(新课改省份专用)2020高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 5 Canada —“The True North”教案(含解析)新人教版必修3.doc

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(新课改省份专用)2020高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 5 Canada —“The True North”教案(含解析)新人教版必修3.doc_第3页
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Unit 5 Canada “The True North”一、课前基础自查(一)分类记单词省时高效.阅读单词(知其意)1.continent n洲;大陆2.baggage n. 行李3.harbour n. 海港4.urban adj. 城市的;市镇的5.quiz n. 测验;问答比赛6.approximately adv. 接近;大约7.frost n. 霜;霜冻8.eagle n. 鹰9.multicultural adj. 多种文化的10.polar adj. 极地的;近极地的11.mist n. 薄雾12.booth n. 公用电话间;货摊;售货亭13.buffet n. 自助餐;饮食柜台14.bush n. 灌木(丛);矮树(丛).重点单词(写其形)1.chat vi.& n聊天;闲聊2.scenery n. 景色;风景3.measure vi.& vt. 测量;衡量;判定n. 计量制;计量单位;措施4.aboard prep.& adv. 在(船、飞机、火车或公共汽车)上;上(船、飞机、火车等)5.within prep. 在之内6.broad adj. 宽阔的;广泛的7.nearby adv. 在附近adj. 附近的;邻近的8.pleased adj. 欣喜的;高兴的;愉快的9.topic n. 话题10.confirm vt. 证实;证明;批准11.dawn n. 黎明;拂晓;破晓12.downtown adj. 市区的adv. 在市区;往市区 .拓展单词(通其变)1.surround vt.包围;围绕surroundings n(复数)周围的事物;环境surrounding adj.周围的2.slight adj.轻微的;微小的slightly adv.稍稍;轻微地3.tradition n传统;风俗traditional adj.传统的traditionally adv.传统地4.impress vt.使印象深刻;使铭记impressive adj.给人深刻印象的;感人的impression n印象5.terrify vt.使恐怖;恐吓terrified adj.恐惧的;受惊吓的terrifying adj.令人恐惧的terror n恐惧terrible adj.恐怖的;恐惧的6.wealthy adj.富有的wealth n财富7.mix vt.& vi.混合;调配mixture n混合(物);混合状态8.distance n距离;远方distant adj.远的;远方的;疏远的语境活用1.With so many trees and flowers surrounding it, the school looks very nice.Id like to bring up my son in healthy surroundings,_so I would like to send him to it.(surround)2.When they saw the terrifying scene, everyone on the spot felt terrified and couldnt say a word.(terrify)3.So charming are the sights of Jiuzhaigou that they leave a deep impression on visitors from home and abroad.To tell you the truth, I am deeply impressed by its beautiful scenery.(impress)4.Though there is a long distance between Tom and his family, they dont feel distant.(distance)5.Robert left his hometown as a poor boy and returned as an extremely wealthy man.However, he knows that wealth doesnt mean everything.(wealth)6.The little boy mixed vinegar with sugar, and the mixture tasted not so bad.(mix)(二)练中记短语记牢用活写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.rather_than与其;不愿;而不是2.settle_down 定居;平静下来;专心于3.be_surrounded_by/with 被包围4.manage_to_do 设法做5.catch_sight_of 看见;瞥见6.have_a_gift_for 有天赋7.in_the_distance 在远处8.at_dawn 在黎明;在拂晓9.be_impressed_with_. 给留下深刻印象10.in_charge_of 负责11.dream_of/about 梦想1.(2018全国卷)Today, many Chinese people are learning Western styles and theories rather_than focusing on Chinese traditions.2.He managed_to get in touch with the lady who was in charge of the Hope Project.3.Dave dreamt_about being a great writer when he was young, but now he is an engineer.4.Lily is a tenyearold girl, who has_a_gift_for music you know she has won two big prizes in the international music petitions.5.Since you have settled_down in a new country, you have to make an adjustment to the new environment.6.You cant imagine how excited I was when I saw the ancient tower in_the_distance.7.The driver didnt catch_sight_of another car in time, so the accident happened.(三)仿写明句式以用为本教材原句句式解读句式仿写1.Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver . 她们不想一路乘飞机,而决定先飞到温哥华rather than“而不是;不愿”,连接两个并列成分。我宁愿坐最慢的火车也不愿坐飞机去那里。I would take the slowest train rather_than_go_there_by_plane.2.It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres.那儿湿度很大,所以树都长得特别高,一些树测量起来高达90多米。独立主格结构。树叶到处飘落,我突然注意到秋天来临了。Leaves_falling_here_and_there,_I suddenly notice autumn is drawing upon.3.Its too bad you cant go as far as Ottawa, Canadas capital.