2019-2020学年高二英语上学期第一次质量检测试题 (I).doc

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2019-2020学年高二英语上学期第一次质量检测试题 (I)第一部分 听力(略)第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AOne day. One lifetime. You can do it! From the museum of modern art to the museum of ancient articles, visit our picks for the worlds best museums.National Gallery of Canada (Ottawa)This museum has a great collection of art spanning the Middle Ages to the present day, including American, Indian, European, Inuit and Canadian works. It offers a unique, near-plete overview of Canadian art from early Quebec religious work, through Inuit work from the 1950s, to the contemporaries.Tokugawa Art Museum (Japan)The Tokugawa family reigned over Japan from 1600 to 1868. Under them, the country enjoyed the longest period of peace in its history. This time span is also known as the Edo period, during which the arts flowered in Japan. Artists of this period directly influenced Western masters such as Monet, Gauguin and Whistler and have since gone on to bee household names. Other exhibits effectively present, through accurately reproduced environments, aspects of Japanese life at the time.Museum of Fine Arts (Boston)Highlights of this museums collection include a 4th-century Christian marble bust ( 半身像) of St. Paul at prayer, and a painting that questions life and our very existence, Gauguins “Where do we e from? What are we? Where are we going?” Its a must-go in the US.The Egyptian Museum (Cairo)As well as gathering together some of the finest archaeological finds from all Egypt, this museum also provides a rare opportunity to simply pop in and within minutes be standing face-to-face with one of the greatest works of mankind, Tutankhamuns golden mask. A portrait of unbelievable quality, craftsmanship and beauty, the highly polished gold face at once a god, a king and a teenager shines like water: delicate, yet untouchable all at the same time.21. Which museum will you visit if you want to know more about Monet?A. Tokugawa Art Museum. B. National Gallery of Canada. C. Museum of Fine Arts. D. The Egyptian Museum.22. What kind of works cant you see in the National Gallery of Canada?A. American works. B. European works. C. Japanese works. D. Inuit woks.23. What is the most famous art work in The Egyptian Museum?A. Gauguins painting. B. A golden mask of Tutankhamun.C. The Tokugawa family paintings.D. A 4th-century Christian marble bust of St. Paul at prayer.B I lived in California. When a new family moved in next door, my children started to play with their children and I got to meet the mother of the family, Lydia. Lydia is Korean, and her family moved to our city so her husband could go to graduate school. We started talking, and she was apologetic about how bad her English was. I had the same feeling about my Korean. Actually, her English was so much better than my Korean. I enjoyed chatting with Lydia as we watched our kids play. It was what came next that challenged me very badly. Lydia asked if Id be willing to help her with her English. Im not a teacher but I admire teachers. Its because I admire what they do so much that I was very sure that I couldnt do it myself. But Lydia was sure that she wanted my help. I wasnt sure my “help” was even worth being called by that name. But because she asked me, I said “yes”.And that was the beginning of a friendship. Lydia and I spent afternoons sitting together and reading the newspaper, and as we did, she asked me questions about language, and also about the new culture she found herself in. In turn, I asked my own questions, growing curious about her home country and culture. We bonded(结合)over our shared faith and our struggles as mothers of kids with special needs. Because of Lydia, I learned more about my own hometown than I ever could have learned by myself. Im still not sure whether Im as good as a teacher. But Im grateful I said “yes” . That meant spending extra time with my neighbor, and that extra time meant she didnt remain just my neighbor. She became my friend.24. Why did Lydia move to California? A.She looked for a job. B. She worked as a tutor.C. She went to help her kids learn English. D. She acpanied her husband to study.25. What did the author think of her Korean? A. It was good. B. It was perfect. C. It was terrible. D. It was extraordinary.26. What challenged the author most after they met? A. The relationships among children. B. The differences of cross cultures. C. The misunderstanding caused by language barrier. D. Lydias request on helping her with English learning.27. What may be the best title for the text?A. Cross-cultural Friendship B. Secret of Language LearningC. Realization of a Teaching DreamD. Importance of Mastering English Until recently, scientists had mapped only about 20 percent of the sea floor. But our knowledge of the deep seas is changing because of information from satellites. Scientists have produced a new map that provides a detailed picture of the oceans. The map is expected to help oceanographers (海洋学家), industry and governments.The new map is twice as detailed as the map made 20 years ago. David Sandwell is a geophysics professor at the University of California. He and other scientists worked on the mapping project. He says they turned to space to look deeper into the ocean.The scientists collected and studied information from two satellites. Some of the data came from the European Space Agencys Cryo-2 satellite. It was placed in Earths orbit to watch sea ice. The other satellite is the American Space Agencys Jason-1. It is studying the surface of the oceans. Scientists bined the satellite data with images gathered by sonar (声波定位仪) equipment on ships. Sonar works by sending sound waves through the water. When the sound waves hit an object, its presence is confirmed.The new map shows the sea floor as it has never been seen before. It shows thousands of underwater mountains and places where continents pulled apart. It shows where earthquakes were active many years ago. They all are buried deep underneath the ocean floor.David Sandwell says the map is a powerful tool for fisheries, those interested in protecting the environment and for oil exploration.