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Unit1 单元测试卷一、写出下列动词的原形。1. saw _ 2. held _3. told _ 4. began _5. did _ 6. were _二、用动词的适当形式填空。1. The class meeting will _ at 8:30.2. Please _ me the story of it.3. They _ not play football on Sunday. They went to see a film.4. We can _ swimming on Sports Day.5. We _ in Beijing yesterday.6. Greece (希腊) _ the 28th Olympic Games.三、将下列词组译成英语。1. 举行 _ 2. 一个世界 _ 3. 每四年 _4. 夏季奥运会 _ 5. 一个梦想_ 6. 唱一首歌 _四、看图写话。1. This is an _ _.There are _ _ on it.What color are they?They are _, _, _, _ and _.2. This is our _ _.There are _ _ on it.What color are they?They are _.五、判断下列句子描述是否正确,正确的画“”,错误的画“”。( ) 1. The 29th Olympic Games on August 8, 2008.( ) 2. The Games was held in Shanghai.( ) 3. The slogans are “Faster, higher and stronger.”( ) 4. We can see skating at the Games.Unit2 单元测试卷一、根据中文意思写出英文单词。1. 经常 _ 2. 有时_3. 总是 _ 4. 现在 _5. 跑步 _ 6. 游泳 _7. 滑冰 _ 8. 划船 _二、选词填空。am; is; are; do; does(1) That _ Peter.(2) I _ good at sports.(3) Look, the girls _ dancing!(4) -_ he often _ high jump?-Yes, he _.三、模仿范例写句子。例:The boy is doing high jump.(1) _(2) _四、阅读短文并按根据短文内容选择填空。Its summer vacation. Zhao Yu often gets up at six oclock. He exercises in the park with his grandpa. First he runs around the park. Then he plays basketball. His grandpa plays Taichi with many old people. They are strong and healthy.(1) Zhao Yu exercises in _. A. B. (2) Zhao Yu often gets up at _. A. B. (3) Zhao Yu exercises with _.A. B. (4) Zhao Yu _ in the park.A. B. Unit3 单元测试卷一、看图写单词。1. _ 2. _3. _ 4. _5. _ 6. _7. _ 8. _二、将下列词组译成英语。1. 两个汉堡 _ 2. 一杯水 _3. 一些牛奶 _ 4. 一把雨伞 _5. 菜单A _ 6. 许多坏牙齿 _三、根据中文意思填入适当的单词完成句子。1. I like vegetable _ (沙拉).2. I _ (不喜欢) vegetables.3. We _ (需要) vegetables to _ (保持) healthy.4. Its _ (不好) for your _ (牙齿).5. They are _ (好) for you.6. Wang Tao likes delicious _ (食物).四、根据问句将答句补充完整。1. -Is there any problem?-Yes, _.2. -Can you buy some juice?-Yes, _.3. -Are they in the classroom?-No, _.4. -What do you usually have for lunch?-_ noodles.5. -Whos that girl?-_ Ma Li.Unit4 单元测试卷一、正确抄写下列词组或句子,并写出中文意思。1. go shopping _2. too short _3. the beautiful clothes _4. I like this color. _5. Can I try it on? _二、看图写单词。1. 2. _ _3. 4. _ _5. 6. _ _7. 8. _ _三、将下列词组译成英语。1. 一条短裤 _2. 一副眼镜 _3. 一篮苹果 _4. 一条长裤_5. 一双运动鞋 _6. 一杯水 _四、阅读短文判断正()、误()。Its Monday today. Its raining. I am going to school on foot. I am wearing my raincoat and rain shoes. Look! This is my new umbrella.Its Sunday today. Ill go swimming with my cousin. I will wear my beautiful swimsuit. My cousin cant swim. She will wear her sunglasses. And she is going to eat an ice cream under a big umbrella.(1) Its raining on Monday. _(2) I walk to school on Monday. _(3) I go swimming with my cousin every day. _(4) I cant swim. _(5) I am standing under a big umbrella. _(6) My cousin is going to eat an ice cream. _Unit5 单元测试卷一、正确翻译下列词组或句子。1. the dirty clothes _2. the thirsty boy _3. the hungry man _4. Kate can do some housework, too. _二、将下列单词和词组译成英语。1. 这些 _ 2. 那些 _ 3. 干净的 _ 4. 脏的 _ 5. 玩具 _ 6. 想 _7. 捡起 _ 8. 在地板上 _9. 洗衣机 _ 三、选择动词填空。wash, sing, water, do, clean, make (1) _ the flowers(2) _ the clothes(3) _ the bed(4) _ the table(5) _ a song(6) _ some shopping四、根据实际回答问题。1. Do you often help your mother do some housework?_2. Can you wash your T-shirt?_3. Is there a garden in your school?_4. Do you have a bike?_Unit6 单元测试卷一、根据中文意思写出英文单词。1. 出租车 _ 2. 座位 _ 3. 今天 _ 4. 总是 _ 5. 通常地 _二、根据中文意思将句子补充完整。1. He is a _ (小足球迷).2. We _ (看电影) at the cinema.3. I_ (到达学校) early every day.4. They_ (步行上学).三、写出下列动词的原形。1. got _2. took _3. went _4. was _5. had _6. did _四、选择上一题中动词的适当形式填空。A. for B. on C. by D. up (1) This morning I got _ at 8:30.(2) I have cakes and eggs _ breakfast every day.(3) I went to school _ bus this morning.(4) I always help my mother do housework _ Sunday.Unit7 单元测试卷一、根据英文单词或句子写出中文意思。1. yourselves _2. wonderful _3. Wednesday _4. interesting _5. They thank their parents, teachers and friends. _二、仿照范例,看图写话。例:Its Thanksgiving.Its an American holiday.Its on the last Thursday of November.We have a big family dinner.We give thanks for our food.Its _Its _Its _We _We _三、看图完成对话。1. A: Whats the date today?B: (1) _A: How do you spend Childrens Day? B: (2) _2.A: (1) _B: Its September 10.A: (2) _B: We give flowers to Miss Gao.Unit8 单元测试卷一、根据实际选词填空.the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, shines(1) The sun _ day and night.(2) The moons light comes from _.(3) The moon goes around _.(4) We see _ and _ at night.(5) The earth goes around _.(6) There arent any people on _.二、阅读短文,根据短文内容判断“”或 “”。Its Sunday today. The sun is shining. I am in the park with my friends. There are many people in the park. Some children are flying kites. Some young people are drawing pictures. Some people are boating on the lake. Some are walking around the lake. Its a good day.(1) Today is a sunny day. We can see the sun in the sky. _(2) My parents and I are in the park today. _(3) There are some children m the park. They are drawing. _(4) Some old people are swimming. _(5) Some people are walking beside the lake. _三、看图,用所学知识填空。 1. (1) We can see it in the _.(2) It can _.(3) Its very _.2. (1) Its _ Festival. (2) We have _ at this festival. (3) There _ some mountains on it. 四、根据英文单词或句子写出中文意思。1. a Chinese story _2. a baby elephant _3. day and night _4. In the evening we have a family dinner. _


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