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第 1 课时课型:新授教学内容:第4单元A Lets learn and Letters教学目标:1. 知识目标(1)能听说认读“四会”单词“cat, dog, duck, ,pig, bear, ”。(2)能听懂指令,并根据指令做相应的动作。2. 能力目标(1)能在实际生活中运用英语表达熟悉和喜爱的动物。(2)培养学生根据情景正确运用语言的能力。3. 情感态度目标(1)在活动中培养学生的协作精神。(2)培养学生认真、积极、大胆的学习态度。(3)培养学生爱护和保护动物的情感。教学重难点:单词的正确发音与在实际生活中的运用。学习书写英文字母,英文字母印刷体与手写体的区别。教学准备:有关教学课件,动物头饰,小火车图片,小红旗,大萝卜模型教学过程二次备课Step 1: Warm-upa. Sing a song: Teddy Bear设计意图:课前唱英文歌曲,教师和学生一起演唱并配上相应的动作,用表情、动作、眼神和学生交流,使学生情绪兴奋,快速进入“角色”,全身心地准备学习的开始。b. Free talk.设计意图:师生间的日常会话交流,培养学生用英语思维,用英语交际的能力。c. Today we are going to learn some new words. Look, here comes a train(教师手拿一列小火车介绍)There are some numbers on it(手势指向各小组). Number 1 is for group 1; Number 2 is for group 2; Number 3 is for group 3; Number 4 is for group 4.(教师拿出一面小红旗)If you do very well, you can get a red flag for your group. Lets see which group is the best. OK?(教师以手势鼓动学生回答:OK)设计意图:小学生好胜心强,从开始就把竞争机制引入课堂,并贯穿于整堂课,大大激发了学生的学习兴趣,有利于学生完全投入到课堂活动中来。Step 2: Presentation(课件展示动物园情景图)T: Boys and girls, today we have some animal friends. They are from England. Do you want to know them?Ss: Yes.T: Remember. You should say English to them because they are from England. Look, they are coming.(教师手指向门口,事先安排好的学生戴着兔子的头饰,一蹦一跳进教室)S: Hello, Im cat.T: Oh, this is Miss cat(注意吐词清晰,重读强调). Lets welcome her.(鼓掌)Ss: (鼓掌)Welcome, cat.T: Lets make a friend with cat.S1: Hello, cat.S2: Nice to meet you, cat.S3: Hi, cat.T: Look, Mr. dog is coming.(Teacher uses the same way to teach other words.)设计意图:首先以动物园情景图的展示使学生对此课的学习内容有个整体了解。以“外国动物小朋友来访”的特殊情景来导入新课,呈现生词,形式新颖,调动了学生的好奇心,同时让学生通过与他们交朋友,既复习了问候语,又让学生在与学生的问候中,自然地说出这些动物名称。Step 3: Practise1(课件展示动物在开party的场面)T: Boys and girls, our new friends are very happy, so they are having a party in our classroom. Lets see who will come to our party? Who will be the first one?设计意图:以“外国动物小朋友”这一线索贯穿于整个课堂,使课堂设计显得很完整同时又把学生的思路从遥远的英国动物园拉到现实的课堂中来,并和教材的部分相呼应,有利于学生的理解与记忆。2. 听音辩物:课件播发各种动物的声音,学生通过声音来判断,并说出动物的名称。设计意图:此部分通过各种动物的声音,给学生听觉感受,使学生全方位的感知与理解,并对所学新词进行了操练。3A game: Whats missing?(火眼金睛)出示单词卡片,安排学生说出哪种动物消失了。通过趣味操练加强学生对单词的识记。设计意图:运用游戏来复习单词可以避免单调,枯燥的朗读,可以大大地调动学生的积极性,激发他们的参与热情,从而提高学习效果。4. A play: 小白兔,拔萝卜(教师戴着rabbit的头饰示范)T: “Its a nice day. The rabbit goes out .(看到萝卜模型)Wow, what a big turnip!Oh, its so big! I like it.”(并做拔萝卜状) “one, two, three. Oh, no! Who can help me?”教师引导学生说:“Dog, dog, help me!”(戴小狗头饰的同学“汪汪”地上台,搭着兔子的肩说) “One, two, three. Oh, no!.”所学动物全部上场,合力终于成功拔萝卜。设计意图:学生在真实的情景中,通过亲身体验参与,在操练巩固新知的同时又培养了学生团结合作的精神,将“众人拾柴火焰高”的思想从小植根于孩子们的心田。Step 4: Extension/Consolidation1. Lets do.a. Play the tape. Ss just listen, and point the sentence in the book.b. Play the tape again and Ss repeat and do the action.c. Teacher gives some commands and Ss do the actions.T: Act like a monkey, act like.设计意图:小学生的学习兴趣短暂。TPR全身运动反应法能调动学生的感官,让学生在听听做做中巩固了新知。2. Play a game: 幸运搭档两人一组,一人做动作,一人猜动物名称。设计意图:将幸运52栏目的形式搬到英语课堂上来,新颖而有趣。