2019高考英语一轮核心考点探究与练习 教材复习篇 Unit 1 Living well(含解析)新人教版选修7.doc

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Unit 1Living well选修7Unit 1Living well【短文语法填空】It is easy to overlook 1. role that your body plays in 2.(influence) your mood.When you are ill,you may find 3. blaming work pressures or an unknown future.However,it could just be that you have been sitting behind your desk too long.One way 4.(improve) your mood is exercise.Psychologically,it provides you 5. a break from the stresses in your life.Also,in the process,you may aim for clear goals,like a new 6.(person) running record or a better body shape.The achievement of a particular goal 7.(make) you feel good and contributes to your 8.(confident).That is why exercise has been shown to build up your self-respect.You do not have to train yourself hard to feel the psychological benefits of exercise.What 9.(real) matters is frequency,not intensity of your exercise.You can try walking for 30 minutes five times per week or 10.(simple) gardening on weekends.答案1.the2.influencing3.yourself4.to improve5.with6.personal7.makes8.confidence9.really10.simply(对应学生用书P159)adapt vt.使适应;改编(1)(2)(3)adaptable adj.能适应的;可修改的(4)adaptation n适应;改编;改写本(教材原句)Unfortunately,the doctors dont know how to make me better,but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability.不幸的是,大夫们不知道如何治好我的病,但是我很开朗乐观,学会了适应身体的残疾。The students find it difficult _to adapt_ (adapt) to the new school.学生们发觉很难适应新学校。As far as I know,the TV play _is adapted_ (adapt) from a true story.据我所知,这部电视剧改编自真人真事。单句语法填空(2017江苏卷)Human beings will continue _to adapt_ (adapt) to the changing climate in both ordinary and _astonishing_ (astonish) ways.absence n缺席;不在某处(1)in the absence of sb.in ones absence 某人不在时absence of mind 心不在焉(2)absent adj.不在的;缺席的be absent from.不参加;缺席(教材原句)Every time I returned after an absence,I felt stupid because I was behind the others.每次请过长假之后,我都觉得自己很笨,因为我比别人落后了。She never speaks ill of anyone _in_ his or her absence.她从不在背后说别人的坏话。However,learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the _absence_ (absent) of a native language environment.然而,在缺乏英语环境的情况下学习英语相当困难。单句语法填空(2017全国卷)Now all that was needed were the parents, but they were _absent_ (absence). congratulate vt.祝贺,庆贺(1)congratulate sb.on就向某人祝贺(2)congratulate oneself on(doing)sth.感到自豪;暗自庆幸;为自己高兴(3)(教材原句)Listen to the latter part of Barrys story where Joan congratulates Barry and wishes him future success,then plete the sentences.听Barry故事的后半部分,在此部分Joan祝贺Barry的将来能成功,然后完成句子。Id like _to congratulate_ (congratulate) you on your wonderful performance.祝贺你表演的如此出色。I want to express my sincere congratulations _on_ your success.我想对你的成功表示诚挚的祝贺。access n(接近的)方法;通道;通路;可接近性(1)gain/obtain/have access to.得以接近/进入/会见give access to.使能接近(2)accessible adj.可接近的;可进入的;可使用的be accessible to.可接近的;可靠近的;可使用的(教材原句)I am sure many people will praise your cinema if you design it with good access for disabled people.我确信许多人会表扬你的电影院,如果你把它设计得非常适合残疾人使用的话。The access _to_ success is to make good use of the access to education.通向成功的方法是好好利用受教育的机会。(2016天津卷)It was really annoying;I couldnt get _access_ (accessible) to the data bank you had remended.这真是令人生气的;我不能进入你推荐的数据库。单句语法填空(2017全国卷)As the Kennedy Centers artistic adviser for jazz, Moran hopes to widen the audience for jazz, make the music more _accessible_ (access), and preserve its history and culture.【七选五】Choosing the right college for you is not so easy.You should have a general idea of what you want and dont want.The idea can guide you to find what fits your needs best._1_Think about what major you want to study in college.If you know that,just look at colleges that have your major._2_ So think carefully about your major and interests before choosing one.Where the college is located matters.Anyone who tells you the location isnt important is lying._3_ If you look forward to working in the publishing industry,New York may be your best bet.If your parents want you to stay close to home,please dont consider anywhere that requires a plane ticket to get to.Think about how much you can afford.Are your parents paying for your education? If so,how much are they willing to spend?Do you have to contribute anything? Financial aid and scholarship exist,but dont count on anything._4_ These are all things to consider before you fall in love with a college.Make sure youre going to spend time with the right people.The cool thing about college is that each different one attracts different kinds of people.For the first thing in your life,you get to choose where you get to spend your time and who you get to spend it with._5_ Make sure that the people youre with for four years are your kind of people.ACollege is about learning what you love.BYoud better choose a major that is popular.CGo to the college with some people you like.DAre you willing to go into major debt over a school?ERemember,above all,its the people that make the place.FIf you dont like cold weather,stay away from northern schools.GThese guidelines will help figure out what college you want to go to.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了几个关于如何选择大学的问题。1G承接上文“The idea can guide you to find what fits your needs best”可推知,空处同时起到了承接下文的作用,所以选G项。