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五年级英语复习-用所给词的适当形式填空1. Listen, Jim _(sing) an English song in the music room.2. Wang Bing _(like) (make) model ships.3. I _(live) in Nan Jing , but my friend (live) in England.4. My father (like) (read) newspaper, but my mother (not)5. Its two oclock in the afternoon. We _ (have) an English class now.6. I like _(sing), she _(like)_(dance).7. What Helen often (do) at the weekends? She often (catch) insects.8. He _(do not) want (eat) bread for breakfast.9. I _(have) a friend. Her name _(be)Susan. She _(like) singing and dancing10. _Yang Ling (have) (some) hobbies? Yes, she . 11. Where (be) Helen and Tom from? They (be) from (American)? 12. She usually _(go) shopping with her mother.13. Whats (Nancy) hobby? She (like) (grow) flowers.14. Mr Smith _(come) from Australia. He speaks (England).15.Look, They _ (play) football in the playground.16. _(do) your sister (watch ) TV every day? No, she .17.Liu Tao can (swim) (good) . (he) mother can (dance) _(beautiful).18.I often go _(swim) on Sunday afternoon. But my mother (go) (shop)19. (Nancy) parents (be) from (Japanese). Theyre Japanese _(visit).20. How many (child) are there in your class? There (be) thirty.21. A chicken (have) two (foot) .22. Id like _(buy) some (peach) in the supermarket.23. Let (we) (help) (she) with (she) homework.24. We _(want) (go) (fish).25._ you _(skate) now? No, I (write) an e-mail to (I) friend.26. There (be) some milk in the bottle. 27. There (be) some (butterfly) and ( dragonfly ) in the park.28. What (be) (you) mother (do) now? She _(cook) in the kitchen. 29. I want to _(buy) some interesting books at the bookshop30. There (be) some (knife) and ( fork) in the cupboard. 31. I (like) (ski). I can (ski) (good).32. Liu Tao and Wang Bing usually _ (run) after school. Look, they _(run) in the playground. 33. This is (she) book. Those (be) (they) (book).34. Today (be) (teacher) Day . These (card) are for (they).35. I want_(write) a letter to my friend. He is (Australia).36. (be) there (some) bread in the fridge? No, there .37. Today is the _(one) day of the new term. 38. There any (student) in the classroom. They (paly) volleyball now.39. Mum and I _(have) (same) hobby.40. Shall we _(go) to the cinema by bike? All right.41. _ (do) your friends (visit) your family every week? No, they_(do).42. What _(be) one plus four? Its five.43. show (they) how (draw) firefly)44. Who (be) on duty today?45. Dont play the violin. Your father _(sleep) in the bedroom.练习(2)1. He usually_(go) _(shop) after lunch.2. He _(have) a family.3. My aunt often_(play) table tennis after school.4. _(do)she_ (feel) tried?5. His brothers _ (surf) the Internet every day.6. He_ (not do) _(he) housework at the weekends.7. The_ (child) are _ (talk) about their weekends.8. My mother_ (like)_(dance).She can_ (dance) beautifully. 9. And she often_ (dance) in the evening.10. _(do)she _( sleep) early in the evening?11. My parent _ (have)a big apple tree.12. What_ (do) he usually_ (do) on Sundays?13. Her sister, Nancy, _(call)_(my) now.14. Can you_(make)clothes for _(I) daughter.15. How_(do) you spend your weekends? I often _(write) e-mails.16. Where is she from? She is from_. Shes _. She (speak)_. (France)16. How_ (be) you? I_(be) ill. I _ (be) fine tomorrow, I think.17. _ (be) you free now? Sorry, I _ (be) very busy. 18. Listen, two _ (American) _ (sing) in_ (France).19. Lets _ (go) and _ (play) basketball .20. Look, Mike is_ (sit) _ (quiet). 21. _ (do) your father_ (watch) TV in the evening? No, he_ (not). 22. May I _ (speak) to Helen? This is Helen _ (speak). 