will happen.(不可避免性)Ive lost my keys _that would happen!我把钥匙丢了-这种情况老是发生!Sometimes he will wander in the hills all afternoon有时他会整个下午在山里漫游(现在习惯)Every morning he will have a walk along this river.If today is Monday, tomorrow will be Tuesday.(必然性)The young man will sit there for hours doing nothing. 那个年轻人常几个小时坐在那儿无所事事。(现在习惯) The young man would sit there for hours doing nothing. 那个年轻人常几个小时坐在那儿无所事事。(过去习惯)He will often read deep into the night.他会读书到深夜。(现在习惯)He would often read deep into the night.他会读书到深夜。(过去习惯)She _ listen to records, alone in her room for hours. We just wont interrupt her, for we know this is her usual way to stay in peace. A. might B. must C. will D. should 【解析】 答案为C。will作为情态动词有一个很重要的用法,就是表示习惯性动作,此句翻译成:她常常独自一人在房间里听唱片,一听就好几个小时。注意:will在这里不是表示“将来”。 Only in summer _. A. will the ice melt B. the ice will melt C. the ice can melt D. the ice melts 【解析】 答案为A。当表示某些根据自然规律必定会发生的事情时,常常使用这种表达,如If the pure water is heated to 100, it will boil. 如果纯净的水加热至100,它就会沸腾。will的这种用法经常会出现在科技英语中。上题由于将“only in summer”置于句首,所以要使用倒装结构。 2. will“愿、要,会”表示意志、意愿,决心,诺言等。例如:I have made up my mind to go and I will. (意志)We will fight on until final victory is won.I will do my best to help you. (意愿)I wont do it any more ,I promise. (诺言)She will not shove( v1. 推;撞 2. 乱塞,乱放 3. 强使)the heavy load on to others.will 表示现在的意愿,would表示过去的意愿。如: I will pay you at the rate you ask. 我愿意照你要求的价钱付款。Go where you will. 你愿到哪里就到哪里。He wouldnt help me yesterday. 他昨天不愿帮助我。She asked if I would go with them. 她问我是否愿同他们一起去。would也可表示现在的意愿,语气较委婉。如:Id go there with you. 我愿同你去那儿。I wouldnt go. 我不会去。-These books are too heavy for me to carry. -_.(06辽宁卷) A. You may ask for help. B. I will give you a hand C. I will do you a favor D Id come to help 【解析】答案为B。will表示意愿,有“愿、要”之意。give sb. a hand 意思是“帮某人的忙”。“I will give you a hand.”翻译为:我愿意帮忙。 -Dont forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow. - _.(94全国卷) A. I dont B. I wont C. I cant D. I havent 【解析】 答案B。will表示决心,此回答是省略句,补充完整是“I wont forget to go to your birthday party tomorrow.”。“I wont.”翻译为:我决不会忘记的。 3. 表示说话人向对方提出请求或询问对方的意思,有“你.好吗、你愿.”。(这时will与 would 通用,而would更委婉,也可以用wont)Will you join in our discussion?Would you please tell me your telephone number?Wont you sit down?Close the window, would you?请关上窗,好吗?We forgot to bring our tickets, but please let us enter,_ ?(06全国卷2) A. do you B. can you C. will you D. shall we 【解析】 答案为C。题中but后面的句子 “please let us enter, will you?”是以let us开头的祈使句,它加上will you构成反意疑问句,这里will you表示提出请求。will在疑问句中用于第二人称时,表示说话人向对方提出请求或询问,有“你好吗”之意。此句翻译为:我们忘了带票,请你让我们进去,好吗?4. will表示说话人的猜测,意为“大概”。如: That will be the book you want. 那大概是你所要的书。 Ask him. He will know. 问他吧,他大概知道。will用于谈论现在; would可用于谈论过去,也可用于谈论现在(语气较委婉)。如:This car will hold six people. 这辆小汽车可以坐六个人。Ask him. He will know. 问问他吧,他大概知道。You wouldnt know. 你不会知道。Every family would have some sort of trouble. 