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1-3 Get up. Get up! 起床,起床What time is it? 现在几点了?Its seven oclock. 现在七点了。What time is it? 现在几点了?Its seven thirty. 现在七点半了。Its time to go to school. 该去学校了。Have a nice day! 祝你今天过得愉快。When do you have your dancing lessons?你什么时候上舞蹈课?At four thirty.四点半。Lets play first.让我们先玩吧。When do you go home, Yangyang?你什么时候回家(起床)When do you go to school?你什么时候上学?When do you go to bed?你什么时候睡觉?When do you go to the drawing lessons?你什么时候上绘画课?At five thirty.五点半。Its five thirty now.现在五点半了。Lets go home.让我们回家吧。when do you watch the cartoons?你什么时候看动画片?At five fifty.五点半。Lets turn on the TV.开电视吧。What time is it?现在几点了?Its nine twenty. 九点二十。Its time to go to bed.到睡觉的时间了。Good night.晚安。Sleep tight.睡个好觉。5-7What time is it , Dad?几点了,爸爸?Its six thirty. Its time for breakfast.6点半,吃早饭啦。Whats for breakfast, Mum?妈妈,早餐吃点啥?We have bread, milk, eggs, and fruits.有面包,牛奶、鸡蛋和水果。Some milk, bread, and an egg for me ,please.给我来点牛奶、面包、还有一个鸡蛋。Bread and butter, Spice and sugar,面包、黄油、辣椒和糖Which is better?哪个更好?Can I have fish and rice , please? Yes.给我点鱼和米饭,好吗? 好。Meat and noodles for me , please. Sure.肉和面条! 当然。Lets sit down.坐下吧。Yangyang, what do you have for lunch?洋洋,你中午吃点啥?I have a hamburger and cream.我吃汉堡和蛋糕。I like fried rice and fried egg.我喜欢炒米饭和煎蛋。Mum, Im back. Im hungry.妈妈,我回来啦。我饿了。What for supper?晚上吃点啥?Hello , dear. Have an orange first.宝贝,先来一个橙子吧。We have rice , fish, and vegetables.有米饭,鱼和蔬菜。Good evening ,Dad!晚上好,爸爸。Hi, Baobao. Im thirsty.嗨,宝宝。我渴了。Have a glass of water,please.喝杯水吧!Thank you .谢谢。I scream, you scream,We all scream , For ice cream.8-11Welcome to my house! 欢迎来我的房间。 Would you like to come to my room? 你愿意来我房间吗?Thank you! Yes , wed love to. 谢谢。我喜欢去。Your bed is big! 这床好大。You have a big chair. 你有一个大椅子。Would you like sit on it? 你想坐上试试吗?Thank you. 谢谢。Go to bed, take a rest. 上床啦,休息一下。Sleep or not? Go to bed , baby. 睡了没?快上床,宝贝。Get up. Wake up. 起床,醒醒。Awake or not?Get up ,baby. 醒了没?快起床,宝宝。Im thirsty. 我渴了。Lets go to the kitchen. 让我们去厨房看看。Wow,you have a big fridge there. 喔,你有一个大冰箱!Id like to have some apple juice. 我想来点苹果汁。Would you like to use the glass on the table. 你想用桌子上的玻璃杯吗?No, thank you. 不,谢谢。Would you like use the spoon? 你想用勺子吗?Would you like use the chopsticks? 你想用筷子吗?Can I use the towel, please? 我可以用这个毛巾吗?Can I use the soap, please? 我可以用这个香皂吗?Can I use the bowl, please? 我可以用这个碗吗?Can I use the bathroom,please? 我可以用浴室吗?Sure. Its over there. 当然,在那呢。I want to call my mum. 我想给我的妈妈打个电话。Can I use your phone,please? 我可以用你的电话吗?Yes. Go ahead. 可以,用吧。13-17Where is my shirt?我的衬衫在哪?I cant find it.我找不到了。Look! Its under the bed.看,在床底下呢。Oh ,yes! Thank you ,Mum.是的,谢谢你,妈妈。wheres my coat, Dad?爸爸 ,我的外套呢?Sorry , I dont know.我不知道。Its behind the sofa.在沙发后面。Is this your jacket, Yangyang?这是你的夹克吗?洋洋。No, it isnt.不是。Is this your jacket, Baobao?这是你的夹克吗,宝宝?Yes, it is.是的。Is that your sushi, Baobao?这是你的寿司吗,宝宝?No, it isnt.不是。Where is your sushi?你的寿司在哪?Its in the fridge.在冰箱里呢。Are these your shorts?这些衬衫是你的吗?No , they are not.不是。Where are your shorts?你的衬衫在哪呢?They are in my bag.在我包里。Are these your trousers?这裤子是你的吗?No , they are not.不是。Where are your trousers?你裤子在哪呢?I dont know. I cant find them.不知道,我找不到了。How do you go to school every day , Amy? 艾米,你每天怎么去学校?I go to school on the school bus.我坐校车到学校。How about you?你呢?I go to school by bus.我坐公交车去学校。When do you go to work, Uncle?叔叔,你什么时候上班?At 7:30.7点半。How do you go to work?你上班怎么过去?I go to work by car.我开车上班。


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