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1. Not until I began to work _ how much time I had wasted.A. didnt I realizeB. did I realize C. I didnt realizeD. I realized2. Only by practising a few hours every day _ be able to master the language.A. you canB. can youC. you willD. will you3. If you dont go, neither _. A. shall IB. do IC. I doD. I shall4. No sooner _ to the station _ the train left.A. had I got, when B. I had got, than C. had I got, thanD. did I get, when5. - Your father is very strict with you.- _. He never lets off a single mistake of oursA. So he isB. So is heC. He is soD. So does he6. _ today, he would get there by Sunday.A. Would he leaveB. Was he leaving C. Were he to leaveD. If he leave7. Never in my life _ such a thing.A. I have heard or have seen B. have I heard or seenC. I have heard or seenD. did I hear or see8. - Here _! Where is Xiao Liu?- There _. A. comes the bus, is he B. comes the bus, he isC. the bus comes, is he D. the bus comes, he is9. _ , I will not buy it.A. Much as do I like it B. As much I like itC. Much as I like it D. As I like it much10. - I like football. I dont like volleyball.- _.A. So do IB. Neither do IC. So it is with meD. So is it with me11. _ the expense, I _ to Italy.A. If it were not, goB. Were it not for, would goC. Werent it for, will goD. If it hadnt been, would have gone12. So _ in the darkness that he didn t dare to move an inch.A. he was frightened B. was he frightenedC. frightened he was D. frightened was he13.In modem times, girls like beautiful clothes. Yes, _ and boys. After all, our life has greatly improved.A. so do they; so do youB. so they do; so you doC. so do they; so you doD. so they do; so do you14.You have an English class every day except Sunday. - _.A. So we have B. So we doC. So have we D. So do we15.1 wonder if your wife will go to the ball. If your wife _, so _ mine.A. does; will B. will; doesC. will; would D. does; do16. Only after I read the text over again _ its main idea.A. that I knew B. did I knewC. 1 could know D. I did know17.You seem to have learned all the English words by heart.A. So l do B. So do lC. So I have D. So have 118. I seldom watch TV, but listen to the radio a lot.A. So do I B. Neither do IC. Im the same D. So it is with me19. So excited _ that he couldnt say a word.A. he seemed B. did he seemC. was he seeming D. he did look20. Jimmy was so nervous not a single word _ down in the dictation.A. he wrote B. he was writtenC. did he write D. was he written21. Little _ when 1 took the trip where it would lead me.A. have I known B. had I known C. do 1 know D. did I know22. Have you ever seen anything like that before? _.A. No, I never have seen anything like that before B. No, never I have seen anything like that beforeC. No, never have 1 seen anything like that beforeD. No, I have seen anything like that before never23. _ , 1 would accept the invitation and go to the party.A. Were I you B. Was I you C. Had I been you D. Would 1 be you24. You should work less _.A. and neither should IB. and so should I C. and nor should I D. and so I should25. _ and caught the mouse.A. Up the cat jumped B. The cat up jumpedC. Up jumped the cat D. Jumped up the cat26. Not only _ a promise, but also he kept it.A. did he make B. he madeC. does he make D. has he made27. His uncle is a worker and has been working in the factory for more than ten years. _.A. So is his aunt B. So has his auntC. So his aunt doesD. So it is with his aunt28. Not once _ their plan.A. did they change B. they changedC. changed they D. they did change29.Do you know Jim quarreled with his brother?I dont know, and _ .A. nor dont I care B. nor do I careC. I dont care neither D. I dont care also30. Not until he arrived home _ he find that this