23. Are these your _ (stamp) ? No, theyre _ (Yang Ling)24. Childrens Day is _(come), our parents would like _(buy) things for _(we).25. I _(be) late. Dont _ (late ) again. 26. Who _(teach)this class English? Miss Li does.27. Where _ your father _ (work)? He _ (work) in a hospital.28. _ your father _ (play) table tennis over there now? Yes, he _. He often _ (play) it at this time.29. How _ (do) Yang Ling go to school? _ she go to school by bike? 30. _ your father often busy? Yes, he is.31. Does he _( swim) _(good)?32.Please (not write) on the wall. 33. My (friend) are at home today. I love(they) very much. 34. When your mother (get) up in the morning?35. Sometimes Wang Bing goes (swim).36. Why (be) Tom absent today?37. Miss Li is (us) teacher. We like (she).38. My coat is red and (Ann) is yellow.39. Are (this) your Japanese books? 40. Lets try (study) English (good). 41. They are in different (country). 42. Let me (clean ) the blackboard for you, sir. 43. There ( be) much water in the bottle. 44. Kate ( do ) her homework now? Its time ( have ) lunch. 45. Look at the children over there! What they (do )?46. Miss li ( teach )_ (we) English . Now, she (give ) us an English lesson. 47. Here ( be ) your trousers. 48. We have the same (hobby ) 49. How many _ (subject) do you have this afternoon?50. Show _ (they) how _ (make) a model plane.51. There are a lot of _ (dragonfly) in the park.52. The student uses a computer _ (write) music.53. My _ (sister) hobby is _ (collect) _ (stamp).54. The grasshopper with long _ (leg) can jump high.55. I am sorry _ (hear) that.56. How many _ (flower) stamps do you have?57. The _ (visit) are from the USA.58. _ (class) begin at half past seven. 59. Whats wrong with _ (he)? He _(have)_ (get) a high fever.60. Where _ you _ (go)? I _ (go) to the library.61. Dont _ (talk) to the strangers.62. Im sorry I _ (can) buy _ (some) _ (fruit) for you.63. After taking some medicine, my father feels _ (well) .64. I have a good friend. _ (she) name is Mary.65. He _ (have) a round face and blue_(eye). 66. Look at the _(beautiful) butterflies. They dance _(beautiful).67. Jims mother has some _ (China) friends. She _ (like) _ (write) stories about _ (they). 68. Listen to the teacher _ (careful) in class.69. Its a _ (story) and its _ sad. (real)五年级期末英语复习-选择 ( )1What _12 minus 10?A. is B. areC. beD. am( )2We have eight_ this term.A. subjectB. subjectsC. lessonsD. classes( )3-_ _ do you have this afternoon? We have Art and PE.AWhat lessonsB. What dayC. How manyD. What subject( )4This is _ second lesson of the new term.A. aB. theC. anD./ ( )5I have _ interesting book. _ book is from my mother.A. an, theB. a, theC. the, theD. /, the( )6Linda and I like Social Science very much. How about_?A. heB. him C. hisD. she ( )7Whats the matter with_? A. himB. sheC. heD. they( )8Linda and I_ surfing the Internet in the reading room now.A. doB. areC. is D. am( )9Hello! Is that Mrs. Black? _A. Speaking.B. Speak. C.I speak. D. I am.( )10I buy some_ in this supermarket.A. fruitsB. fruitC. a fruit D. an fruit( )12The children like science _.A. goodB. a lot ofC. lotD. better( )13_ your father have any matches? Sorry, he_.A. are, arentB. Do, dont C. Does,doesntD. Is, isnt ( )14Hello,_ Mr. B speaking?A. are youB. is sheC. is thisD. is that( )15Are you taking_ medicine? Yes, I take_.A.some; someB. any; any C. any; some D. a lot of, any ( )17I have many_ French stamps.A. a lot ofB. beautifulC. animalD. beautifully( )18Ben _ collecting beautiful stamps.A. likeB. likes C. is likeD. is liking ( )19Show _ _ animal stamps.A. he, theyB. he, themC. him, theirD. him, their( )20Sometimes Mike and I _ watch the football games.A. isB. amC. areD. /( )22The children