小组合作,小组竞赛将课堂气氛推向高潮。Step 5: AssessmentT: Today we have learned some new words. We know names of many cute animals. We can make good friends with them. Now lets see which group is the best. Lets count the red flags together.T, Ss: One two three.(教师带领学生一起数小组的小红旗,并评出最优小组)T: I think in this class you did a very good job. Lets give him a big hand.(鼓掌)(课件展示动物图片)T: Lets say goodbye to our new friends.Ss: Goodbye, monkey. Goodbye, duck.设计意图:小红旗的数量让学生体验成功带来的喜悦最后让学生对动物朋友告别起到了化龙点睛的作用,同时使“外国动物小朋友”这一线索完美收场字母教学:1、.Revision大小声游戏:f-face, g-gift, d-duck等教师轻声说一个单词和字母,学生则需大声朗读。教师大声说,学生则轻声说(设计思路:活跃气氛,融洽师生情感,激发学生参与课堂活动的热情,使学生迅速进入英语学习的状态,并帮助学生巩固了上节课的单词字母。)2. Presentations(1)听录音出示卡片猜意思联系字母j。教师出示单词卡jeep,jump 让学生听录音跟读jeep jump猜意思。教师问学生jeep的第一个字母是什么:What letter is this? 学生回答:j。教师出示字母卡,让学生辨别字母Jj的大小写。教师说:今天我们来认识两个以字母j打头的单词。出示图片,教读jeep jump。(2).教师在四线三格中教写字母大小写Jj。注意让学生区分大写J的手写体和书写体,可同时出示手写体和印刷体的单词卡让学生观察,让学生记住手写体的大写J没有横。要让学生仔细观察小写j 占了几个格几条线,提醒学生在书写这个字母时注意占格位置以培养他们正确的书写习惯,(3).依次教授k l m n,引导学生字母顺序无意识的学习。(设计意图:从学生们已知的单词入手,导入本课重点字母。)3. Practise (1)听tpr歌谣操练字母发音,注意提醒字母在单词中的发音。(2)listen and circle学生听到辅音字母及例词如:n-nose,圈出对应的字母。(3)循序渐进,学生由看着单词说首字母到听发音说首字母,逐渐增加难度,过度自然。同时检查学生对字母发音的掌握情况。(设计意图:通过各种形式的操练活动,练习字母的发音。)4. Game在学生已经熟悉字母的基础上,设计一些简单的字母和单词记忆游戏以便学生更好地掌握字母发音。抢读字母、传递字母、听单词找字母等形式(设计意图:在游戏活动中巩固字母发音,寓教于乐。)5. Extension(1)制作字母卡-寻找兄弟-寻找对应单词。(2)在四线格中适量抄写需掌握的字母。板书设计:A Lets learn and Letters “cat, dog, duck, , bear, cat, Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn第 2 课时课型:新授教学内容:第4单元A Lets talk教学目标:1. 能在语境中运用Whats this?Its a . 来交流物品信息。 2. 能够能听说、认读dog, duck, bear, pig, cat等几种动物的名称。 3. 能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按照指令模仿动物做出相应的动作。 教学重、难点:能在语境中运用Whats this?Its a . 来交流物品信息教学准备:动物卡片、动物单词卡、录音机。教学过程二次备课教学过程:1. Warm-up (Song 唱一唱)热身活动复习上一节课的内容:“Whats this? Its a .”教师呈现动物拼图,让孩子们猜。通过猜的游戏,既复习了上一节课的句型,同时也为歌曲的呈现铺垫,了解chick, duck, dog, cow, bear, pig, cat 等词汇。 教师呈现老麦克唐纳的照片,让学生猜他的农场上有什么东西,检测学生对农场的了解,激活已有的生活体验。 听老麦克唐纳有个农场的歌曲,让孩子们听歌抓词,初步感受农场上有什么动物。带着问题去听,更有侧重点。设计意图:通过拼图游戏复习已学句型,同时拓展与铺垫歌曲内容,通过头脑风暴看农夫照片想农夫农场的有什么,激活已有生活体验,听轻松愉快的歌曲,带着找出农场上的动物的任务,既复习已学单词,同时引出并教授新单词。T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Deng.T: Before the class, let me see whether you can remember this? Look! Whats this?Ss: Its a dog.( chick, duck, cow, bear, farm屏幕最后出农场图,老师再引学生看黑板)T: And whats this?S: Its a farm.T: And this?S: Its a farm.T: Yes, its a farm. Whose farm is this? . Its my friend Old Macdonalds. Lets say hello to OM.S: Hello, OM.T: Whats can you see on his farm? Then, what else are on his farm?Ss: . animal, vege, fruits.T: (repeat students answer, dog, duck, so many animals, maybe .)Yes, he has many animals. Then what animals are they? Listen to the song. And you will know it. Listen carefully2. Prensetation1) 单词教学教师提问孩子们,刚才的歌曲中有些什么动物,并进行教授新单词duck, pig, dog, cat等。歌曲中的象声词,帮助学生理解单词的意思。