(江苏专用)2020高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Wish you were here练习(含解析)牛津译林版必修2.doc

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必修二 Unit 2 Wish you were here检测评价A卷.单项填空1(2019南京模拟)Sometimes tests are needed _ doctors discover exactly whats wrong with your body.Asince BbeforeCalthough Dif解析:选B句意:有时在医生准确发现你的身体出了什么问题之前做检查是必要的。since“因为,由于”;before“在之前”;although“虽然,尽管”;if“如果”。根据前后句的关系,可以判断出检查应在医生诊断之前,故选B。2My friend Miriam felt it was out of _ question for her to visit China without going to see the terracotta warriors, so I helped her arrange _ tour to Xian.A/; the Bthe; aC/; a Dthe; /解析:选B句意:我的朋友Miriam认为没有去看兵马俑来中国就毫无意义,所以我帮她安排了去西安的观光游。out of the question“不可能;根本谈不上”,out of question“毫无疑问”;tour是可数名词,这里指一次观光。故选B项。3They are college students and dont realize _ to start and run a pany.Awhat takes it Bwhat they takeCwhat it takes Dwhat takes them解析:选C考查宾语从句。句意:他们是大学生,没有意识到创办和经营一家公司需要付出什么。动词realize后是宾语从句,要用陈述语序。表示“花费某人做某事”用it takes sb. .to do sth.,此处指“付出什么”是特殊疑问句,应用what引导。故选C。4_ you lose the paper document, sign in . sina. , _ you might download all you need.AIf; which BSo long as; whatCIn case; where DEven if; as解析:选C句意:以防你丢失纸质文档,你可以在新浪网注册,在那里下载你需要的一切。if“如果”;so long as“只要”;in case“以防万一”;even if“即使,尽管”。根据句意可知第一空使用in case,第二空是一个定语从句,从句的句子结构很完整,故使用关系副词where引导这个定语从句,修饰先行词。故选C项。5Everybody stopped talking and became quiet, for the footsteps _ the return of the boss.Aannounced BdeclaredCconfirmed Dexplained解析:选A后一分句句意:脚步声预示着老板回来了。announce在此指“报告或预示到来”。declare一般指在正式场合宣布官方的立场或态度等;confirm“确认,证实”;explain“解释”,均不合题意。6The 13th FiveYear Plan said a system _ to protect peoples secrets on line.Awould be developed Bhas been developedCwas developed Dhad been developed解析:选A句意:十三五计划中写道:一种系统将被开发来保护人们在网络上的秘密。根据时态一致,此处应用过去将来时。7It is reported that the Shanghai auto show stops using models.How about yours?We will _.Afollow suit Bsink or swimCset eyes on it Dget to the bottom of it解析:选A句意:“据报道上海车展停止使用模特了。你们的呢?”“我们将仿效。”follow suit“仿效,跟着做”;sink or swim“自己努力,以求生存”;set eyes on it“看见它,注意到它”;get to the bottom of it“找到起因,挖出祸根”。根据句意A项符合语境。8Brooklyn designer Andrew Hill designed an amazing map that _ every river running through America and shows what direction it flows in.Areveals BremindsCrecalls Dreflects解析:选A句意:布鲁克林设计师安德鲁希尔设计出一张神奇的地图,上面标明了美国境内的每一条河及其流向。reveal“揭示,显示”,符合句意。remind“提醒”;recall“回忆”;reflect“反映”。9At our training center,we create an enjoyable English language _. One can feel as if he is studying in an Englishspeaking country.Aharmony BatmosphereCexistence Dcondition解析:选B句意:在我们的培训中心,我们创造了愉快的英语语言氛围。人们可以感觉到他正在一个讲英语的国家学习。 atmosphere在此句中意思是“气氛,氛围”,此处an enjoyable English language atmosphere指“一个愉快的英语语言氛围”。10(2019常熟高三质检)I _ put the phone back into my pocket _ you reminded me when the teacher approached. Ashould; if Bwould have; hadChadnt; would Dcould have; if解析:选B句意:当老师靠近时,如果你能提醒我,我就会把手机放进口袋。此句是省略if的非真实条件句,根据句意可知与过去的事实相反,故选B。11(2019苏锡常镇模拟)Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves;_, they remain trapped.Abesides BthereforeChowever Dinstead解析:选B句意:人们迫切想改变自己的处境,却不愿意改变自我,因此,他们深陷困境。therefore“因此”,符合句意。12When we got to the cinema, there were no tickets left. We should have booked _.Ain the end Bin advanceCbefore long Dlong before解析:选B 句意:当我们到达电影院时票已经卖完了。我们本应该提前订票的。in advance“预先,提前”,符合语境。in the end“最后”;before long“不久”;long before“很久以前”。13. (2019常熟质检)No one _ cheat or help others cheat in the exam.Ashall BwillCmust Dneed解析:选A句意:在考试中没有人愿意作弊或帮助别人作弊。shall用于第二、三人称表示说话人的心愿; will表示主语的心愿。故选A。14At first, John was _ of planes, but two years later, _ to other countries on business is his main business.Ascared; flying Bfrightening; flightCfrightened; flight Dscaring; flying解析:选A句意:起初,约翰害怕坐飞机,但是两年后,坐飞机去其他国家出差是他的主要业务。be scared of表示“害怕”;flying to .意为“坐飞机去”,动名词短语作主语。15(2019苏州质检)Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away _.Afleeing the thief Bwas fleeing the thiefCthe thief was fleeing Dfled the thief解析:选D考查倒装。