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香港邮轮面试主要问题1.考试形式为英语面试.2.面试主要用英语问下问题,回答也必须用英语:1)你主要做什么工作?2)描述一下你的工作(每天的日常工作)3)你原来工作的餐馆(洒店)有外国客商吗?4)你愿意到船上工作吗?5)你会努力工作吗? 6)说出两种红酒的名称.(餐厅或酒吧职位) 7)说出两种饮料和西餐的名称(餐厅职位) 8)说出一种酒的调酒方法 (酒吧职位) 9)说出两种西餐菜的名称. (厨房部) 10)说出两种西餐菜的烹调方法.(厨师)3.请按以上问题准备. 英文自我介绍我是XXX。My name is _. / Im _.我今年X 岁。Im _ years old.我来自XXX 。I come from _. / Im HangZhounese.我毕业于XXX 学校。I graduated from _.我的专业是XXX。I major in _我曾在XXX 公司,从事 XXX 工作。Ive worked in _ as a(an) _ for _.我在 XXX 方面拥有不错的技能。I have good skills in _ .我的爱好是XXX 。I like _ .Im very glad ( happy) to have the chance for the interview.我很高兴能够有机会参加面试。Well, it is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview. 我十分荣幸有这个机会参加面试。I like my occupation very much.我十分喜爱我的工作。I got my _ degree after my graduation in the year of _. 毕业后,我于 XXX 年,取得XXX 学历。I spend most of my time on study, I have passed _ ./I have got _ qualification.我把多数时间都花在学习上,通过了 XXX 考试(取得了 XXX 资格)。I have acquired wide knowledge of my major from my work. 我从工作中获得了广泛的专业知识。(I think) Im a good team player.(我认为)我是一个很好的团队伙伴。Im honest. / Im a person of great honesty to others.我很诚实。I am able to work under greatpressure. 我能够在很大的压力之下工作。Thats all. 大致就是这样Thank you (for giving me the chance.)感谢(给我这次机会)。英文面试礼仪 开始:进门(敲门)May I come in?我可以进来么?Come in ,please.请进。招呼Good morning/afternoon/evening, Sir/Madam 早上、中午、晚上好。How do you do ?您好。入座 Have a seat./ Sit down, please.请坐。Thank you.谢谢。过程:没有听清楚问题,要求考官重复pardon?sorry?can you say it again?can you repeat it please?结束: Thank you . 谢谢。Its my pleasure.不用谢。Nice meeting you. /Nice to meet you很高兴见你。Me too.我也一样。英文面试核心问题:1)你主要做什么工作?问:Whats your job/work/occupation/specialty?你的工作/职业是什么?What do you do (for a living)?你的工作是什么?Have you ever been employed你曾工作过么?抓词:job工作 , work工作, current job现在的工作, employ雇佣, occupation职业答:Im a/an _at_ for _.我在XXX公司作为XX,工作过X年。I work as a/an _ at _ for _. (上同)I have had one-year experience working in_ as a/an_.(上同)2)描述一下你的工作(每天的日常工作)问:Would/Couldyou describe your job?你能描述一下你的工作么? Describe your daily work and process.请描述你每天的工作和程序。What work were you responsible for in your previous(last)work?在你的上一份工作中你主要负责什么?Could you explain your job in detail?你能详细解释一下你的工作么?Tell me something about your daily work.告诉我你每天的工作内容。抓词: describe描述, explain解释, detail细节/详细的, work, job3)你原来工作的餐馆(洒店)有外国客商吗?问:Is there any foreigner in your restraunt/hotel? Are there accommodate in the hotel you worked in?抓词:foreign customer外国顾客,foreigners外国人, lien外国人,outlander外国人答: Yes, we have many foreign (alien) customers. 是的,我们饭店/酒店有许多外国顾客。And Ive got good skill to communicate(talk) with them.我很好的掌握了与他们交流的技巧。4)你愿意到船上工作吗?