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改编版 五年级上册 重难点总结Unit 1. My family 我的家庭重点单词:mother 妈妈, father爸爸 , grandmother (外)祖母, grandfather (外)祖父, parents父母 , grandparents(外) 祖父母, brother哥;弟 , sister 姐;妹uncle 叔、伯、舅, aunt 姨 、姑 cousin 堂、婊兄弟;堂、婊姐妹farmer农民 worker工人 driver司机 taxi driver出租车司机doctor医生 nurse护士 cook厨师 wolf狼 policeman警察 man男人 woman女人be 动词(amisare)搭配: I am We are , You are , They are He is , She is , It is 我是 我们是 你(们)是 他们是 他是 她是 它是 重点句型:(会做替换练习,参考括号内容)1. Are these those your parents ? 他们是你的父母吗? Yes , they are . No , they arent . 是的,他们是 不,他们不是2. Is he Emmas brother ? 他是Emma的兄弟吗? Yes , he is . No , he isnt . (she) 是的,他是的 不,他不是的3. Are you Emmas father ? 你是Emma的爸爸吗? Yes , I am . No , Im not . 是的,我是 不,我不是4. Emmas mother is a nurse . Emma的妈妈是一名护士。= Her mother is a nurse . = She is a nurse . 她的妈妈是一名护士。 她是一名护士5.What does your father do ? 你的爸爸是做什么的? He is a taxi driver . 他是一名出租车司机。6. What do you do ? I am a nurse. 你是做什么工作的? 我是名护士。Unit2. Mascot 吉祥物重点单词:ring戒指 shell 贝壳 friendship友谊 band 圈;带 silver银色的 bell铃铛necklace项链 soft toys毛绒玩具 full of . 充满. in在.里面 on 在.上面 under在.下面 in front of 在.前面 behind在.后面There is There are .有.(某处存在有某物) have got has got有 (某人拥有某物) I have got .We have got. You have got. You have got . They have got .三单:He has got . She has got . It has got . Mina has got . My sister has got.重点句型:(替换横线内容,灵活运用句型)1. I have got a necklace . 我有一条项链 Have you got a necklace ? 你有一条项链吗? Yes , I have No, I havent .是的,我有 不,我没有2. 三单:She has got a necklace . 她有一条项链 Has she got a necklace ? 她有一条项链吗? Yes , he has . No , he hasnt . 是的,她有. 不,她没有3. My room is full of mascots . 我的房间里充满了吉祥物Unit3. Time 时间重点单词:time时间quarter 一刻钟(1/4),half一半,past过oclock点整,at. 在.(后接时间)get up 起床,go to bed睡觉have breakfast lunch dinner 吃早午晚餐, go to school上学,go home回家 do morning exercise做早餐,do sports做运动do my homework写作业, school学校, start开始,end结束,top最佳的; 顶尖的,athlete运动员,cyclist骑自行车者,fast快的,fastest最快的, kilometre千米,special特殊的;特别的How many多少,English words英语单词,time次数,say说 in a minute在一分钟内(in one minute)he他,his他的,she她,her她的 my我的 your你(们)的重点句型:(替换黄线内容,灵活运用句型)1. Whats the time ? What time is it ? 现在几点了 ? Its five oclock . (整点) Its half past eight . (半点) Its quarter past eight . Its quarter to eight . (过一刻钟、差一刻钟) Its two past eight . Its two to eight . (非整数,过多少分,差多少分)2. .描述自己一天的作息时间(补充时间完成句子) .I get up at . I have breakfast at. I go to school at. School starts at . I have lunch at . I do sports at . School ends at . I go home at .I have dinner .I do my homework at.I go to bed at .3.-How many English words can you write in a minute ? 你一分钟能写多少个英语单词? I can write twenty English words in a minute . 我一分钟能写20个英语单词。 -How many animals can you draw in a minute ? 你一分钟能画多少个动物?I can draw twelve animals in a minute . 我一分钟能画12只动物。 - How many times can you bend your knees in a minute ? 你一分钟能曲膝多少下?I can bend my knees a hundred times in a minute . 我一分钟能曲膝100下。 4.In one minute , a top athlete can run about 400 metres . 在一分钟内,一个顶尖的运动员大约能跑400米。 In one minute , a top cyclist on a special bike can ride about 4 kilometres. 