
上传人:tia****nde 文档编号:6439389 上传时间:2020-02-25 格式:PPT 页数:12 大小:396.50KB
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Unit3Languageinuse 单项选择 1 thereisgoingto abasketballmatchthisafternoon Iwon tgotowatchitbecauseI mverybusy 高频考点 A Though be butB Though be C have butD Though have B 2 Thestorywas interesting everyonewouldlistentoit A too toB enough toC so thatD such that 3 2016 泰安中考 Howdoyoulikeyournewschool Kate Itisverycleanandbeautiful itisabitsmall A ifB sinceC unlessD although C D 4 2016 龙东中考 LuHanis anexcellentactor mostteenagerslikehim 导学号 34094027 A such thatB so thatC too to 5 2016 青海中考 Hewas crazyaboutrockmusic healmostspentallhisfreetimelisteningtoit A too toB so thatC both and A B 6 2016 天水中考 Theelephanthas astrongbody itcandoheavyworkforpeople 导学号 34094028 A so thatB such thatC such so 7 Itwassnowinghard hestillwentout A butB thoughC sinceD so B A 8 Maryhad muchworktodothatshestayedatherofficeallday A suchB tooC soD to 9 Ifeltverytired Itriedtofinishtheworkontime A AsifB AlthoughC BecauseD Unless C B 10 MissGaoaskedaquestion butitwas thatnobodycouldanswerit A verydifficultB toodifficultC difficultenoughD sodifficult D 根据汉语意思完成下列句子 1 尽管他还小 但他知道得很多 heisyoung he alot 2 他说得太快了 以至于我跟不上他 Hespoke Icouldn tfollowhim 3 我能照料好我自己 我不能依靠其他任何人 Icanlookaftermyself Ican tdependon Although knows so fast that anybody else 4 他是如此聪明的一个男孩 以至于人人都喜欢他 Heis acleverboy everyonelikeshim 5 他的时间太少了 以至于他无法和你一起去看电影 Hehas gotothecinemawithyou such that so little time that he can t teenagers problem Joyis14yearsold Onedayherparentswentawayon3 soshehadto4 athomealone Atfirstshethoughtshewouldbehappybecauseherparentswerenotin Shecoulddoeverythingthatsheliked Butitwassixo clockintheafternoon andshefelt5 Oh it stimetohavesupper WherecanIgetmyfood shesaidto6 Latershe7 somefoodinthefridge butshedidn tknowhowtocook business 小 hungry herself found Atthatmoment she8 herparentsverymuch Atlastshewenttothesupermarketand9 somefoodtoeat ManyteenagersarethesameasJoy SoIthinktheyshouldlearnsomebasiclifeskills likecooking tidyinguptheirroomsordressingthemselvesproperly Theyshouldn t10 toomuchontheirparents missed bought depend

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