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小学英语三年级上册堂堂清训练题 Unit1 Hello 第一课时一 英语汉语手拉手。1. Hello! Im Miss White. A.你好。我叫吴一凡2. Hello!ImWu Yifan. B.嗨! 我叫萨拉。3. Hi!Im Sarah. C.你好!我是怀特老师。二 单项选择( )1.Hello! _A.Hello! B.OK C.Ha.( ) 2.Hello.Im Liu Xin. _A.Me too. B.Hi Im John. C.Goodbye.( )3.I have a ruler. _A.Hello! B.Me too. C.Goodbye三、请和你的同伴用今天学习问候语向朋友问候并介绍自己。 第二课时一我会连。 ruler eraser crayon pencil二读下列句子然后根据图示选择单词。1. I havea A、pen B. ruler2. I have an A. eraser B.pencil3.I have a A.crayon B.ruler三、读句子,并说出汉语意思。1. I have a ruler. 2. I have an eraser. 3. I have a crayon. 4. Me too. 第三课时一根据情景选择合适的句子。1.当你想向你的同学介绍自己的名字,你应该说:A.Hello! B.Whats your name? C.Hello! Im Sarah.2.当你想问别人的名字。你应该说:AHello! Im Wu Yifan. B.Whats your name? C. I have a ruler.3.当你想向自己的朋友告别,你应该对对方说:AWhats your name? B.Goodbye C.My name is John.二、选择合适的句子。( )1.Goodbye,Sarah. _ A.Hi B. Hello C. Bye( )2._names Mike. A. Me B. My C.I( )3._. My names Bai Ling. A. Are you Bai Ling? B.Whats your name? C.Goodbye.三、角色表演。今天,你们班来了以为新朋友,名字叫John。请你模仿今天所学的对话,和同伴表演对话。 第四课时一、我会连 book pen bag pencil box二将下列句子与图片连起来。 open your pencil box Close your book. Carry your bag. Show me your pen.三 请读出下列句子,并说出他们的汉语意思。1.I have a pen. 2.I have a pencil box. 3.I have a bag. 第五课时一、 圈出相同的字母。1. a c o a e a 2. b j d q g b3. N H A Z H Y 4. Q C P O D E 二、 看图,选择正确的单词。( )1. A. bag B. book ( ) 2. A. book B. ruler( ) 3. A. pen B. pencil( )4. A. pencil box B. crayon( )5. A. pencil B. pencil box三 我会搭配。1.I have a bag. A.My name is Chen Jie.2.Whats your name? B.Me too!3.Hello! C.See you !4.Bye! D.Hi!四选择。 ( )1.Hello, _ello ! B . OK! C.Ha!( ) 2.I have a book! _ A. Thank you. B .Me too C. Bye. ( )3. Bye ,Sarah!_ A. Bye B Im Sarah C. Guess! Unit 2 Colours 第一课时一连线。A B. C. D.1. red 2. yellow 4.green二我会译。(连线)1. I see red. A.我看见了绿色。2. I see green. B.我看见了红色。3. I see yellow. C.我看见黄色。三 你平时看到的这些水果是什么颜色呢?请将图与单词连线。1.2. 3 A. green B. red C. yellow 第二课时一、 选择适合的句子,将其序号填在泡泡框里。A. This is Miss White. B. How are you?C. Nice to meet you, too.1 2. Nice to meet you. Fine , thank you.3.二情景练习。1.早上,你见到你的朋友,你应该怎样问候A Good morning. B.Good afternoon C. Good bye2.当你把你的朋友介绍给别的伙伴时,你应该说:A. Nice to meet you. B.This is Miss Green. C.Im Miss Greens三情景表演。在一个上午,你遇到了John。你想把你的朋友Mike介绍给John。你会表演吗。和你的两个小伙伴表演一下。 第三课时一 书写小能手。(写出从A到D的大小写字母) 二 将下列字母的大小写连线 D A B C A c d b三读出下列单词,并找出规律。Aa apple ant Bb bag bookCc crayon cat Dd dog duck 第四课时 B Lets talk一选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号里。( )1、熟人之间见面打招呼,他们经常说: A. Whats your name ? B. How are you ? C. Hello!( ) 2、当你对第一次认识的人说:“Nice to meet you .”你听到的回答是: A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Me ,too. C. OK !( )3下午你向你的朋友问候应该说: A. Fine, thank you. B. Good afternoon C. Nice to meet you.二情景会话。下午,你的新朋友Mike来你家做客,你向你的妈妈介绍。请你和你的其他两个小伙伴表演这段对话。相信你一定能行。三 读下列句子,并将句子重新排序,使之连成一段完成的对话。( )Good afternoon,Mike. ( ) Hi,Mum。This is Mike. ( ) Nice to meet you ,too.