away为副词在句首时,句子用倒装,排除A、C两项。flee意为“逃跑”,是说一个瞬间的事,不用进行时,答案为D。.完形填空Most people need to hear those “three little words” I love you. Once in a while, they hear them just in time.I met Connie on the day when she was _1_ to the hospice ward (病房), where I worked as a volunteer. Her husband, Bill, stood _2_ nearby as she was _3_ from the gurney (轮床) to the hospital bed. _4_ Connie was in the final stages of her fight against cancer, she was optimistic and cheerful. I finished _5_ her name on all the hospital supplies she would be using.Connie was a romantic. As we became _6_, she expressed how _7_ it was to be married 32 years to a carpenter who often called her “a silly woman”. “Id give anything if hed say I love you, but its just not in his _8_,” she sighed.Bill visited Connie every day. One day, over coffee in the cafeteria, I got him on the _9_ of women and how we need _10_ in our lives; how we love to get sentimental (富有情感的) cards and love letters.“Do you tell Connie you love her?” I asked, and he looked at me _11_ I was crazy.“I dont have to.” he said, “She knows I do!”“Im sure she knows,” I said, reaching over and touching his _12_ hands, “but she needs to hear it, Bill, she needs to hear what she has _13_ to you all these years.”Two days later I walked down the hospice ward at noon. There stood Bill, leaning up against the _14_ in the hallway, _15_ at the floor. I already knew from the head nurse that Connie had died at 11 AM. When Bill saw me, he _16_ himself to e into my arms for a long time.His face was wet with tears and he was _17_. Finally, he leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath.“I have to say something,” he said. “I have to say how _18_ I feel about telling her.” He stopped to blow his nose. “This morning I told her how much I loved her . and loved being married to her. You _19_ have seen her smile!”I went into the room to say my own good bye to Connie. There, on the bedside table, was a large Valentine card from Bill. You know, the sentimental kind that _20_, “To my wonderful wife . I love you.”语篇解读:大多数人需要听到那“三个小字”我爱你。有时他们就会在最需要的时候听到。本文讲述了比尔在妻子康妮临终前对妻子最后的表白。1A.objected BdeterminedCforced Dadmitted解析:选D我在康尼住进收容所病房的那天见到了她。admit意为“接受入院,收治;准许进入”;object意为“反对,不赞成”;determine意为“决定,下决心”;force意为“强迫,迫使”。2A.numbly BcasuallyCimpatiently Dnervously解析:选D她的丈夫比尔焦虑不安地站在旁边。nervously意为“焦虑地,担忧地”;numbly意为“麻木地”;casually意为“随意地,漫不经心地”;impatiently意为“急躁地,不耐烦地”。3A.transferred BtransformedCprevented Dprotected解析:选A当她从轮床被抬上病床时。transfer意为“转移,迁移;移交”;transform意为“改变,改观,改善”;prevent意为“预防,防止,阻止”;protect意为“保护,防护”。4A.As BSinceCThough DBecause解析:选C虽然康妮处于和癌症搏斗的晚期,但她既乐观又快乐。though意为“尽管,虽然”;as意为“当时候;因为”;since意为“自从;既然,由于”;because意为“因为,由于”。5A.sculpturing BmarkingCannouncing Dsigning解析:选B我在医院提供给她使用的所有用品上标上她的名字。mark意为“标示,做记号”;sculpture意为“雕刻,雕塑”;announce意为“宣布,通知”;sign意为“签名,打手势”。6A.acquainted BconsistentCarbitrary Dconsiderate解析:选A随着我们越来越熟悉。acquainted意为“了解的,熟悉的”;consistent意为“一致的,一贯的”;arbitrary意为“武断的,任性的”;considerate意为“考虑周到的”。7A.crazy BdelightedCsatisfied Dupset解析:选D她向我表示说,跟一个经常叫她“傻女人”的木匠生活了32年有多么沮丧。upset意为“苦恼的,心烦的,沮丧的”;crazy意为“疯狂的”;delighted意为“高兴的,愉快的”;satisfied意为“满足的,满意的”。8A.character BtalentCnature Dvirtue解析:选C“如果他说声我爱你,我愿意付出一切,可这根本不是他的性格。”她叹了口气。nature意为“性格,天性”;character意为“个性,性格”;talent意为“天赋,才干”;virtue意为“美德;优点”。9A.target BsubjectCpoint Dobject解析:选B一天,在自助餐厅喝咖啡时,我设法和比尔谈起女人这个话题。subject意为“主题,话题”;target意为“目标,对象,靶子”;point意为“观点,看法”;object意为“物体,目标,对象”。10A.sympathy BwarmthCfort Dromance解析:选D生活中我们多么需要浪漫。romance意为“浪漫,爱意,温馨”;sympathy意为“同情,同情心”;warmth意为“温暖,热情”;fort意为“舒适,安慰”。11A.even if Bas thoughCif only Din case解析:选B“你跟康妮说你爱她吗?”我问道,他瞧着我,就好像我疯了。as though意为“仿佛,好像”;even if意为“即使,纵然”;if only意为“但愿”;in case意为“以防万一”。12A.rough BsmoothCdelicate Dclumsy解析:选A我伸出手,触摸着他那双粗糙的手。rough意为“粗糙的,不光滑的”;smooth意为“光滑的,平滑的”;delicate意为“娇贵的;精致的”;clumsy意为“笨拙的”。