浙江专版2020版高考英语一轮复习Unit3AtasteofEnglishhumour高考拆组训练新人教版必修4 .doc

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浙江专版2020版高考英语一轮复习Unit3AtasteofEnglishhumour高考拆组训练新人教版必修4 .doc_第1页
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浙江专版2020版高考英语一轮复习Unit3AtasteofEnglishhumour高考拆组训练新人教版必修4 .doc_第3页
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Unit 3 A taste of English humour练(一)语言运用组块专练练准度(限时:25分钟).完形填空(2019浙江五校联考)It had been a long time since I had been to Jacksonville, Florida. I had driven to town _1_ to find the old barbershop where my hair had been cut when I was a child. As I _2_ around, I was a little disappointed to see the old buildings had been _3_ with new highrise ones.After walking about a block I saw an open shoe store. Wondering whether I could get the _4_, I walked in. As I stood talking to the salesman, the front door opened and a young man about twenty came into the store in a _5_.“I need a new pair of shoes,” said the _6_.As he turned the corner, I was _7_ to see that the young man had no legs.Seeing us _8_, the young man said,“When I was a _9_, my parents used to buy me a new pair of shoes every year. That was such a wonderful feeling _10_ I have never forgotten.”Soon the salesman came with a large box. He put it down on the floor, took out a boot and handed it to the young man. Placing the boot _11_ his nose, the young man closed both eyes, and took a deep breath. I did not know what to say as tears began to roll down his _12_. Suddenly we heard the salesman shouting to an old man _13_ who looked in the window from time to time. The young man looked at the old man and then turned to me. “Would you walk out and see what _14_ that fellow wears?” he _15_.Wondering why, I _16_ walked to the front door, opened it and asked the old man to _17_. “What size of shoes do you wear?” the young man asked the old man.“I dont know,” he replied, as he _18_ his old tennis shoes.“I would say nine and a half,” I suggested. “Whats your _19_hiking boot in nine and a half?” the young man asked the salesman. Within a minute, the salesman returned with a pair of hiking boots. The young man _20_ out, took the boot, placed it to his nose and took a deep breath. Once again, tears came to his eyes.“Sir, would you mind trying on these boots?” the boy asked the old fellow.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了一位没有双腿的陌生青年为一陌生穷苦老人买鞋的感人故事。1A.needingBwaitingChelpingDhoping解析:选D根据空后的“where my hair had been cut when I was a child”及下文内容可知,作者希望(hoping)找到这家理发店。2A.wanderedBjumpedCranDwondered解析:选A当作者闲逛(wandered)时,看到老的建筑被新的高楼替代(replaced),作者有一点失望。3A.ruinedBdecoratedCreplacedDlined解析:选C参见上题解析。4A.keysBanswerCshoesDservice解析:选B从上文可知作者在找那家理发店,作者看到一家开着门的鞋店,他想从鞋店里得到答案(answer),所以他走了进去。5A.wheelchairBcarCbootDsuit解析:选A根据下文中的“had no legs”可推知这个年轻人是坐着轮椅(wheelchair)进店的。6A.salesmanBownerCelderDcustomer解析:选D根据空前的“I need a new pair of shoes”可知,进店的那位年轻人是一位顾客(customer)。7A.excitedBshockedCashamedDembarrassed解析:选B根据上文可知,一个没有脚的年轻人却要买鞋子,这让作者感到震惊(shocked)。excited“兴奋的”;ashamed“惭愧的”;embarrassed“尴尬的,窘迫的”。8A.unsatisfiedBuninterestedCpuzzledDworried解析:选C根据下文那个年轻人解释自己为什么买鞋可知,此处表示“看到我们疑惑(puzzled),那个年轻人解释道”。9A.studentBmanagerCbarberDkid解析:选D根据语境可知,当这个年轻人还是个孩子(kid)的时候,父母每年都会给他买双新鞋。10A.everythingBsomethingCnothingDanything解析:选B根据空前的破折号可知,空处是对其前“such a wonderful feeling”的补充说明,表示“一种至今难以忘怀的东西(something)”。11A.toBoverCacrossDon解析:选A根据下文中的“placed it to his nose”可知答案为A。12A.sleevesBhandsCcheeksDlegs解析:选C作者看到年轻人泪流满面,不知说什么好。cheek“面颊,脸颊”符合语境,故选C。13A.in horrorBin sorrowCin reliefDin rags解析:选D根据鞋店售货员吼窗外老人和下文年轻人要给老人买鞋可推断,该老人应该是穿着破烂(in rags)的。in horror“惊恐地”;in sorrow“悲痛地”;in relief“放心地”。14A.colorBsizeCpriceDmaterial解析:选B根据下文“What size of shoes do you wear?”可知,这位年轻人请求作者去询问窗外老人所穿鞋子的尺码(size),故选B。15A.requestedBorderedCrequiredDbegged解析:选A作者和该年轻人是陌生人,故此处应表示请求作者。request“请求”符合语境。16A.suddenlyBunwillinglyCslowlyDsteadily解析:选C根据空前的“Wondering why”及语境可知,此时作者心里充满疑惑,这个年轻人为什么要问这位老人穿多大尺码的鞋,所以作者应该是慢慢地(slowly)走出去。unwillingly“不愿意地”;steadily“稳定地”。17A.leaveBenterCvisitDmeet解析:选B从下文在店内的年轻人为老人买鞋可知,老人从店外进入(enter)店内。18A.turned aroundBshowed upCturned backDlooked down at解析:选D当老人听到年轻人问起鞋子的尺码时,就低头看(looked down at)脚上的鞋子。turn around“转身,扭转”;show up“出现”;turn back“折回,掉转头”。19A.bestBdearestCheaviestDquickest解析:选A根据语境可知,那个年轻人要为老人买最好的(best)鞋子。dear“昂贵的”;heavy“沉重的”;quick“迅速的”。20A.burstBlookedCreachedDbroke解析:选C根据下文“took the boot, placed it . breath”等动作可知,第一个动作应该是伸出手(reached out)接过鞋子。.语法填空(2019宁波模拟)Sending gifts varies greatly from country to country. In Australia, Canada, the United States _1_ European countries, sending gifts is rarely expected. While seen as a nice gesture, it is more important to avoid _2_ (give) highly personal gifts such as clothing. When visiting the home of a colleague from one of these _3_ (country), it is normally appropriate to bring a gift to the hostess.In America, _4_ (expense) gifts are definitely out. A good _5_ (choose) is to take the deserving person to dinner, or to _6_ entertainment or a sporting event. _7_ the contrary, gift giving is a traditional custom in Japan. In Japan the proper gift is thought _8_ (express) the givers true friendship, gratitude and respect far _9_ (well) than words can. So if you plan to visit Japan or to have any Japanese visit you here, be prepared.Australia is known for its friendliness and informality. So modest gifts, such as a diary, a paperweight, or a coffee cup might _10_ (present) to a friend. At a trade show, Tshirts, ties, baseball caps, or a pin may be appropriate souvenirs. Anything more than these types of gifts could cause embarrassment.1and考查连词。