“The petrol exploration industry is interested in how to reconnect the continents, bring them back together technically so you can map the basins(盆地)on one continental edgesay, Africaand use that to establish where the similar basin would be on the other continental edge in South America.”If scientists know that information, they may be able to find oil fields. The new data also will help scientists improve their estimates of ocean depths. This information can help ships travel safely and improve military operations and scientific projects worldwide.Mr. Sandwell thinks scientists will make many more discoveries as they examine the new map and the information it provides.28. The text is likely to appear in _.A. a science fiction B. an advertisementC. a science magazine D. a finance report29. What can we know about the new map?A. It shows where earthquakes will happen.B. It will be helpful to industry and governments.C. It is based on the data gathered by the spaceships.D. It is three times as detailed as the old one years ago.30. Which one is not mentioned about the benefits brought by the new map?A. Fisheries. B. Scientific projects. C. Ship manufacture. D. Oil exploration.31. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. The detailed picture of the oceans.B. Underwater mountains and places.C. More discoveries about the oceans.D. Scientists create new maps of ocean floor.DScientists in Argentina have created the worlds first cow with two human genes that will enable it to produce human-like milk.Genetic engineering was used to introduce the “mothers milk” genes into the animal before birth, according to the National Institute of Agribusiness Technology in Buenos Aires.“As an adult, the cloned cow will produce milk that is similar to that of humans, which will prove a development of great importance for the nutrition of infants(婴儿)”, said the institute. “The cloned cow, named Rosita ISA, is the first in the world with two human genes that contain the proteins present in human milk,” said the statement.In April, scientists in China published details of research showing that they had created dairy cows which produced milk containing proteins found in human breast milk. But the Argentine team said the Chinese only introduced one human gene, while their research involved two, meaning the milk will more closely resemble that of humans.“Our goal was to raise the nutrition value of cows milk by adding two human genes, which do good to the immune(免疫) system of infants,” said Adrian Mutto, from the National University of San Martin which worked with the institute.Cristina Kirchner, President of Argentina, said that the scientific institute made all Argentines proud. She also said that she had refused the “honor” of having the cow named after her. “They came to tell me that the name is Cristina, but what woman would like to have a cow named after her? It appeared to me to be more proper to call it Rosita.”32. What is the passage mainly about?A. Ways to improve mothers milk.B. The importance of genetic engineering.C. A cloned cow to produce human-like milk.D. Advanced agricultural technology in Argentina.33. Which of the following can best replace “more closely resemble” in Para 4?A. be more similar toB. be more different fromC. have more nutrition thanD. have more varieties than34. What can be inferred from Cristina Kirchners statements?A. She felt it improper to be named after the cow.B. She considered it an honor to name the special cow.C. She refused to give a name to the cow out of self-respect.D. She was quite satisfied with the research done by the institute.35. Whats Adrian Muttos attitude to the genetic engineering?A. negative B. supportive C. indifferent D. mixed第二节(共 5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。We all know that being grateful and appreciative is very beneficial. 36 Gratitude belongs to the category of advanced life skills because it can pletely transform your life.Help others turn away from negativity. If some people you know insist on talking about negative things all the time, find a wise way to tell them that you really dont appreciate it. 37 Look for reasons to say thank you. 38 Theyll be more likely to do nice things for you because you appreciate their efforts. In turn, youll have even more reasons to feel gratitude. When other people sense that you appreciate them, it changes your relationship with them. 39 When you find yourself in a difficult situation, look for the beneficial aspects created by that situation. Ask yourself: “What have I learned here? Will it benefit me in the future? When I look back on this experience a year later, what will I be grateful for?”Have a gratitude review. Do this as soon as you wake up in the morning and before you go to sleep at night. 40 Think of all the things you have to be grateful for in your life. If you start and end each day with gratitude, your whole life will shift in a more positive direction. It only takes a minute or two to allow gratitude to fill your heart and mind.A. See the big picture.B. Show respect for others .C. Actually, it is more than that.D. Everyone loves to be appreciated.E. Dont get pulled in a negative talk.F. Remember to count your blessings daily.G. So you could be doing them a huge favor.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。