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PEP小学英语三到六年级单词与句型汇总三年级(上册)单词Unit 1: pen(钢笔)pencil (铅笔)pencil-case( 铅笔盒)ruler(尺)Eraser(橡皮)crayon(蜡笔)book (书)bag (书包)sharpener (卷笔刀) school (学校)Unit 2:head(头) face( 脸)nose(鼻子)mouth (嘴)eye (眼睛) ear (耳朵)arm (胳膊)finger (手指)leg (腿)foot (脚) body (身体)hand(手)Unit 3:red (红色的)yellow (黄色的)green (绿色的)blue (蓝色的)purple (紫色的)white (白色的)black (黑色的)orange (橙色的)pink (粉色的)brown (棕色的)Unit 4:cat (猫)dog (狗)monkey (猴子)panda (熊猫)rabbit( 兔子)duck (鸭子)pig (猪)bird (鸟)bear (熊)elephant (大象)mouse (老鼠)squirrel (松鼠)Unit 5:cake (蛋糕)bread (面包)hot dog (热狗)hamburger (汉堡包)chicken (鸡肉)French fries (榨薯条)Coke (可乐)juice (果汁)milk (牛奶)water (水)tea (茶) coffee (咖啡)Unit 6:one (一)two (二)three (三)four (四)five (五)six( 六)seven (七)eight (八)nine( 九)ten( 十)doll (玩具娃娃)boat (小船)ball (球)kite (风筝)balloon (气球)car (小汽车)plane (飞机)三上句型:1、-Whatsyour name?-My names/ Im (分姓、名两大部分,第一个字母大写)2、-Happy Teachers Day!-Thank you.(祝福对方)3、-Good morning/afternoon.- Good morning/afternoon.4、-This is John.-Nice to meet you.-Nice to meet you , too.(介绍别人时用的招呼方式)5、-Letsgo to school.-OK/Great/Good idea.(别人提出一个建议是的答复)6、-How are you? /How is your father?-Fine, Thank you.(关心询问身体状况)7、-Look! I have a new rabbit .-May I have a look?-Sure. Here you are.-Oh, its nice/beautiful.-Thank you.8、-I like hamburgers/hot dogs/Me too.9、-Have some juice/apples/-Thank you. /No, thanks . I like 10、-Can I have some chicken/?-Sure. Here you are.-Thank you.-Youre welcome.11、-How old are you?-I m 14.(问年龄)-How old is she/he?-She/He is .12、-How many balloons can you see?-I can see 10.(问数量上的多少)-How many balloons do you have?-I have 10. (注意两句的区别)三年级(下册)单词Unit 1:boy (男孩) girl(女孩)teacher (教师)student (学生)this (这个)my (我的)friend (朋友)Im=I am (我是)nice (好的;愉快的)good morning(早上好)good afternoon(下午好)meet (遇见;碰见)goodbye (再见)too (也;太)Unit 2:father (父亲爸爸)dad (爸爸)(口语)mother (母亲;妈妈)mom 妈妈(口语)man (男人)woman(女人)grandmother (外)祖母grandma (口语)(外)祖母grandfather(外)祖父grandpa (口语)(外)祖父sister (姐妹)brother(兄妹)lets=let us (让我们)great (太好了)really (真地;确切地)and (和;并且)how (多么;怎么样)Unit 3:eleven (十一)twelve( 十二)thirteen (十三)fourteen (十四)fifteen( 十五)sixteen (十六)seventeen (十七)eighteen (十八)nineteen (十九)twenty (二十)how many (多少)can (能够;可以)look at (看;瞧)Unit 4:peach (桃)pear (梨)orange (橙子)watermelon (西瓜)apple (苹果)banana(香蕉)strawberry (草莓)grape (葡萄)like (喜欢)some (一些;某些)thanks (多谢)Unit 5:bus (公共汽车)bike (自行车)taxi (出租车)jeep (吉普车)desk( 课桌)chair(椅子)walkman (随身听)lamp (台灯)your (你的;你们的) zoo (动物园)Unit 6:small (小的)big (大的)long (长的)short (短的;矮的)tall (高的)giraffe (长颈鹿)deer (鹿)三下:1、-Where are you from?-I am from America/China/Canada/Australia.-Where is she /he from?- She/He is from (来自于哪里)2、-Whos this man/woman/boy/girl?-He/She is my father/Amy.(是谁)3、-Do you like peaches/oranges/?-Yes, I do./ No, I dont.(用什么问,用什么回答;有No就有not.)4、-Where is my car/?-Its on/in/under/near/in front of/ behind/ next to the 5、-Excuse me. Can I use your pencil/?