鲁津琼版2020版高考英语大一轮复习第一部分Module6FilmsandTVProgrammes讲义外研版必修2 .doc

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Module 6Films and TV Programmes.单词语境记忆1.the characters in the play剧中的人物2.the plot of the novel 小说情节3.leap over the fence 跳过篱笆4.the ticket to the edy show 喜剧表演的入场券5.a masterpiece of design 设计杰作6.the girls fianc 这个女孩的未婚夫7.climb onto the rooftop 爬上屋顶8.all kinds of ads 各种各样的广告9.in this section 在这部分10.watch telly 看电视.词性转换与派生记忆1.moving adj.感人的moved adj.感动的move vt.使感动 2.interest vt.使感兴趣 n.兴趣interesting adj.有趣的interested adj.感兴趣的 3.occasionally adv.有时;偶尔occasional adj.有时的;偶尔的occasion n.场合;时机 4.actress n.女演员actor n.男演员act v.表演 5.female adj.女的;女性的male adj.男的;男性的 6.graceful adj.优美的;优雅的grace n.优雅 7.brave adj.勇敢的bravery n.勇敢 8.argue vi.争论argument n.争论;争辩 9.entertaining adj.有趣的;令人愉快的entertain vt.使快乐entertainment n.娱乐;欢乐 10.setting n.(小说、戏剧、电影的)背景set vt.以为背景11.poster n.海报post vt.张贴12.thriller n.充满刺激的电影thrill v.(使)感到兴奋联想记忆1.argue近义动词一览discuss讨论quarrel 争吵debate 辩论dispute 争论conflict 争论;抵触2.ess结尾名词大观园actress 女演员waitress 女服务员conductress 女售票员hostess 女主人goddess 女神3.由edy想到的ic adj. 喜剧的tragedy n. 悲剧tragic adj. 悲剧的drama n. 戏剧dramatic adj. 戏剧的4.“有时”词汇全接触occasionally adv. 有时;偶尔sometimes adv. 有时;间或now and then 有时;偶尔from time to time 不时;有时at times 有时;偶尔once in a while 有时;间或on occasion 有时;间或短语背诵1.e out出现;出版;结果是2.to ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是3.belong to 属于4.in surprise 吃惊地5.care about 关心;顾虑;在乎6.fall in love with 爱上;喜欢(表动作)7.be in love with 爱上;喜欢(表状态)8.tell of 讲述词块积累1.play a part扮演角色2.take place 发生3.every two days 每两天4.how often 多长时间一次5.make a mistake/mistakes 犯错误6.in the last fifteen years 在最近的十五年里7.every now and then 有时;偶尔1.Brave,good and strong,Xiulian is the character we care about most.我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强。2.But it is generally agreed,that he,more than anyone else in the history of films,understands the meaning of the word “entertainment”.但是,人们普遍认为他比电影史上任何一个人更懂得“娱乐”一词的意义。3.Unusually,it is the female characters that interest us most.不同寻常的是,正是女性角色最吸引我们。4.Ask a young person in the street who the greatest American film director is,and you may get the answer Steven Spielberg.问一下街上的年轻人:谁是美国最伟大的电影导演,你可能得到的答案是史蒂文斯皮尔伯格。.单词拼写1.At the end of the story,the main character(角色),a young man had to leave his girlfriend.2.Opera is a bination of all the performing artssongs,instrumental music,dance and drama(戏剧).3.In romantic edies(喜剧),each man and woman marries their own true love.4.We were deeply impressed with the graceful(优美的)movements of the ballet dancers.5.My heart leaped/leapt (跳跃) with joy when I got your letter.6.On my bedroom walls there were posters (海报) of my favourite movie stars.7.The plot (情节) was so thrilling that a lot of people liked to see the new movie.8.The Last Supper is widely regarded as Leonardo da Vincis masterpiece (杰作).9.He turned the channel (频道) to his favorite TV program.10.The ads (广告) also include information about the panies and other contents.词性变化练习1.Just as the teacher says,kids who are brave (bravery) enough to take their adventure courses will certainly learn many useful skills.2.This is the easiest and best way to avoid an argument(argue).3.Now she is conceiving a romance that has Shanghai of the 1930s as the setting(set).4.They can even distinguish their mothers voice from that of a female(male) stranger.5.Id be interested to hear more about your work and want to know why you have lost interest in it and what else has interested you when your colleagues still think it interesting.(interest)6.Hearing the moving story,we all felt greatly moved.Im sure itll move more people in the future.(move)7.I used to make an occasional visit to the museum,which is closed occasionally at weekends.