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科普版英语六年级(上)2013.9 (5)修改栏主备栏反思栏Lesson 1 Do you alwayes have lunch at twelve?第一课时(Learn new words Lets talk )一、教学目标1、复习What time is it?/Its time for.2、通过音标认读本课新单词.3、运用自由对话、表演等教学活动形式,培养学生学习英语积极的情感态度。4、通过创设情境,导入与拓展本课书的话题和主题句,逐步培养学生用英语交流的习惯。5、能够运用主题句型Do you always have lunch at twelve ? 进行交际二、教学重难点1.运用新单词就本课句型进行替换练习.2.通过音标认读新单词.3.培养学生语感,提高学习兴趣.三、课堂导引Step1 Warm-up Free talk about personal informations (自由对话营造英语会话氛围,个人信息话题为本课 主题句奠定下基础)Step2 Revision Review summary of lesson1-6Step3 Presentation 1.Learn new words of lesson one Read all the words of lesson one according to the phonetic symbles by themselves.(让学生根据音标自学单词,培养学生自学意识) 2. Learn black words.(Read and spelling) 3. Practice(read the word cards)Step4 Presentation(Lets talk)1.GuidingTake out a clock and ask : what time is it?The student will answer: Its twelve. Then the teacher say:Oh, yes its time for lunch.The teacher ask:Do you always have lunch at twelve? Help the students anawer:Yes, I do.2.Show the topic OK,today we will learn lesson one: Do you always have lunch at twelve?(Write the topic on the blackboard,以旧引新,循序渐进的导入,减低学习难度)3Lettalk_new dialoguea.Read the dialogue by themslves for one time b.Look at the books and listen to the tape C. Listen to the tape and repeat for twice.(学生先自渎可发现自己不会的地方,便会有目的的去听,然后再重点跟度自己不会的句子,有目的的去听会很有效的提高学生的听力。) d.Understand Explain difficult sentences: I usually have lunch at eleven thirty. Sometimes I have lunch at twelve. What do you usually have for lunch?e.Present_reading(为学生解决难点后再练读可提高学生阅读兴趣及能力)Step4 Practice Reading在操练时可采用多种形式,如跟读、分组读、分角色读,通过朗读培养学生正确的语音、语调,而小组内的合作学习,更是新课标中要求培养学生合作精神的具体体现Step 5 Consolidation and Creation(巩固与创新) 1.Act the dialogue on the book(电脑操作:屏幕显示本课对话画面,学生看画面进行对话) 2Make up new dialogue(电脑操作:屏幕显示新画面,出示一块钟表及一种食物,学生仿照以上对话编排新的对话,培养学生创新精神及新知识运用能力)Step6 Class closing 1. Listen to the music_the music room 2.Homework, do exercise 7 on the exercises book.4、 词汇沙龙1. Its time to do sth. =Its time for sth. 该做。的时候到了2. wake up醒来3. have lunch 吃午饭4. do morning exercises做早操5、 巩固练习1.Its time _ lunch.fortoin2.John usually _ up at 6:20.wakewakes waking3.Do you usually have lunch at 12:00?Yes, I _ . A.do B.does C.to do4.Does she _ morning exercises here every day? A.does B.doing C.do5. _ do you have _ lunch? A.Where in B.What in C.What for第二课时(lets learn new Lets sing Lets practise )一、教学目标1.掌握本课主题句型,并进行替换练习。2.运用新句型编排对话。3.培养学生创造性思维。二、教学重难点1掌握本课句型。并进行替换练习。2让学生创造性的学习新知。三、课堂导引Step1. Revision1.Read the “lets talk”of this lesson2.Free talk about dayly life.What time is it ?Its time for.Do you always .?Step2. Presentation1.Guide Show pictures(电脑操作,屏幕显示lets learn,model图片) Listen to the tape ,this is “a talk” between Eve and Tom. Lets listen how do they Talk about the same topic about yourself.