很可惜你们不能一直走到加拿大的首都渥太华。as far as .“远至;就而言;尽所能”。古时候,人们很少出远门,大多数农民去的最远的地方是当地集市。In ancient times, people rarely travelled long distances and most farmers only travelled_as_far_as_the_local_market.二、课堂重点深化1surround vt.包围;围绕自主体验单句语法填空Surrounded (surround) by the forest, the village looks very beautiful.The surrounding (surround) villages have been absorbed by the growing city.Surrounding yourself with people wholl provide you with support can be very beneficial.系统归纳(1)surround sb./sth.with sb./sth. 用某人/物包围be surrounded by/with . 被包围/环绕(2)surrounding adj. 周围的(3)surroundings n(pl.)环境;周围的事物重点强化用法条条清(surround/surrounding/surroundings)Surrounded by the mountains, the village has beautiful surroundings,_which attract many visitors from surrounding areas.佳句时时写总之,欢迎你来我们学校并希望你能很快适应新环境。In a word, you are wele to our school and I hope you can adapt_to_the_new_surroundings soon.2measure vi.& vt.测量;衡量;判定n.计量制;计量单位;措施自主体验单句语法填空Its generally acknowledged that education shouldnt be_measured (measure) only by examination results.In the old days, my mother always made new clothes to my own measure with the Spring Festival approaching.Some villagers reported a huge snake, measuring (measure) over two metres long, was found dead in a nearby cave.系统归纳(1)measure .by . 用来衡量be measured by/in 用来衡量/计算(2)take measures/steps/action to do sth.采取措施做某事make sth.to sb.s measure 照某人的尺寸做某物重点强化佳句时时写(一句多译)政府已经答应采取措施来帮助失业者。The government has promised to take_measures/steps/action_to_help the unemployed.The government has made a promise that measures/steps/action_should_be_taken to_help the unemployed.僻义牢牢记Exam results are not necessarily a true measure of a students abilities.评判标准3distance n距离;远方;遥远;疏远自主体验单句语法填空We spotted them waving to us at a distance of two hundred yards.We often walk to the beach, which is within walking distance of my house.In the distance is a tall tree which is said to have a history of over 500 years.The Indians used to put their ears to the ground to hear a distant (distance) noise.系统归纳(1)in the distance 在远处within walking distance 几步之遥;步行能到达from a distance 从远处at a distance (of) 在远的地方;距离稍远keep ones distance (from) (与)保持距离keep sb.at a distance 对某人冷淡;与某人疏远;与某人保持一定距离(2)distant adj. 遥远的;远处的;疏远的重点强化佳句时时写很难与她融洽相处,因为她总是与每个人保持一定距离。It was difficult to get along well with her because she always kept_everyone_at_a distance.僻义牢牢记There was still a distance between me and my father.(两人关系的)疏远4impress vt.使印象深刻;使铭记自主体验单句语法填空Even so, she impressed the world with her courage and strong desire to succeed.What impressed (impress) me most was that whenever he appeared in front of others he often wore a big smile.Your art skills are excellent and admirable, which leaves me a deep impression (impress)This is the most impressive (impress) building I have ever seen on my trip to Egypt.系统归纳使某人牢记某事be impressed by/at/with 对印象深刻(2)impression n. 印象;感想leave/make a(n) .impression on/upon sb. 给某人留下的印象(3)impressive adj. 给人深刻印象的;感人的重点强化易错对对碰(介词on/with 对比填空)The young writer is always trying to impress people with her writings.The young writer is always trying to impress her writings on people.佳句时时写I was impressed by the beautiful scenery and forgot to go back home in time.(用分词作状语升级句子)Impressed_by_the_beautiful_scenery,_I forgot to go back home in time.1settle down定居;平静下来;专心于自主体验单句语法填空In the past, he often dreamed of retiring in England and settling down in the country.If you watch long enough, you will see many problems settled (settle) in this way.It is reported that China has reached a settlement (settle) with India.Before we settle down to discussing (discuss) other things, Ive a question to ask you.