13A.appealed BtakenCmeant Dsubmitted解析:选C可是她需要听到它,比尔。她需要听到所有这些年来她对你意味什么。mean意为“意思是,意味着”;appeal意为“有吸引力;恳求,呼吁”;take意为“拿,取;携带”;submit意为“提交;屈服”。14A.window BwallCbed Dtable解析:选B两天后的中午时分,我顺着收容所病房过道向前走着。比尔站在那里,靠着墙。后文的“he leaned back against the wall”是提示。15A.glancing BstaringCweeping Dpraying解析:选B比尔站在那里,靠着墙,凝视着地面。stare意为“凝视,盯着看”;glance意为“瞥,扫视”;weep意为“哭泣,流泪”;pray意为“祈祷,祷告”。16A.involved BoccupiedCallowed Ddevoted解析:选C比尔看见我后,让我拥抱了他许久。allow意为“允许,准许”;involve意为“包含,涉及;使卷入”;occupy意为“占用,占领”;devote意为“奉献,投入”。17A.trembling BmourningCregretting Daching解析:选A他满脸泪水,浑身颤抖。tremble意为“发抖,颤抖”;mourn意为“哀悼,悼念”;regret意为“后悔,遗憾”;ache意为“疼痛,渴望”。18A.sorry BconfusedCdoubtful Drelieved解析:选D“我有话非说不可,”他说道。“我得说,对她说出来,感觉真是如释重负。”relieved意为“宽慰的,安心的”;sorry意为“抱歉的,遗憾的”;confused意为“困惑的,混乱的”;doubtful意为“怀疑的,疑惑的”。19A.would BshouldCcould Dmight解析:选B今天早上我对她说我多么爱她我多么珍惜和她结为夫妻。你真该看看她的笑容!should have done意为“本应该做某事”;would have done意为“本来要做某事”;could have done意为“本能够做某事”;might have done意为“本可能做某事”。20A.writes BexplainsCconveys Dunderlines解析:选C我看见,床头桌上放着一张比尔给她的大大的情人节贺卡就是那种充满柔情蜜意的贺卡,上面写着:“给我出色的妻子我爱你。”convey意为“表达,传达”;write意为“写,书写”;explain意为“解释,说明”;underline意为“在下面画线;强调,凸显”。.任务型阅读(2019盐城期中调研)These days, it should e as no surprise that improving highereducation outes requires limiting high ambition with sometimes harsh (严峻的) realism. Students need more options and pathways to success, and more active guidance toward the best decisions considering their individual prospects and labormarket realities.Weve tried to keep all doors open for all students, but weve created a system that provides inadequate guidance and poor options for many, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Many of them arrive at college unprepared for academic work, burdened by financial difficulties and a lack of knowledge of the world of higher education, and bound to work fulltime to support their families.The characteristics of the institutions students from disadvantaged backgrounds attend often worsen their difficulties. munity and technical colleges receive too little funding from states. They also face too low a motive to respond to labor market forces by expanding capacity in occupational or workforce programs in fields with strong labor market demand.In addition, many institutions provide students with too little structure, allowing them to wander aimlessly, with little direction or knowledge of what they want to do, and with very little academic or career consulting to guide them. Thus, many end up in general studies. Choosing a path to a certificate or associate degree in a highdemand occupation increases a students chances of earning a qualification with high labor market value, but most are never told of these possibilities.Changing these outes will require more and better supports for students with barriers to overe, but it will also require strengthening institutions so they have the structure and the resources needed to promote success among their students. It will require helping students make better choices about which college to attend and what to study and about whether a purely academic path right after high school is best for them.Evidence is accumulating that restructuring developmental education, by tailoring requirements to what students plan to study and integrating this work with forcredit classes, can increase academic success.More dollars for students to cover their expenses are, of course, important. But simplifying the financialaid system, making it more flexible and building in better motives for student performance could make it much more effective. Experiments that allow financial aid to be used for noncredit programs in highdemand fields, with carefully designed limits to protect program quality and integrity, have the potential to strengthen opportunities for students.Early education for all students about careers and the