九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B(1a-2f)课时训练课件 新人教版.ppt

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九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B(1a-2f)课时训练课件 新人教版.ppt_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B(1a-2f)课时训练课件 新人教版.ppt_第2页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B(1a-2f)课时训练课件 新人教版.ppt_第3页
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SectionB 1a 2f seldomadv 不常 很少 1 Mr Smithandhiswifeseldomdrivetheircartowork 完成反意疑问句 2 Wouldyoulikesomegreentea No thanks Idrinkgreentea Ithurtsmystomach 2017南京 A almostB seldomC onlyD still do they beabsentfrom缺席 1 Tomwasabsentfromtheimportantmeetingthismorning 2017白银 A didn ttakepartinB heldC didn tlikeD tookanactivepartin2 汤姆下午将不在家里 Tomwillbehomeintheafternoon absent from failv 不及格 失败 1 Messinevergivesupevenifhe 失败 ormeetsdifficulties 2 Hisbossfailed tell himaboutthemeeting advisesb todosth 建议某人做某事 Ourteacheroftenadvisesusthehabitofmakingnoteswhilereading A todevelopB developC todevelopingD developing fails loses totell 辨析proud与pride 1 MoreandmorepeoplecometovisitMiyiCountytoenjoythesunshineinthewinter Youareright IthasbecometheofPanzhihua 2017攀枝花 A prideB effortC priceD courage2 格林先生为他儿子感到自豪 Mr Greenhisson Mr Greenhisson takes pride in is proud of 根据句意及汉语提示写单词1 I m 骄傲的 ofhelpingpeopleseeagain 2 Nobodywas 缺席 fromschoolthoughitrainedheavilyyesterday 2017贵港 3 Peter 很少 smiles Heisusuallysosad 4 Hisfriendhasagood 影响 onhim 5 We llhaveanEnglish 考试 Ifeelnervous absent proud seldom influence examination 单项选择 6 Thanksforyourinvitation butI msosorryIcan tgo Ineedtomybabyathome A takeawayB takeoffC takecareofD takeoutof 7 Nomatterwhatproblemswemeet weshouldtrytosolvethem andeventhoughwefail teachersandparentsus 2017山西 A arestrictwithB areworriedaboutC areproudof 8 Doyoulikeseeingamovieonyourmobilephone No Idothatbecauseitmakesmeuncomfortable A seldomB oftenC usuallyD sometimes C C A 9 Johnissoexcited Didhewinthecompetition Yes Hewasluckyandhehadoneminutetocompletethespecialtask nomoreandnoless A especiallyB probablyC exactlyD hardly 10 Theparkisfarawayfromhereindeed It sabouta walk A threehourB threehours sC three hoursD three hour D C 根据汉语意思完成句子11 我们的老师和父母会为我们感到骄傲 因为我们长大了 可以对自己负责 Ourteachersandparentswill usbecausewehavegrownupandcanberesponsibleforourselves 2017武汉改编 12 即使他们很忙 但他们总是想着我 theyarebusy theyarealways me be proud of take pride in Even though thinking of 13 你应该亲自与他交谈 Youshouldtalktohim 14 在你没在会上的情况下 我们做了决定 Wewithoutyouatthemeeting 15 上周一她旷课了 SheclasseslastMonday in person made a decision was absent from 谢谢观赏

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