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闽教版新版六年级英语上册期末复习资料请牢记下列词组Unit OneOlympic Games奥林匹克运动会 Summer Olympics夏季奥运会 Winter Olympics冬季奥运会 take place举行 every four years每四年一次 Olympics flag奥林匹克旗帜 good answer好的回答 the 29th Olympics Games第29届奥运会one world, one dream同一个世界,同一个梦想 faster, higher and stronger更快,更高,更强。Unit Twoplay basketball打篮球 play football踢足球 play chess下象棋 go running去跑步 pass the ball传球 catch the ball接球 play the Taichi打太极 get up early起得早 get up late起得迟Unit Threein the kitchen在厨房 come with me和我一起 orange juice橙汁good for you对你有好处 keep healthy保持健康 a cup of water一杯水fast food快餐 have lunch吃午饭 have breakfast吃早饭 have dinner吃晚饭 go shopping去购物 vegetable salad蔬菜沙拉 hot dog热狗Unit Foura pair of shorts一条短裤 what about? .怎么样? try on试穿 looks beautiful看上去很漂亮 new dress新裙子a pair of glasses一副眼镜 a pair of sports shoes一双运动鞋make a shopping list列一个购物清单 get cold天变冷了Unit Fivedo some housework做家务 washing machine洗衣机 putin the box把.放进盒子里 after school放学后 pick up toys捡起玩具 water the plants给植物浇水 a piece of cake极其容易的事、小菜一碟wash clothes洗衣服 clean the bedroom / toilet打扫卧室/洗手间Unit Sixget up起床 half past six六点半 walk to school走路去学校get to school到达学校 last night昨晚 come in请进watch a football game观看足球比赛 football fan足球迷Unit Sevenhave a big family dinner办一个大的家庭晚餐 Happy Thanksgiving.感恩节快乐 Help yourselves.请自便/请随意。Christmas Day圣诞节 Teachers Day教师节 Tree planting Day植树节Unit Eight look at看 come from来自 on the moon在月球上 day and night日日夜夜in the sky在天空中 look small看上去很小 far away from us离我们很远in the day在白天 at night在晚上 go around the sun绕着太阳转请牢记并熟练运用下列句型Unit 1 What color is the Olympic Flag? Its white . 奥林匹克旗帜是什么颜色的? 是白色的How many rings are there on it? There are five.奥林旗帜上有几个环. 有五个What color are they? They are blue , black ,red ,yellow and green .它们是什么颜色的? 它们是蓝、黑、红、黄和绿。Unit 2 Whos that boy between the two women? Thats Peter . 在两个妇女之间的那个男孩子是谁? 那个是彼得Where is he from? 他来自哪里 Hes from Australia .他来自澳大利亚Peter is strong and healthy. 彼得看起来很强壮健康Does he often exercise every day ? 他每天经常锻炼吗? Yes , he does.是的。He often plays basketball. 他经常打篮球。Sometimes he also plays football. 有时他也打足球。Unit 3 (一)Bring me a basket , please. 请把篮子拿给我 Im going to pick some vegetables. 我要去挑些菜 Bring me a cup of water, Sally. 萨莉,拿杯水给我。 Im very thirsty. 我很渴 Take an umbrella with you. 把雨伞带给我 It may rain in the afternoon. 下午可能会下雨 Its Sunday today .今天是星期天 Can you take us to the cinema, Dad? 爸爸你能带我们去电影院吗(二) What do you usually have for breakfast? We have hamburgers and milk . 早上你们通常吃什么? 我们吃汉堡和牛奶 What do you usually have for lunch ? We have rice and vegetables . 午饭你们通常吃什么? 我们吃米饭和蔬菜 What do you usually have for dinner ? We have noodles and hot dog. 晚饭你们通常吃什么? 我们吃面条和热狗Unit 4 Can I help you, madam ? Yes, please. I need a dress . 夫人,我能帮你忙吗? 好的. 我想要一条裙子 Sally is their daughter. 莎莉是他们的女儿。 Ben is their son. 本是他们的儿子。Unit 5 Whose dirty socks are those ? 这些是谁的脏袜子? I think theyre Bens . 我想它们是本的。 I often do some housework . 我经常做一些家务事。 I make my bed every morning . 每天早上我叠被子 I clean my room every week . 每星期我清洗房子 I clean the table after dinner. I often water the flowers. I wash my clothes . 晚饭后擦桌子。 我经常浇花 我洗衣服Unit 6 What did you do last night ? I watched a film . 昨晚你在做什么? 我在看电影。 When did you go to bed ? I went to bed at half past eleven . 你什么时候上床睡觉? 我9点半去睡觉 In the morning, I went to the supermarket. 早上,我去了超市, In the afternoon, I watched a film with my dad. 下午 ,我和爸爸去看电影。 Unit 7 Whats the date today ? 今天的日期是什么? Its March 12. Tree Planting Day . 3月12日 植树节 What is Thanksgiving? 什么是感恩节? Its an American holiday.它是一个美国的节日。 When is Thanksgiving Day? 感恩节在什么时候? The last Thursday of November.十一月的最后一个星期四 How do the American people spend it? 美国人是怎么度过的? They have a big family dinner. 他们举行一个大的家庭晚餐。 Unit 8 Are there any people on the moon? 月球上有人吗 No ,there arent. 不,没有 Is there a rabbit on the moon ? 月球上有兔子吗? No, there isnt .不,没有


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