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Greeting幼儿园早晨问候语1.Good morning / afternoon. 早上好 / 下午好!2.Hello, Anna! Nice to see you.你好,安娜,很高兴见到你。3.How are you today? 你今天好吗?4.Are you OK / fine? 你还好吧?5.Would you like to open you mouth?Open your mouth, please.请张开嘴巴。6.Show me your tongue, please.伸出舌头,让我看看。7.Whats wrong here?这里怎么了?8. Whats wrong with your face / arm ?你的脸胳膊 怎么了?9. Please come in. And say “Good-bye” to your mum(mother) / dad(father).请进,跟妈妈 / 爸爸说再见。10.Please take off your hat.把帽子摘了。11.Take off your coat, and fold it here.把外套脱下来,叠好放到这里。12.Please put your clothes here.把衣服放到这里。13.Did you have a good weekend?周末过得好吗?14.Please sit here to read.坐下来看一会儿书吧。15.Good morning, Andy. Come and take a seat by yourself.早上好,安迪!来,自己找个座位坐下。16.Come inside.到里面来。17.Stay outside for a moment.在外面呆一会儿。18.Come here, rinse your mouth with the brine and clean your hands.来,用淡盐水漱口、洗手 -Games玩游戏:146Boys and girls, listen to me now. 孩子们,现在听我说。 147. Today, we are going to play a game. 今天我们要做一个游戏。 148Lets play a game. 我们来做一个游戏。 149Do you feel like a game now? 现在你们想玩个游戏吗? 150Lets play a spelling / guessing / miming / counting game. 咱们玩个拼写/猜字/模仿/数数游戏。 151What about a game of “Simon Says”? 玩一个“西蒙说”的游戏怎么样? 152Well do it like this. 我们这样来做。 153You will be divided into three groups. 我们分为三组。 154(Make)Two lines, please. Girls line up here, boys line up there. 排成两队。女生在这儿,男生在那儿。 155Please stand in a circle. 请大家站成一个圈。 156Make a big / small circle. 站成一个大/小圈。 157Please hand in hand. 手拉手。 158Turn around, face / back to me, please. 转身,面/ 背向我。 159One step backward / forward, everyone. 向后退一步/ 向前进一步。 160Girls only. 只是女生。 161Now all the boys. 现在所有的男生。162. That doesnt count. 那不算。163. We are not playing for real. 我们不是玩真的。 164Now, you can go back to your seat. 现在可以回到位子上了。 165Come to close to each other, sit down, please. 请靠拢坐下。 166Im going to tell you a story, the name is 我要给你们讲个故事,名字叫 167Please tell me what youve heard in the story. 请告诉我你们在故事中听到了什么?Having a break 课间休息时,幼儿园英语老师常说的英语。在双语幼儿园里,幼儿园老师的基本指令和管理都是用英语,所以一定要让宝宝听得懂哦。265Please drink some water.喝点水。266You may go to the washroom / toilet.去厕所吧。267. Go to have a pee. /Go for a pee.去小便了。268. Pee or poopoo?小便还是大便?269Push up your trousers.把裤子提起来。 270. Wash your hands before you come back from the toilet.从厕所出来前要洗手。271Dont leave the taps running, please.请关好水龙头。272Remember to turn off the taps after washing your hands.洗完手,记着关好水龙头。273No running, please.不要跑。274Its not good to run so fast.不要跑得那么快。275Be careful!小心!276. Be careful with the sliding door.小心推拉门。277. Be careful about the door not to pinch your hand.小心那扇门,别把手给夹了。278What are you doing?你们在干什么?279Do you need help?要(我)帮忙吗?280Whats the matter?怎么了?281Whats wrong with you?出什么事了?282Please speak in a low voice. Dont shout.请小声说,不要喊。283Put your chair against the wall.把椅子靠墙摆放。284Please put on your shoes.穿上鞋子。285. Push!(穿鞋时)蹬!286. Push in (your sox/ shoe).(穿袜子或鞋时)伸进去。287. Oh, no! You put your left shoe on your right foot.糟糕,你把鞋子穿反了。288. Look at your T-shirt. You wear inside outside.瞧,你的T恤衫穿反了。Exercises 做练习题189Work in pairs. 结对子练习。 190Find a partner. 找一个伴。 191Work in twos. 两人一组。 192Get into groups of three. 三人一组。 193Work together with your friend. 跟你的朋友一起讨论。 194Form two groups of four. 组成两个四人的小组。 195Lets go through/over this exercise together. 咱们一起过一遍这个练习。 196Lets go though the sentences on the board. 