( ) Good afternoon,Nice to meet you . 第五课时一将下列图形涂色black orange brown white二将等号左边的圆圈按提示涂色,再把配成的颜色图在右边的圆圈中,并选择相应的单词,将其序号填在横线上。A. green B. purple C. orangeyellowred + =1. redblue2. + = yellow3. blue+ = 4三、选择A B C D ( )1.Black black stand up. ( ) 2.Brown brown .Touch the ground. ( ) 3.White white.Touch the ground. ( ) 4.Orange orange.Touch your head. 第六课时brown一、 看单词涂颜色。yellowgreenredwhiteblueorangeblack 二请读出下列字母,将大小写连线后将大小写字母按字母表顺序排列。 D B A C c d a b 三、单项选择。( )1Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you,too.A. Goodbye. B. Nice to meet you,too. C. OK.( )2.中国的国旗的颜色是 nd yellow. and blue and white( )3I like white. _.A.OK. B.Im fine,thank you. C.Me too.( )4.This is Mr Jones. _.A.Whats your name? B.Fine thank you. C.Nice to meet you. Unit 3 Look at me 第一课时一 根据所给的情景,选择正确答案,将其序号填入题前括号里。( )1、熟人之间见面打招呼,他们经常说: A. Whats your name ? B. How are you ? C. Good morning !( ) 2、当你对第一次认识的人说:“Nice to meet you .”你听到的回答是: A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Me ,too. C. OK !( )3、你告诉别人你身体很好时,你说: A. Fine, thank you. B. Thank you. C. Great !( )4、你邀请你的同伴一起去上学,你应该说: A.Lets go to school. B.Go to school. C.Thank you.( )5、早上见面应该向对方这样问候: AGoodbye. B.Nice to meet you. C.Good morning.二、将下列句子与合适的答语连线。1.Hello! A.OK2.How are you? B.Hello.3.Good morning. C.Im fine ,thank you.4.Nice to meet you. D.Good morning.5.Lets go to school. E.Nice to meet you,too. 第二课时一、 看图,选择正确的单词。( )1. A. ear B. eye( ) 2. A. ear B. eye( ) 3. A. eye B. nose( ) 4. A. nose B. mouth( ) 5. A. hand B. face二、选出每组中不同类的一项。( )1. A. face B. orange C. nose( )2. A. blue B. green C. hand( )3. A. open B. ear C. eye( )4. A. mouth B. eye C. touch( )5. A. pencil B. book C. nose三、读出下列短语,并做出相应的动作。1.Close your eyes. 2. Open your mouth. 3.Touch your ears. 4.Touch your face. 5.touch your nose. 第三课时Ii 一、 按字母表顺序填上所缺的字母。 Gg 二、将下列字母的大小写连线 F I G H E i g e f h 三、看图片圈出其单词的首字母。 g d r f i a c h 第四课时一、 选择填空。( )1. How are you ? _ A. Very well, thanks. B. Thank you.( ) 2. Lets make a puppet. _ A. Great. B. Thanks.( ) 3. Good morning. _ A. Good morning .B. Good afternoon .( ) 4. Whats your name ? _ A. My names John. B. Im fine.( ) 5. Nice to meet you. _ A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Me, too.二、情景交际,选择正确的答案。1. 当你下午见到 Mr Brown 时,你说: A. Good morning ,Mr Brown. B. Good afternoon , Mr Brown.2. 当你想知道别人叫什么名字时,你问: A. How are you ? B. Whats your name ?3. 当你回答“我很好”时,你说: A. Im fine. B. Im five. 第五课时一、请将单词填入葫芦娃的身体部位。Ahead B. arm C.leg D.foot E.hand F. body二、请将下列句子与所给的图片连线。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1.Clap your hands. 2.wave your arms. 3.shake you body.4.Touch your head. 5.stamp your foot.三请将自己的身体部位的英文名称介绍给自己的小伙伴。用上句型This is- 第六课时一 读下列字母并将其大小写按字母表顺序写在下面的四线格内。 F h e E H f g i I g二 读下列单词然后数一数相同的单词有几个。 body ear hand nose mouth leg mouth hand body eye foot arm body eye hand leg ear armarm_ body_ ear_ nose_ leg_ mouth_hand_ foot_ eye_三、选择填空。