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Module 2Unit 2Wish you were here课文巩固用本单元所学要点填空。If you want to discover a place of 1.(神秘且美丽) in the southwest of China,consider a trip to Shangri-la, 2.(它距离昆明659千米).In 1933 the British writer James Hilton 3.(描述) the word “Shangri-la” as a beautiful kingdom in his novel. Many years later, Zhongdian 4.(正式采纳这个名字).In Shangri-la, you will see the beautiful snowy mountaintops which 5.(让你不知说什么好) and lakes 6.(看上去像钻石).Besides,forests which 7.(是许多鸟和动物的家园) will be in sight. You may say 8.(无穷无尽的自然宝藏) are provided.Today,Shangri-la has bee a 9.(常见的)English word,which means heaven on earth. Perhaps youll be surprised that the weather changes so quickly that in one day four seasons 10.(能够被体验). Spring and autumn are the best times to visit Shangri-la 11.(因为气温处在最温和的状态).答案1.mystery and beauty2.which is 659 kilometres away from Kunming3.described4.officially adopted the name5.leave you at a loss for words6.which look like diamonds7.are home to many birds and animals8.endless natural treasures9.mon10.can be experienced11.because the temperature is at its mildest单元话题写作随着经济发展和人们生活水平的提高,汽车成了人们司空见惯的代步工具。但是,由于汽车越来越多,交通事故也是频频发生。请你以“Road Accidents”为题,写一篇150词左右的短文,谈谈交通事故对我们生活的影响以及如何解决交通安全问题。要点提示:1.交通事故给人们的生命和财产带来的损失;2.分析交通事故发生的主要原因;3.如何才能减少交通事故的发生。写作导写1.确定文体和表达的口吻这是一篇谈交通事故的文章,文章围绕“交通事故”对我们生活的影响、其发生的原因及如何解决这一问题展开叙述,是一篇议论文。2.统筹时态这是一篇说明看法和观点的文章,所以全文中心时态为现在时态。3.推敲要点表达方法(1)陈述自己对交通事故问题的认识、分析原因和提出解决办法时,可以借鉴以下句子:Road accidents are always a great concern in society.When these accidents happen, many people suffer great property losses and even.The following reasons contribute to road accidents.More and more vehicles (on road) increase the chances of accidents.It is high time we took measures to solve.Only in this way can we.(2)可能用到的词汇:遭受财产损失导致交通事故缺乏安全意识不遵守交通规则闯红灯或酒驾交通管理薄弱养成良好的驾驶习惯避免交通事故4.确定要点表达顺序和段落结构本文可以分为三段。第一段,文章开头,指出人们为什么关注交通事故。(Road accidents are always a great concern in society.)第二段,举例说明交通事故频发的原因。(The following reasons contribute to road accidents.)第三段,重点论述如何减少乃至杜绝交通事故。(Considering the seriousness of the traffic problem, it is high time.)5.范文填空Road AccidentsRoad accidents are always a great concern in society. (1)(每天都会有不少交通事故). In these accidents, many people (2) (遭受巨大的财产损失,甚至有些人因此而失去了生命).The following reasons contribute to road accidents. Above all, (3)(交通变得越来越拥挤),especially in big cities. More and more vehicles increase the chances of accidents. In addition, many drivers lack the awareness of safety and even dont obey the traffic rules. For example, some run the red light or drive a car after drinking alcohol. (4) (此外,交通管理薄弱也是一个显而易见的原因).Considering the seriousness of the traffic problem, (5)(该是我们采取更加有效的措施来解决这个问题的时候了).Firstly, the government should try to improve public transportation and severely punish those who break traffic laws. Secondly, drivers should raise the awareness of safety and develop good driving habits.(6) (只有这样才能成功地避免交通事故).答案3.(2)suffer property lossescontribute to road accidentslack the awareness of safetydisobey the traffic rulesrun the red light or drive a car after drinking alcoholthe weak traffic controldevelop good driving habitsavoid road accidents5.(1)There are quite a few road accidents every day(2)suffer great property losses and some of them even lose their lives(3)traffic is being heavier and heavier(4)Besides, the weak traffic control is a noticeable reason(5)it is high time we took more effective measures to solve it(6)Only in this way can road accidents be avoided successfully教师备用话题微写作根据下面的素材,用本单元所学词汇和句式结构翻译下列句子。1.世界上有很多神奇的地方可供人们观看或探索。There are a lot of amazing places for people to see or explore in the world.2.有些人对非洲的草地感兴趣,那儿是很多动物的家园。Some people are interested in the grassland of Africa, which is home to many animals.3.还有一些人选择去澳大利亚的海滩感受阳光、沙子和大海。Others choose to go to a beach in Australia to experience the sun, sand and sea.4.通常科学家和探险者去热带雨林想有所发现。Usually scientists and explorers go to the rainforests to make discoveries.5.总之,人们热爱户外活动,因为他们想亲近大自然并且放松自己。In a word, people love outdoor activities, because they want to get close to nature and relax themselves.【联句成篇】把以上句子联成短文,要求衔接连贯、过渡自然。【参考范文】There are a lot of amazing places for people to see or explore in the world. Some people are interested in the grassland of Africa, which is home to many animals. Others choose to go to a beach in Australia to experience the sun, sand and sea.Usually scientists and explorers go to the rainforests to make discoveries. In a word, people love outdoor activities, because they want to get close to nature and relax themselves.单元词汇拓展速记1.“-ward(s)”后缀高频词toward(s)adj. & adv.向,朝forward(s)adj. & adv.向前backward(s)adj. & adv.向后upward(s)adj. & adv.向上afterward(s)以后,后来2.相似词小结dessert n.甜点desert n.沙漠adapt v.适合adopt v.收养borrow v.借sorrow n.悲伤wander v.闲逛wonder v.想知道3.“说”法不同swear v.发誓claim v.声称,要求murmur v.小声说,低语declare v.宣布,声明whisper v.低语,耳语4.“in+n.”短语荟萃in case以防in danger处于危险中in short/brief简言之in vain徒劳,无结果in particular尤其,特别


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