-No problem. Here you are.PEP四年级(上册)单词Unit 1: window(窗户)board(写字板)light(灯)picture(画)door (门)floor(地板)classroom(教室)computer(计算机) teachers desk(讲台)wall(墙)fan(扇子,电扇)classmate(同学)have(有)new(新的)go(去)where (哪里) many(许多的)our(我们的)clean(打)good idea(好主意) have a look(看一看)all right(好吧,好的)seat(座位)good job(干的好)near(在.的旁边)you(你)what(什么)see(看)in(在.里面)me(我)the(这个,这里)look at(看) we(我们)Unit 2: Chinese book(语文书)pencil(铅笔) English book(英语书)story-book(故事书)notebook(笔记本)math book(数学书)twenty-one(二十一)thirty-one(三十一) schoolbag (书包)forty-one(四十一) fifty(五十too many(太多) colour(颜色)fat(胖的)heavy(重的;沉重的)may (可以) sorry(对不起)here you are(给你)book(书)bag(包)ruler(尺子)pen(钢笔)pencil-case(铅笔盒)Unit 3:long hair (长头发)short hair (短头发)thin(瘦的)strong(健壮的)quiet(安静的friend(s)(朋友)like(喜欢)has(他/她有)name(名字)he(他)teacher(教师)student(学生)music(音乐)science(科学)sports(体育运动)computer game(电脑游戏)painting(绘画)she(她)right(对的)boy(男孩)girl(女孩)friend(朋友)Unit 4: study(书房)bathroom(卫生间)bedroom(卧室)living room(起居室)kitchen(厨房) its=it isfish(鱼)isnt=is nothere(这里)home(家)room(房间)school(学校)classroom(教室)phone(电话)bed(床)sofa(沙发)shelf(书架)fridge(冰箱)table(桌子)key(钥匙)open(打开)look(看)please(请)on(在.上面)no(不;不是)window(窗户)desk(课桌;书桌)door(门)chair(椅子)bed(床)Unit 5: rice(米饭)noodle(s)(面条)(复数)beef(牛肉)vegetable(蔬菜)soup(汤)bread(面包)milk(牛奶)egg(蛋)water(水)hungry(饥饿的)for(为;给)thank you(谢谢你)knife(刀)chopstick(s)(筷子)(复数)spoon(勺子)plate(盘子)fork(叉子)use(使用)chicken(鸡肉) fish 鱼Unit 6: family(家庭)parents(父母)uncle(叔叔;舅舅)aunt(姑姑;婶;姨)baby(婴儿) come(来)who(谁)sister(姐妹)brother(兄弟)father(父亲;爸爸)mother(母亲)baseball player(棒球运动员) driver(司机)doctor(医生)farmer(农民)nurse(护士)四上:1、-Whats in the classroom?-A board, two light, many desks .2、-We have a new classroom.-Really? Lets go and have a look.3、-What colour is it?-Its red/yellow/(问颜色)-What colour are they?-They are.4、I like music/listening to music. He likes sports.(注意三单)5、My friend is strong. He has short hair and big eyes.(描述五官用has/have;描述体型用is/are)6、-Is she in the living room?- Yes she is ./No, sheisnt.7、-Where are the keys?/ Where is your book?(注意单复数的区别)8、-Are they on the table/?-Yes, they are./ No ,they arent.9、-What would you like (for dinner)?-Id like some rice and soup.(想吃什么)10、-Mom, can I help you?- Yes. Pass me a plate ,please.11、-Whats your father/?- He/ is a doctor/.-What does your father do?/What do you do?(问职业)PEP四年级(下册)单词Unit 1:computer(计算机)board(写字板)fan(风扇)light(灯)this(这;这个)is(是)my(我的)that(那;那个)your(你的)teachers desk(讲台)picture(图画;照片)wall(墙壁)floor(地板)yes(是;是的)it(它)Unit2: one(一)two(二)three(三)four(四)five(五)six(六 )seven(七)eight(八)nine(九)ten(十)what(什么)time(时间) its=it isoclock(点钟)math(数学)Chinese(语文)English(英语)P.E.(体育)music(音乐)for(为;给)class(课程)Unit 3:jacket(夹克衫)shirt(衬衫)skirt(裙子)dress(连衣裙)T-shirt(T恤衫)red(红色的)blue(蓝色的)yellow(黄色的)green(绿色的)white(白色的)no(不;不是)not(不;不是的)colour(颜色)Unit 4:warm(暖和的)cold(寒冷的)cool(凉爽的)today(今天)jeans(牛仔裤)pants(长裤)socks(袜子)shoes(鞋子)lets=let usplay(玩;踢)football(足球)snowy(下雪的)sunny(晴朗的)Unit 5:how much(多少钱)big(大的)small(小的)long(长的)short(短的)apple(苹果)banana(香蕉)pear(梨)orange(橙子)watermelon(西瓜)are(是)they 它(他、她)们Unit 6:horse(马)arent=are notcat(猫)rabbit(兔子)pig(猪)duck(鸭子)dog(狗)eleven(十一)twelve(十二)thirteen(十三)fifteen(十五)twenty(二十)how many(多少)there(那儿;那里)四下:1、-Wheres the canteen/?