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五、读写任务类 议论文典例请阅读下面短文,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。When we read newspapers,we often e across such English words as “AIDS” and “PK”. When we watch TV,we frequently hear words like “NBA” or “PM2.5”. When we speak,we automatically use words like “OUT” or “Bye-bye”. English words and expressions like these are getting popular.They have already bee part of our daily language.And 239 English words have been included in the latest Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese.The inclusion has started a heated discussion.A group of scholars signed a letter of plaint over the inclusion of these English words,which,they think,goes against Chinese language policies.They not only worry that Chinese is borrowing an increasing number of English words but are also concerned that the inclusion may hurt the dignity of the Chinese language.However,others are in favor of the inclusion because it is hard to say whether it will threaten the Chinese language.They believe the selection is mostly a result of their function and use in daily life.写作内容1.用约30个单词写出上文概要;2.用约120个单词发表你的观点,内容包括:(1)支持或反对汉语词典收录英语词汇;(2)用2-3个理由或论据支撑你的观点。写作要求1.可以支持文中任一观点,但必须提供理由或论据;2.阐述观点或提供论据时,不能直接引用原文语句;3.作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;4.不必写标题。评分标准内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。满分作文Today,more and more English words find their way into the Chinese language.Even the Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese includes 239 English words.Some people support it while others do not.Generally,I am in favor of the inclusion.As the number of English learners is on the rise,its not difficult for them to understand these words in Chinese contexts.Besides,it is,on some occasions,more convenient to use English words.Most people nowadays use “IT” instead of its translation “xinxi jishu”. In our global village,we can see that its not unmon for one language to borrow words from other languages.In English,there are many words borrowed from Latin,French,or even Chinese.In fact,Chinese has never stopped taking words from other languages,say,“ganbu” or “minzhu” from Japanese.So,its safe to conclude that it is reasonable to include English which facilitates daily munication.阅卷老师点评本篇读写任务型文体是议论文,写的是支持汉语词典收录英语词汇的观点。本文第一段先用30个词概括出大意,第二段发表了自己支持的观点,并且举了两个例子。第三段总结自己的观点。整个文章有理有据,结构紧凑,衔接自然顺畅。1.高级词汇和短语:find their way into;include;in favor of;on the rise;besides的使用让文章焕然一新。2.句式丰富多彩while连接两个并列句子,表示“对比”关系;as 引导时间状语从句;it 作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式;which 引导的限制性定语从句的使用,让文章具有可读性,显示了作者较厚实的英语功底。议论文读写任务型作文指的是根据阅读材料所描述的某一事件、现象、观点或话题发表个人观点、意见和建议的一类读写任务,其实质就是要求考生根据题目要求写议论文。英语议论文有其独特的框架结构,能让读者迅速捕捉作者的观点和思路。一、开门见山引出论点在文章开头,通过主题句鲜明提出观点或引出将要论述的内容,防止在论述的过程中跑题。常用的句式有:过渡/引出话题There is no doubt that.It can not be denied that.No one can ignore the fact that.From what is mentioned above,we know.提出观点From my point of view .As far as I am concerned .I hold the view/belief that .Personally,I believe that .表达立场Actually,I am in favour of the idea that .In some way,I am against the thought that .二、多种形式展示论据议论文在写作手法上以议论为主,如通过对比观点、阐述原因、列举例子等,但有时也要运用说明、叙述、描写等手法。议论中的说明常为议论的开展创造条件或是议论的补充;叙述和描写应是为论点提供依据,因此,叙述应该是概括的,描写应该是简要的。常用的句式有:总述原因There are several reasons that contribute to.My views are based on the following reasons.分层论述To begin with/First of all.Besides/Furthermore.Finally/Last but not least.On the one hand.on the other hand.For one thing.for another.列举例子Take.for example.For example/instance.引出经历It reminds me of the time when.What impresses me most is that.分析因果Thanks to/Owing to/Because of.Consequently/Therefore/Thus/As a result.讨论后果Just imagine what would be like if there were no.三、总结升华,重申观点在文中或文末,考生可以用不同的语言重申主题或提出解决问题的建议,从而使文章结构严谨、主题鲜明。常用的句式有:1To sum up/In short/In conclusion/On the whole/All in all.2Taking all the factors into account,we can draw a conclusion that.3From the discussion above,it can be safely concluded that.4Therefore,it is necessary for us to.5To be brief,we should be aware of the importance of.6Only when we./Only by.,can we.四、议论文概括的时候常用模版:1The essay/passage/author highlights the importance of encouragement for students.2The essay/passage/author argues in support of.,stating that.3The essay/passage/author outlines the harmful effects of smoking.4The article gives the view that.should/shouldnt.(主题).(补充论据)5The passage highlights the importance of.五、议论文读写任务常用句型:1表示赞成的句型:(1)I do agree with the author.(2)I cant agree with what the writer said more.(3)I share the same idea with the author.(4)I am in favor of the idea.2表示反对的句型:(1)I dont agree with the writer.(2)Im strongly against the writers idea.(3)Generally,I tend to take the “Against” side.(4)Im opposed to the authors opinion.(5)I object to the authors opinion.(2018镇江期末)With their sauces and sachets of dried meat and vegetables,instant noodles were once the bedrock of Chinas convenience food,but their sales had declined drastically in recent years.In 2013,sales of instant noodles on the Chinese mainland surpassed more than 46.2 billion packets,according to the World Instant Noodles Association.However,by 2016 sales had dropped to just 38.5 billion packets.Zhang Xin,associate professor with Department of Economics and Finance at Tongji University,says the shrinking migrant population has damaged the industry as they are one of the largest groups of instant noodle consumers.The explosive growth of Chinas high-speed railway networks turns out to be unexpected enemy of the instant noodle industry.“Trains were once an important market for instant noodles,but railway stations are ordering less and less instant noodles these days,” says Long Shuhai,an instant noodle distributor in Yunnan Province.The rise of food delivery has also played a role in the declining fortunes of the instant noodle industry.The instant noodle industry is trying to regain its lost glory through developing more flavors.It is also upgrading products to change peoples perception of instant noodles as a “low-end” product.写作内容1用约30个单词写出上文概要;2用约120个单词就“方便面能否重现昔日辉煌”这一话题,阐述你的看法,并用23个理由或论据支撑你的看法。写作要求1写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3不必写标题。评分标准内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。参考范文The sales of instant noodles have declined sharply,which can be attributed to several factors,the decrease in migrant population being the chief one.However,the instant noodle industry is striving to revive.Such factors can be summarized as follows.Firstly,the migrant population consuming instant noodles is being smaller and the consumption of instant noodles falls accordingly.Secondly,the railway networks grow rapidly,shortening peoples time on trains and making it unnecessary for them to have instant noodles.Last but not least,food delivery is springing up,which allows people to order online whatever they want in no time.From my perspective,the instant noodle industry is unlikely to be restored to its former glory.For one thing,with instant noodles considered junk food,people attach more importance to life quality and tend to choose healthier food.For another,the food delivery boom brings people much convenience and satisfies their diverse needs for diets.


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