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外研版八上英语重点短语Module11. as much/ many as possible 尽可能多2. Its adj for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事很3. W 欢迎回来4. talk about 谈论关于5. how to do sth 如何做某事6. have some advice 有一些建议7. speak English in class在班里说英语8. forget to do sth 忘记还没做某事forget doing sth 忘记已经做过某事9. what else 还有别的吗10. its a good idea to do 做某事是个好主意11. pronounce new words aloud 大声朗读新单词12. how /what about doing sth 做某事怎么样13. listen to the radio 听收音14. thanks a lot! 多谢15. main idea 主要大意16. get to know a lot 了解了许多17. write to 写信给18. agree to do sth 同意做某事19. agree with sb 同意某人20. why dont sb do sthwhy not do sth 为什么不做某事21. write down 写下22. ask for 征求,寻求23. basic questions 基本问题24. understand a little 明白一点25. several times 几次26. learn something new 学一些新东西27. advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事be afraid to do 害怕做28. be afraid of doing /sth 害怕做某事/害怕某事29. start a conversation 发起对话30. smile at sb 对某人微笑31. forget them quickly 很快就忘了他们32. its natural to do sth 做某事是合乎常理的33. a piece of paper 一张纸34. try to do 尝试做(不强调成功)35. try doing 尝试做(强调成功)36. remember to do sth 记得还未做某事37. remember doing sth 记得做过某事38. in addition to除之外39. millions of 数以百万的40. around the world 全世界41. be good at sth/ doing sth擅长某事、擅长做某事Module21. pretty good 非常好2. on the coast 在海岸上3. thirty years ago 三十年前4. in fact 事实上5. get bigger and busier 变得更大,更繁忙6. in the 1980s 在二十世纪八十年代7. asas 跟一样8. the population of 的人口9. other cities 其他的城市10. much wider 宽得多11. would like to do/want to do 想要做12. one day 某天13. 来自14. be famous for /be known for 以而著名15. such as /for example例如16. there be to do 有可做17. in the north/south/east/west of 在某地区范围之内的北部、南部、东部、西部18. on the north/south/east/west of 在与某地区接壤的北部、南部、东部、西部19. to the north/south/east/west of 在某地区范围之外的北部、南部、东部、西部20. a part of 的一部分21. be popular 受欢迎22. any time of the year 在一年中任何时候23. bring sth with sb 随身携带某物24. most days 大多时间25. the capital /president of 的首都、总统26. show respect to sb 表示对某人的尊重Module31. feel bored 感到无聊2. on TV 通过电视3. at all 根本4. hurt my knee 伤到我的膝盖5. watch the match 观看比赛6. play tennis 打网球7. be more enjoyable than 比更令人愉快8. stay at home 呆在家里9. look at 看着10. bad /good luck 倒霉,好运11. plenty of 大量的12. Olympic Games 奥运会13. practise doing sth 联系做某事14. play against 与对抗15. so that 以便16. warm up 热身17. beat sb 打败某人18. want to do better 想做的更好19. its important not to be late for 对不迟到也是重要的20. be pleased with 对满意21. be pleased to do 乐意做22. lose to sb 输给某人23. the final match 决赛24. hope to do 希望做25. feel confident to do sth 做某事感到自信26. cheer on 为欢呼、加油27. betweenand 在之间28. marathon race 马拉松赛29. over/more than 超过30. all over the world 全世界31. thousands of 数以千计的32. the good news 好消息Module41. except for 除之外2. so much traffic 车辆太多3. a bit 一点4. kind of 有点5. far from 离远6. close to 离近7. take the underground /by underground乘地铁8. the same as 与一样9. be different from 与不样10. the best way to do 做的做好方式11. fromto 从到12. plan to do sth 计划做某事13. the more information ,the better /the+比较级,the+比较级,越越14. a lot more expensive 贵得多15. it takes sb st to do sth 花费某人某时间做某事16. sth cost 某物花费17. sb spendon sth/ in doing sth 某人花费在某事上、做某事18. sb pay