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高考英语语法填空连词和介词,【考向聚焦】历年高考题中至少有一道题要考到连词或介词。介词的考查形式多样,除了单纯考查介词外,还常考查介词与其他词的搭配。此外,在定语从句中,也常考查“介词关系代词”的用法。有些介词的考查频率较高,如with,beyond。连词考查较多的有:but和while,“祈使句and/or并列句”中的and和or;另外,for作为并列连词的用法也是一考点。对应学生用书P12用适当的连词或介词填空1(2013安徽,22)Before you pay a visit to a place of interest,look in your local library_a book about it.解析考查介词。句意:在你去一个名胜旅行之前,在你当地的图书馆寻找一本关于它的书。本题关键在于认识到动词look与选项中的介词搭配构成固定短语的时候,其中隔有短语in your local library。答案for2(2013福建,29)Mrs.Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess,as her children are always _ the way whenever she tries to.解析考查介词短语。句意:史密斯太太发现想收拾一下那些乱七八糟的东西有困难,因为每当她想要做的时候她的那些孩子总是妨碍她。答案in3(2013湖北,30)An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered_ chance a long lost antique Greek vase.解析考查短语辨析。此处表示“偶然发现了一个遗失多年的古希腊花瓶”。答案by4(2013北京,26)I have an appointment _ Dr.Smith,but I need to change it.解析考查介词。短语为have an appointment with sb,意为“与某人预约、约会”。答案with5(2013新课标,11)A serious study of physics is impossible_some knowledge of mathematics.解析考查介词。句意:如果没有一点数学知识,要认真研究物理是不可能的。答案without6(2013新课标,34)It was a real race_time to get the project done.Luckily,we made it.解析考查介词。句意:为了完成这项工程,这真是与时间的一次赛跑。答案against7(2013新课标,32)Theres no way of knowing why one man makes an important discovery_another man,also intelligent,fails.解析考查并列连词。根据句意,前后两句话为两种情况的对比“一个人会做出一个重要的发现,而另一个人,也很聪明,但是失败了”。并列连词while表示对比。答案while8(2013重庆,23)Its not easy to change habits,_ with awareness and selfcontrol,it is possible.解析考查并列连词。句意:改变习惯不易,但如果是有意识和有自我控制能力的话,还是有可能的。前后为转折关系,用并列连词but。答案but对应学生用书P12介词的普通用法【典例1】 Four Chinese models were _ the 14 people awarded prizes on Friday at the World Supermodel Competition.(2009上海)解析考查介词的用法。among表示“三者或三者以上的同类事物之间”。根据题干中“在获奖的14个人里边,中国模特占4人”可知。答案among【典例2】 He invited me to a dance after the show _ Christmas Eve.(2009陕西)解析考查介词的用法。at Christmas表示在圣诞期间;介词on后接具体的某一天。此处表示在圣诞节前夕,故用介词on。答案on【典例3】 Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients _ name,not case number.(2010江西)解析句意:如今一些医院以名字来叫病人,而不是以病历号。考查固定短语。by表“方式”。答案by【典例4】 _ the crisis of economy getting more and more serious,the government is searching for ways to improve peoples life.(2013扬州调研)解析句意:随着经济危机变得越来越严重,政府正在想方设法改善人们的生活。这里the crisis of economy getting more and more serious是一个短语,所以应该用介词with,表示伴随;而as,when和if后面都要跟句子。答案With1When do we need to pay the balance?_ September 30.解析by后接时间点,意为“不迟于”,“在之前”。答案By2Luckily,the bullet narrowly missed the captain _ an inch.解析句意:子弹以一寸之差未击中上尉的头部。by可表示时间、空间、距离等数量的相差。答案by3A great person is always putting others interests _ his own.解析句意:伟人总是把他人的利益置于个人利益之上。above意为“在上方”符合句意。答案above4_ the production up by 60%,the company has had another excellent year.解析句意:由于产量增长了60%,该公司又有一个丰收年。答案With介词with的用法主要有1表示“和在一起”,“由陪同”或“有在场”The students went to the farm with their teachers.学生们与他们的老师一起去了农场。2表示“随着”With time passing,they have grown into big boys and big girls.随着时间的流逝,他们已经长成大小伙子和大姑娘了。3with后面加复合宾语,说明附带情况He likes to sleep with the windows open.他喜欢开着窗户睡觉。4表示“具有;带有;包括在内”China is a country with a long history.中国是个历史悠久的国家。5表示原因或理由The little girl was trembling with fear.这个小女孩吓得发抖。介词短语【典例5】 When asked about their opinions about the schoolmaster,many teachers would prefer to see him step aside _ favor of younger men.(2011湖北,30)解析句意:在被问到他们对校长的看法时,很多老师说他们宁愿看到他让贤于更年轻的人。考查介词短语辨析。句中的step aside表示“让位,让开”,后面接介词短语in favor of表示这些老师更赞成起用更年轻的人。答案in【典例6】 More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities _ lack of space.(2010福建)解析“介词名词介词短语”多由in和for开头,常见的有in favour of(赞成),in honour of(为了纪念,为向表示敬意,为庆祝),for fear of(以免)等,如for lack of(由于缺乏)。