wallet had been stolen.A. did B. wouldC. when D. that31. This is one of the oldest trees in the world. _ such a big tree.A. Never I have seen B. I havent never seenC. Never have I seen D. I have seen never32. Nowhere else in the world _ cheaper tailoring(裁缝业, 成衣业)than in Hong Kong.A. a tourist can find B. can a tourist findC. a tourist will find D. a tourist has found33. _ succeed in doing anything.A. Only by working hard we canB. By only working hard we canC. Only we can by working hardD. Only by working hard can we34. _ that we all went out, lying in the sun.A. So fine was the weatherB. So was the fine weatherC. The weather was so fine wasD. So the weather was tine35. _ a nice man _ that we all believe him.A. So; did he seem B. So; he seemedC. Such; he seemed D. Such; did he seem36. You seem to be an actor._. I have played many parts in a lot of films.A. So do IB. So am IC. So I doD. So I am37. Not only_ working hard, but also _ very polite.A. the boy is; he is B. is the boy; he isC. the boy is; is he D. is the boy; is he38. _ , he never seems able to do the work beautifully.A. Try as he does B. As he tries C. Try as does he D. As try he does39.I cannot see the picture well from here. _.A. Neither cant I B. Neither I canC. I cant neither D. Neither can I40. You ought to have given them some advice _, but who cared what I asked?A. So ought you B. So 1 oughtC. So it was D. So I did41. So carelessly _ that he almost killed himself.A. he drives B. does he driveC. did he drive D. he drove42. Little _ about his own health though he was very ill.A. he caredB. did he careC. he caresD. does he care43. Well _ know him and well _ know me. A. I did; he didB. did I; he didC. did I; did heD. I did; did he44. No sooner _ they rushed out into the street.A. did they hear the news thanB. did they hear the news whenC. had they heard the news thanD. had they heard the news when45. Little wonder _ up their hands in dismay.A. have some thrown B. some have thrownC. thrown some have D. have thrown some46. Nowhere _ as in my garden.A. the flowers were so beautifulB. were the flowers so beautifulC. so beautiful were the flowersD. so beautiful the flowers were47. Hardly _ his homework when he went out.A. finished he B. he had finishedC. did he finish D. had he finished48. Scarcely _ finished their homework _ I came into the classroom.A. had they; than B. they had; whenC. had they; when D. did they; when49. Not only _ a promise, but also he kept it.A. has he made B. does he makeC. he made D. did he make50. Not until his comrades criticized him _ to admit his mistake.A. had he begun B. began heC. did he begin D. does he begin51. Look!_.A. Here the bus comes B. Here is the bus comingC. Here comes the bus D. Here is coming the bushere,there,now,then在句首时,使用全倒装句式。如:There goes the bell钤响了Now comes your turn轮到你了。这种倒装一般不用进行时当主语是人称代词时,不倒装。如: Here he comes. Here it is. Here you are.52. When the bell rang. Out_.A. they rushed B. rushed theyC. did they rush D. where they rushing表示方向性的副词,如out,in,up,down,away等用在句首时使用全倒装句式如: In came the teacher. Away went the students. On went his hat但当主语为人称代词时不倒装如:In he came.53. In front of the house_.A. a boy sat B. did a boy sitC. sat a boy D. was sitting a boy地点状语在句首时使用全倒装,而且这种倒装一般不用进行式。54. Where is Kate? Look, _. She is at the school gate.A. there she is B. there is sheC. here you are D. here it is当主语是人称代词时,不倒装。55. _, he is honest.A. As he is poor B. Poor is heC. Poor as he is D. Poor as is he让步状语从句的倒装:可将表语放在句首使用倒装结构,若表语是名词时,名词前省去冠词,如Child as (though) he is, he knows a lot. 虽然他是个孩子,可他懂得很多。此种倒装中可用as,也可用though,但不能用although56. So carelessly _ that he almost killed himself.A. he drives B. he drove C. does D. did he drive he driveso+adj. / adv. 在句首时用倒装结构。