( ) 1. Nice to meet _. A. you B. I( ) 2. Clap your _. A. hands B. nose( ) 3. This is my _. A. leg B. sing ( ) 4. Touch your _. A. ear B. sit( ) 5. Wave _ arms. A. your B. you Unit 4 We love animals 第一课时一、 选择与图片相符的单词A. bear B. duck C .pig D. dog E. cat( ) 1. ( )2. ( )3. ( ) 4. ( )5.二、 选出每组中不同类的一项。( )1. A. duck B. bag C. dog( ) 2. A. pencil B. bear C. book( ) 3. A. crayon B. cat C. panda( ) 4. A. pink B. yellow C. pig( ) 5. A. bag B.bear C. dog三、 我会圈。1. 猫 scatoa 2.狗 bedoghtu 3.熊 bearuty4. 猪 atpigh 第二课时一 选择合适的答案( )1.Whats this?_. A.I like it B.Its a duck. C.Im fine.( ) 2.Whats this?_. A.It B.Its C.Its( ) 3. _the cat. A. Have B. Look at C.Look二读句子选择正确的图片。1.Its a duck. A. B. 2.This is a cat. A.B. 3.Good morning,Im a pig. A. B. 三、读出下列单词,并数一数这些单词有几个是相同的。dog duck pig dog pig bear bear pig dog cat dog duck bear dog_ pig_ bear_cat_ duck_ 第三课时一 请读出下列字母,并将下列字母的大小写连线。J M L K N m k n j l二比一比看谁写的棒。(按照书中40页的书写规则书写字母Jj到Nn.三 我会选。 A. j B. m C. l. D. k E. n( )1._ite. ( )2._eg 3._ose 4._ilk ( )5._eep ( )6._um 7._oodles 8._ong 第四课时一、 图词搭配。( )1. A. monkey ( ) 2. B. bird( ) 3. C.panda( ) 4. D. elephant( ) 5. E. tiger二火眼金睛(选出与所给单词属于同一类的选项,将其序号填入题前括号内)。( )1.elephant A. book B. blue C. pig ( ) 2.bird A. mouth B head C.panda ( ) 3.bear A. eraser B. duck C.ruler. ( ) 4.tiger A monkey B pen C.green三读句子,选择合适的图片。 A. Act like a panda. B. Act like a monkey. C. Act like an elephant. D.Act like a bird. 第五课时一手牵手,找朋友。( )1. Whats that ? A. 我喜欢它。( )2. I like it. B. 那是什么?( ) 3. Its a bear . C. 它是一只熊。( ) 4. Look! A funny dog D. 我有一只猫。( ) 5. I have a cat. E. 瞧,一条有趣的狗。二我会选。( )1.Its a tiger. A. B. ( ) 2. Look,its a panda A. B. ( )3. Whats this? Its an_ A. B. ( )4.What;s that? Its a bird. A. B. 三和你的同伴用今天所学的句子谈论一下自己的毛绒玩具。用上Whats this? Its a _ Look!_ I like it. 第六课时一 读下列字母。 并将下列字母的大小写连线 J L G H I D A B b l h d a i j g二读下列单词找出相应的图片并连线 Elephant dog pig cat panda tiger Unit 5 Lets eat !第一课时 A Lets learn一把对应的图片填在括号里。( )1. milk A.( )2.egg B. ( )3.bread C. ( )4.juice D. 二 选出每组中不同类的一项。( )1. A. milk B. juice C. bread ( )2. A. egg B. monkey C. duck ( )3. A. bread B. noodles C. panda ( )4. A. eye B. egg C. ear( )5. A. pen B.milk C. crayon三 给图片选择相应的句子。1. A Have some milk.2. B.Eat some bread. 3. C.Drink some milk. 4. D.Have some milk. 第二课时(Lets talk)一 根据情景选择合适的选项( )1.下午放学回家,你饿了,应对妈妈说: A. Im fine. B .Im hungry. C. Hi,Mom.( ) 2.请别人吃面包时,可以说:A Have some bread. B.Have some juice . C. Have some eggs.( ) 3.如果你想喝果汁,你应该说: A .Have some juice. B.Id like some juice . C.Have some bread.( )4.别人对你说谢谢,你说: A. Thanks. B. Youre welcome.( )5.爸爸让你把果汁递过去,你说: A. Here you are. B. Thank you.二 手牵手,找朋友。 1. Can I have some milk ? A. Me ,too. 2. I have some bread. B. Here you are. 3. Thank you. C. Its big. 4. Look at the pig. D. Youre welcome. 5. Whats this ? E. Its a bear.三看图,选择正确的单词。