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姓名_ Unit 5 一、写成下列单词的同类单词的同类词。1. legs _ _ _ _ 2. nose _ _ _ _ 3. thinking _ _ _ _4. apples _ _ _ _二、仿照例句写句子。Model A: Touch your leg.1. open/mouth _2. touch /nose _3. close /eyes _Model B: This is my ear.1. my feet _2. he eyes _ 3. your hand _Review 1三、连词成句,该大写的地方要大写。1. reading / I / English / am (.) 2. and / my / math / likes / science / brother (.) 3. goes / at / peter / to / 9:30 / bed (.) 4. play /on / we / Saturday / baseball (.) 姓名_ Unit 6一、仿照例句写句子。Model A: Do you want a basketball? No, I dont.1. _ (they, puzzle)2._(Miss Li, car)3. _(Ben, English book)(they, puzzle) (Ben, English book)Model B: What do you want? I want a toy car.1. _(she, violin)2._(they, game)3._(Lisa and Jenny, guitar)(she, violin)二、连词成句。1. do / what / like / gogo / subjects / you (,.) _2. math / they / do / like (?) _3. does / what / want / Lisa (?) _4. computer / want / do / a / they / game (?) _5. not / toy / I/ a / bear / am (.) _6. want / that / black / you / puzzle (.) _姓名_ Unit 6三、请按照实际情况回答下列问题。1. What do you like? _2. What do you want on your birthday party? _3. Does your father like science? _4. Do your grandfather and grandmother want a TV? _5. What does your friend want? _6. Do you have a drum? _四、用 do, does, dont, doesnt, want, wants 填空。1. What they ? They want a doll.2. you a computer game? Yes, I do.3. your sister want a guitar? No, she .4. What Ben and Lisa want? They a puzzle.5. My father a computer game, but my mother doesnt it.6. you want dolls? No, we .姓名_ Unit 5四、情景选择。( )1.你想要求别人闭上眼睛时,你会说:A. Open your eyes. B. Close your eyes. C. Touch your eyes.( )2.当你祝同学玩得开心时,可以这样说:A. Happy birthday. B. Glad to see you. C. Have a good time.( )3.你指着木偶的身体对Gogo说:A. This is my body. B. These are his arms. C. This is his body.( )4.小妹妹对你说:我可以摸自己的头。她会说:A. I can touch my hands. B. I can touch my head. C. Touch my head.( )5.你想知道今天是星期几,你问同学: A. What do you want? B. What subjects do you like? C. What day is it today?( )6.你想知道Ben在星期六是否弹钢琴,你问Ben:A. What do you do on Saturday, Ben?B. Do you play the violin on Saturday, Ben?C. Do you play the piano on Saturday, Ben?( )7.你想知道你的同学正在做什么,该问: A. What are you doing? B. What is he doing? C.What are they doing?期中测试 姓名_一、仿照例句写句子。Model A: What time do you go to school? I go to school at 7:15.1. get home, 6:00_2. have lunch,11:30_3. do your homework, 7:20._Model B: Do you like music? No ,I dont. 1. she , science2. Tony, art and P.E.3. her friends, music and English_姓名_ 一、按实际情况回答问题。Unit 3 1. Is your brother tall? _ 2. Do you have a yellow ping-pong ball? _3. What day is it today? _4. What do you do on Tuesday? _5. Do you play soccer on Sunday?_ 二、按实际情况回答问题。(unit4)1. What time is it? _2. Is it time to do your homework? _3. What time do you go to school? _4. Do you eat dinner at 7:00? _5. What time does your friend get up?_ 三、请按照实际情况回答下列问题。(期中)1.Do you play badminton on Tuesday? _2. Does your mother like music? _3. Are you playing now? _4. What time do you go to bed?_ 5. What subjects do you like?_6. Is your father fishing now? _7. Is it Monday today? _8. Its ten twenty. Is it time to have supper? _情景选择。 Unit 2( )1.你想知道今天是星期几,你会问: A. Whats this? B. What day is it today? C. Whos he?( )2.你想知道果果在星期六做什么,你会问他:A. Do you play tennis on Saturday, Gogo?B. What do you do on Saturday, Gogo?C. What do you do on Sunday, Gogo?( )3.你妈妈说今天不是她的生日,她会说: A.Today is not my birthday. B. Today is my birthday. C. Today is not I birthday.( )4. 今天是你妈妈的生日,你怎么给她祝贺: A. Happy Teachers Day! B. Happy birthday! C.Happy New YEAR!( )5. 你想知道珍妮星期二有没有打棒球,该怎样问她:A. Do you play basketball on Tuesday?B. Do you play baseball on Tuesday?C. Do you play ball on Tuesday?( )6.你想知道远处的物体是什么,你会问: A. Whats this? B. What are these? C. Whats that?二、写出与句子划线部分同类的单词或词组。1. Jenny likes English.A _B._ C._ D. _2. Is she playing? Yes, she is.A _B._ C._ D. _3. What do you do on Monday?A _B._ C._ D. _4. What time do you get up?A _B._ C._ D. _三、仿照例句写句子。Model A: What is he doing? He is cooking.1. they/play basketball_2. Peter/swim_

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