for sth 某人为某事花费19. cost as much as 与花费一样多20. have to 不得不21. wait for 等候22. at the airport 在机场23. because of 由于、因为24. bad/terrible weather 糟糕的天气25. the second cheapest 第二便宜26. in the world 在世界上27. traffic jam 交通拥堵28. heavy traffic 交通高峰Module51. offer to do sth 主动提出做某事2. drink tea 喝茶3. eat delicious food 品尝美食4. plan to do sth 计划5. in the end=at last 最后6. at the end of 在结束的时候7. hope to do sth 希望做某事8. no ideas 不知道9. a great writer 一位伟大的作家10. one of+形容词最高级+名词的复数 之一11. decide to do sth 决定做某事12. 普通人的生活13. the beginning/middle/end of the twentieth century 二十一世纪初期,中期,末期14. return to 返回到15. go back to 回到16. the Peoples Artist 人民艺术家17. traditional music 传统音乐18. 热烈欢迎某人19. all over the world 全世界20. magic show 魔术表演21. learn about 了解,知道22. at the same time 同时23. ancient Greek writers 古希腊作家24. send sth to sb=send sb sth 把某物寄、送给某人25. give sth to sb=give sb sth 把某物给某人26. lend sth to sb=lend sb sth 把某物借给某人27. show sth to sb=showe sb sth 把某物展示给某人看28. read sth to sb=read sb sth 把某物读给某人听29. buy sth for sb = buy sb sth 帮某人买某物30. bring sth for sb = bring sb sth 给某人带某物31. cook sth for sb = cook sb sth 帮某人煮某物32. make sth for sb = make sb sth 为某人制作某物Module 61. allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事2. get closer to them 更靠近他们3. think of 想到4. think about 考虑、5. in danger 处在危险中6. in peace 在和平中7. need to do sth 需要做某事8. wild animals 野生动物9. have a safe place to live 有安全的地方居住10. be growing bigger 逐渐扩大11. enough clean 足够干净12. make sth adj 使某物变得13. take away 夺走14. take up 占用15. take care小心,注意16. take care of 照顾17. look after 照顾18. find out 找出,查明,发现19. asas possible 尽可能20. help sb (to) do sth =help sb with sth 帮助某人做某事21. do a lot of research 做大量研究22. lose their homes 失去他们的家园23. there be left 有存活,留下来24. set up 创建,建立25. nature park 自然公园26. the southwest China 中国西南地区27. in order to 为了28. the World Wide Fund 世界基金会29. there will be sth to do sth 将会有某物做某事30. work hard 努力工作31. protect pandas 保护大熊猫32. in the wild 在野外33. its +形容词+of sb to do sth 某人做某事是的34. in the world 在世界上Module71. by the river 在河边2. a rabbit with a watch 一只揣着手表的兔子3. fall down 掉入4. fall off 从掉下5. in the tree 在树上(树上本身没有的)6. on the tree在树上(树上本身就有的) 7. have a tea party 开茶会8. smile at sb 对某人微笑9. arrive at/in=get to =reach 达到10. Alices Adventure in Wonderland 爱丽丝梦游仙境11. have nothing to do 没事可做12. take out of 拿出13. look out of 看出14. get out of 从出来15. look out 小心16. run /go across 跑过、穿过17. go through穿过18. think about 思考19. once and twice 偶尔20. nothing strange 没什么奇怪的21. in the past 在过去22. be passed from generation to generation 一代一代地被传下去23. not as entertaining as 没有那样令人愉快24. the Monkey King 美猴王25. fall asleep 睡着了Module81. look pale , taste /smell/feel/seem/sound+adj看起来脸色苍白2. listen to music 听音乐3. cross the road 过马路4. change to red 变成红色5. on his mobile phone 在用手机6. in time 及时7. on time 按时8. fall off 从高处掉下9. fall down 倒下10. fall into 掉进11. think about 考虑12. the risk of 的冒险13. pay attention to doing 注意做某事14. look forward to doing 期待做某事15. side by side 肩并肩16. face to face 面对面17. back to back 背靠背18. hand in hand 手拉手19. step by step 逐步地20. bite ones hand 咬在某人的手上21. climb out of 从爬出22. pick up 捡起,接23. take a photo 