labor market is essential to helping students reach their goals, as is developing a range of highquality career and technical pathways that start in high school including apprenticeships (学徒) and other forms of workbased learning so students with weaker academic skills can also earn qualifications and get good jobs.Policy makers and postsecondary institutions have a responsibility to implement constructive change; opening the doors of college to all who can benefit is a good start but its far from sufficient. We must meet students where they are and recognize the impact of their circumstances on their chances for success.Passage outlineSupporting detailsIntroductionHarsh reality (1)_ to students difficulty in reaching their expectations, so it is necessary to offer students extra help.The problems (2)_on the way tostudents successHigher education system makes it hard for students to (3)_ to college environment.(4)_ of funding and motive to respond to labor market challenges the institutions.Students do not have (5)_ to adequate structure, direction, knowledge and academic or career consulting in many institutions.Extra help wecan providefor students(6)_ supports for students, institutions should have structure and resources to help students make better choices and achieve success.Developmental education is supposed to be restructured, from which students can (7)_ a lot.Making the financialaid system (8)_ and flexible will have positive effects on students getting opportunities.Early education regarding careers and the labor market is a (9)_ to help students with weaker academic skills reach their goals.Policy makers and institutions should be responsible for (10)_ to students and recognize the impact of circumstances on success.答案:1.adds/contributes2existing/occurring/appearing/arising3.adapt/adjust4Lack/Shortage5.access6.Besides7.benefit8simple9.must/necessity10.catering检测评价B卷阅读理解AThe Metropolitan Museum of Art1000 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 100282115357710 .metmuseum.orgEntrancesFifth Avenue at 82nd StreetHoursOpen 7 days a week.Sunday Thursday 10:0017:30Friday and Saturday 10:0021:00Closed Thanksgiving Day, December 25, January 1, and the first Monday in May.Admission25.00 remended for adults, 12.00 remended for students, includes the Main Building and The Cloisters (回廊) on the same day; free for children under 12 with an adult.Free with AdmissionAll special exhibitions, as well as films, lectures, guided tours, concerts, gallery talks, and family/childrens programs are free with admission.Ask about todays activities at the Great Hall Information Desk.The Cloisters Museum and GardensThe Cloisters museum and gardens is a branch of The Metropolitan Museum of Art devoted to the art and architecture of Europe in the Middle Ages. The extensive collection consists of masterworks in sculpture, colored glass, and precious objects from Europe dating from about the 9th to the 15th century.Hours:_Open 7 days a week.March October 10:0017:15November February 10:0016:45Closed Thanksgiving Day, December 25, and January 1.语篇解读:本文主要介绍了纽约大都会艺术博物馆及其分馆修道院博物馆和花园的相关信息。1How much may they pay if an 11yearold girl and her working parents visit the museum?A12. B37.C50. D62.解析:选C细节理解题。根据“25.00 remended for adults, 12.00 remended for students, includes the Main Building and The Cloisters (回廊) on the same day; free for children under 12 with an adult.”可知,一个11岁的女孩和她的在职父母一起来参观博物馆应该支付25250美元。故选项C正确。2The attraction of the Cloisters museum and gardens lies in the fact that _.Ait opens all the year roundBits collections date from the Middle AgesCit has a modern Europeanstyle gardenDit sells excellent European glass collections解析:选B细节理解题。根据最后一段可知,修道院博物馆和花园的吸引力在于它有很多中世纪的藏品。故选项B符合题意。