(听完歌曲)T: What animals are on his farm?Ss: duck, pig, dog.T: Yes, there are some ducks on the farm. Follow me, duck, duck, quack, quack. Can you act like a duck? Follow me, please. Duck, duck, quack, quack.Ss: duck做动作Duck, duck, quack, quack.教师在教授新词的过程中,通过图片渗透lets chant的内容,如Is the pig big? Is the cat fat? Where is the dog? Its on the log.并有意识地通过动作表情等帮助学生理解chant的内容。T: Where are the ducks? Look! They are in the truck. Look at the duck, in the truck.T: Yes, there is a duck on the farm, what else? Yes, cat. Can you act like a cat? Follow me, please. Cat, cat, meow, meow. Together. Is this cat fat? Yes, look at the cat, it is fat.T: What else are on the farm? Yes, dog. Can you act like a dog? Follow me, please. Dog dog bow wow. Together. Where is the dog? Yes, look at the dog, its on the log.T: Besides dog, cat, duck, what else? Yes, pig. Can you act like a pig? Follow me, please. Pig pig, oink oink. Together. Is the pig big? Yes, look at the pig, it is big.学生跟录音朗诵韵律诗,然后进行表演。设计意图:通过在教授单词的过程中渗透韵律诗的含义,通过节奏轻快的节奏,提高诗歌的理解和词汇的上口。2) Lets chant(看图唱韵律诗)T: Look at them! They are so happy. Look at the cat, it is fat. Look at the pig, it is big. Look at the dog, on the log. Look at the duck, on the truck.3) Lets say it together.Ss: Look at the cat, it is fat. Look at the pig, it is big. Look at the dog, on the log. Look at the duck, on the truck.T: Can you give me the beat? One more time, lets say it together.3. PracticeLook, ask and answer (听音做动作)教师组织两大组孩子通过PK的形式,看图做动作,竞猜游戏。看谁演得好,问得好,答得好。看动作,扮演动作,检查孩子们的对单词的理解与掌握,同时滚动前面的第一课时的句型进行操练,使孩子们在语篇句型中进行操练。T: Do you like these animals? If you like it, please act it out! Now Act like a cat!S: Cat, cat, meow, meow.T: Ok, this time Id like one student come here and act. Who like to come?(老师给图片给一个学生代表看,然后那个学生用动作表演该动物)Student A: Whats this?Whole class: Its a .教师教授bear单词,教师创设故事情节熊来了。通过紧张刺激的故事引出新词,并进行教授。同时,引起孩子们的思考,熊来了,其他动物怎么办?提示学生逃跑。设计意图:设计熊来了的情景,使故事更游戏剧色彩,吸引学生的注意力,引起学生的思考与共鸣,为下面的活动创设条件动物们都很害怕,要逃生了。T: They are so happy together. But today something happens. Listen! Look! Here comes the . Who is coming?Ss: a bearT: Oh, no! Help! A bear. Can you act like a bear? 教bear单词 Can you act like a bear? Yes,follow me, bear, bear, roar, roar.T: Oh, yes. The bear is on OMs farm now. How do the animals feel now? Are they scared?Ss: . YesT: What will they do? Just stay here and wait for the bear to eat?Ss: .T: Yes, they run away. Help! Help!教师播放逃跑中的动物的声音,让孩子们说出动物的名称,检查学生对单词的掌握。设计意图:通过听动物的叫声,猜逃跑中的动物名称,检查学生对单词的意思的理解与掌握,同时也为下一步的藏起来做铺垫。T: Listen, who is running? (猫的声音) Whats this?Ss: Its the cat.T: Whats this?Ss: Its the dog. (cat-dog-duck-pig-gun sound)T: Whats this? Yes, its the guns sound. Oh, Old Madonald shoot the bear, yeah, the bear is dead now. OM is worrying now.OM: Where are my animals? Where are my animals? Can you help him?Ss: Yes.T: Lets help him look for the animals.教师让孩子们帮助老麦克唐纳找失散的动物,学生通过观察动物们留下的痕迹脚印、树丛中露出的尾巴、腿等,说说那个地方藏起来的动物是什么。