答案for【典例7】We give dogs time,space and love we can spare,and _ return,dogs give us their all.(2010江西)解析“介词名词”构成的固定短语也是高考的常考点,因此,熟记介词短语的意义是辨析语意的关键。常见的介词短语主要由by,for,in,on等“活跃介词名词”构成,如by chance/accident(偶然),on purpose(故意),in return(反过来)。答案in5Do you think this shirt is too tight _ the shoulders?解析考查介词。句意:你觉得这件衬衣的肩部是不是太紧了?across表示“从一边到另一边”,符合句意。答案across6An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members are _ it.解析考查介词的用法。句意:达成协议似乎不可能,因为大多数委员会成员反对。against“反对”,符合句意。答案against1动词介词account for说明agree on对达成协议begin with以开始come across碰见go into调查keep from阻止look for寻找stand for代表agree with 同意(某人意见)answer for对负责wait for等待decide on对作出决定head for向前进live on靠生活look into调查stick to坚持agree to同意(某种安排等)aim at针对call for要求get into进入hear from接到的信、电话look after照顾run into碰到wait on招待2动词副词介词add up to合计达come up with提出get on with与相处融洽look down upon看不起look up to敬仰(某人)put up with忍受come up against遭到反对do away with废除keep up with跟上look forward to盼望make up for弥补stand out for坚决要求come up to达到get down to开始认真考虑live up to不辜负(期望)look out for当心run out of用完stick out for坚持要求3动词名词介词catch sight of突然看见make room for为腾出地方take pride in以为荣make friends with和交朋友pay attention to注意show interest in对感兴趣make fun of取笑take care of照顾take part in参加含有介词的成语【典例8】 We hadnt planned to meet.We met _ chance.解析by chance为固定搭配,意为“偶然”。答案by【典例9】 His efforts to raise money for his program were _ vain because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.解析句意:他为这个项目筹集资金的努力徒劳无功,因为没有人愿意从腰包里掏一分钱。in vain意为“徒劳”,符合句意。答案in7He was a good student and scored _ average in most subjects.解析句意:他是一个好学生,大多数学科的分数在平均分之上。above表示“(数目、数量、水平、年龄)超过,多于”,符合句意。答案above8Sometimes proper answers are not far to seek _ food safety problems.解析考查介词。句意:有时候,解决食品安全问题的答案并不太难寻求。answer to表示“(问题)的答案”,是固定搭配。本句中的food safety problems被从proper answers的后面移至现在的位置,从而加大了此题的解题难度。答案to揭密常考的介词成语(1)含有at的成语at a time一次at least至少at the same time同时at all costs不惜一切代价at most至多at times有时候at first最初at once立即at will任意地at last最后at present目前at work起作用(2)含有by的成语by accident偶然by day/night白天/夜间by heart能背诵by turns轮流by birth出身by no means绝不by chance偶然by mistake错误地by the way顺便说一下by chance偶然by mistake错误地by the way顺便说一下(3)含有in的成语in a sense从某种意义上说in case假使in fact实际上in ones opinion在某人看来in other words换句话说in short总之in the long run从长远来看in advance事先in store必将发生in general一般说来in no time立刻in public公开地in vain徒劳in time及时in the meantime同时in danger处于危险中in turn轮流in order井井有条in return作为回报in the end最后in all总共(4)含有on的成语on average平均on foot步行on sale在出售on the way在途中on business出差on holiday在休假on strike罢工on time准时on duty值日on behalf of代表on the contrary相反on the spot当场on fire着火on purpose故意地on the other hand另一方面(5)含有out of的成语out of breath气喘吁吁out of date过时out of order发生故障out of patience失去耐心out of work失业out of control失去控制out of doors 在户外out of question毫无疑问out of reach拿不到out of the question不可能out of danger脱险out of fashion不合时尚out of luck倒霉out of shape变形out of touch失去联系并列连词【典例10】 Find ways to praise your children often,_ youll find they will open their hearts to you.(2011山东)解析句意:设法常常表扬你的孩子,这样你就会发现他们会向你敞开心扉。考查并列连词。从句意连贯判断应用and表顺承关系。答案and【典例11】 They wanted to charge $5,000 for the car,_we managed to bring the price down.解析两个分句之间是转折关系,故用并列连词but。答案but【典例12】 In some places women are expected to earn money _ men work at home and raise their children.解析此处是对women和men的分工进行对比,故用while,而不用but。答案while【典例13】 John plays basketball well,_ his favorite is badminton.解析yet是并列连词,表示转折。答案yet【典例14】 He found it increasingly difficult to read,_ his eyesight was beginning to fail.解析for在此引出表示原因的并列分句。答案for【典例15】 Stand over there _ youll be able to see the oil painting better.解析此并列句的结构为“祈使句and陈述句”。