-Its on the first/second floor.2、-Is this/that/it the art/ room?-Yes, it is. /No, its not.-Are these /those/they ?-Yes, they are. /No, they arent.3、-What time is it?-Its 8:30. Its time for English class.-Its 8:30. Its time to have English class. Its time for dinner.Its time to go to school. For+名词,to+动词4、-Whose is this/that T-shirt/?-Its my T-shirt/ Its Amys.(是谁的)-Whose are these/those .?- Theyre s.5、-Can I wear my new shirt /today?-Yes, you can ./No ,you cant.6、-What are you doing?-Not much. (没什么事)7、-Whats the weather like in Beijing ?-Its cold/ snowny.(问天气)8、-How much is this dress/?-Its ninety-nine yuan .(问价格)-How much are the s?-Theyre yuan.(注意单复数)9、-What size does he/she wear?-Size 35.(问穿几码的)PEP五年级上册单词Unit 1:young (年轻的)funny (滑稽可笑的)tall (高的)strong (强壮的)kind (和蔼的、亲切的)old (年老的)short(矮的)thin(瘦的)Mr (先生)like (像、喜欢)strict (严格的)smart (聪明的、巧妙的)active (积极的)quiet (安静的、文静的)very(很、非常)but (但是)Unit 2:Monday (星期一)Tuesday (星期二)Wednesday (星期三)Thursday(星期四)Friday (星期五)Saturday (星期六)Sunday (星期天)day (天)have (有、吃)on (在.时候)dohomework (做作业)watchTV (看电视)readbooks (读书)Unit 3:eggplant (茄子)fish (鱼)green beans (青豆)tofu (豆腐)potato (土豆)tomato(西红柿) for(为)lunch (中餐)we(我们)tasty (好吃的)sweet(甜的)sour(酸的)fresh(新鲜的)salty (咸的)favourite (最喜欢的)they are (他们是)fruit (水果)grape (葡萄)Unit 4:cook the meals (烧饭)water the flowers (浇花)sweep the floor(扫地)clean the bedroom (打扫卧室)make the bed(铺床)set the table (摆饭桌)wash the clothes (洗碗碟)do the dishes (收拾衣服)use a computer (使用计算机)Unit 5:curtain (空调)trash bin (垃圾箱)closet (壁橱)mirror(镜子)end table (床头柜)bedroom(卧室)kitchen (厨房)bathroom (卫生间)living room (客厅)in (在里面)on(在上面)under (在下面)near (在.旁边)behind (在后边)clothes (衣服)Unit 6:river (河流)flower (花)grass (草)lake (湖泊)forest(森林)path (路)park (公园)picture (照片)house (房子)bridge (桥)tree (树)road (公路)building (建筑物)clean (干净的)五上:1、-Who is your math/ teacher?-Mr/Mrs/Miss Zhao.2、-Whats he she like?-He/She is thin and young.(问长相)3、-Is she/ he old/ active?(一般疑问句问长相、性格)-Yes,she/he is .No, she /he is yong/.4、-What day is it today?- Its Wednesday/(问今天星期几?)5、-What do you have on Thursdays/?(问星期几上什么课)- We have English, math and science on Thursdays.6、-What do you do on Saturdays?- I watch TV on Saturdays. (做什么)-What do you do on the weekend?-I often go hiking.7、-What do you have for lunch on Mondays?-We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.(吃什么)8、-What can you do?-I can sweep the floor/. (会做什么)9、-Can you make the bed/?- NO, I cant.Yes, I can10、-Whats your favourite fruit? - I like apples. I dont like grapes. Theyre sour.(最喜欢的)11、There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.12、There is a mirror, a bed and a big closet.13、-Is there a forest in the park?-Yes, thereis.No, thereisnt.14、-Are there any pandas in the mountains?