如:So good is the book that we all like to read it.So tired was he.So heavily was it raining!57. Only when you realize the importance of foreign languages _ them well.A. you can learn B. can you learnC. you learned D. did you learnonly接状语从句于句首时,主句倒装。58. Only after liberation _to be treated as human beings.A. did they begin B. they had begunC. they did begin D. had they begunonly接状语于句首时,主句用倒装结构。59. Not only_ English, but also he can speak Japanese.A. can he speak B. he can speakC. he speaks D. he does speaknot only., but also. 句式中,当not only放在句首时,not only分句倒装,but also不倒装。60. Not until the rain stopped_ home.A. he went B. he had goneC. did he go D. he did gonot until接状语从句放在句首时,主句用倒装结构。61. Never before_ seen such a wonderful film.A. am 1 B. was I C. have I D. shall 1否定词never,rarely,scarcely,hardly,seldom,nowhere,in no way,by加means,in加case等用在句首时,用倒装结构。62. Little _about his own safety.A. he cared B. cared he C. does he care D. he cares63. Hardly_ home when it began to rain.A. did he get B. he got C. had he got D. he had gothardly (scarcely) .when (before) . no sooner., than . 当 hardly (scarcely), no sooner 用在句首时用倒装句式。另外,此类句型应与过去完成时连用。64. Shes passed the test. _.A. So am l B. So have l C. So l have D. So do l印放在句首。表示“某人也”用倒装结构。65. I dont like classical music. _ do they.A. Either B. Neither C. Nor D. Soneither,nor放在句首用倒装结构,表示“某人也不。neither指两者。nor指两者或两者以上。66. Tom is a student and studies hard. _ John.A. So does B. So is C. So it is with D. So doso it is with . 或it is the same with .表示某人也(或也不)。如:He is a student. So am I (或 So it is with me. /It is the same with me. )He isnt a student. Neither (Nor) am I. (也可说 So it is with me. /It is the same with me.) 若含不同形式的谓语,只能用So it is with .这样的句式来表达。67. Not only_ polluted but_ crowded.A. was the city, were the streets B. the city was, were the streetsC. was the city, the streets wereD. the city was, the streets were68. So _ that no fish can live in it.A. the lake is shallow B. shallow the lake isC. shallow is the lake D. is the lake shallow69. _ for the free tickets, I would not have gone to the films so often.A. If it is not B. Were it notC. Had it not been D. If they were not此题为虚拟语气的倒装形式。在虚拟语气中if it werent for(与现在事实相反):if it had not been for(与过去事实相反)意为多亏,要不是。其倒装时,not总在“后。这一句式也可用but for来表示。70. David has made great progress recently. _, and _.A. So he has, so you have B. So he has, so have youC. So has he, so have you D. So has he, so you have表示“某人也”用倒装句式。表示“某人的确如此”不倒装。71. Not until the early years of the 19th century _ what heat is.A. man did know B. man knewC. didnt man know D. did man know“not until+状语”故在句首时,用倒装句式。72. Not until I began to work_ how much time I had wasted.A. didnt I realize B. did I realizeC. I didnt realize D. I realize “not until+状语从句放在句首时,从句不倒装,主句用倒装句式。73. _ he comes to school late.A. Always B. Seldom C. Never D. Sometimes否定词放在句首应用倒装句式,故排除B项和C项。频度状语如always,often,usually,once in a while等用于句首时应用倒装句式,但当sometimes放在句首时,不用倒装句式。74. It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night.May God! _.A. So did I B. So I did C. So were you D. So did you强调同一个人同一件事时不倒装。75. At no place _.A. smoking is allowed B. smoking allowsC. is smoking allowed D. allows smokingat no place属于否定词放在句首,应用倒装句式。76. Not a single song _ at yesterdays party.A. she sang B. sang sheC. did she sing D. she did sing77. Finally got the job I dreamed about. Never in all my life _ so happy.A. did I feel B. I felt C. I had felt D. had I felt78. Not until all the fish died in the river, _ how serious the pollution was.A. did the villagers realizeB. the villagers realizedC. the villagers did realize D. didnt the villagers realize【高考链接】1.(2010高考英语重庆卷,33)At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and the Jialing River_, one of the ten largest cities in China.A. lies Chongqing B. Chongqing liesC. does lie Chongqing D. does Chongqing lie表示方位的地点状语提前,句子完全倒装,所以选A项。