(通过本环节来拓展学生思维,同时有可把话题引入现实生活,使得学有所用)2.ActNow I am Eve ,and you are Tom, please answer my questions.T: Do you usually have breakfsat at seven?Ss: Yes, I do.T: What do you have for breakfast?Ss: I usually hve milk and bread.3.PracticeAsk and answer questions about the other two pictures,as same as last step, in their groups4.CheckAsk some students to stand up and act their dialogues.Step3.communicationTalk about the same topic about yourself.(通过本环节来拓展学生思维,同时有可把话题引入现实生活,使得学有所用)Step4 Writing Copy the model dialogue of lets learn on the exercise books.(在学生问答,听说操练到一定程度是,让学生练习一些句子的书写,进一步加强对该句子的理解和巩固,以真正达到听说为先,读写跟上。)Step5.HomeworkFinish off writing about lets learn.四、词汇沙龙(1) There be 某处存在某物(2) 常见的频度副词有:always(100%的频度),表“总是,常常”,侧重时间的连续性;usually(80%-90%的频度),表“通常”,强调习惯性,经常如此;often(50%-70%的频度),表“经常,”指有规律的经常出现sometimes(30%-50%的频度),表“有时候”,指偶尔出现;never(0%的频度),表“从来不”,表示一种习惯。5、 巩固练习1.His father always _ him to school at 8:00.A. takes B. to take C.take2.Sometimes Amy _ TV in the evening. A. watch B. watching C. watching3.He never _ the floor.A. mop B. mopping C.mops4.She always _ breakfast at 7:00. A. make B. makes C. making5.Does she always _ sports at 9:00.A. does B. do C.doing第三课时(Read)一、教学目标1.Read and understand “Read ”2.Answer some questions about “Read ”3.Grasp some phrases4.Improve the reading and comprehention ablity.二、教学重难点Improve the reading and comprehention ablity三、课堂导引Step1.Warm up (free talk)What time is it?Do you always have breakfast at seven?What do you usually have for lunch?Do you always get to school at seven?Are you always late for school?(The last question should be asked some more times, in order to guid ethe new topic)Step2.New content1.GuideT: OK, I know all of you dont like being late for school. But maybe today John is late for school, is Jihn really late for school? Now please listen to his story.2.IntroduceAsk the Ss look at thir books, the teacher intrduce “read for fun”,picture by picture. (学生知道故事大概意思)3.Listen to the tape If you dont know the story so well now ,please listen to thr tape carefully.(学生再次了解课文)3Reading and comprehensiona. If you want to understand it well enough,you must read it by yourself (进一步了解课文,同时训练学生的阅读能力)b. Reading the quedtions at first then read the text again, then answer the questions.(带着问题去读,促使学生在阅读的同时加以理解,培养学生的阅读理解能力)Questions:1.What time is it when John wakes up?2.Does John do morning exercises every day?3.Does John do morning exercises today?4.Is his mother in the kitchen this morning?5.Who takes him to school every morning ?6.What time is it when John gets to school?7.Is he really late for school today? Why?Step3.PracticeExercise9 Reading and comprehension on the exercise book.Step4 Homework Finish off the exercises on the exercise book.4、 词汇沙龙have no time没有时间 either,也 通常用在否定句末尾make breakfast做早饭theres something wrong with 出毛病了5、 巩固练习1.There is something wrong _ his clock.towithAt2.But today he has _ time.nonotisnt3.I have no time _ morning exercises.doto doDoing4.He is always late _ school. A.for B.at C.of Lesson 2 Does she always come here?