-No, there arent.15、-Are there any fish in the rivers?-Yes, there are.There is/are +名词 +地点= 某地有某物 (注意排列顺序)PEP五年级(下册)单词Unit1:do morning exercises(晨练)eat breakfast(吃早饭)have English class(上英语课)play sports(进行体育运动)eatdinner(吃晚饭)when(什么时候)evening(夜晚;晚上)get up(起床)at(在点钟)usually(通常;一般)noon(中午)climb mountains(爬山)go shopping(购物)play thepiano(弹钢琴)visit grandparents(看望祖父母)go hiking(去远足)weekend(周末)often(经常)sometimes(有时候)Unit 2:spring(春天)summer(夏天)fall(秋天)winter(冬天)season季节)which(哪一个)best(最;极)swim(游泳)fly kites(放风筝)skate(滑冰;滑冰鞋)make a snowman(堆雪人)planttrees(种树)why(为什么)because(因为)sleep(睡觉)Unit 3:Jan./January(一月)Feb./February(二月)Mar./March(三月)Apr./April(四月)May(五月)June(六月)July(七月) Aug./August(八月)Sept./September(九月)Oct./October(十月)Nov./November(十一月)Dec./December(十二月)birthday(生日)uncle(叔叔;舅舅)her(她的)date(日期)Unit 4:draw pictures(画画)cook dinner(做饭) read a book(看书)answer the phone(接电话)listen to music9(听音乐) clean the room(打扫房间) write a letter(写信)write an e-mail(写电子邮件)mom(妈妈)grandpa(爷爷;外公)study(书房)Unit 5:fly(飞)jump(跳)walk(走)run(跑)swim(游泳)kangaroo(袋鼠) sleep(睡觉)climb(往上爬)fight(打架)swing(荡;荡秋千)drink water(喝水)Unit 6:take pictures(照相)watch insects(观察昆虫)pick up leaves(采摘树叶)do an experiment(做实验)catchbutterfly(捉蝴蝶)honey(蜂蜜)count insects(数昆虫)collectleaves(收集树叶)write a report(写报告)play chess(下棋)have a picnic(举行野餐)五下:1-When do you get up/?- I usually get up /at 6:00.(问什么时候干什么)2、-What do you do on the weekend?-I often/ Sometimes visit my grandparents.3、-Whats your favourite season?-Spring/summer/autumn/fall/winter.-Which season do you like best?-I like winter best.4、-Why do you like spring/?-Because I can plant trees/. (问为什么)5、-When is your birthday?- My birthday is in July/. Its July 4th.6、-When is Teachers Day/?-Its September 10th.7、-Who has a birthday in October?- Me.8、-Whats the date?- June 9th(问今天是几月几号)9、-Is her birthday in June?-Yes,it is. / No ,its not.10、-What are you doing?- Im drawing pictures/.(现在进行时结构:be+doing表示正在做的事情关键词:now、 look! Listen!)11、-What is your father/ doing?-Hes/Sheswriting an e-mail/12、-Can I speak to your mom, please? -She is cooking dinner. Please hold on.13、-What do you see?- I see two elephants.14、-What is Mike /doing?- Hes/ Sheswatching insects.15、-What are they doing?-They are drinking water.(注意单复数)16、-Where are they?-They are in the woods.-Where is Zhang Peng?- Hes in the woods.17、-Are they catching butterflies/?-Yes, they are. / No, they arent.18、-Is he taking pictures/?- Yes, he is.No, he isnt. Hes playing chess.PEP六年级(上册)单词Unit1: science 科学museum 博物馆post office 邮局bookstore 书店cinema 电影院hospital医院turn 转弯left 左straight 笔直地right 右Unit 2: on foot 步行by (表示方式)乘bus 公共汽车plane 飞机taxi 出租汽车ship(大)船subway 地铁train 火车slow 慢的down 减少;降低slow down 慢下来stop 停下Unit3 visit 拜访film 电影see a film 看电影trip 旅行take a trip 去旅行supermarket 超市evening 晚上;傍晚tonight 在今晚tomorrow 明天next week 下周dictionary 词典comic 滑稽的comic book (儿童的)连环画册word 单词word book 单词书postcard 明信片Unit4 :studies 学习puzzle 谜hiking 远足 hobby(爱好) pen pal(笔友)Unit5:factory 工厂worker 工人postman 邮递员businessman 商人;企业家police officer 警察fisherman 渔民scientist 科学家pilot 飞行员coach 教练Unit 6: angry 生气的afraid 害怕sad 难过的worried 担心的;发愁的happy 高兴的see a doctor 看病wear 穿more 更多的deep 深的breath 呼吸take a deep breath 深深吸一口气count 数数count to ten 数到十六上:Unit11.Where is the museum shop?Its near the door.2.How can we get there?Turn left/right at the bookstore.