补全句子I wanted to settle_in_America, live like any other citizen, and have more opportunities for my family.我希望在美国定居,像其他公民一样生活,为我的家人提供更多机会。系统归纳(1)settle down to (doing) sth.开始专注于某事物;着手认真做某事settle in/into 安顿下来;适应新的工作环境等settle a problem/an argument解决问题/争议(2)settlement n. 解决;处理;协议settle vt.& vi. 解决;处理;定居重点强化佳句时时写He has a lot of difficult problems to settle, so the newlyelected president is having a hard time.(用with复合结构升级)With_a_lot_of_difficult_problems_to_settle,_the newlyelected president is having a hard time.2manage to do设法做自主体验单句语法填空I managed to_rent (rent) a big enough house to take in a handful of people.Thats not a hard job.Im sure I can manage it myself.系统归纳manage sb.设法对付某人manage sth. 经营/管理manage it 能做到make it 获得成功;准时到达;渡过难关重点强化易错对对碰(try/manage对比填空)No matter what happened, I tried to finish my task on schedule.Luckily, with my teachers timely help, I managed to finish it ahead of time.佳句时时写为了管理好工厂,他可真是煞费苦心。He took great pains to_manage_the_factory well.名师指津manage to do sth.相当于succeed in doing sth.,表示“成功地做了某事”,重在结果;try to do sth.表示“尽力做某事”,重在动作,不一定成功。3rather than“与其;不愿;而不是”,连接两个并列成分教材原句Rather_than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada.自主体验如果我不得不放弃其中一个,我会关掉电视而不是关掉我的手机。(一句多译)If I have to give up one of them, I would turn off the TV rather_than_switch off my cellphone.If I have to give up one of them, I would rather turn_off_the_TV_than_switch off my cellphone.If I have to give up one of them, I prefer_to_turn_off the TV rather than_switch off my cellphone.I dont know any French people other_than you.除了你,我不认识其他的法国人。I met him very late on Friday night, or_rather early on Saturday morning.我在星期五深夜见到他,更确切地说是在星期六凌晨。He is more_than_our_teacher. He is also our best friend.他不仅仅是我们的老师,也是我们最好的朋友。归纳点拨用法规则 (2)other than不同于;除了外or rather 更确切地说more than 多于;不仅仅;非常注意事项(1)rather than连接两个并列不定式时,rather than之后的不定式可省略to。但rather than位于句首时,则只能接不带to的动词不定式。(2)rather than连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词应与rather than前面的名词或代词在人称和数上保持一致。佳句背诵(精彩开头句)(2018全国卷书面表达)Im more than delighted to receive your letter asking about what customs you should pay attention to when visiting a Chinese friend.收到你询问有关拜访中国朋友时你应该注意什么风俗习惯的信,我非常高兴。(增分要点句)It is those who are willing to give rather than receive that deserve to be respected.正是那些甘愿奉献而不索取的人才应得到尊敬。4as far as“远至;就而言;尽所能”教材原句Its too bad you cant go as_far_as Ottawa, Canadas capital.自主体验As_far_as_I_could_see,_it needed only a minor adjustment.依我看只需稍加调整即可。As_far_as_Im_concerned,_the advantages mentioned above exceed the disadvantages.就我而言,上面提到的长处超过短处。As_far_as_I_know,_it is convenient to do shopping in that small town.就我所知,在那个小镇上购物很方便。归纳点拨as far as的常见用法:as far as sb./sth.be concerned就某人/物而言as far as the eye can see/reach 就视力所能及as far as I can see 依我看as far as I know 就我所知佳句背诵(增分要点句)As far as I am concerned, not only does outdoor exercise get us close to nature but also give us relaxation from heavy schoolwork.(增分要点句)As far as I can see, it is our responsibility to solve the problem.本单元语篇话题与新课程主题语境“人与自然”中的“主要国家地理概况”子话题相对应一、话题语素积累多一点话题词汇记一记子话题(一)自然与人文地理历史温故浅易词汇capitalstream oceandesertcentre history local nativenatural position develop识记生疏词汇jungle n丛林;密林 mineral n矿物质peak n山峰 remote adj.偏远的mountainous adj.多山的 landmark n地标性建筑geography n地理 swamp n沼泽steep adj.险峻的;陡峭的 range n山脉子话题(二)气候温故浅易词汇windycoldwarmcooldry ice hot heatsnowy sunny lightning typhoon识记生疏词汇freeze v结冰climate n气候rainfall n降雨量 pleasant adj.舒适的shower n阵雨 changeable adj.多变的warmth n温暖 damp adj.潮湿的rainbow n彩虹 haze n雾霾thunderstorm n雷雨 downpour n倾盆大雨常用词块忆一忆be located in/lie in坐落于;位于be surrounded by 被包围/环绕cover an area of . 