第一课时:learn new words Lets learn Lets chant.一、教学目标1、复习单词:always usually rice early wake up anyone wrong2、复习句子:Do you usually have lunch at twelve?Yes,I do.No, I dont.3、学习Lets learn的重点句型。4、通过创设情境,导入与拓展本课书的话题和主题句,逐步培养学生用英语交流的习惯。5、能够运用主题句型Does she usually have lunch at twelve?Yes,she does.No, she doesnt.进行交际。二、教学重难点 掌握主题句型Does she usually have lunch at twelve?Yes,she does.No, she doesnt并能用替换词造句和做出正确回答。三、课堂导引Free talk:学生表演课前准备的对话(叫三组学生)学生养成良好的习惯,在课下也能主动的和同组的同学练习口语,激发学生学英语的兴趣。Step1 Revision一、听写单词:always usually rice early wake up anyone wrong二、复习句型Do you usually have lunch at twelve? Yes,I do.No, I dont(用短语watch Tv do ones homework do sports play football进行替换练习)同时进行板书复习第五册和上节课学过的重点句型,为传授新知,做对比练习做准备Step2 Presentation一、Lean the short sentences: take a walk do sports watch TV after lunchsupperclassschool二、Practice 教师说汉语学生说英语或反之三、Practice this sentences with these short sentences: Do you usually take a walk after supper? Yes,I do. No,I dont.采用师生问答、生生问答的形式练习新学的短语。四、出示两幅简笔画:小男孩作早操、一位男士散步 Ask: Does Mingming do morning exercises every morning?( 板书) Do you usually watch TV after supper?(板书) (让学生把这两句话进行比较 问:两句话有什么不同让学生进行讨论教师进行总结:在一般现在时态句子中当主语是第三人称单数时谓语动词要加s或es)用对比的方法来学习新知,合理的利用了正迁移,让学生自己动脑筋来探究知识的不同,强化知识难点,使学生记忆更加深刻五、Practice these new sentences:Does Lele do morning exercises every morning?Yes,he does.No,he doesnt.(学生利用书中Lets learn中的短语同桌两个人先进行练习,然后小组内进行)Step3 Practice 教师检查练习的效果 教师根据生活中的实际进行问答:如 问同桌两个人不同的问题:A:Do you usually do morning exercise?B:Does shehe usually do morning exercise? (还是利用对比的方法来强化本课知识的难点,让学生处处注意到本课的难点.)Step4 Lets chant. 教师放两遍录音 do my best (尽力) worry about(担心)Step5 Homework利用Lets learn 中的短语编四句话写在作业本上.四、词汇沙龙take a walk=go for a walk散步do sports做运动After supper 晚饭后In the afternoon 在下午Watch TV 看电视In the evening 在晚上do my best (尽力)worry about(担心)5、 巩固练习1.-Do you watch TV the evening?-No, I dont.A in B at C of2.-Does he play football lunch? -No, he doesnt.A in B after C of3. John usually _ at 6:20.A watch TV B watchs TV C watches TV 4. I neednt my test.A worrys aboutB worried about C worry about第二课时:Lettalk. 一、教学目标1、学习Lettalk. 2、运用自由对话、表演等教学活动形式,培养学生学习英语积极的情感态度。4、通过创设情境,导入与拓展本课书的话题和主题句,逐步培养学生用英语交流的习惯5、巩固练习二、教学重难点1、对本课知识点的巩固2、培养学生的语感三、课堂导引Free talk 日常交际对话(包含第一课中的主题句)Step1 Revision1、Revise the sentences of Lesson One.T: Do you usually have breakfast at seven?Ss: Yes, I do.T: What do you have for breakfast?Ss: I usually hvee milk and bread.3、Revise the sentences of Lesson Two. T: Does she usually have breakfast at seven?Ss: Yes, she do.T: What does she have for breakfast?Ss: She usually have milk and bread.Step2 Presentation (Lets talk)1、Listen to the tape2、Repeat.3、让学生勾画出本课的主题句:Does she do morning exercises here every day?Yes,she does.Does she always come before six thirty?Yes,she does.