2.(2010高考英语四川卷,9)We laugh at jokes,but seldom _ about how they workAwe think Bthink we Cwe do think Ddo we thinkseldom为否定副词放句首,用部分倒装,故选D。句意为“我们因笑话而笑,但很少去思考笑话怎样让我们笑。”3.(2010高考英语上海春季卷,37)Never_ Lisa would arrive but she turned up at the last minute.Adid we think Bhave we thoughtCwe thought Dwe have thought当否定词never, not, hardly, seldom等放在句首时,句子要用部分倒装,根据语意,应用过去时。4.(2010高考英语陕西卷,17)John opened the door. There _ he had never seen before. A. a girl did stand B. a girl stood C. did a girl stand D. stood a girl表示存在关系的句子,将表地点的副词或介词短语提至句首时,若主语为名词,应采用完全倒装语序。此题中将表地点的副词there提到了句首,而且主语为名词a girl,所以要采用完全倒装语序,所以选D项。5.(2010高考英语江西卷,33)Not until he left his home _ to know how important the family was for him.A did he begin B had he begun C he began D he had begun句意:直到离开家,他才开始意识到这个家对他来说是何等的重要。not until引导的从句置于句首时,主句需用部分倒装。主从句的动作基本同时发生,故用一般过去时。6、【2009英语(琼宁卷)】New technology was used in teaching. As a result,not only_,but students became more interested in the lessons. Asaved was teachers energy Bwas teachers energy savedCteachers energy was saved Dwas saved teachers energynot only.but(also)是并列连接词,not only位于第一分句句首时,第一分句用部分倒装语序。故应选B项。7、【2009英语(重庆卷)】Unsatisfied _with the payment,he took the job just to get some work experience. Athough was he Bthough he was Che was though Dwas he though n. / v. / adj. / adv. +though/ as+ 主语+谓语8、【2009英语(山东卷)】So sudden _ that the enemy had no time to escape. Adid the attack Bthe attack did Cwas the attackDthe attack was在so.that;such.that的句子中,如果so,such和其修饰的词放在句首,句子要倒装。结构为so/such被修饰动词谓语主语。sudden是形容词,作表语,故C项正确。9、【2009英语(江苏卷)】Distinguished guests and friends,welcome to our school. _the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni (校友) from home and abroad. AAttend BTo attend CAttending DHaving attended本句正常语序为:Our alumni from home and abroad are attending the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning.10、【2009英语(辽宁卷)】_is the power of TV that it can make a person suddenly famous. ASuch BThis CThat DSo这里是such.that结构,such在句中作表语。11、【2009英语 (全国卷)】The computer was used in teaching. As a result,not only_,but students became more interested in the lessons. Asaved was teachers energy Bwas teachers energy savedCteachers energy was saved Dwas saved teachers energyNot only.but also., not only放在句首时用部分倒装12、【2009英语(四川卷)】Not until I came home last night _ to bed. AMum did go Bdid Mum go Cwent Mum DMum wentnot until.引导的状语位于句首时,主句应采用部分倒装语序。故答案应选B项。13、【2009英语(陕西卷)】Little _ about her own safety,though she was in great danger herself. Adid Rose care BRose did care CRose does care Ddoes Rose care 否定词little放在句首用部分倒装。14. 【2005全国卷三】Mary never does any reading in the evening, _.A. so does John B. John does too C. John doesnt too D. nor does John15. 【2005 天津】They have a good knowledge of English but little _ they know about German.A. have B. did C. had D. do 16. 【2005 辽宁】-Well, I do think the rabbit is a beautiful, gentle animal which can run very fast.-_ .A. So it is B. So is it C. So does it D. So it does17. 【2005 辽宁】In the dark forests _, some large enough to hold several English towns.A. stand many lakes B. lie many lakes C. many lakes lie D. many lakes stand18. 【2005 福建】Only after my friend came _.A. did the computer repair B. be repaired the computerC. was the computer repaired D. the computer was repaired19. 【2005 江苏】_ about wild plants that they decided to make trip to Madagascar for further research.A. So curious the couple was B. So curious were the couple C. How curious the couple were D. The couple was such curious20. 【2004重庆】I failed in the final examination last term and only then _ the importance of studies.A. I realized B. I had realized C. had I realized D. did I realized


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