占地面积为be famous for 以而闻名be abundant/rich in 富有/盛产have a population of 有人口have a history of 有的历史developing country 发展中国家take on a new look 呈现新面貌account for 占比例tourist attraction 旅游景点culture atmosphere 文化氛围写作佳句背一背As is known to us, Qingdao is a very beautiful city, which is neither too hot nor too cold all the year around.The village, located on the East Sea, has a history of more than 300 years and a population of 200,000.Britain, with an area of about 244,100km2 and a population of 66,000,000 is located in the northwest of the European Continent, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean.二、“分步写作”表达准一点读后续写情节发展合理化阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Be kind to others. I realize this is simple and very basic. However, it is necessary and it does make_a_difference. I often have people who cross my daily path to whom I can show kindness. It is often just a smile. A smile often says, “I see you. You arent invisible to me. You are important.” People need someone to care about them.I read a story many years ago about a man who had decided to mit_suicide. Hed lost a fortune, his job, his family and nearly everything he owned. He went to a local pawn shop to buy a gun. He planned to take the gun back to his apartment in New York City and kill himself.As he was getting on the elevator, a little old_lady was slowly getting on too. She had a small cart she was pulling behind her and was having a little trouble getting it into the elevator. He said that he was actually a bit angry because he wanted to hurry_up,_get to his apartment and end his own life. He reached_out_to the old ladys cart and forced it as it had bee stuck. He got it free easily and she got on the elevator.After the door closed, she looked up at him with a big smile and said, “If we had more young men like you in this world, the world would be a better place. You are so kind to help. Such a sweet young man.”Of course, it changed his thought of going back to kill himself. He wanted to go around New York and find people that he could help and people who were struggling even with something that was as small as the little old ladys cart.注意:1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。Paragraph 1:That day, his life changed. Paragraph 2:Later, he enjoyed great success in his work and life. 写作步骤第一步:速读全文文本大意:一位年轻人几乎失去了一切, 所以决定自杀。他在乘电梯时遇到一位老太太,老太太行动迟缓,手推车卡在了电梯口。年轻人为了能快点到家结束自己的生命,随手帮了老太太一把,受到了老太太的赞扬。谁料想老太太的赞扬竟然改变了年轻人想要自杀的想法。叙述意图:文章通过一个小故事彰显与人为善的重要性。第二步:细读全文1所给短文情景模式分析。whoI, a man, an old ladywhatA man decided to mit suicide. Later he gave up the thought of killing himself.whenmany years agowhereon the elevatorwhyHed lost a fortune, his job, his family and nearly everything he owned. The old lady praised him for helping her.2对原文所提供的下划线词语进行分类。人物:old lady, family事件: kind, kindness, small动作与心理描写: mit suicide, hurry up, reach out to, change, make a difference第三步:精心谋篇1Paragraph 1:That day, his life changed.那一天,他的人生发生了改变。情节分析注意续写段首句关键词“his life changed”,所以本段续写部分围绕变化写,续写还要考虑文章首段提到的“Be kind to others.”以及文中提到的“mit suicide”这一社会现象,并综合他自杀的原因:失去财富、工作、家庭等。还要提及他的想法变化的原因:kindness。因此续写第一段应该写做好事给他带来的变化。2Paragraph 2:Later, he enjoyed great success in his work and life.后来,他在工作和生活上非常成功。情节分析第二段继续写具体在哪方面发生的变化,写作时注意关键词Later, enjoyed, success, work and life,即下文应该写将来的事情,要围绕工作和生活两个方面来写。第四步:初写成文Paragraph 1:1他开始和别人分享他的故事,很快,他发现自己成了一个很受欢迎的预防自杀的代言人。He started sharing_his_story_with_others and soon, he found himself being a popular spokesman for the prevention of suicide.2他预防自杀的方法简单说来是这样的。His remedy for preventing_suicide was simply this.3如果你想结束你的生命,你在最后的几个小时应该为他人做五个小的善举。