(学生翻译句子教师强调本主题句需注意的地方)4、以小组合作的形式翻译其余的句子 5、教师讲解知识点:What time is it? Whats the time? (以上两句为同意句都是“几点了”的意思)Step3 Practice ReadingRead after the teacher.Read together在操练时可采用多种形式,如跟读、分组读、分角色读,通过朗读培养学生正确的语音、语调,而小组内的合作学习,更是新课标中要求培养学生合作精神的具体体现Step 5 Consolidation and Creation1.Act the dialogue on the book(出示教学挂图或多媒体课件,男女生分开角色读)2.Act the dialogue (学生不看书来表演)四、巩固练习 1I usually ( )lunch at twelve.2 She usually( )lunch at twelve,too.3 Were ( )have lunch now.4 ( )you usually do morning every morning. 5 ( )Lele always watch tv after supper.6 She is ( )TV every morning.第三课时:Read for fun一、教学目标1、复习单词:always usually rice early wake up anyone wrong2、复习句子:Do you usually have lunch at twelve?Yes,I do.No, I dont.3、学习Read for fun “A bark dog doesnt bite.”4、能够理解主题句型Does she usually have lunch at twelve?Yes,she does.No, she doesnt.在课文中的运用。二、教学重难点能听懂、读懂阅读内容,并会回答问题能知道本课新出现的知识点三、课堂导引Free talk:学生表演课前准备的对话(叫三组学生)学生养成良好的习惯,在课下也能主动的和同组的同学练习口语,激发学生学英语的兴趣。Step1 Revision1听写单词:always usually rice early wake up anyone wrong before 2复习句型Does she usually have lunch at twelve? Yes,she does.No, she doesnt(用短语watch Tv do ones homework do sports play football进行替换练习)Step2 PresentationLean the new words: put on afraid be afraid of suddenly begin bark old saying bitePractice 教师说汉语学生说英语或反之New content1 Introduce学生默读5分钟阅读内容教师简单介绍本课阅读的大概内容2.Listen to the tape If you dont know the story so well now ,please listen to the tape carefully.(学生再次了解课文)3、Reading and comprehensiona. If you want to understand it well enough,you must read it by yourself (进一步了解课文,同时训练学生的阅读能力)b. Reading the quedtions at first then read the text again, then answer the questions.(带着问题去读,促使学生在阅读的同时加以理解,培养学生的阅读理解能力)4 教师边讲重点词汇学生边记录 go for a walk put on go with go out Dont be afraid of. the old saying A barking dog doesnt bite.Questions:1.Does Mr Brown go for a walk after supper every day?2.Who go with him?3.Is Ann happy to go out with her father?4.Suddenly what can you see?5.Is Ann afraid of the dog ?6.What did Mr Brown say ?7.What did Ann say?学生回答以上问题Step3.Practice书上Listen and match练习册听力部分Step4 HomeworkFinish off the exercises on the exercise book.四、词汇沙龙5. put on穿(戴上)6. ask sb. To do sth.叫某人做某事7. be afraid of 害怕8. the old saying古老的谚语9. go out with sb.和某人一起出去10. begin=start开始五、巩固练习1.His father always _ him _ school at 8:00.takefortakestotaketo2.Ann is happy _ out with her father.goingto gogoes3._ be afraid, Ann.NotCantDont4.I have no time _ morning exercises.doto dodoing5.He is always late _ school.foratof6.Lets take a walk _supperafterforinLesson 3 Where do you live ? 第一课时:Learn new words Lets talk and Lets sing 一、教学目标1 复习一般现在时的一般疑问句及肯否回答2 掌握词汇live ,month , start , USA,3 了解New York ,Washington等异地风情,扩大视野增长知识,养成对异国文化的正确态度。4 能听懂、会说并能用以下句子进行会话:Where do you come from ?I come from Where do you live ? I live in 5 能理解一般现在时(包括第三人称单数)的特殊疑问句及相关答语(where 引导)Where does Miss Green come from ?She comes from二、教学重难点 主语是第三人称单数,实意动词加s,es三、课堂导引Step 1 : Warm up and Review 1 Greeting :We are the best.