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七年级英语下册期中期末试卷及答案+中考满分作文:你的这份爱,让我记住了你七年级英语下册期中试题期末试题及答案【有删改】期 中 测 评.单项选择。(15 分)1. The people there are very to us. We get on well with them. A. friend B. friendly C. friends D. unfriendly2. do you go to school? By bike.A. What B. When C. How D. Why3. I want to join the . I can play the guitar well. A. music club B. art club C. swimming club D. English club4. The students usually their classroom every afternoon. A. are cleaning B. clean C. cleans D. is cleaning5. in the classroom. The teacher will be angry. You can eat in the dining hall. A. Dont eat B. Eat C. To eat D. Eating6. Can you play the drum?No, . A. you cant B. you cant C. I can D. I cant7. Look at the monkeys. they cute? A. Isnt B. Arent C. Dont D. Doesnt8. It me five minutes go to school. A. take; / B. spend; to C. takes; to D. spend; /9. Lets play basketball.Peter and I chess now. A. am playing B. are playing C. are play D. am play10. My father will arrive Beijing on April 26th. A. on B. in C. at D. for 11. do you like pandas? Because they are kind of cute.A. Why B. How C. When D. What12. I can help you your English. Im good at English. A. for B. on C. at D. with13. She likes exciting jobs, so she wants to find a joba reporter. A. like B. at C. be D. as14. She likes , so she wants to be a . A. cooking; cook B. cook; cookingC. cook; cook D. cooking; cooking15. I have housework to do. A. much too B. too muchC. too many D. many too. 完形填空。(10 分)One day there was an argument (争论)between the wind and the sun. “Im much 16 than you,” said the wind. “No, I dont agree with you!” said the sun. While they were arguing, they saw a man 17 along the road. He is wearing a heavy coat. The sun said to the wind, “Now, let 18 see who can make the man take 19 his coat. Then we will know who is stronger.” First the wind tried. It began to blow very hard. It blew 20 hard that the man pulled (拉)his coat around him. The wind was 21 with the man. Then it said to the sun,“Now, its your 22 .” The sun started to 23 on the man. Soon it got very 24 ! The man took off his coat. The argument was over. We know the 25 was stronger now. 16. A. strong B. strongly C. stronger D. strongest 17. A. walking B. walk C. walks D. walked18. A. we B. our C. us D. ours 19. A. up B. on C. off D. in 20. A. not B. so C. such D. no 21. A. sad B. happy C. angry D. hungry 22. A. way B. turn C. turns D. ways23. A. shines B. shine C. shining D. shone 24. A. hot B. hotter C. hottest D. cold 25. A. wind B. sun C. man D. moon. 阅读理解。(30 分)ALook! That is our school. It is very nice. There are many trees and many flowers in our school garden (花园).Our school is not big. There are fifteen classes in our school. There are about fifty students in every class. We have forty teachers and we have one headmaster (校长).The headmaster is Liu Ming.In class, we listen to our teachers carefully (认真地).We study hard. After class, we often play basketball or football. Our school is very nice. We like our school, our headmaster, our teachers and our class.26. Our school is . A. not small B. big C. not big D. too big27. We have teachers and headmaster. A. fifty; one B. fourteen; oneC. forty; one D. fifty-four; one28. There are about students in our school. A. 600 B. 750 C. 500 D. 40029. is the headmaster. A. Liu