江苏省2019高考英语 第二部分 语法核心突破 第三课时 介词和介词短语练习(含解析).doc

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江苏省2019高考英语 第二部分 语法核心突破 第三课时 介词和介词短语练习(含解析).doc_第1页
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第三课时介词和介词短语感 悟 高 考1.When you drive through the Redwood Forests in California, you will be _ trees that are over 1,000 years old.(2017天津卷)A.among B.againstC.behind D.below答案A句意:当你开车穿过加利福尼亚的红木森林时,你将会穿梭于超过千年历史的树木之间。be among 位于之间;be against 反对;be behind 在后面;be below在之下。根据句意,故选A。2.Many people who live along the coast make a living _ fishing industry.(2017北京卷)A.at B.in C.on D.by答案B句意:许多住在海边上的人都是靠渔业来谋生的。此处用介词in,不用by,因为by后面通常接做什么事情来谋生,此处是指在捕鱼这个行业里谋生,用in,故选B。3.That young man is honest,cooperative,always there when you need his help._,hes reliable.(2016浙江卷)A.Or else B.In shortC.By the way D.For one thing答案B句意:那个年轻人是诚实的,合作的,总是当你需要他的时候就帮助你。总之,他是可靠的。or else 否则。in short 总之;by the way 顺便说;for one thing 一方面。 根据句意,答案为B。4.Many of the things we now benefit from would not be around _ Thomas Edison.(2015江苏卷)A.thanks to B.regardless ofC.aside from D.but for答案D句意:如果没有托马斯爱迪生的话,我们现在所受益的许多东西是不会出现的。thanks to幸亏,由于;regardless of不管,不顾;aside from除了,除以外;but for要不是,如果没有的话。要 点 精 析1.表示方位的at, in, on, to, beside/by和near介词用法示例at一般指在较小的地方I met him at the shop.in一般指在较大的地方,或在某一范围内They arrived in Beijing yesterday.Shandong Province lies in the east of China.on一般指在物体的表面,或相邻并接壤的两个地域The picture is hanging on the wall.Vietnam is on the south of China.to表示某范围外不接壤的两位置Jiangsu Province is to the southeast of Hebei Province. beside /by“在的旁边”She was standing beside her mother.There is a small house by the river.near“接近;靠近”There is a supermarket near my home.2.表示方位的between和among介词用法示例between在两者或每两者之间I sat down between Sue and Jane.among在三者或三者以上之间The teacher was standing among the students.3.表示方位的across, through, over和past介词用法示例across从的表面穿过He walked across the square to meet us.through从的内部穿过The guide led us through the forest.over从的上面跨过The thief jumped over the fence and fled away.past从的旁边经过She walked past the shop.4.表示时间点的at, in和on介词用法示例at表示在某个时间点、时刻或重大节日at 9:00/at noon/at daybreak/at Christmasin表示在某个较长的时间内,如世纪、朝代或年月;泛指的上午、下午、傍晚in the 21st century/in September/in the morningon表示在具体某一天或具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上on 2nd, September/on the morning of 1st, May5.表示时间段的for和since介词用法示例for“for时间段”意为“多长时间”,表示动作持续的时间长短,一般作完成时、过去时或将来时的时间状语He has lived in the small village for five years.I studied in Peking University for 4 years.since“since时间点”意为“自从(过去某时)以来”,作完成时的时间状语He has worked in this pany since graduation.Tom has been doing his homework since 7 oclock.6.表示交通方式的by, in和on介词用法示例by“by名词”表示交通方式时,名词前不加冠词My brother usually goes to school by bike.in/onin/on后的名词必须有冠词或代词等修饰My father often goes to work in his car/on his bicycle.7.表示“用”的by, in和with介词用法示例by指“靠手段,用方法,凭借”,后可接名词、代词或动名词He made a living by selling newspapers when he was young.in多用于表示语言、材料的名词前All the applicants are required to fill in the form in ink.with多用于表示有形的工具或身体器官的名词前They are busy digging with spades.8.表示“除外”的except, except for和besides介词用法示例except表示“除之外(其他的都)”,其后的宾语是被排除在外的,侧重同类事物的排除All my friends took part in the party except John. except for其后被排除的内容与主语往往不是同一类的His position is good except for a few spelling mistakes.besides表示“除之外(其他的也)”,其后的宾语是被包括在内的He has learned German and French besides English.9.其他常考介词的用法(1)against的用法含义示例(表示态度)反对An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the mittee members are against it.(表示对比)以为背景The skiers red clothes stood out clearly against the snow.(表示方位)倚靠着The girl was leaning against the wall with her arms folded.(2)beyond的用法含义示例(表示位置)在另一边,在更远处The small village is 20 miles beyond the town.(表示时间)晚于He delayed the matter beyond the fixed time.(表示程度)超出,非所能及To be acknowledged as the first to receive this honor is beyond expression in words for me.(3)over的用法含义示例(表示方位)越过The airplane flew over the mountains and disappeared in the distance.