(给学生信心,使学生情绪高涨) 2 sing a song :The music room(集中学生注意力,调动积极性,同时让学生有良好的心理准备进入新课的学习当中。 ) 3 talk : A: I usually have breakfast at 7:00. Do you usually have breakfast at 7:00? Yes ,I do . /No, I dont . B: Does he usually? Yes ,he does . /No,he doesnt.复习第一、二课主题句形,巩固旧知 4 复习集中识词时学的本课生词利用单词卡片,以组或个别学生读并说出中文,四会词需拼写 1 show the pictures about the USA ,Washington ,New York , Great Wall of China, the Palace Museum 放映课件或出示图片, 讲清楚 New York 是美国最大的城市,Washington是美国首都。缓解疲劳,扩大视野,激发兴趣,但不可喧宾夺主 2 Introduction :手指木偶导入法:师配音,让学生初步感知对话内容。 3 听录音,学生进一步熟悉对话。 4 逐句放录音,学生跟说两遍,并译成中文。 注意:突出重点,She comes from the USA.讲清实义动词第三人称单数的变化,加s或es Step 3: Drill 1Team work, 以行为组操练 2 pair work ,同桌操练 3 read by oneself 4 look at the key words and match pictures , retell the text. Step 4 :Consolidation and creation. 3人一组, 根据实际情况编对话,运用以下模式: A : Excuse me . Where do you come from ? B : I come from _. A : Where do you live ?B :I live in _.指C,A 问 Where does she/he come from ? B: She /He comes from _. A : Where does she /he live ? B : She /He lives in _.Step 5:Lets sing : Where do you come from ? 此 歌曲紧扣本课主题句,复习句形并可减轻上课以来的疲劳,活跃气氛,将快乐延伸到课外,让学生期待下一节英语课的到来。 4、 词汇沙龙 come from=be from来自于 too,也,通常用在肯定句末尾Live in 居住,生活五、巩固练习1.Where _ you from?A. do B. are C. does2.My friend _ from England?A. do B. comes C. come3.Do you live here ,_? Yes , I do.A. to B. too C. also第二课时(Lets learn and Lets practise)一、教学目标1让学生理解并掌握一般现在时的特殊疑问句及其答语,特别是第三人称单数实义动词的变化。2了解世界各国的标志性建筑及其首都,增长知识,扩大视野,激发并保持英语学习的兴趣,学好英语可以去世界各地旅游,留学以及中国的省份,名胜古迹培养对祖国大好河山的热爱,培养对待异国文化的正确态度。3 能用以下用语自由交际:Where do you come from?I come from Sichuan.Where do you live?I live in Chengdu用人名操练第三人称单数does的用法二、教学重难点能用以下用语自由交际:Where do you come from?I come from Sichuan.Where do you live?I live in Chengdu用人名操练第三人称单数does的用法三、课堂导引Step 1:Review1:Sing a song: Where do you come from ?(边唱边回想上节课所学内容,在轻松的语境中做好上课的心理准备)2:Practise:小黑板上出示一些题 ,题型有填空,选择填空等1。Where_ you come from ? A do B a re C can2. I_from _USA.A am / B come / C am the3. I live_ New YorkA at B in C on4. She_from the USA A is B a re C come5.She _in HebeiA live B lives C living课始的笔头作业,学生可以全体参与,口头和笔头相结合,既复习了知识,以避免了只会说不会写的现象,实用性强。Step2: Presentation1.放课件,法国巴黎的艾菲尔铁塔,英国伦敦塔 ,俄罗斯莫斯科,中国香港,北京长城,故宫等。2 放录音,Paris, France, Moscow,Russia, Hong Kong ,China3.示例代入主题句型A:Where do you come from?B:I come from _ A:Where do you live?B:I live in_A:Where does she come from?B:She come from A:Where does she live?B:She live in 4.小结:特殊疑问词where + do(does)+主语+动词(原形)+其他?列表替换China The USAEnglandChinaHebeiBeijingWashingtonLondonShanghaiShijiazhuangSichuanShanxiZhangjiakouChengduTaiyuanZhuoluStep4:Consolidation Make up dialogues 3 people each group.师给学生发一些国家名称,省份,首都或省会名称,自由编对话1.和两个学生先做示范:Excuse me ,Where do you come from?I come from.Where do you live ?I live in .Where does she come from ?She comes from.2.小组编对话,师巡行,并随机指导纠正。