照相24. take a photo of /for 给照相25. hurry to hospital 赶紧去医院26. get worse 变得糟糕27. as soon as 一就28. the next day 第二天29. in pain 痛苦,疼痛30. in no time 及时,马上31. in a word 简而言之32. in case 万一33. take off 起飞34. as usual 跟往常一样35. have to 不得不36. a flock of 一群37. make a decision to do=make up ones mind to do 下定决心做某事 38. avoid a terrible disaster 避免一次严重的灾难39. keep calm 保持冷静40. on ones way to 在某人去的路上Module91. prepare for给准备2. get ready for 做准备3. growing population 增长的人口4. talk about 谈论5. too much traffic 太多的车辆6. be born 出生7. sb cant believe it 某人简直不敢相信8. one fifth , two fifths 五分之一9. hang on a minute 稍等片刻10. in the future 在未来11. a city with 有的一个城市12. move to 搬到,移到13. part of 的部分14. local school 当地的学校15. close down 关闭16. fresh air 新鲜空气17. public services 公共服务18. solve problems 解决问题19. some day 某一天20. in fact 事实上21. in all 总共,总计22. in public 当众,公开23. more and more people 越来越多的人24. more than= over 超过,多以25. as a result 结果26. be polluted 被污染27. stop the pollution 阻止污染28. save water 节约用水29. daily use 日常使用Module101. on the lake 在湖面上2. quite a lot 相当多3. as well=too=also也4. youd( had) better do sth 你最好做某事5. youd( had) better not do sth你最好不要做某事6. get warm 变暖7. 快点,加油8. choose carefully 谨慎选择9. travel around 到处旅游10. the best time to do sth is 做某事最好的时间是11. turn gold 变成金黄色12. take photos of 给照相13. all the year round 一年到头14. swimming clothes 游泳衣15. forget to do 忘记还问做16. forget doing 忘记已经做过17. 和相比18. to 把比作19. with 把和相比20. from time to time=at times=sometimes 有时,偶尔21. start to do 刚要开始做22. start doing 已经开始做23. any other + 名词单数 任何其他的24. other + 名词复数 其他的25. as if 好像26. from to 从到27. one of the wettest places in the world 世界上最潮湿的地方之一28. pay much for 为付很多钱29. a weekly travel card 一周旅游卡30. tourist authority 旅游机构Module111. What a surprise!太惊讶了2. at once=immediately =right away 立刻,马上3. accept the gifts with both hands 用双手接礼物4. in the west 在西方5. pay attention to sth/doing 注意某事、注意做某事6. Chinese traditions 中国传统7. tell me more 告诉我更多8. for example 例如9. do some cleaning 打扫卫生10. on the first day of the Spring Festival 在春节的第一天11. enjoy my stay 过得开心12. the English way of life 英国生活方式13. the first time 第一次14. each other 互相15. afternoon tea 下午茶16. tea with milk 加牛奶的茶17. traditional food 传统的食物18. take away 把带走19. push your way onto the bus 挤上公车20. need to do 需要做21. stand in line 排队22. cut in line 插队23. get on 上车24. get off 下车25. get to know 知道,认识26. be dead 已故27. make mistakes 犯错28. foreign country 外国Module121. broken glass 碎玻璃2. break the law 违法3. first aids 急救4. basic medical help 医疗救助5. at the bottom of 在的底部6. at the age of 在几岁时7. in pain 疼痛8. first of all =at first首先9. shout for help 大声呼叫10. lift up 举起,抬起,提前11. make sure 确信,确保12. so+adj that.如此以至于13. so+n that.如此以至于14. warn sb of/about/against sth 警告某人某事15. warn sb (not)to do sth 警告某人(不要)做某事16. jump out of 从跳出17. stay/keep/move away from 远离18. keep clear of fire 远离火19. be careful= watch out 小心,注意20. falling rocks 滚落的石头21. move to 移到,搬到22. keep calm 保持冷静23. in short 总之,简而言之24. in trouble=in danger 处在困境中25. learn about 了解,知道,获悉26. be proud of=take pride in 自豪,以为骄傲27. because of+名词、动名词 因为,由于 9 / 9


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