If you want to end your life, your last few hours should include doing five small_acts_of_kindness for other people.4那会改变你,你会意识到世间的美好,并决定活下去。It will change you and youll wake up to the goodness in this world and decide_that_you_want_to_live.Paragraph 2:5他最后在一家公司找到了一份工作,月薪4 000美元左右。He finally found_a_job_in_a_pany and his ine was about 4,000 a month.6他还帮助过一位曾经想自杀的女孩,最后两人结婚了!He also helped a girl who wanted to mit suicide and finally got_married_to her!7现在他有一个幸福的三口之家,这都是因为他对那位老太太的小的善举引起的。Now he has a_happy_family_of_three all because of the small act of kindness he showed to the little old lady.8他发现自己有更多的目标,过得比以前更幸福了。He finds himself living with more purposes and living_a_happier_life_than_before.9只要有可能,他就会帮助那些生活中有困难的人。Whenever it is possible, he will reach out to those_in_trouble in life.第五步:润色升级1用高级词汇替换要点3中的include。includeconsist_of2用with an ine of改写要点5。He_finally_found_a_job_in_a_pany_with_an_ine_of_about_4,000_a_month.3把要点9改为省略句。Whenever_possible,_he_will_reach_out_to_those_in_trouble_in_life.第六步:复查定稿Paragraph 1:That day, his life changed. He started sharing his story with others and soon, he found himself being a popular spokesman for the prevention of suicide. His remedy for preventing suicide was simply this. He said, “If you want to end your life, your last few hours should consist of doing five small acts of kindness for other people. It will change you and youll wake up to the goodness in this world and decide that you want to live.”Paragraph 2:Later, he enjoyed great success in his work and life. He finally found a job in a pany with an ine of about 4,000 a month. He also helped a girl who wanted to mit_suicide and finally got married to her! Now he has a happy family of three all because of the small act of kindness he showed to the little old_lady. He finds himself living with more purposes and living a happier life than before. Whenever possible, he will reach_out_to those in trouble in life.一、复现单元考点增强备考信心.高考中的语法填空1(2018全国卷)Theyre learning to do traditional (tradition) dances.They arrive at the class in low spirits and they leave with a smile.2(2018全国卷)We chatted (chat) about everything and then Ben turned to me.“I just want to say thank you,” he said.“You saved my life!”3(2018全国卷)This creation attracted a lot of attention thanks to its mixture (mix) of modern and traditional Chinese elements (元素)4(2018浙江高考)And I treasure this as a good chance to broaden (broad) my view as well as improve my spoken English.5(2017全国卷)We slept in a tent, cooked over an open fire, and walked a long distance (distant) to take the shower and use the bathroom.6(2017浙江高考)Williams was impressed (impress) with Benjamin and gave him two classic books on painting to take home.7(2017浙江高考)Students, parents and teachers are pleased (please) with the results.高考中的完形填空(选用impression, measure, manage填空)1(2017浙江高考完形填空)The driver didnt move.He was unconscious.The bus hit a lamp post and it broke the glass on the front door before Harvold _46_ to bring the bus to a stop.managed2(2015浙江高考完形填空)In a society that tends to _38_ everything in terms of dollars and cents, we learn from a young age to consider the costs of our decisions in financial terms.But what about the personal and social costs involved in pursuing money over meaning? These are exactly the kinds of costs many of us tend to ignore and the very ones we need to consider most.measure3(2014湖南高考完形填空)Mom clearly explained her reasons for this lesson.I was going to be independent and needed to learn this vital skill.Also, I would be meeting new people, and properly ironed clothes would help me make a good _38_.impression二、复现话题词汇提

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