(occasion)8.Our English teacher is very funny and entertaining.Much to our entertainment,he always entertains us for a long time with his stories and jokes.(entertain).选词填空play a part,fall in love with,in surprise,care about,every now and then,e out,tell of,at the age of1.Tom cared_about nothing except how he could manage to earn more money while spending less.2.The story tells_of the bravery of a little girl.3.News about what can lead to a short life es_out regularly: sitting can cut years off your life;smoking is bad and so on.4.When she heard the shocking news,she jumped up in_surprise.5.We have most friends at_the_age_of 26 after having spent the first quarter of our lives building up our friendship circle,a new research has claimed.6.The first song that I fell_in_love_with was Taylor Swifts Forever and Always.7.No matter how ordinary a job is,it plays_a_part in society and therefore deserves our due respect.8.To keep us interested,the speaker told a joke or story every_now_and_then when he gave the talk.完成句子1.As teenagers,it_is_not_until_we_are_able_to_face_difficulties_bravely_that we are mature enough.作为青少年,直到我们能够勇敢地面对困难,我们才算足够成熟。2.Surprised_and_afraid,Tom ran out of the room.又惊又怕,汤姆从房间里跑了出去。3.Follow_the_doctors_advice,and youll be well very soon.听从医生的建议,那么你很快就会好的。4.It_is_generally_agreed_that traffic accidents are largely due to drivers carelessness.人们一致认为,交通事故绝大多数是由于驾驶员的疏忽造成的。 核心要点突破1.interest vt.使感兴趣 n.兴趣;利益;利息(1)have/show/take (an) interest in对感兴趣lose interest in 对失去兴趣with interest 有兴趣地;津津有味地in the interest of 为/符合的利益develop ones interest in 培养某人某方面的兴趣places of interest 名胜(2)interesting adj. 引起兴趣的,有趣的interested adj. 感兴趣的be interested in 对感兴趣单句语法填空The purpose of this programme is to develop our interest in English learning and practical abilities in listening and speaking.He turned to a newspaper and began reading it with interest.佳句背诵 All the international students were quite interested in my introduction.(2018北京高考书面表达)所有的留学生都对我的介绍很感兴趣。2.entertaining adj.有趣的;令人愉快的(1)entertain vt.使娱乐;使快乐;招待entertain sb to sth 用某物招待某人entertain sb with sth 用某物使某人快乐(2)entertainment n. 娱乐;文娱节目;招待,款待to ones entertainment 使某人高兴的是单句语法填空He entertained us for hours with his stories and jokes last night.To my great entertainment (entertain),he promised to entertain us to ice cream.佳句背诵 Pets are amusing and entertaining,but we are in a way doing animals harm.宠物有趣令人愉悦,但我们在某种程度上伤害了宠物。3.occasionally adv.有时;偶尔(1)occasion n.场合;机会on occasion 有时;偶尔;间或on the occasion of 在的时候;在之际(2)occasional adj. 偶尔的;有时的单句语法填空/句型转换I can remember very few occasions when he had to ask for leave because of poor health.It is a happy occasion where people feast on tasty moon cakes.You should on no occasion do such a thing like that.On no occasion should_you_do such a thing like that.佳句背诵 Ive been writing this report occasionally for the last two weeks,but it has to be handed tomorrow.这两个星期来我偶尔写写这个报告,但明天必须上交。名师指津 occasion作先行词,其后跟定语从句时,如果引导词在定语从句中作状语表示时刻,应用关系副词when;若表示场合,应用关系副词where。4.argue v.争论;辩论(1)argue with sb about/over sth与某人辩论某事argue for/against sth 赞成/反对某事argue sb into/out of doing sth 说服某人做/不做某事argue that. 主张;认为(2)argument n. 争论;辩论单句语法填空It is beyond argument (argue) that the book belongs to me.He was arguing with his brother about/over how they should spend the money.佳句背诵 I argue that every one of us should try our best to help those in need.(重庆高考书面表达)我认为我们每一个人都应该尽力帮助需要帮助的人。5.care about关心;顾虑;在乎(1)care for喜欢;照料(2)take care 当心take care of 照料;抚养with care 小心;慎重单句语法填空When you care about other people,they tend to think a lot of you.Students are taken good care of from the start through to the very end.佳句背诵 As the average age of the population increases,there are more and more old people to care for.(2016天津高考单选)因为人的平均寿命延长了,所以越来越多的老人需要照顾。6.e out出现,出来;出版;(花)开放;显露,泄露;结果是一词多义 写出下列句中e out的含义The sun came out from behind the clouds late in the afternoon.