(表示等级或数目)高于,在之上,超过He has got the job because he has the advantage over others of knowing many languages.(表示时间或过程)在期间Im sorry I didnt phone you, but Ive been very busy over the past couple of weeks.(4)to的用法含义示例(表示方向、距离)到,向,去I was on the way to the railway station.(表示时间)直到为止,到He wakes at a quarter to six every morning.(表示比较、比例、参照)与相比,相对于而言I prefer oranges to apples.(表示对象关系)属于,对,给The hospital is attached to the university.达到(某一点或某个限度)Temperatures dropped to 25 degrees below zero.(5)under的用法含义示例在下面,在之下She placed the ladder under the window.在过程中The possibility of employing more staff is still under discussion.(数字、数量、年龄或价格)低于,少于,在以下These toys are not suitable for children under five.受影响Shes been under a lot of pressure at work.(6)with的用法含义示例和一起,和,同,跟Would you like to go shopping with me?(表示同时或同一方向)随着With time going by, the little tree has grown up.具有,带有The dictionary is what I want, but I dont have enough money with me.由于,因为He trembled with fear.(表示方式)用He cut it with a knife.1.介词与名词的常用搭配(1)atn.表示状态at a loss 不知所措 at peace 处于和平中at war 在战争中 at work 在工作(2)其他以at开头的介词短语at the beginning of 在的开始at the cost of 以的代价at the risk of 冒的危险at the mercy of 在支配下(3)onn.表示状态on exhibition/show 在展出on fire 着火on sale 出售,打折on the way 在途中on the decrease/increase 在减少/在增加on holiday/vacation 在度假on duty/guard 在值班/站岗(4)其他以on开头的介词短语on account of 因为on no account/condition 决不on behalf of 代表(5)byn.表示方式by accident 偶然 by air/plane 乘飞机by chance 偶然 by coincidence 碰巧by hand 用手工 by mistake 错误地by the day 按天算 by nature 天生地(6)inn.表示方式in cash 用现金付款 in width 在宽度上in depth 在深度上 in detail 详细地in size 在大小上 in height 在高度上in length 在长度上 in English 用英语(7)其他以in开头的介词短语in need of 需要 in no case 决不in no time 立刻 in no way 决不in place of 代替in possession of 拥有,占有in addition to 另外in response to 作为回应in spite of 尽管in favor of 支持,赞成in case of 万一;如果;假如in celebration of 为庆祝in control of 管理;控制;操纵in honour of 为向表示敬意in memory of 为了纪念in support of 为支持in the charge of 在的管理下in the direction of 在方向in the face of 面对in charge of 掌管in return 作为回报in exchange for 作为交换(8)ofn.表示特征(等于相应的形容词)of benefit 有益处的 of help 有帮助的of use 有用的 of value 有价值的of importance 重要的of significance 有意义的(9)out ofn.表示状态out of balance 失去平衡out of breath 上气不接下气out of control 不受控制out of date 过期out of debt 不欠债out of order 出故障out of shape 走样,不成形out of sight 看不到out of the question 不可能out of work 失业(10)undern.表示被动under attack 遭到袭击under pressure 在压力下under control 处于控制之中under construction 在建造中under discussion 在讨论中under treatment 在治疗中(11)withn.表示方式with delight/joy 高兴地with ease 轻而易举地with pleasure 乐意地with difficulty 困难地with fear 害怕地(12)beyondn.表示“超出,难以”beyond pare 无与伦比beyond reach 够不到beyond description 难以描述beyond doubt 不用怀疑,确实地beyond expression/words 难以表达2.介词与形容词的常用搭配(1)beadj.aboutbe anxious about 忧虑be curious about 对好奇be particular about 对讲究/挑剔be worried/concerned about 对担心(2)beadj.atbe angry at 因生气be astonished at 对吃惊be present at 出席be disappointed at 对失望be good at 擅长(3)beadj.inbe absorbed in 专注于be active in 积极于be dressed in 穿着be rich in 富含be interested in 对感兴趣be involved in 包括在中,被卷入be engaged in 忙于be occupied in 忙于(4)beadj.forbe eager for 渴望be fit for 适合,胜任be ready for 准备好be thankful for 因而感激be anxious for 急切盼望,渴望be prepared for 为做好准备be famous for 以著名be hungry for 渴望be sorry for 对感到抱歉(5)beadj.frombe absent from 缺席be different from 不同于be far from 远离be free from 不受影响(6)beadj.to be close to 接近be contrary to 与相反be devoted to 致力于be equal to 等于be familiar to 对来说熟悉be friendly to 对友好be good to 对有好处be grateful to 对心存感激be harmful to 对有危害be kind to 对友好be opposed to 反对be similar to 与相似be/get used to (变得)习惯于(7)beadj.ofbe aware of 意识到be full of 充满be short of 缺乏be ashamed of 为感到羞耻be fond of 喜欢be proud of 因而自豪be tired of 厌烦(8)beadj.withbe filled with 充满 be busy with 忙于be bined with 与结合be content with 对满意be covered with 被覆盖be familiar with 对熟悉be patient with 对有耐心be popular with 受的欢迎be satisfied with 对满意be pleased with 对感到满意by angry with (sb) 对(某人)发怒be concerned with 与有关;涉及,关心,关注解 题 策 略利用置入法解决介词短语的相关题目关于介词短语的相关题目,一般采用将介词短语置入句子,进行逐一翻译的方法。