问:Are you willing to work on the ship( passenger liner)?Would you like to work on board?抓词:ship船, passenger liner邮轮答:yes, Id like to.是的,我愿意。5)你会努力工作吗?问:Will you work hard?Will you try your best to work?Do you excert yourself in work?抓词:hard努力的, effort努力,endeavour努力,答:Certainly, I will. 当然,我会的。Im hard-working, and I always make great efforts in my work.我是个勤奋的人,并且我在工作中总是十分努力。6)说出两种红酒的名称.(餐厅或酒吧职位)问:Can you name two kinds of red wine?Can you tell me the name of two kinds of red wine?抓词:red winevin rouge/claret/Cabernet答:There are _ and _.有XXX和XXX。_ and _ are both famous red wine. XXX和XXX都是著名的红酒。希农(Chinon), 布尔格伊(Bourgueil), 桑塞尔(Sancerre),都兰( Touraine), 密斯卡得(Muscadet)安茹桃红( RosdAnjou),武弗雷( Vouvray)7)说出两种饮料和西餐的名称(餐厅职位)问:Would you tell me two kinds of drink and western-style food?抓词:belly-wash饮料, drink饮料, beverage饮料, western food西餐,western-style food西餐答: appetizer 餐前酒, cocktail鸡尾酒, beer啤酒, red wine红酒, white wine白葡萄酒, whisky威士忌, brandy白兰地, mineral water矿泉水.borsch罗宋汤,steak牛排/鱼排,spaghetti意大利细面,pasta意大利通心粉,fish and chips炸鱼加炸土豆片, baked mushroom烤蘑菇,bacon培根,sausage香肠8)说出一种酒的调酒方法 (酒吧职位)问:Please tell me one mixology method.Tell a way ofmaking a cocktail /preparing mixed drinks抓词:mix混合, way/method方法,mixology调酒术,alcohol酒,diddle 酒,drink酒,tipple烈酒,wine酒9)说出两种西餐菜的名称. (厨房部)问:Please name two dishes (courses) of western food.抓词: dish菜, course菜, western food西餐,name名称答:borsch罗宋汤, steak牛排/鱼排,spaghetti意大利细面,pasta意大利通心粉,fish and chips炸鱼加炸土豆片, baked mushroom烤蘑菇,bacon培根,sausage香肠10)说出两种西餐菜的烹调方法.(厨师)问:Please tell/give me two ways cooking western food.Could you explain the gastronomy of two courses?抓词:dish 菜, course菜, western food西餐,cook烹调,way方法,method方法,gastronomy烹调法答: steam煮,fry煎,toast烘烤,bake烤, stir-fry用旺火煸/用旺火炒,saute炒其他面试问题回答Family(家庭)There are 5 people in my family, my father,mother,brother,sister,and me.我家有5个人,父亲,母亲,哥哥,姐姐和我。We love each other very much.我们相亲相爱。They love me very much .他们都很爱我。They care me greatly.他们都很关心我。Hobby,interest,pasttime(业余爱好)I like_ in my spare time. 我在空闲时间喜欢XXXX.Personality,individuality,character(个性)Im _.open andclear开阔明朗sanguine人性格豁达,乐观lively:活泼prudent谨慎的honest:诚实的oper-minded:心胸开阔的aspirant :上进的studious:勤学的, 认真的Advantage/ShortcomingEducation, school(学业)我毕业于XXX 学校。I graduated from _.我的专业是XXX。I major in _The reasons for leaving the previous position.(上一份工作离职的原因。)Because I want to change my working environment.因为我想改变我的工作环境。Id like to find a job which is more challenging.我想找一份更有挑战的工作。The reasons of application.(前来面试的原因)I think this job is suitable to me. 我认为这份工作适合我。I have great interest in this job, and I think Im capable of doning it well.我对这份工作很感兴趣,而且我认为自己有做好它的能力。


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