出来,出现The gardener went into his garden to see if the flowers had e out.(花)开放It was several weeks before the truth of the matter came out.显露,泄露I am confident that everything will e out right in time.结果是Since Mo Yan won the Nobel Prize,his fans have been eagerly waiting for his new novels to e out.出版e out with(出乎意料地)说出;提出e across (偶然)遇见;发现;被理解e along 跟随e about 发生e on 来吧;赶快;进行e to 苏醒;总计;达到e to oneself 苏醒,恢复知觉e up 走近;上来;发芽;被提出e up with 想出;提出when it es to. 当谈到时单句语法填空If you e across faults but you still want the bicycle,ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.When it es to students surfing the Internet,some people think students can benefit from it.佳句背诵 How did it e about that humans speak so many different languages?人类会说多种不同的语言,这种情况是如何产生的呢?名师指津 e out表示“出版”时,为不及物动词短语,没有被动语态;而publish表示“出版”时,为及物动词,可用于被动语态。7.形容词作状语Brave,good and strong,Xiulian is the character we care about most.(教材原句)我们最关注秀莲这个角色,她勇敢、善良、坚强。形容词(短语)作状语可以表示方式、原因或伴随状况等,可位于句首、句末或句中,常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。Too nervous,I couldnt think of anything at the beginning of the exam.However,I didnt worry but tried to calm myself down.(四川高考书面表达)由于太紧张,考试刚开始时我什么也想不起来。但我没有着急,而是努力使自己平静下来。After the long journey,the three of them went back home,hungry and tired(tire).Surprised(surprise) and happy,Tony stood up and accepted the prize. 考纲词汇专练.多义词专练写出下列句中character的含义n.角色;人物;品质;特征;(汉)字1.More importantly,at the exhibition,we can enjoy some masterpieces showing the patterns of some animals and Chinese characters.人物2.We were respectful of craft and focused on digging into the characters we are going to play.角色3.I wish this book was written in bigger character.文字4.Mr Bartman was a man of good character.性格.微阅读写出加黑词汇在语境中的意义1.One of his first findings was that articles in the science section were much more likely to make the list than nonscience articles.(2016全国卷)部分2.For example,evolutionary psychology is being used by literary scholars to explain the longlasting themes and plot devices in fiction.(重庆高考)情节3.Even if we simply looked out of the car windows at baby pigs following their mother,or fish leaping out of the water,it was better than the best ride down the freeway.(天津高考)跳跃.微完形根据语境选出合适的词语1.(山东高考改编)While nursing her ill elder sister throughout the years,Charlotte discovered she had a(n) _ in medicine.At 18 she _ and started a family.Several years later,Charlotte said she wanted to be a doctor.Her husband supported her decision.A.habit B.interestC.opinion D.voiceA.married B.disagreedC.left D.withdrew答案BA2.There are some people we often meet in our daily life,while we meet some others only _.However often we meet, we should care about each other as well.Though sometimes we might _,but we should try to avoid quarreling,let alone fight against others.A.occasionally B.early C.frequently D.rarelyA.argue B.fight C.shout D.shake答案AA.在空白处填入1个适当的单词或所给单词的正确形式热考常考1.She thinks only of herself;she doesnt care about others.2.Another argument (argue) against television is that it replaces reading as a form of entertainment.3.Although the main characters (character) in this movie are so true to life,they are imaginary.4.He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them interested (interest) in his lectures.5.The result was out of his expectation.Harry looked at the medal in surprise without saying a word.6.It is generally agreed that smoking is harmful to our health.7.One of the actresses (actress) has played a part in many famous films.8.As far as I know,there is no evidence that can prove the actors innocence.9.Im delighted to see my daughter can dance gracefully (graceful).10.Every now and then,the politician takes a day off to look after his mother.