Ming B. Mr. Li C. She D. Li Ming30. After class, the students often . A. play basketball B. play football C. sing D. A or B BHello, everyone! Welcome to the House of Animals. Im Chen Mei, the guide (导游)of your holiday tour. Now, let me tell you our tour plan (计划) for today.First, we will visit the Lion Park. The lions in our zoo are all from South Africa. They are very smart. Next,we will visit the Elephant Park. There are many friendly and clever Thai elephants. Then we will go to the Dolphin World to visit the smart dolphins. After that we will visit the Panda Park. We can see some cute pandas there.And before visiting the House of Animals, please read the rules first. Look! They are on the board (布告牌).1. Please dont give food to the animals.2. Please dont take your pet into the zoo.3. Please dont use cameras (相机)with flash lamps (闪光灯).4. Be away from (远离) some dangerous animals.5. Children under 12 years old should be with an adult (成年人) .31. The House of Animals is really . A. a zoo B. a club B. a farm C. a house32. Chen Mei works as a . A. teacher B. worker C. guide D. musician33. Where are the lions from in the zoo?A. China B. Thailand C. Australia D. South Africa34. The visitors will visit kinds of animals. A. three B. four C. five D. six35. Which one follows the rules of the zoo?A. You can visit the zoo with your pet dog.B. You should visit the lions from far away.C. You can share your food with your favorite animals.D. Li Xia, an 11-year-old girl, can visit the Elephant Park by herself.词汇。根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。(5 分)36. I can swim. So I want to j the swimming club. 37. My brother often brushes his t after dinner. 38. My mother is c my room. 39. Do you like the Talent S ? I think its interesting. 40. Bob likes telling s . . 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(5 分)41. My uncle drives to work every day. (改为一般疑问句)uncle drive to work every day? 42. It takes me an hour to get to the park. (改为同义句)I an hour to the park. 43. Whats the weather like in Beijing? (改为同义句)the weather in Beijing? 44. You cant eat in the classroom. (改为祈使句)in the classroom. 45. I like pandas because I think they are cute. (对画线部分提问) you like pandas? . 根据汉语意思完成英语句子。(10 分)46. 我的弟弟喜欢玩电脑游戏。My brother likes games. 47.吉娜通常每天早晨洗淋浴。Gina a shower every morning. 48.我们学校大约有三百名学生。There are about students in our school. 49.让我们帮助野生动物。它们处于危险之中。Lets help the wild animals. They are now. 50.鲍勃正在打电话。Bob is talking the . .任务型阅读。(10 分)My name is Sally. I am a school girl. There are twenty-five boys and eighteen girls in our class.(53) 我们从周一到周五去上学。We have no classes on Saturday and Sunday and we are not busy. We usually get up at 6:00 a.m. and have breakfast at 6:30 a.m. We get to school at 7:00 a.m. and we have the first class at 8:00 a.m. We have four classes inthe morning and two in the afternoon. We have lunch at12:15. At 3:15 p.m. we play sports.We have Chinese, math, English, geography, history, music and some other (其他的)lessons at school. All the students think history is fun, so my classmates and I all like it. We go home at 5:00 p.m. We have dinner at 6:00 p.m. We do our homework (作业) at 7:00 p.m. (54) We go to bed at 9:30 p.m. 任务(一):根据短文内容回答下列问题。51. When is Sally free?52. Why do Sally and her classmates like history?任务(二):翻译文中画线的句子。53. 