根据空前的“Australia, Canada, the United States”和空后的“European countries”可知,空处前后为并列关系,故用并列连词and。2giving考查非谓语动词。avoid doing sth.为固定搭配,意为“避免做某事”,故填giving。3countries考查名词复数。根据空前的these可知,可数名词country应当用复数形式。4expensive考查形容词。空处修饰后面的名词gifts,故用形容词形式。5choice考查名词。根据空前的形容词good和不定冠词A可以判断,空处应用名词的单数形式。6an考查冠词。该处泛指“一次娱乐活动”,entertainment的读音以元音音素开头,故用an。7On考查介词。on the contrary 为固定搭配,意为“与此相反”。8to express考查非谓语动词。此处表示“在日本,恰当的礼物被认为表达了送礼物者真正的友谊”。be thought to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“被认为做了某事”,故用动词不定式。9better考查形容词比较级。根据空后的than可知,该处用well的比较级。10be presented考查动词语态。该句主语modest gifts和动词present之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。练(二)第四部分写作增分专练练规范(限时:40分钟).应用文写作(2019丽水高三一模)假定你是李华,即将去美国参加一个中美文化夏令营活动。请你根据以下内容给你的美国朋友Mike写一封信,告知他你的美国之行。1此行的目的;2活动的内容;3你的期望。注意:1.词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。参考词汇:中美文化交流SinoUS cultural exchanges 参考范文:Dear Mike,Im writing to tell you I am to attend an English summer camp for SinoUS cultural exchanges this summer.This program is to promote the understanding of the people and culture between the two countries. During the twoweeks stay, we will visit some famous universities, experience the different culture and customs, and tour places of interest. Furthermore, we will also be offered a platform to practice our oral English.I am sure this program will help me better understand America. Meanwhile, I can introduce China to American students.Looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua.读后续写阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。A long time ago, a Monk (修士) set out on his travels acpanied by his assistant, a Brother. Night was falling when the Monk told the Brother to go on ahead to find acmodation. The Brother searched the deserted landscape until he found a shabby cottage in the middle of nowhere. A poor family lived in the cottage. The mother, father and children were dressed in rags. The Brother asked if he and the Monk could spend the night with them. “You are most wele to spend the night,” said the father of the family. They prepared a simple meal consisting of fresh milk, cheese and cream for the Brother and the Monk. The Brother felt moved by their poverty and even more by their simple generosity.When they finished eating, the Monk asked them how they managed to survive in such a poor place, so far_away from the nearest neighbors and town. The wife looked to her husband to answer. In a resigned tone of voice he told them how they managed to survive. “We have one cow. We sell her milk to our neighbors who do not live too far away. We hold back enough for our needs and to make some cheese and cream that is what we eat.”The next morning, the Brother and the Monk said their goodbyes and set out to continue their journey. After they had walked a few miles, the Monk turned to the Brother and said, “Go back and push the cow off the_cliff (悬崖)!” “Father,” the Brother replied, “they live_off the cow. Without her, they will have nothing.” The Monk repeated his order “go back and kill the cow.”With a heavy heart, the Brother returned to the small cottage. He worried about the future of the_family because he knew they depended_on the cow to survive. His promise of obedience bounded him to follow the orders of the wise Monk. He pushed the cow off the cliff.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:One day, the Brother, who had bee a Monk, found himself on the same road where he found acmodation years ago. Paragraph 2:“We have always lived here,” the man answered and then invited the Monk into their splendid house. 参考范文:Paragraph 1:One day, the Brother, who had bee a Monk, found himself on the same road where he found acmodation years ago. All at once he thought of the poor family who provided him with acmodation. He decided to visit the_family.To his surprise, he saw a splendid house surrounded by beautiful gardens over there in place of the shabby cottage.The new house showed prosperity and happiness instead of cold and poverty. The Monk knocked on the door. A welldressed man answered. The Monk asked, “What has happened to the family who used to live here?” The man looked surprised.Paragraph 2:“We have always lived here,” the man answered and then invited the Monk into their splendid house. The host explained how the familys fortune changed. “You know, Father, we used to have a cow. She kept us alive. We didnt own anything else. One day she fell down the_cliff and died. In order to survive,_we had to make a change and start doing other things, and develop our skills. We were forced to e up with new ways of doing things. It was the best thing that ever happened to us! We are now much better off than before.”

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