用所给动词的正确形式填空不规则变化1.The book which came_(e) out at the end of last year turned out to be a bestseller.2.Ever since the graduation ceremony,she has_fallen (fall) in love with Tom.3.The man leapt/leaped (leap) over the wall but got injured slightly.4.The actors wallet was_stolen_(steal) when he walked in the busy street.5.The director has_won (win) two Oscars in the past years.根据语境选出加黑词的正确含义熟词生义1.They are offering a free holiday to Hainan Island,so naturally I leap at the chance.B2.It was several weeks before the truth of the matter came out.A.完形填空(2019长兴中学模拟)On my way back home I was stopped at traffic lights by some people who asked for help.A womanin her attempt to give _1_ to an ambulancehad driven her car over stony obstacles that separated the bike line from the street, and, as a result, had gotten her car _2_She couldnt move the car in any _3_ without damaging it.A couple of people tried to _4_ the car back but the obstacles were too high.Seeing that they couldnt do much about it, they left.The woman in the car tried to _5_ some service, and was told that it would take about 45 minutes for someone to get there.While watching the other people _6_I realized the woman would be on her own and I imagined how _7_ that would be if I were in her shoes.After some talking, she _8_ me to sit inside her car.I wasnt in a hurry, so I _9_ my family that I would be later and then tried to _10_ the woman who seemed to feel stressed about causing others _11_But actually it wasnt too much trouble _12_ they could still pass, and also there wasnt anything she could do about it _13_We laughed and _14_ that all we needed was some tea for our picnic.Finally _15_ came and helped her back on the street.She _16_ me and asked for my phone number so she could return the _17_, but I told her it was okay.She seemed to feel much _18_ when we said our goodbyes.I believe that not having to face a difficult situation _19_ can make a lot of _20_【语篇解读】该文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者安慰并帮助一位在马路上因为给救护车让行而陷入困境的女士的故事。1A.signalBwayCtimeDhelp答案B一位女士试图给一辆救护车让行。give way to.“让行”,为固定搭配。故选B。2A.stuckBbrokenCdirtyDabandoned答案A根据下文“She couldnt move the car”可推知,因为给救护车让行,这位女士的车卡(stuck)在那里不能动弹。3A.sense BminuteCdirectionDline答案C在不损坏车的情况下,无论往哪个方向(direction)都无法移动。4A.liftBhold CpullDdrive答案A根据上文“She couldnt move the car”以及下文“but the obstacles were too high”可推知,车子卡在那里,障碍物太高,不能被抬(lift)回来。5A.offerBseekCrefuseDtake答案B那位女士在车里试图寻求(seek)一些服务。6A.shoutBdiscussCstandDleave答案D根据上文中的“Seeing that they couldnt do much about it,they left”可知,当时其他人因为帮不了什么忙,都走开(leave)了。7A.amazingBpleasantCuneasyDincredible答案C根据上文可知,那位女士的车被卡在障碍物上,其他人又帮不上忙,作者将心比心,觉得此情此景,那位女士一定不舒服(uneasy),与下文“the woman who seemed to feel stressed about causing others _11_”呼应。8A.forcedBinvitedCorderedDallowed答案B根据语境可推知,那位女士邀请(invited)作者坐进她的车里。9A.consultedBwarnedCadvisedDinformed答案D根据语境及下文“I would be later”可推知,作者是知会(informed)家人一些情况。10A.persuadeBfortCfrighten Dsatisfy答案B根据空后的“the woman who seemed to feel stressed about causing others _11_”可推知,那位女士似乎感到焦虑不安,作者试图宽慰(fort)她,这与下文“We laughed and _14_ that all we needed was some tea for our picnic”呼应。11A.troubleBdisbeliefCanxietyDembarrassment答案A根据下文中的“But actually it wasnt too much trouble _12_ they could still pass”可推知,那位女士认为给他人带来麻烦(trouble)而感到焦虑不安。12A.thoughBuntilCsinceDunless答案C根据语境可推知,此处前后内容表示逻辑上的因果关系。故since“因为”符合语境。13A.anywayBthereforeCstillDsomehow答案A根据上文“She couldnt move the car in any _3_ without damaging it”可推知,无论如何(anyway),那位女士对当时那种情况也是无能为力的。14A.rememberedBrealizedCthoughtDjoked答案D由空前的“We laughed”可推知,作者和那位女士当时都笑了,并且开着玩笑(joked)。15A.newsBmy partnerCassistanceDan ambulance答案C根据空后的“helped her back on the street”可推知,最终援助(assistance)到了,帮那位女士回到了路上。16A.greetedBthankedCacceptedDattracted答案B根据语境可知,作者去安慰那位受困的女士,那位女士在最终解困后应是感谢(thanked)作者。17A.carBpanyCfavorDpicnic答案C根据语境可推知,那位女士想要作者的电话号码,以回报作者的帮助(favor)。18A.nervousBunwillingCdisappointedDbetter答案D根据语境可知,那位女士从困境中解脱出来,感觉比之前好了许多。