家家都会有本难念的经。The person you mentioned would be her father, is that right? 你提的那个人想必是她的父亲,对吗?【注】有时可后接完成式,表示对过去可能已经发生的情况进行推测。如:You will have heard of it. 你已经听到那事了吧I thought you would have finished it by now. 我想你现在可能已经做完了吧。That, I think, _ be all that I want to say. A. can B. could C. will D. ought to 【解析】 答案为C。will 也可以表示推测,通常可译为“想必”、“也许”、“大概”、“可能”,其确信程度仅次于must。该句翻译为:我想大概那就是我想要说的一切。 5.表命令或指示 No one will leave the examination room before 12 oclock.任何人在12点之前都不许离开考场。 All boys will attend roll-call at 9 oclock. 所有的男孩必须在9点钟参加点名。(Wed better have a roll call now.我们最好现在点名。)will 还可表示许诺、指示、叮嘱等,而would还可用于评论某一特定的行为等。如:You will have your share. 你会得到你那一份的。You will do as I told you. 你得照我说的去做。Thats just what he would say. 他就是爱那样讲话。You would never do anything to hurt me. 你绝不会做伤害我的事的6. 表执意 He will comb his hair at the table, even though he knows I dont like it.他偏偏要在饭桌那儿梳头,还明明知道我腻味这事儿。 Jack will do these things!杰克总是爱干这样的事! 疑难解析 1. will not 或wont 表示不愿意或拒绝 ,我们知道,对于有生命体来说,will可表示意愿: She wont open the door. 她拒不开门。 但是,对于无生命体,有时也使用will表示意愿。语言学家们说will用于无生命体,如同refuse一样,是通过拟人化的手段来实现的。例如: The car wont start.(= The car refuses to start.)汽车发动不起来。 请看下面一道高考题: 2. 在if 从句中有时为了表示意愿也可用will ,有“愿意”的意思。例如:If you will read this article ,you will realize you are wrong.If you will help me, we can finish early.如果你愿意帮我,我们可以早点儿干完。 If he will pay, Ill go with him.如果他愿意付钱,我就和他一起去。 上述两个从句虽然可以使用一般现在时,但是使用一般现在时就会把意愿的意味取消掉。 3. 句型:祈使句 + and / or sb. will do sth. 在这种句型里,祈使句表达条件,and / or分句表达结果。这种句型实际上相当于“If条件从句加上一个主句”。请看以下例句: Help others whenever you can and you will make the world a nicer place to live in. 随时帮助别人,你就会使世界变得更加美好。Start out right away, or youll miss the first train. 立刻出发,否则你会错过第一班火车。 Lose one hour in the morning and you will be looking for it the rest of the day. 早晨损失一小时,你就要用一天的时间来弥补。(一日之计在于晨) Follow your doctors advice, or your cough will get worse. 请遵医嘱,否则你的咳嗽会加重的。 Stand over there and youll be able to see it better. 站在那里,你会看得更清楚一些。 Go straight on and youll see a church. You wont miss it. 一直往前走,你就会看到一座教堂。你不会错过它的。 【典型考题】 - How can I apply for an online course? - Just fill out this form and you _ what we can do for you. (07北京) A. see B. are seeing C. have seen D. will see (D)二情态动词would的用法归纳Would表示对过去时间的意志、意愿、决心,有“愿、要、偏要”的意思。1) I promised that I would do my best.2) I told him not to go ,but he would not listen to me.2. 用于提出提议或邀请 提出客气的要求或请求,使语气婉转Would you like to change a seat? Its warmer here.您要不要换一下座位?这里暖和些。 Would you prefer a hardback edition? 您要不要买一本精装本? I would like you to fetch that document for me now.我想请你现在就帮我把那份文件取来。 I would like to know more about your plan. 我想更多地了解一下你的计划。 Would you please lend me your pen? 借用一下你的钢笔好吗? What would you like to drink? 你想喝点什么?would you mind + doing句型通常用于表示请求对方做一件有一定麻烦的事情,语气一般都非常客气。注意回答时通常是肯定的,以表示愿意做所要求的事情。 Would you mind filling in this form? 请您填一下这张表。 Would you mind repeating what you just said? 