( )1. Have some _ . A. bread B. cake( )2. Have some _ . A. juice B. milk( )3. Have some _ . A. eggs B. bread ( )4. Have some _ . A. milk B. juice( )5. Have an _ . A. ice-cream B. egg 第三课时一、 按字母表的顺序给下列字母排序。Qq Ss Rr Tt Oo Pp二、写出下列字母的左邻右舍。_Ss_ _Pp_ _Mm_Tt_ _Rr _ _Qq_三、 我会选。Ao B. p C. q D. r E. s F. t( )1. _range ( )2. p_g ( )3._iger ( )4._ix ( )5._uiet 第四课时(B Lets talk)一、情景对话。 ( )1. 当你口渴时,说:A.Can I have some water ? B.Can I have some bread? ( )2.当你想把东西递给别人,你应该说:A.Here you are . B. Thank you. ( )3.当别人请你喝牛奶时,你应该对他说:A Have some milk. B. Thank you. ( )4.如果你想要一些面包,你应该怎么说:A.Have some bread. B. Id like some bread.二、 读句子,将下列句子重新排列,组成一段通顺的对话。( )1.Thank you. ( ) 2.Here you are. ( ) 3.Can I have some water,please? ( ) 4.You re welcome.三、 单项选择。 ( )1.-Can I have some milk? -_ A. Sure,Here you are . B.Thank you. C. Youre welcome. ( )2.Have some water.A.Sure. B. Thanks C. Here you are. ( )3.Thank you._Thank you too.B.Youre welcome. C.Oh,me too.第五课时 A. water B. juice C. rice D. cakeE. bread F. fish G. milk H. egg一、 看图,选择正确的单词。 ( ) 1. ( )2. ( )3. ( ) 4. ( )5. ( )6. 二 看图,选择正确的单词。( )1. A. water B. what( ) 2. A. juice B. rice( ) 3. A. Mike B. milk( ) 4. A. cake B. bread( ) 5. A. egg B. fish三 看图选择合适的句子。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )A. Eat some rice . B. Cut the cake. C. Drink some water. D. Eat the fish.第六课时一 读出下列字母。R T C E F H K 二按字母表顺序写出字母Aa-Tt三、给下列图片与单词连线。 fish water milk bread juiceA. Good afternoon ! B. Here you are.C. Fine, thank you. D. Its a pen.E. Have some water. F. Eat some cake.四、看一看,选一选。 ( ) 1. - Im hungry. -( ) 2. - Im thirsty.(渴了) -( ) 3. - How are you? -( ) 4. - Whats that? -( ) 5. - Good afternoon ! -( ) 6. - Can I have some cake, please? - Unit 6 Happy birthday ! 第一课时一、连线 three 1 one 2 four 3 five 4 two 5二、选出每组中不同类的一项 ( )1、 C.four ( )1、A.five B.arm C.leg ( )1、 B. tea C.three ( )1、A.pencil C.two ( )1、A.three B.five C.apple三、填上正确的数字 _+three=five one+two=_ five-four=_ three+five= _ three+one=_ two-one= _ five+four=_ four-three=_ 第二课时一、选择正确的答案 ( ) 1、 How many balloons? A.4 B cake C. car ( )2. How many cakes? cake B.cake C.ball ( )3. How many _? A. ducks B.a duck C.duckes 二、 请选择正确的英文翻译。1.请给我这个。A This one ,please. B. This is a plate. C. Whats this?2.给你。A This is a plate. B. How many plates? C.Here you are .3.有几盘?AThis one ,please. B How many plates? C.How many pens? 三根据图片回答问题1.How many bears?_2.How many ducks?_ 3.How many dogs?_. 第三课时一、写出下列字母相应的大小写。U x y w v z二将下列字母的大小写连线。 U Y V Z W X x z y u v w三我会选。A z B. y C .w D. v E. u F. g( )1._ellow ( )2. fi_e ( ) 3._oo( )4.fo_r ( )5. t_o 第四课时一填上正确的数字 _+three=nine six+two=_ five+four=_ three+seven = _ three+=_ two-one= _ five+four=_ four-three=_ 二、找朋友threetennineeightsevenfourone 7 9 1 3 8 10 4 三、 选出每组中不同类的一项 ( )1、A.cake C.four ( )1、A.ten ( )1、A.balloon B. ball C.eight ( )1、A.pen B.bag C.two ( )1、A.kite B.doll C.cake


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