This was my first Thanksgiving Day in Birmingham. I wanted to express my 41 to a lot of people. They helped me a lot during my stay in this pletely strange foreign country. Who 42 me most was an Indian girl, Denise.That day I was on Bus 35 from the city center, and I 43 at Shannon Road. But I realized it was not my bus stop. It was nearly 9 oclock in the evening so there was no one 44 . I walked on and was lost at a very strange spot. 45 , before my strength ran out, a bus finally arrived. I hurriedly got onto it without 46 , explaining that I was lost and asked 47 who could help me. From the puzzled look on their faces, I felt 48 . Just then, an Indian girl stopped calling, telling me she knew my 49 . We left that bus and had a pleasant 50 on our way and I also learned from her the 51 for other passengers “puzzled” looks. It took her nearly an hour to 52 to my house.I would return to my country after Thanksgiving Day, so I prepared a beautiful Chinese knot(中国结) for Denise, but I just didnt 53 to her. On the morning of Thanksgiving Day, I had a very 54 breakfast because I couldnt wait any longer to find Denise. I intended to take Bus 27, the one I took 55 I was lost. While waiting for the bus, I heard someone 56 me. I turned around; it was Denise! What a coincidence! I immediately 57 her with the gift. When we waved goodbye to each other, tears ran down my cheeks, and I 58 we would meet again in the near future.I learned a(n) 59 lesson from herhelp others in need. Now every Thanksgiving Day, I 60 my house with some Chinese knots. So does Denise.41. A. appreciation B. opinions C. concerns D. sympathy42. A. benefited B. touched C. influenced D. changed43. A. turned up B. turned around C. got off D. got on44. A. in place B. in charge C. in need D. in sight45. A. Luckily B. Astonishingly C. Naturally D. Suddenly46. A. purpose B. hesitation C. doubt D. ticket47. A. happily B. slowly C. anxiously D. cautiously48. A. curious B. nervous C. desperate D. lonely49. A. identity B. address C. school D. position50. A. walk B. view C. break D. conversation51. A. excuse B. preference C. desire D. reason52. A. acpany B. drive C. invite D. introduce53. A. run into B. get across C. set aside D. get through54. A. delicious B. hurried C. wonderful D. unforgettable55. A. before B. after C. since D. until56. A. greeting B. discussing C. phoning D. praising57. A. replaced B. gave C. presented D. offered58. A. swore B. prayed C. declared D. guessed59. A. valuable B. interesting C. thoughtful D. simple60. A. decorate B. paint C. furnish D. fill第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Texting while walking is something that most of us are guilty of. We cant help 61 (reply) to that message we just received. However, while 62 is fun to keep up with the latest news, we may actually be putting ourselves in danger. “I 63 (spot) a person in front of me walking very slowly and weaving, and I thought, Is this person drunk? But it turned out that the person was just texting.” said Matthew Timmis. 64 (inspire) by this, Timmis and his team set out to seek the effects of phone use on 65 (passer-by). A group of 21 volunteers were asked to walk around a certain street. The participants traveled the course a total of 12 times each, either writing 66 reading a message, making a call, or with no phone at all. It took the volunteers 118 percent 67 _(long) to plete the course when using a phone. They also focused 68 the path 51 percent more when they werent using a phone. Although there were no accidents, Timmis believes we should still be aware of 69 is going on around us. “You are not going to be able to respond to danger efficiently, 70 increases the risk of injury.” He added.第四部分 写作(共两节;满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题l分,满分10分) 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均限一词。2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。My little brother and I went shopping in newly opened supermarket in our city last Monday. We tasted a little delicious cheese biscuits and buy three boxes of candies. Seen one of my favourite chocolate cakes, I quickened my steps through the crowd. A few minutes later, I couldnt find my brother and got anxiously. Since there were so many people in the supermarket, so it was quite tough for me to find her. I had to ask a salesman for some advices. It wasnt long after the salesman found a loudspeaker and started to search for my brother. Thanks for the salesman, I managed to find my brother at last.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,上周你校学生会组织一个文化交流团到英国某高中进行文化交流;现已回国,请你代表你校学生会交流团给英国活动负责人David写一封信,内容包括:1. 感谢;2. 体验和收获;3. 邀请对方暑假来中国体验中国文化。注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear David,_Yours, Li Huaxx上期高二第一次质量检测 英语参考答案阅读理解 2123 ACB 2427 DCDA 2831 CBCD 3235 CADB 3640 CGDAF完形填空4145 ABCDA 4650 BCCBD 5155 DADBB 5660 ACBAA语法填空 3. replying 62. it 63. spotted 64. Inspired 65. passers-by 66. or 67. longer 68.on 69. what 70. which短文改错advicehimanxiousSeeingfewboughtatobeforeMy little brother and I went shopping in newly opened supermarket in our city last Monday. We tasted a little delicious cheese biscuits and buy three boxes of candies. Seen one of my favourite chocolate cakes, I quickened my steps through the crowd. A few minutes later, I couldnt find my brother and got anxiously. Since there were so many people in the supermarket, so it was quite tough for me to find her. I had to ask a salesman for some advices. It wasnt long after the salesman found a loudspeaker and started to search for my brother. Thanks for the salesman, I managed to find my brother at last.Possible version:I am delighted to tell you we have returned to China safely and Im writing to express our gratitude for your reception.We were impressed with your warm entertainment. Without your careful preparation, the journey couldnt have been so successful. We have benefited a lot from the visit. We got a precious chance to learn about the British culture and history. It also offered us a platform where we could display traditional Chinese culture like paper-cutting and Chinese painting to more foreigners. It will arouse peoples greater interest in each others culture and promote cultural exchange. We are sure to develop a closer friendship as more activities are held.We would like to invite you to visit China this summer holiday, so you can experience the Chinese culture in person and have a deeper understanding of it.


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