咱们一起来看看黑板上的句子。 197Lets go on to number 9. 咱们来看第九题。 198And the next one, please, Mary. 玛丽,请说下一题。 199Now well see how well you got on / did. 现在我们来看看你们做得怎么样。 200Whats the answer to No. 1? 第一题的答案是什么? 201How does the first one go? 第一题应该怎么做? 202I didnt count it as a mistake if you put “small”. 假如你加上了“小的”这题就不算对。 203Have you spelt it right? 这个词你拼对了吗? 204Im afraid you spelt it in a wrong way. 恐怕你拼错了。 205There is a “k” missing. 字母k漏掉了。 206Youve got one “r” too many. 你多拼了一个r. 207You need an extra letter here. 这里你需要再加一个字母。 208Write it with a capital / big “J”. 这个单词的“j”要大写。 209Spell it with small letters. 用小写字母拼写这个单词。 210You missed the verb out. 你把动词漏了。 211You forgot the preposition. 你把介词漏了。 212The word order is wrong. 语序错了。 213You use the wrong tense. 你用错了时态。 214A proper noun should be written with a capital / big letter. 专有名词要大写。 215Is the article in this sentence used correctly? 这个句子中的冠词用得对吗? 216Whats the plural form of noun “box”? 名词“box”的复数形式是什么? 217We form the plural by the addition of “es”. 我们加“es”构成该词的复数。 218Give the plural form of this noun. 说出这个名词的复数形式。 219Has anybody got anything for the last one? 最后一题有人做了吗? 220Could somebody read out what they put for No.10? 谁能说出第十题填的什么吗? 221What about last one, Mary? 玛丽,最后一个答案是什么? 222Did anybody get them all right? 有人全对吗? 223Anybody with one mistake? 有错一道题的吗? 224Two mistakes? 错两道题的? 225How many did you get right/ wrong? 你做对错了多少题? 226The right answers are on page 105. 正确答案在105页。课堂活动常用英语(2):91Its about halfway down.在往下一半的地方。92Its in the very middle of the way down.就在往下正中的地方。93The top / bottom / middle line. 最上面/下面/中间一行。94Its five lines from the top / bottom.从上面/下面数第五行。95(The) ninth down / up. 第九行往下/往上。96Its on the left / right. 它在左/右边。97The left-hand/ right-hand side. 左/右手边。98Its in the top/bottom left-hand corner.在左上/下角。99Three lines down / up. 往下/上数3行。100Its in the left-hand margin. 在左手的空白处。101Look at the right column. 看右栏。102The middle column. 中间一栏。103Look at the colored box underneath. 请看下面有颜色的盒子。104The second paragraph, the third line.第二段,第三行。105The last line of the first paragraph. 第一段的最后一行。106The last but one line in the second paragraph. 第二段的倒数第二行。107Line three, the fifth word.第三行,第五个词。108The last line but one.倒数第二行。109Start reading from line 7.从第七行开始读。110The fifth word from right.从右边数第五个词。111Raise /Putdown your hands, please. 请举/放下手。112Who wants to have a try? 谁想来试试?113Could you please try it again? 请再试一次。114Dont worry, think it over, you may tell me later. 别着急,想一想,待会儿告诉我。115Could you speak a little louder? 你能大声点儿说吗?116Say it a bit louder, please. 说得再大声点儿。117Say it again, but this time louder. 再说一边,但要大点声。118More clearly. 再清楚一些。119Not so quickly, I cant follow. 别说得太快,我听不明白。120Not so loud. 别这么大声。121Soften. 轻一点。教大家唱歌:幼儿园老师常用英语口语300句178Lets listen to a song. Please clap your hands with the music. 让我们来听首歌,请随着音乐拍手。 179Lets sing a song together. 让我们一起唱首歌。 180How about a song? 唱首歌怎么样? 181Do you want to sing now? 你们现在想唱首歌吗? 182First, Ill explain the words to you. 首先,我把歌词给你们解释一下。 183Say the words after me. 跟我一起读歌词。 184Do you know the words by heart yet? 你们记住词了吗? 185Join in the singing, Mary. 玛丽,跟着一起唱。 186Once again, all together. 再来一遍,一起唱。 187Sing along with the children on the tape. 跟着磁带上的孩子们一起唱。 188. Lets sing the music only this time.


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