请把刚才的话重复一遍好吗? 用于委婉地表示自己的意见: I would think the journey will take something like two weeks.依我看,这次旅程大约需要两个星期。 I would look at the problem a little differently.我对这个问题的看法略有不同。 3.用于表示过去经常性,习惯性的行为或动作,着重动作的重复,有“总是、总会”等意思: The retired captain would sit hours on end watching ships sailing past.退休的船长经常坐在海边观望过往的行船,一坐就是几个小时。 He would go to bed strictly at 9, and on Sundays would not have lunch anywhere except in that restaurant.他总是严格地9点上床睡觉。星期日总在那家饭店吃午饭。Sometimes he would come to see us. 他有时来看看我们。 Every evening he would come to say goodnight. 每天晚上他都来道晚安。4. would表示说话人的猜测,其把握性比will小。如: It would be about ten oclock when he left home. 他离开家时大概是10点左右。 That would be in 1976, I think. 我想那可能是在1976年。 “would+完成式”表示对过去情况的猜测。如: The tour group would have reached New York. 旅游团可能已经到纽约了。 I thought you knew. I thought Maxim would have told you. 我以为你知道了。我以为马克西姆会告诉你的。5. would与虚拟条件句 表示虚拟、假设、条件等,有“要、将要、会、就会”等意思。如:1) If you had come earlier ,you would have seen him.2) It would be better to adopt the new method.有时用would,可视为是省略了或包含有相关条件的虚拟语气。如:I might see her personally. It would be better. 我可能亲自去看她,那样更好些。(=It would be better if I saw her personally.)Shed be stupid not to accept. 她不接受那才笨呢。(=She would be stupid if the didnt accept.) 疑难解析:will与would的用法1.表示征求意见或提出请求 主要用于第二人称的疑问句中,will和would均可用,would此时并不表过去,而表示委婉语气。如:Wont you take off your coat? 你要不要把大衣脱掉? Will would you please post the letter for me? 请帮我寄了这封信好吗?Would Sunday night suit you? 星期天晚上适合你吗? (【注】(1) 有时为使语气委婉,可用否定式。总的说来,用would比用will委婉,用wont和wouldnt比单独用will和would要委婉。(2) would有时用于提出想法,通常与like, love, hate, prefer, be glad, be happy等连用,若用于第一人称有时也可将would换成should。如:Id like love to have a look at it. 我想看看它。I would prefer not to go out today. 我今天不想出去。2表示习惯和倾向性will表示现在的习惯,would表示过去的习惯。如:Oil will float on water. 油总是浮在水上。This window wont open. 这扇窗户经常打不开。Hell talk for hours, if you let him. 你要让他讲,他会讲几个小时。The wound would not heal. (过去)伤口老不愈合。When he was a child, he would often go skiing. 他小时候经常去滑雪。He would sit there for hours sometimes doing nothing at all. 有时他在那里一坐几个钟头,什么也不做。【注】有时would表示经常发生的令人不耐烦的事。如:Thats just like himhe would lose his keys! 他就是这样,老丢钥匙! 3 表示推测will用于谈论现在,would可用于谈论过去,也可用于谈论现在(语气较委婉)。如:This car will hold six people. 这辆小汽车可以坐六个人。Ask him. He will know. 问问他吧,他大概知道。You wouldnt know. 你不会知道。Every family would have some sort of trouble. 家家都会有本难念的经。The person you mentioned would be her father, is that right? 你提的那个人想必是她的父亲,对吗?【注】有时可后接完成式,表示对过去可能已经发生的情况进行推测。如:You will have heard of it. 你已经听到那事了吧I thought you would have finished it by now. 我想你现在可能已经做完了吧。4表示执意或决心will表示现在的执意和决心,would表示过去的执意和决心。如:“Tell me the secret.” “I wont.”“把秘密告诉我。”“我才不哩。”I wont have anything said against her. 我绝不让谁说她的坏话。He would do it, though I told him not to. 虽然我叫他不要做,可是他偏要做。【注】此用法可视为表意愿的加强用法,即强烈的意愿即为决心。


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