B(2019淮安高三模拟)As the nights get longer, those who suffer from the winter blues (冬季忧郁症) will be planning ways to escape to the sunshine. But there may be a much simpler way of cheering yourself up .simply by shining a bright light into your ear canal.Up to one in four Britons suffers from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), with seven percent of the population having fullblown SAD. It is caused by the brain not receiving enough daylight which is needed to produce serotonin, a hormone that regulates moods. Symptoms range from being mildly sleepy to depression and insomnia, but a cure might be in sight.Two clinical trials, run by Valkee who makes a device that can shine light into your ear and the University of Oulu in Finland, have found that carefully targeted light can help prevent the condition.Juuso Nissil, Valkees cofounder and chief scientist said, “We presented earlier that the human brain is sensitive to light. These two clinical trials demonstrate that channeling bright light via the ear canal into the brains photosensitive areas effectively prevents and treats seasonal affective disorder.”The University of Oulu reported that in their first study, 92 percent of the patients with seasonal affective disorder achieved full remission (缓解) after a month of daily 8 to 12minute doses of light from Valkee.Timo Takala, chief physician at the Oulu Deaconess Institute said, “These two trials show that bright light channeled into the brain via the ear canal is an important future method of treating seasonal affective disorder.”Valkee launched its bright light headset in August 2010. It is classed as a medical device under EU regulations.The device channels bright light direct to the brain via the ear canal to prevent and cure depression, mood swings and even circadian rhythm disorders such as jet lag.It costs 185 and looks like an iPod only the earphones emit light rather than sound.Anyone wanting to copy the effects with a flashlight is likely to be disappointed, it emits the wrong kind of light that is apparently too yellow.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。一项新的研究表明,将一束亮光射进你的耳道就能让你的心情好起来。3What can be inferred from the first two paragraphs?ALight as well as sound is essential for curing SAD.BReceiving enough daylight makes for a good mood.CTheres a long way to go for curing SAD thoroughly.DThe number of Britons having SAD continues growing.解析:选B推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Up to one in four Britons suffers from . a hormone that regulates moods”可知,如果大脑未接收到足够的阳光,这会影响身体产生一种能够调节情绪的荷尔蒙,进而引起季节性情感障碍,故可推知,充足的阳光会促成愉快的心情,故B项正确。4What can the bright light headset do?AProduce more serotonin to reduce winter blues.BHelp one to recover from physical problems.CMake people in a low mood feel better.DTurn yellow light into bright light.解析:选C细节理解题。根据全文内容,尤其是倒数第三段“The device channels bright light direct to . disorders such as jet lag”可知,这种装置会使情绪低落的人的心情变好。5What can be the best title of the passage?AShine a light in your ear brighten your mood in winterBKeep the sunshine in your heart enjoy a colorful lifeCThe most efficient way to prevent and cure SADDThe harmful effects caused by SAD解析:选A标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了一项新的研究发现:将一速亮光射进耳道就能让人们的心情好起来。故A项作文章标题最为贴切。C(2019南通、扬州、泰州、淮安三调测试)Larger Brain Size Linked to Longer Life in DeerThe size of a female animals brain may determine whether they live longer and have more healthy offspring (后代), according to new research led by the University of Cambridge.The study, published in the Royal Society Open Science journal, shows that female red deer with larger brains live longer and have more surviving offspring than those with smaller brains. Brain size is passed down through the generations. This is the first extensive study of individual differences in brain size in wild mam


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