在一分钟内,一个顶尖的自行车手骑特殊的自行车能骑大约4千米 In one minute ,the fastest car can go about 20 kilometres . 在一分钟内,最快的车大约能行驶20千米。 In one minute , the fastest train can go about 8 kilometres . 在一分钟内,最快的火车大约能行驶8千米。Unit4.What do you collect ?你收集什么?重点单词:postcard明信片, sticker贴纸,autograph (名人的)亲笔签名, stamp邮票comis连环画, football pictures 足球海报(图画) , collect收集,hat帽子,重点句型:( 注意三单变化 )1. Whats this ? Its a sticker . 这是什么? 这是一张粘贴画。 What are these ? They are comics . 这些是什么? 它们是连环画2. How many have you got ? 你有多少? I have got thirty - five autographs . 我有35张亲笔签名。 三单:How many has she got ? 她有多少 ? She has got ninety - three stikckers. 她有93张粘贴画。3. 肯定句: I collect stamps . 我集邮。 Tim collects stamps . Tim集邮。一般疑问句:Do you collect stamps ? 你集邮吗? Does Tim collect stamps ? 你集邮吗?(借助do在句首变成问句 ) (借助does在句首变成问句)简略回答: Yes , I do . 是。 No , I dont . 不。 Yes , he does .是。 No , he doesnt. 不。 否定句: I dont collect stamps and comics. 我不集邮和连环画。 (借助do + not 否定) Tim doesnt collect stamps or comics . Tim不集邮和连环画。(借助does + not 否定) 特殊疑问句: What do you collect ? 你收集什么 ? What does Tim collect ? Tim收集什么 ? Unit5. A party重点单词:(划线听写)a cake一个蛋糕 candy candies 糖果 bananas 香蕉 hot dogs热狗flowers花 plums李子 chocolates 巧克力 pears 梨 noodles 面条some cake 一些蛋糕 bread 面包 orange juice 橙chewing gun口香糖chocolate巧克力garden party花园派对 class party班级派对 need需要 bring带来 weekend周末重点句型:(1-3造句;4-5仿写)1. 一般将来时:(打算做,将要做)例:Im going to buy some plums.我打算买些李子。 人称+isamare + going to + do(动词原形)2. 现在进行时:(正在做)例:The children are having a party .孩子们正在开派对。 人称+ isamare + doing (动词+ing)3. 一般现在时:(陈述客观事实)例:He often plays football then. 他经常踢足球。 人称+ do does (动词原形,注意三单)4. What do we need ? 我们需要什么? Hot dogs and bread . 热狗和面包。 What about bananas ? 香蕉怎么样? Great idea ! 好主意!5. I can bring the bread . 我可以带面包 I can bring a cake . 我可以带一个蛋糕 can you bring some orange juice ? 你能带些橙汗吗?Unit6. Dreams 做梦重点单词:always 总是;一直 (usually通常) often经常 sometimes有时候 never从不 dream梦想 about关于 my friends我的朋友 ghosts鬼 zoo动物园talk to animals 跟动物讲话 little sister妹妹travel around the world环游世界 swim like a fish 像鱼一样游 get into bed上床,get back into bed回到床上, go to sleep去睡觉 asleep睡着的,wake up醒来,monster 怪物 , jump out of .跳下.hide behind躲藏在.后面, look for寻找 , cartoon卡通片triangle三角形, square正方形, circle圆形, rectangle长方形重点句型:( 注意三单变化 ) dream + 句子1. I always dream I can fly. 我总是梦见我会飞。 Mina always dreams she has a little sister . 米娜总是梦见她有一个妹妹。 dream + 动词ing2.I often dream about flying . 我经常梦见自己飞。 She sometimes dreams about swimming like a fish. 她经常梦见自己像鱼一样游泳 dream + 名词3.I sometimes dream about my friends . 我有时候梦见我的朋友们。 He sometimes dreams about his friends. 他有时候梦见他的朋友。4.I never dream about the zoo. 我从没梦见过动物园。 My father never dreams about the zoo. 我爸爸从没梦见过动物园。5. 一般疑问句Do you often dream you are a doctor ? I never dream I am a doctor .Does he often dream about ghosts ? He always dream about ghosts.Does she often dream about flying ? She sometimes dream about flying .Does Toby often dream about swimming like a fish ? Toby often dreams swmming like a fish .


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