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Unit 4 We Love Animals一、教学目标:1能够听、说、认读单词: duck, pig, cat, bear, dog.2能够在图片、实物或情景的帮助下运用句型Whats this? Its a 询问并回答动物的名称。3能听懂并会唱Lets chant歌谣部分。二、教学重点:1. 单词pig,cat,bear的发音。2. 初步运用新句型Whats this? Its a . 来交流相关动物信息。三、课前准备:1.教学课件【lets learn part A】。2.单词音频。3.教师自制动物图片。四、教学步骤:1. Warming up热身活动Lets sing: head and shoulders, knees and toes.(展示Falsh课件,学生跟唱)教师拿出一张纸,用有洞的纸来进行复习身体部分,同时渗透主句型进行自问自答。T: Look, kids. Whats this? Oh its a piece of paper. Whats this? Its a nose. Look! Whats this? Its a .2. Presentation呈现部分教师拿出一个箱子,告诉学生有礼物要送给大家,从箱子里拿出一个布袋,让学生把手伸进去摸,会摸到一些文具。教师提问:whats this ? 引导学生尝试用 Its a .来回答。把东西送给回答得比较好的学生。T:Now look here . Whats this ? Whats this ? Its a pen .Whats this ?Whats this ? Its a.Come here, touch and guess.Whats this? Its a .教师再从箱子里拿出一个布袋,让学生伸手进去摸,首先会摸到一只小鸭的塑胶玩具,激发学生用Whats this 提问,先让学生试着回答,教师再出示动物单词卡片教读单词duck.T:Now,look here.There is another bag.touch and guess,whats this ? Yes,its a duck.Read follow me.教师利用课间的展示,同时逐一呈现小狗和小熊的塑胶玩具动物,并出示单词卡片继续教授dog 和bear两种动物。3. Practice巩固练习Play a game.玩一玩 利用课件呈现出6个不同的动物,给学生一分钟观察的时间,然后消失一部分动物,让学生猜“Whats missing ?Watch hand magic.观看手影魔术表演教师展示一只手问学生Whats this? Its a hand. 再展示另一只手询问学生Whats this?学生回答,Its a hand. 紧接着,老师用双手,借助射灯,在屏幕上做出鸭子的手影,然后再一次问Whats this?学生会惊讶地回答Its a duck.并且非常感兴趣这一魔术表演。T: Look! Whats this? Its a hand. Whats this? Its a hand, too. Then whats this? Its a . (duck)Lets talk.对话教师引出吴一凡和Mike也在玩魔术,给学生展示课文图,看图,提出问题:1. What are they doing? 2. What are they making? 3. Can they make bears? 引起孩子们的思考。组织学生看课文的图联想,猜猜图中人物在说什么,然后组织学生听课文录音。T: Mike and Wu Yifan are playing magic, too. Look at the pictures, guess 1. What are they doing? 2. What are they making? 3. Can they make bears?T: Look at picture 1, what are they talking?Ss: Whats this? Its a .T: Maybe / Good try. / It could be . Now lets listen to the tape.教师检验问题的答案。师生再一次重温对话内容。T: So in picture 1, what are they talking?Ss: Whats this? Its a .T: Yes, you are right. And picture 2?Now lets read after the tape.Can anyone come here and act out the dialogue?Pay attention to the last picture. Oh, its Zoom. They are so surprised Make hand magic 做手影魔术教师带领学生做手影魔术的练习,把句型Whats this?Its a . 作为魔术语,并板书,让学生边做动作边说这两句话,加强对句型的上口与操练,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,一举两得。T: Wu Yifan and Mike are making hand magic. Can you do it? Who can do it? Do you want to have a try? Who want to come here and have a try?组织学生到屏幕前来表演并向大家提问:Whats this ?学生以小组为单位,一起创编手影,看谁猜得多,创得多,并进行评分与展示。T: Now lets have a hand magic competition. Discuss in your groups and practice in your groups. In 2 minutes to play magic in groups. Ready? Go.扩展:课件展示其它动物,练习句型,并为后面的学习作铺垫。4. ummary 小结与评价教师检查两组的拼比结果,并借助评价的图,再一次用Whats this?Its a . 来问答,加深巩固本课重点句型,同时也作为本课的小结。5. Homework作业a. 跟读课文三次并表演。b. 教家长做手影活动。板书设计: 评价手段:全班分成bear和duck组,每答对一次,可以向上爬一楼梯,到最后还可以作为本课目标句型的操练与小结。


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