设计意图:通过帮农夫找动物,检查学生对动物的一些特征了解,如一只鸭子应该有两个脚印等,拓展孩子们的知识,同时也适当地对数量进行了拓展。T: Look! They all hide themselves up. Old Macdonald is looking for his animals. Where are they? Where are the ducks? Where are the cats? Where is the pig? Where is the dog? Can you help him?SS: Yes. (出图)T: Look at No. 1, whats this?Ss: Its a pig.T: Right?Ss: Yes.T: What is No.2?Ss: Its a duck.T: Great!How many ducks can you see?Ss: 3.T: Whats No.3?Ss: Its a dog.T: Right?Ss: Yes.T: Whats No. 4?Ss: Its a cat.T: How many cats are there?Ss: 2.教师让孩子们帮助老麦克唐纳把动物们送它们自己的房间,但是动物们的房间的房牌都掉到地上了,老师先让孩子们根据房门上的特征,辨别这些房子是谁的,如门上有条鱼骨头,那应该是猫的房间,如房门上有个猪鼻子猪的房子,房门上是根大骨头狗的房子,房门上是一些鸭子的脚印鸭子的房间,还有一块写着小心熊的牌子。孩子们首先全班认读一次词卡,然后再同桌讨论,再自己尝试把正确的动物名和动物门派卡连起来。然后再让代表把牌子贴到正确的房门上。设计意图:通过小组讨论房间的主人,从动物的特征或者食物来辨别动物,更深一层地理解课文内容,通过贴门牌,加深对单词的认读。T: Wow, all the animals are here now. Look, here are the rooms for them. Whose room is it?Ss: Dog.T: Why?Ss: Because of the bone, so its for the dog.T: Bingo. And this? Look at the door.Fish, its for the cat. Pigs nose? Its for the pig. And the foot print, its for the duck. You are so clever.T: Look! Whats on the floor? The name cards for the room. Whats this?Ss: dog.T: dog? Dog? (翻门牌卡) When you see the right room card, please stand up and say loud.Ss: Yes.T: Cat, cat, cat?Ss: Yeah.(duck, pig, bear全班玩一次看词起立读)T: Great. Can you help them find their own room card? Discuss with your partner and try to match the right name with the right animal.T: Lets check the answer. Dog, right? Cat, right? Pig, right? Duck, right? (check the answer)T: If you are the same, please hands up! Thank you. Who can help me to put this name card on the right door?S1: (Put the room card on the door)T: Right?And this .小结评价T: Great. Today we have a lot of fun on the farm. Lets see which group makes more fences. So todays winner is Group B. Boy and girls, can you remember the animals on the farm, today? What are they? They are .Ss: duck, dog, cat, pig, bear.T: Do you like this farm? If you have a farm, what do you want? What animals do you want? Cat? Dog?Ss: . (cat, bird .)T: Look, this is my farm. Whats on my farm? A cat, a dog, a duck, now I want a pig, too. (在sheet上当场画出一只小猪) Finish! So, this is my farm. Do you want to draw your farm? Take out your paper and draw it.学生画完,展示学生作品T: So, this is .s farm. Whats on her farm? Look, a . wonderful. Have you finished?Ss: No.T: It doesnt matter. This is your homework. Thats all for today. See you. And todays homework is to finish your farm, like this:板书设计: A Lets talkWhats this?Its a .第 3 课时课型:新授教学内容:第4单元B Lets learn、Lets do 、Start to read教学目标:1、能听说,认读monkey,bird,panda,elephant,tiger,等动物单词,并能用英语介绍这些小动物。2、能按照指令模仿动物做出相应的动作,并鼓励学生大胆表演。3、培养学生爱护动物,保护动物的意识。教学重难点:在巩固以上单词的基础上,教会学生monkey,bird,panda,bear,elephant,tiger,等单词,并让学生模仿动物的形体动作,说指令,做动作。教学准备: many animal pictures and masks, recorder, tape, CAI.