often play football_ weekends.A. atB. in C. onD. out( )23_they the same age?A. AreB. areC. DoD. Does( )25He likes _. So he cant _ fast.A. running, runs B. run, run C. running, run D. running, runs( )26I usually _ at six oclock in the morning.A. gets upB. get upC. getting upD. geting up( )27My mother usually_ shopping and_ her homework.A. goes, doB. go, doesC. goes, dosD.goes, does ( )28Whats 878_ 578? Its 300.A. plusB. minusC. timeD. times( )29Can you tell me Peters telephone number? Well,_. Its 51166778. A. let me seeB.B. see you laterC. I seeD. Let him see ( )30Whats_ with you? I have got a high fever.A. matterB. troubleC. wrongD. /( )33He _ to school from Monday to Friday.A. go B. going C. goes D. gone( )34Do Suhai and her family have any_?A. hobbyB. hobbies C. hobbys D. hobbie( )35In the classroom, you can_ 20 desks and 40 chairs.A. seeB. lookC. look at D. see at( )36The map on the wall is the map_ China. A. aboutB. ofC. inD. on( )37My brother Ben _ many beautiful animal stamps.A. collectB. collectingC. hasD. is( )38Touch your nose with your finger._.A. Thank youB. All rightC. No, thanksD. Yes,thanks.( )39Put your hands_ your head and turn_ left.A. on;/B.up; / C. on; toD./;to ( )40I learn Japanese _ my uncle.A. fromB. toC. ofD. for( )41His father usually has_ breakfast at a quarter to seven.A. aB. theC./ D.some ( )42_ your pen-friend write to you every week?A. DoB. Is C. DoesD.Are ( )43You look nice in blue T-shirt. _.A. All right. B. Thats all right. C. Thats right. D. Thank you. ( )44_ your English teacher. Please listen to _.A. Im; mineB. Im; meC. Youre; you D. Youre; my ( )45We like _ same colour.A. aB. anC. theD. /( )46Jump up and down_.A. ten timeB. for ten timeC. ten timesD. at ten times( )48_ to draw the beautiful flowers.A. IB. I canC. Id likeD. Ill( )49The students are_ the weekends.A. talking toB.taking aboutC. talk aboutD.talking about( )50Look at that_ car. Its_ English car.A. a; anB. /;aC. /;anD. the; an( )51Whos_ insects in the garden.A. catchB. catchingC. catchsD. catches( )52Can you come and help me_ my English.A. forB. aboutC. withD. to( )53The boys are catching butterflies. Let_ go and join_.A. we; themB. us; him C. our; themD. us; them( )54We have four lessons_ Tuesday morning and three lessons_ the afternoon.A. on; inB. on; on C. in; on D. of ;on ( )55Nancy usually_ TV at the weekends.A. watchB. watchesC. watching D. is watching( )57Please_ the windows. Its very cold today.A. closesB. closingC. is closingD. close( )58_ is the new dress? Its nice.A. How manyB. How muchC. HowD. What ( )60The girls_ in the park now.A. playsB. playC. are playingD. is playing( )61_ the boy often_ in the classroom? Of course.A. DosingB. AresingingC. Doessing D. Issinging ( )62Id like_ around China.A. goB. goingC. to goD. go to( )63What country is it? Its_.A. ChineseB. FranceC. EnglishD. American( )64What do they speak? They speak_.A. AustraliaB. AmericanC. EnglishD. British( )65Mrs Green does some_ and _on Sundays.A. wash, cleaning B. washing, cleaning C. washing, clean D. wash, clean ( )66Their friends want_ Suzhou.A. goB. goingC. to go toD. goes( )67Its half past eleven. Its time_ lunch.A. toB. for have C. for D. have ( )68What colour_ shoes?A. is myB. are himC. is herD. are his( )70Is he from_?A. the USAB. the FranceC. the JapanD. the Australia( )71I like_ the Internet. I can _ a lot from the Internet.A. surflearnB. surfinglearnC. surflearningD. surfinglearning( )72_ do you spend your weekends?A. Why B. WhatC. What timeD. How( )73We teach _ Chinese and they teach_ French.A. their; ourB. they; weC. them; usD. theirs; ours

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