将文中(53)处画线的汉语句子翻译成英语,每空一词。We go to school Monday Friday. 54. 将文中(54)处画线的英语句子翻译成汉语。任务(三):根据短文内容,将下列图画在一天中发生的先后顺序排列出来。(只写代号)55. . 综合填空。(10 分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文语意完整。A teacher is talking to his students 56 the ancient Romans. “They are strong, brave 57 ,” he says, “They always 58 to have strong bodies, so they play lots of sports.” “Do they like 59 ?” One of the girls asks. “Oh, yes, one of them swims a lot.” The teacher answers. Then he 60 a story about a famous Roman. “There is a big river in the 61 of Rome.” He says. “And this 62 swims across it three times every day before breakfast.”The girl laughs when she hears this. “Why are you 63 ?” The teacher asks the girl. “Do I say anything funny?” “Well, sir,” the girl answers. “ 64 doesnt he swim across the river four times, to get back 65 clothes again?” .补全对话。从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话,有两项多余。(5 分)A: Do you have a new pen pal, Lucy?B: Yes, I do.A: 66 B: Her name is Maria.A: Uh 67 B: Um, Shes from Canada.A: 68 B: She lives in Toronto.A: Does she speak English?B: 69 A: What language does she speak?B: 70 .书面表达。(20 分)假如你是琳达(Linda)。你的朋友张芳在学习英语的过程中遇到了一些困难,并给你写信,希望能得到你的帮助。请给她写一封回信,介绍一下你自己学习英语的方法,并鼓励她不要放弃。答案与解析:期 中 测 评. 1. B 根据句意可知是“对友好”,用be friendly to。句意:“那里的人们对我们很友好。我们和他们相处得很好。”2. C 根据回答“骑自行车”,可判断问句问的是怎样去上学。句意:“你怎样去上学?”“骑自行车。”3. A 从后文吉他弹得好可判断是想加入音乐俱乐部。句意:“我想加入音乐俱乐部。我吉他弹得很好。”4. B 从 usually, every afternoon 可知是经常发生,用一般现在时。句意:“学生们通常每天下午打扫他们的教室。”5. A 从后文“老师会生气,你可以在餐厅吃”可推出,是不要在教室里吃。句意:“不要在教室吃东西。老师会生气的。你可以在餐厅吃。”6. D 由回答 no 可知是不会。句意: “你会敲鼓吗?”“不,我不会。”7. B 否定疑问句通常带有惊奇、赞叹等语气,它通常以情态动词、助动词或系动词 be 的否定形式开头,意为“难道不吗?”;猴子是复数。句意:“看这些猴子。难道它们不可爱吗?”8. C 固定句式: It takes sb.+时间+to do sth.意为“做某事花了某人多长时间”。句意:“去学校花费我五分钟的时间。”9. B 有 now 可判断为现在进行时。我和彼得是两个人,要用复数。句意:“我们去打篮球吧。”“我现在正和彼得下国际象棋。”10. B arrive 意为“到达”,是不及物动词,后跟地点名词,小地方用 at,大地方用 in。句意:“我父亲将于四月二十六号到达北京。”11. A 根据回答用 because 可知是 why 引导的疑问句问原因。句意:“你为什么喜欢熊猫?”“因为它们有点儿可爱。”12. D help sb. with sth.意为“在某方面帮助某人”。句意:“我可以帮你学习英语。我擅长英语。”13. D as 意为“作为”, as a reporter 意为 “作为记者”,作定语修饰 job。句意:“她喜欢令人兴奋的工作,所以她想找一份记者的工作。”14. A like 后跟动词-ing, cook 意为“厨师”。句意:“她喜欢做饭,所以她想成为一名厨师。”15. B much too “太”,用来修饰形容词或副词;too much“太多”,修饰不可数名词; too many “太多”,修饰可数名词复数; many too 没有这种说法。句意:“我有太多的家务要做。”. 16. C 由 than 可知此处用比较级。17. A see sb. doing sth.意为“看到某人正在做某事”。18. C 作 let 的宾语用宾格 us。 we 是主格; our “我们的”,不合题意。19. C 从倒数第三句这个人脱下衣服。争论结束。可知他们想让这个人脱衣服。20. B so that 意为“如此以至于”,句意为“风刮得如此厉害以至于这个人拉着衣服裹着自己”。中考满分作文:你的这份爱,让我记住了你静静的却不孤单,相依也是一种温暖。我们的空空的心,总是会被彼此填满。简简单单的快乐,充满了温暖的时光。 题记从初一第一学期排座位就如蜘蛛盘丝一般开始的。老师的指挥令把两个不太熟悉的人拉在了一起,开始了我们的铁杆生涯。我们总徘徊在人群之外。我们并不相熟,坐在一起没讲一句话,你我都是慢热的人,而且都被朋友伤害过,背叛过。再也经不起一丝的伤害。所以都躲在自己做成的壳中,怕太阳灼伤我们的皮肤,怕坎坷的路会伤害我们,对我们而言,只有自己才是最安的。但我们又是幸运的,可能是因为我们总是逃避别人的关心,才会发觉我们的相像,我们才会彼此靠近,彼此吸引,仿佛是时间的怂恿,我们每分每秒都在靠近,竟是这样,我们就变得亲密无间,在别人眼里,我们都很冷漠,其实只有我们自己才知道我们并不冷漠,我们彼此了解,彼此依赖,彼此需要。我们经常在午后温暖的阳光下,在草地上用慵懒的姿势彼此依偎,聊天,开玩笑,讲在大家面前不敢讲的话,分享彼此的秘密。看着碧蓝的天,洁白的云,感受着微醺德裹挟着青草味的风,懒懒的阳光,心里平和得像两个 安详老太太,坐在海岸边静观云卷云舒,潮起潮落。简单的快乐,总是喜欢这样的午后,和云和你一起悠然度过,静静的却不孤单,相依也是一种温暖。似乎无论世界发生了什么变化,在这片心灵花园永远记载着美好的回忆。我会飞过你的天空,而你会在下一站等我。我们共同垂钓我们想要得结果,沿着思念的小道,延伸到重逢的终点。我们空空的心,总会被彼此填满。只要我们在一起,每时每分,都有幸福的身影;每分每秒,都是温暖的时光。我们已经分开了很长时间了,在最近的一次见面中,我们依旧熟络,吃饭时和以前一样点彼此喜欢的菜,逛街时会买姐妹装。聊天时我们发现,就在那温暖的时光中,我们的壳被温暖的阳光融化,同时融化的还有我们坚冰般的心,我们彼此都多了很多的朋友。我想等到我们老了的时候,回忆起那温暖的时光时,心头肯定会有一股暖流流过的。我会永远记着你的。


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