或 Go straight.Unit21.How do you come to school?Usually, I come on foot.2.In the USA people on bikes must wear one.3.Dont go at the red light!4.I must pay attention to the traffic lights!Unit31.What are you going to do tomorrow?Im going to have an art lesson.2.Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park.3.Where are you going?Were going to the cinema.4.When are you going?Tomorrow.Unit41.What are Peters hobbies?He likes reading stories.2.Does he live in Sydney?No, he doesnt.3.Does he like doing word puzzles and going hiking?Yes, he does.Unit51.What does he do?Hes a businessman.2.Where does he work?He works at sea.3.How does he go to work?He goes to work by bike.Unit61.Theyre afraid of him.2.The cat is angry with them.3.Whats wrong?My father is ill.4.He should see a doctor this morning.5.Dont be sad.PEP六年级(下册)单词Unit 1 younger 更年轻的older 更年长的taller 更高的shorter 更矮的;更短的longer 更长的thinner 更瘦的heavier 更重的bigger 更大的smaller 更小的stronger 更强壮的Unit 2 cleaned 打扫stayed 停留;待washed 洗watched 看had 患病;得病had a cold 感冒slept 睡觉read 读saw 看见last 最近的;上一个的yesterday 昨天before 在之前Unit 3 :went 去camp 野营went camping 野营fish 钓鱼;捕鱼went fishing 去钓鱼rode 骑hurt(使)受伤ate 吃took 拍照took picture 照像bought 买gift 礼物Unit 4:dining hall 饭厅grass 草坪gym 体育馆ago 以前cycling 骑自行车go cycling 去骑自行车ice-skate 滑冰badminton 羽毛球运动六年级下册Unit11.Thats the tallest dinosaur in this hall.2.Its taller than both of us together.3.How tall are you?Im 1.65 metres.4.What size are your shoes, Mike?Size 8.5.Your feet are bigger than mine. My shoes are size 37.6.How heavy are you?Im 48 kilograms.Unit21.How was your weekend?It was good, thank you.2. What did you do last weekend?I stayed at home with your grandma. We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV.3.Did you do anything else?Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.4.I want to buy the new film magazine.5.Did you see a film?No,I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.Unit31.What happened?I fell off my bike and hurt my foot.2.Are you all right?Im OK now.3.Where did you go?I went to Hong Kong.4.It looks like a mule.5.Did you go to Turpan?Yes, we did.6.How did you go there?We went there by plane.7.Sounds great.Unit41.There was no library in my old school.2.Tell us about your school, please.3.How do you know that?4.There were no computers or Internet in my time.5.Before, I was quiet. Now, Im very active in class.6.I was short, so I couldnt ride my bike well. Now, I go cyclying every day.


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