祈使句表示条件,and在此引出表示结果的并列分句。答案and9Try to read stories in English and speak in English whenever you can,_ you will see more progress over time.解析这是一个“祈使句and陈述句”结构。后面的陈述句表达的是前面祈使句顺承的结果,所以用and。答案and10I wonder how much you charge for your services.The first two are free _ the third costs $30.解析while是并列连词,表示对比,意为“而”。答案while11It is often said that the joy of traveling is _ in arriving at your destination _ in the journey itself.解析not.but.构成固定句式,意为“不而”,but为并列连词。答案not;but12I thought wed be late for the concert,_ we ended up getting there ahead of time.解析两个分句在意义上是转折关系,故用but。答案but13You have failed two tests.Youd better start working harder,_you wont pass the course.解析考查“祈使句and/or陈述句”。因为祈使句与后面的陈述句所表达的内容是对立的关系,故用or(否则)。答案or14Help others whenever you can_you will make the world a nicer place to live in.解析此并列句的结构为“祈使句and陈述句”。and意为“那么”,引出表示结果的并列分句。答案and做并列连词的when和while(1)when还可用作并列连词,其意思为“这时,那时”,相当于and at this/that time。常用于下列句式:sb was doing sth when.sb was about to do/going to do/on the point of doing sth when.sb had just done sth when.如:We were having a meeting when someone broke in.我们正在开会,这时突然有人闯了进来。We were about to set off when it suddenly began to rain.我们正打算动身,这时突然下起了雨。(2)while作为并列连词,意为“而,却”,表示对比。如:He likes pop music,while I am fond of folk music.他喜欢流行音乐,而我喜欢民间音乐。对应学生用书P15用适当的介词或连词填空1Some people do as they please regardless _ what the result will be.解析结合上下文的意思可知应选regardless of(不管)。答案of2She is _ a growing number of Chinese people who are finding it increasingly difficult to find the time to read each day.解析among表示是三者以上的人或物当中的一员,相当于one of。答案among3I know nothing about the young lady _ she has just come back from Great Britain and got a doctors degree.解析except that后接从句。答案except that4Guangdong lies _ the south of China and Fujian is _ the east of Guangdong.Hainan is _ the coast of the mainland.解析表示位置关系的几个介词中,in指位于某个范围之内,on指与接壤,to指位于某个范围之外,off指在离有一定距离的海上。答案in;on;off5Our company has arranged me to go on a business trip to Shenzhen next week,but I will drop in on my friend in Guangzhou first.In other words,I will go to Shenzhen _ way of Guangzhou.解析by way of意为“经由,取道”。第二句意思:我将取道广州去深圳。答案by6In Hangzhou,Mr.Black was so struck _ the beauty of nature that he stayed _ another night.解析介词by后接动作的发出者。stay for another night意为“再住一晚”。答案by;for7Wuhan and Chongqing are among the most important cities in China _ terms of their size and population.解析in terms of意为“就而言”。句意:就规模和人口数而言,武汉和重庆在中国都算举足轻重的城市。答案in8His bestknown painting that is _ all praise will be on show in the National Gallery early next month.解析be beyond all praise意为“倍受赞誉”。答案beyond9What do you want to do _ those old boxes?To put things in when I move to the new flat.解析to put things in表明those old boxes是被用作工具,故选介词with。答案with10The number of the employees has grown from 1,000 to 1,200.This means it has risen _ 20 percent.解析by后接增长或减少的幅度;to后接增长或减少后达到的具体数量。答案by11Knowledge is the food of thought _,as long as it is put in our brain,we will grow wiser.解析and连接两个并列分句,表示联合关系。答案and12There is still much to discuss;_,we shall return to this topic at the next meeting.解析根据句意,此处应填表示“因此”、“所以”之意的词,故选therefore。答案therefore13Its really very dangerous.One more step,_ the baby will fall into the well.解析此句的句型结构为:祈使句and陈述句。并列连词and在此意为“那么”。One more stepTake one more step。答案and14Information technology is taught in most schools,_ we have entered the information era.解析for可用作表因果关系的并列连词,连接两个分句时,后一分句对前一分句进行解释。答案for15Ive taught him,several times,_ he still doesnt know how to do it correctly.解析虽然我教了他几次,但是他仍然不知道怎么正确地做。答案but提 示课后完成专题提升训练四


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