教学过程二次备课Step Warm-up( 1) Lets sing:Happy New Year( 2) Revision: (There is a zoo on the Bb, on it there are some pictures.)T: Are you happy today?Ss: YesT: The animals in the zoo are very happy too. Because today is New Years Day. They are having a party. Do you want to go?Ss: Yes.T: OK. First please tell me: Who are in the party?(Ss look at the Bb, read the words and act like a )设计意图:创设动物狂欢会的情景,学生唱歌曲、复习已学单词,结合学生的生活实际,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中模仿动物表演。Step Presentation and practice(1) Guess:T: Some animals ran out of the zoo last week. They hear there is a party in the zoo. So they hurry back to the zoo. Do you know who is coming?(Quickly show the picture to them, they guess. If they guess right, let the animal go back to the zoo, teach the word in many ways.)(2) Follow me:T: Who come back to the zoo?(When Ss answer, ask Ss follow the teacher: Hunt like a mouse. Walk like an elephant. Climb like a bear. Fly like a bird. Jump like a squirrel. Sound like a pig.)Then listen to the tape and do.(3)Invite other animals:T: Do you know any other animals? Lets welcome them to the party too.(Ss say other animal words they know, the teacher put the pictures on the Bb.)(4) Watch CAI:随着鼠标的点击,一只只动物从不同方位出现在画面上,它们来到了晚会现场。学生再次认读动物单词。设计意图:根据学生好表现的心理,一步一步循序渐进,层层深入,由易到难地从本课单词迁移到课外内容,既激发了学生的学习兴趣,又丰富了课堂内容。Step Practice(1) Go to the party:T: Do you really want to go to the party ?Ss: Yes.T: OK. Put on your masks, lets go.Ss sit to make a circle in groups.(2) The first program: Introduce myselfT puts on a squirrels mask, ask: Who am I?Ss: A squirrel.T: Yes, I am a squirrel. Squirrel squirrelThen the teacher throws a ball to the Ss. The student who gets the ball introduce himself/herself .Then go on.(3) The second program: Introduce your neighbours.Play the song , pass a toy. When the music stop, the student who gets the toy introduce his/her neighbours: He/She is 设计意图:小学生都非常喜爱小动物,且每位学生最喜爱的动物也不同,针对这一生活实际,通过学生戴上自己最喜爱的头饰,介绍自己和邻居,巩固了所学单词。(4) The third program: Guess: Who am I?Ss put down the masks and do actions, let other Ss guess: Who am I?设计意图:通过游戏进一步巩固所学的动物单词,并且活跃气氛,寓教于乐。(5) The last program: Sing a song.Sing the song in Happy New Years tune.Pig mouse elephant, pig mouse elephant. Pig mouse elephant squirrel. I am a bird, I am a bear. Pig mouse elephant squirrel.用新年好的调子唱出本节课的六个重要单词,既做到了首尾呼应,又突出了重点。Step IV:Homework1、把你知道的动物单词说给家长听。2、和你的同伴一起做模仿动物表演。板书设计:Part(B) Lets learn、Lets do 、Start to read monkey,bird,panda, elephant, tiger,第 4 课时课型:新授教学内容:第4单元B Lets talk教学目标:1能听懂、会说“Whats that?” “Its a”的句型。2能够在图片、实物或情境的帮助下运用句型“Whats that?” “Its a”。询问并回答动物的名称。3.能理解对话,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话;4根据对话的情景进行对话角色表演;5.培养学生热爱动物、保护动物的意识。教学重难点:1理解对话意义,并能用正确的语音语调朗读对话。2、能够在图片、实物或情境的帮助下运用句型“Whats that?” “Its a”。询问并回答动物的名称。