解决此类题目的关键就是平时多积累相关知识,然后读懂题干的含义。1.Starting your own business could be a way to achieving financial independence._,it could just put you in debt.(江西卷)A.In other words B.All in allC.As a result D.On the other hand答案D句意:开办自己的公司可能是一种获得经济独立的方法,另一方面,它也可能让你负债累累。on the other hand另一方面,符合题意,故选D项。in other words换句话说, all in all总之,as a result结果。2.Tom always goes jogging in the morning and he usually does push-ups too to stay _.(江苏卷)A.in place B.in orderC.in shape D.in fashion答案C句意:Tom坚持早上跑步并且还常常做俯卧撑来维持体形。in place就位,到位;in order井然有序;in shape保持体形;in fashion 流行。针 对 训 练1.The dictionary is _:many words have been added to the language since it was published.(2016天津卷)A.out of control B.out of dateC.out of sight D.out of reach答案B根据后半部分“many words have been added to the language since it was published”可知,这本字典过时(out of date)了。out of control失控;out of sight在视野之外;out of reach够不着。2.Most people work because its unavoidable._,there are some people who actually enjoy work.(2015浙江卷)A.As a result B.In additionC.By contrast D.In conclusion答案C句意:大多数人工作是因为无法避免,_也有一些人确实喜欢工作。根据语境可知,此处表示前后对比。by contrast相比之下,符合语境。as a result结果;in addition另外,此外;in conclusion总之。3.An artist who was recently traveling on a ferry to the southern island discovered a long lost antique Greek vase _.A.at random B.by chanceC.in turn D.on occasion答案B句意:最近乘渡船去南部岛屿旅行的一位艺术家偶然发现了一个久已失传的希腊特有花瓶。A项意为“任意地,随便地”;B项意为“偶然地;意外地”;C项意为“依次;轮流地”;D项意为“有时;间或”。由句意可知B项正确。4._ his being late again,he lost his job and had to stay at home.A.Owe to B.As result ofC.In case of D.Because of答案D根据句意可知,逗号前应为原因状语,故C项不对;A项应为owing to;B项应为as a result of。故只有D项正确。5.The doctor advised her to eat more bean products _ meat which might be harmful to her heart.A.for lack of B.by means ofC.in place of D.in favour of答案C句意:医生建议她多吃豆类食品来代替可能对她的心脏有害的肉类。in place of “代替,顶替”,符合句意。for lack of 缺乏,短缺;by means of 借助手段,依靠方法;in favour of 支持,赞同。 6.The popularity of the example in his lecture was beyond his expectation, but actually he just came up with it _ during the course.A.in case B.in returnC.by nature D.by chance答案D句意:他讲座中那个例子所受欢迎的程度超出了他的预期,可事实上他只是在讲座中偶然想到的。根据句意可知,应选择by chance 偶然,意外地。in case 以防万一;in return 作为(对的)回报;by nature 天生地,天性。7.The businessman you referred to just now is selfless, who does everything for others _ nothing.A.in preference to B.in place ofC.in agreement with D.in exchange for答案D句意:你刚才提到的那个商人很无私,他为他人做任何事情都不求回报。in exchange for 作为的交换;in preference to优先于;in place of代替;in agreement with 同意,与一致。根据句意可知,选D项。8.Air quality in Beijing was rated as poor _ more than 5 million cars in the capital.A.except for B.regardless ofC.due to D.in spite of答案C句意:北京的空气质量之所以列入差的行列是因为首都有五百万辆汽车。except for 除了;regardless of 不管,不顾;due to 因为,由于;in spite of 虽然,尽管。根据句意选C项。9.I went along thinking nothing _,just looking at things around me.A.in brief B.in doubtC.in particular D.in harmony答案C句意:我一直走着,没特别想些什么,只是看看周围的东西。in brief简单扼要地;in doubt 怀疑地;in harmony 和谐地;in particular特别,尤其。根据句意可知选C。10.Many plants could move northward and toward the Pacific coast _ rising temperatures and changes in rainfall.A.with regard to B.in defense ofC.by means of D.in reaction to答案D句意:许多植物可能北移到太平洋沿岸以应对温度的上升和降水量的变化。in reaction to “对的反应”,符合句意。A项意为“关于,就而论”;B项意为“防御”;C项意为“借助某事物,以方法”。11._ electronic mail, today you can send a letter halfway around the world in seconds simply by pressing a button.A.Thanks to B.Apart fromC.Regardless of D.According to答案A句意:幸亏有了电子邮件,现在你只要按一下按钮就能在几秒内把一封信寄出半个世界了。根据句意可知应选A项。apart from 除以外;regardless of 不管,不论;according to 依据,根据。12.Mrs.Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess,as her children are always _ whenever she tries to.A.in the way B.on watchC.in sight D.on the line答案A句意:Mrs.Smith发现很难清理混乱局面,因为当她尽力清理时她的孩子总是妨碍她。in the way妨碍;on watch值班,监视;in sight在视力范围内,在即;on the line处于危险中,(对方)在接电话。


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