Step5:Class Closing :Homework:1.Do Ex.6.8.92.词汇写本课词汇3预习Read部分第三课时(Read)一、教学目标1、能理解课文大意,能回答与课文有关的问题,理解幽默之处。2、能听懂、会说,并能用来进行交际下列用语:a、Take a seat, please.b、May I know your name and age?c、Would you please type it? d、By the way, how much can you pay me?3、进一步掌握一般现在时。二、教学重难点2、能听懂、会说,并能用来进行交际下列用语:a、Take a seat, please.b、May I know your name and age?c、Would you please type it? d、By the way, how much can you pay me?3、进一步掌握一般现在时。三、课堂导引Step 1:Review1、复习主题句型:学生手拿不同国家及首都名称卡片三人一组问答。(抽几组上台表演)2、复习本课单词:重点是Read部分的词汇:typist, age ,type ,dollars , months ,pay ,startStep 2:Presentation1、学习词组:look for, take a seat, Apple street, computer school, by the way, in three months, typist wanted.2、导入新课:1)教师放录音,学生听两遍,初步感知故事内容。培养认真听的习惯,让学生感受语流语速,体会语言美并训练听力2)再放录音,学生看书,边听边看书,进一步熟悉对话内容。3)逐句放录音,学生跟说,并译成汉语。4)再放录音,分段跟读,学习,操练。(半班或男女分组,然后两人一组朗读)3、Answer the questions.1、Does the girl want the job?2、Does she want to be a typist?3、What is the girls name?4、Where does she live?5、What school is she from?6、Can she type a letter?7、Can she get the job?8、How much can the man pay her?9、When will she start the work?此部分要求所有学生能找到相关的答案回答问题,上中等学生能独立说出或写出答案4、复述课文。逐段出示简笔画,并放录音,学生跟说,师写关键词,两人一组进行分段复述,然后整体复述。Step 3: Class Closing 1、 Summary:词组 by the way, look for等。2、Homework: Do Ex.10,预习lesson 4.3、Sing a song: Where do you come from?以歌曲结束,复习旧知,余趣无穷 四、词汇沙龙1. look for 寻找2. take a seat坐下3. type(动词)-typist(名词)4. by the way顺便问一下5. after three months=in three months三个月后6. all right=O.K.好吧5、 巩固练习1._ the way, where do you live?A. By B. O n C. To2.First, I know your name and age?A .May B. What C. Where3. -Where do you live? - Apple Street.A .in B. on C. AtLesson 4 When do you usually get up ?第一课时:Learn new words Lets learn and A game一、教学目标熟练掌握日常行为词汇及熟练运用句型:What time do you usually get up ?I usually get up at -What time does he usually go to school ?He usually goes to school at-二、教学重难点What time do you usually get up ?I usually get up at -What time does he usually go to school ?He usually goes to school at-3、 课堂导入一、复习:1、根据学生的表演,补充对话中所缺的内容。2、熟练读出下列动词词组并翻译成中文。二、出示学习目标: 会运用以下日常交际用语:1.What time do you usually get up ? I usually get up at six .2.What time does he go to school ? He usually goes to school at seven twenty .三:采用“先学后教,当堂训练”的教学模式教学Lets learn : (一)、主题句一:1、出示主题句:What time do you usually get up ? I usually get up at six . 2、出示自学提示:、个人试着读并进行翻译。、同桌:我能准确熟练地背诵起来!、我还能用替换词仿主题句进行造句。 3、学生根据提示进行自学。 4、检查自学效果: (二)、主题句二: 1、出示主题句:What time does he go to school ? He usually goes to school at seven twenty . 2、出示自学提示:、我能:准确地读出来,并能进行正确地进行翻译。、我发现了:主题句一和二的不同。、我还会:背诵主题句,并能进行替换造句。 3、学生根据提示进行自学。 4、检查自学效果: 四:A game出示游戏中的例句:What time does he go to school ? He usually goes to school at seven twenty . No .2、 引导学生理解句子,并简单介绍游戏规则:3、组进行游戏:(教师出示图片,参与游戏的同学根据图片内容进行对话练习,其他同学判断“Yes” or “No” ) 四、巩固练习: 选择恰当的单词完成句子,注意用它的适当的形式。 ( have 、come 、 live 、go 、

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