教学准备:动物卡片 、教学录音带教学过程二次备课1Warm-up.T:Hello, boys and girls.Ss: Hello,Alice.T:Nice to meet you.Ss: Nice to meet you,too.(2)Sing a song HelloHello, cat do oh do. Hello, dog, do oh do. Hello, duck, do oh do.Hello, hello ,hello.Hello, pig, do oh do. Hello, bear do oh do. Hello, bear do oh do.Hello, hello, hello.(3)T:Today we have two new friends. Who are they? Winnie and Tigger are super detectives. They live in the forest with their friends. But one day, some animals are lost. Do you want to help them to find their friends?Ss:Yes.T:Lets finish some tasks.Youre Winnie Group. Youre Tigger Group. Lets PK. Who can find the animals first?(通过介绍动画片维尼熊和跳跳虎,为本课的教学创设故事情境。维尼熊和跳跳虎是森林中的超级侦探,它们和小动物住在一起,一天,小动物迷路了,这时激发学生愿意和维尼熊、跳跳虎一起寻找它们的朋友吗?将学生分成维尼熊组和跳跳虎组,两组比赛,看谁能首先找到小动物。2.Revision(1)T: Are you ready? Ss: Ready.(课件出现维尼熊和跳跳虎中维尼熊、跳跳虎和戴比,让我们一起想想想的视频。接着画面出现第一个任务。)(2)Task 1:Look and match.(将动物单词的首字母与所对应的单词动物图片连线。)c-cat-fat b-bear-pear d-dog-logd-duck-truck p-pig-big3、Presentation and practice(1)T: Congratulations! We found a animal. Listen, its coming. Whats this? Its a cat.教学句型:“Its a cat.”(通过完成第一个任务,我们帮助维尼熊和跳跳虎,找到了一个动物-小猫。让学生听动物的声音,猜测是什么动物,引出本课的句型“Its a)(2)通过让学生看小猫的单词卡片,问学生“Whats this?”引出本课的重点句型:“Whats this?”学习句型“Whats this?”(3)课件出现小狗的叫声,让学生猜测:“Its a dog.”操练句型“Whats that?” “Its a dog.”(4)课件出现小鸭子的脚印,让学生猜测:“Its a duck.”操练句型“Whats this?” “Its a duck.”(5)出现熊被遮住的画面,每次出现熊的身体四分之一的部分,让学生不停猜测,练习句型“Whats this?” “Its a bear.”(5)出现猪被遮住的画面,每次出现猪的身体四分之一的部分,让学生不停猜测,练习句型“Whats this?” “Its a pig.”(6)T: Youre so great! Lets finish Task 2. 课件出现维尼熊和跳跳虎中维尼熊、跳跳虎和戴比,让我们一起想想想的视频。游戏:Shh,读得不对。游戏规则:下面的学生一起问老师“Whats this?”老师用上句型“Its a”回答,如果老师回答错了,学生就不能跟着读,如果回答正确了,学生就跟着读。T:We found two animals.(7)Lets chant Whats, Whats ,What s this?Its ,Its, Its a cat. Meow, meow, meow.Whats, Whats ,What s this?Its ,Its, Its a dog. Woof, woof, woof.Whats, Whats ,What s this?Its ,Its, Its a duck. Quack, quack, quack.Whats, Whats ,What s this?Its ,Its, Its a bear. Growl, growl, growl.Whats, Whats ,What s this?Its ,Its, Its a pig. Oink.oink,oink.(8) 课件出现维尼熊和跳跳虎中维尼熊、跳跳虎和戴比,让我们一起想想想的视频。Lets finish Task 3.a.T: Open you books and turn to P38.Tell me “Who are they?”b.Look、listen and find out :(让学生看和听课文内容,回答问题)1.What are they talking about?2.What animals are they making?c.教师和学生分角色朗读课文。d.Practise the dialogue in pairs.e.We found the last animal.4.Consolidation(1)T:Every country has symbolic animals.China-panda Russia-bear England-lionThailand-elephant Australia-Koala Kangaroo.(2)出现可爱小动物的画面,引导学生说出“We love animals.”“We must protect our animals.”5.Homework1.Listen and read “Lets talk”. (听录音,读课文,至少三遍。)2.Act out the dialogue with your friends. (和你的朋友表演对话。) 2. Draw some animals ,please write down “Whats this? Its a .” (画一些你喜爱动物,写上相应的句型和单词。)6.Summary教师检查两组的比拼结果,借助黑板上的动物单词卡片,再一次用Whats this?Its a来问答,加深巩固本课重点句型,同时也作为本课的小结。板书设计:Lets talkWhats that??Its a


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