故D项符合语境。19A.aloneBbravelyCbitterlyDdirectly答案A根据上文可知,由于作者的帮助和安慰,那位女士最终心情变得好了许多,由此可推知,她当时不是独自(alone)面对困境。20A.decisionBfortuneCchoiceDdifference答案D作者认为不用独自面对困境可以产生很大影响(difference)。.语法填空The Forbidden City, 1._(locate) at the exact center of Beijing, is a place full of wonders.But more than 600 years after it was built, its still managing 2._(serve) up surprises because the Forbidden City has survived more than 200 earthquakes.Most structures arent made to survive 3._(nature) disasters, let alone those built hundreds of years ago.To show 4._ strong ancient Chinese buildings really are, a television documentary by British broadcaster Channel 4 explored the skills of the ancient buildings designers.A group of Chinese carpenters and 5._ (engineer) were shown building a scale model of one of the Forbidden Citys palaces at one fifth of the size.The model 6._(put) to the test.It was subjected to a simulated earthquake of 9.5 on the Richter scale. Instead of falling apart, the model was just moved 7._(gentle) during the test.According to experts, the answer to the Forbidden Citys strength, lies in dougong8._ old building method invented in China.In spite of being held together 9._ any nails or glue,dougong is perfect at 10._(keep) structures together.So as Chinas most popular tourist destination, perhaps the Forbidden City should add one more thing to its list of attractions:earthquake shelter.【语篇解读】本文介绍了紫禁城的位置、历史、建筑抗震强以及抗震强的原因。1located考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处充当定语,省略了which is;be located at表示“位于”。2to serve考查非谓语动词。manage后面用动词不定式作宾语,故用to serve。3natural考查形容词。空处充当定语,修饰disasters,说明被修饰词的性质,表示“自然的”,故用形容词形式natural。4how考查副词。为了表明中国古代的建筑是多么的结实,英国第四频道电视台的一个电视纪录片探索了古代中国建筑设计师们的技艺。how表示“多么”,修饰形容词strong。5engineers考查名词的单复数。and连接并列结构,前后保持一致,前面用名词复数carpenters,故空处也应该用名词engineer的复数形式。6was put考查动词的时态和语态。该句意为:这个模型被投入到试验中。根据上下文可知,动作发生在过去,故用一般过去时,又因为主语The model与谓语动词put构成被动关系,故用was put。7gently考查词性转换。空处修饰动词moved,故用其副词形式gently。8an考查冠词。method是可数名词,这里表示泛指一种,故用不定冠词,又因为空后是发音以元音音素开头的old,故用an。9without考查介词。根据上下文可知,用dougong这种技术建造房子不用钉子和胶水,故用without。10keeping考查动名词。keep充当介词at的宾语,故用其动名词形式。.应用文写作假如你是李华,你所在城市的一个咖啡屋开展 “以书换咖啡”活动,请你给你的好朋友David写一封邮件,邀请他这周末一起参加。注意:1.词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【参考范文】Dear David,How are you these days? Im writing to tell you something about an activity named Exchange Your Books for Coffee,which is held by a coffee house.In the coffee house,people can take a book which they have read and exchange it for a cup of coffee.This activity is thought highly of by people because they can not only drink delicious coffee,but also share books with others instead of throwing them away.Would you like to go to the coffee house with me this weekend? If so,please take a book with you.Yours,Li Hua.概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。(2019宁波十校联考)Some experts argue the fact that almost one in four teens is constantly online is a dangerous thing,yet I believe that its an opportunity.Technology brings us closer together and can help us in everyday life rather than replacing friends with screens.First,I believe that technology takes the embarrassment out of facetoface contact,as talking to someone may make you unfortable.You could not say what is on your mind.A much simpler way of municating is through texts.By texting a person,there is no resistance(抵抗) to what you are trying to say.You are able to revise your words before you send them,hopefully not saying something you will later regret or that could hurt someones feelings.Apart from making friends face to face,there are other ways of interaction using technology.Technology can help bond people together by showing similar interests.Second,technology can help friends and family ke

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