2A由下一句“So think carefully about your major and interests before choosing one”可知,要根据自己的兴趣选择专业,所以选A项。3F根据本段首句“Where the college is located matters”可知,大学所在地的选择很重要,所以选F项。4D根据“Think about how much you can afford”和“Financial aid and scholarship exist,but dont count on anything”可推知,选择大学要对学费有所考量,所以选D项。5E根据“Make sure youre going to spend time with the right people”和“For the first thing.spend it with”可推知,选择大学要考虑将会遇到的同学,所以选E项。in other words 换句话说in a word 简言之,总之;一句话have a word with sb.与某人谈一谈have words with sb.与某人争吵eat ones words 承认说错了话;收回前言keep/break ones word 信守诺言/失信,食言Word es that./Word has it that.有消息/传言说in word 在言语上,口头上(教材原句)In other words,there are not many people like me.换句话说,像我这样的人并不多见。(2016浙江卷)_In_ other words,gossip is _satisfying_ (satisfy) because it gives people a sense ofbelonging or even superiority (优越感)换句话说,闲话令人满意是因为它给人一种归属感和满足感。The boss shouted at his engineer,“Dont read the report word _for_ word.I know you are good at expressing yourself _in_ word,but I want to listen to your big _words_ (word) no more._In_ other words,you should not only promise me _in_ word,but show me your action._In_ a word,you must keep your word,or Ill let you go.”老板对工程师吼道:“不要一字一句地读报告,我知道你擅长口头上表达自己,但我不想再听你吹牛了。换句话说,你不应该只是口头上许诺我,你更要让我看到你的行动。总之,你必须遵守诺言,否则我将解雇你。”单句语法填空(2017北京卷)_In_ a word, the trip will be both relaxing and rewarding, which is bound to be a memorable experience for you.out of breath 上气不接下气get ones breath(back/again) 恢复正常呼吸hold ones breath 屏住呼吸lose ones breath 喘不过气来;喘息take a breath 歇一歇;喘口气(教材原句)So sometimes some children in my primary school would laugh,when I got out of breath after running a short way or had to stop and rest halfway up the stairs.当我跑了很短的一段路之后,我就会喘不过气来,或者爬楼梯才爬到一半就得停下来休息。因此上小学时有的孩子见了我这种情况就会笑话我。The boy _took_ (take) a deep breath and _held_ (hold) his breath before he got into the water.After a moment,he put his head out of the water and it seemed as if he was quite _out_ of breath;but soon he got _his_ breath again.It almost took _our_ breath away when he finally got the first place in the petition.小男孩深吸一口气,屏住呼吸跳入水中。一会儿,他把头露出水面,好像是上气不接下气,但是不久他又恢复正常呼吸。他在比赛中获得第一名时真令我们叹服。【短文改错】假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(2018淄博市高三模拟考试)My new friend Tom is good at English writing.One day,I asked him how he did such well in written English.He told me that he has a habit of keep a diary every day.“You can try them,too.Im sure you will improve your written English quickly in this way,”he said.I thought Tom was right,but I decided to follow his advices.I started to write down something interested every day.Sometimes when I didnt know how to spell a word,I would look it up in a dictionary.When I didnt know how to write a sentence correct,I would ask my teacher for the help.My written English has really improved a lot because that.【答案】My new friend Tom is good at English writing.One day,I asked him how he did suc well in written English.He told me that he a habit of a diary every day.“You can try ,too.Im sure you will improve your written English quickly in this way,”he said.I thought Tom was right, I decided to follow his .I started to write down something every day.Sometimes when I didnt know how to spell a word,I would look it up in a dictionary.When I didnt know how to write a sentence ,I would ask my teacher for help.My written English has really improved a lot because that.第一处:考查副词。根据后面的副词“well”可判断出,此处应用副词so。第二处:考查动词的时态。根据上下文语境可判断出,此处描述的是过去发生的事情,所以应用一般过去时。第三处:考查非谓语动词。介词of后面应接v.ing形式。第四处:考查代词。此处应用it指代“写日记”这一习惯。第五处:考查连词。语境表示,作者认为Tom所言是正确的,于是作者决定按他的建议去做。根据语境可判断出,前后句是并列关系或者因果关系,所以此处应用连词and/so。第六处:考查名词。advice是不可数名词,不能变成复数形式。第七处:考查形容词。此处应用interesting作后置定语修饰不定代词“something”,说明事物的特征,表示“有趣的事情”。第八处:考查副词。此处应用副词correctly修饰动词“write”。第九处:考查固定短语。ask for help是固定短语,意为“求助”。第十处:考查介词。because后接原因状语从句,because of后常接名词或代词。根据后面的“that”可判断出,此处应加介词of。Sometimes,too,I was _too_ weak _to_ go to school so my education suffered.有时,我的身体很虚弱,以至于不能去上学,因此我的学习受到了影响。该句含有一个“too.to.”结构,意思是“太而不能”。tooanxious/eager/glad/happy/pleased/ready/willing,etc.to do sth.(表示肯定意义)非常/很干某事not too.to do sth.并不太做某事too.not to do sth.太以至于不得不做某事only too.to do sth.非常做某事cant/can never.too.再也不为过;越越Im only too _delighted_ (delight) to help.非常乐意效劳。You _cant_ be too careful in driving a car.你驾驶汽车时,无论怎样小心都不过分。The problems were too plicated for us _to solve_ (solve)那些问题太复杂,我们无法解决。Im only too _pleased_ (please) to be able to work out the problem.能解出那道题我真高兴。【阅读理解】Illegally traded endangered species that escape, forming secondary populations, offer hope to their long-term survival, a study suggests. This first came to my attention when I read a news story about the seizure of an illegal shipment of 23 yellow crested cockatoos(小葵花凤头鹦鹉), said Luke Gibson, a college teacher. He learned that the species was critically endangered, which surprised him.This encouraged Dr. Gibson and his colleague to investigate(调查)how a critically endangered species had bee self-sustaining outside of its natural range. They discovered 49 cases of a globally threatened species being established as a separate population, which they hadnt thought of, including the yellow-crested cockatoo in their city.This is a species which is primarily threatened by wildlife trade, he told BBC News. Poachers(偷猎者)go out into the forest in its native range in eastern Indonesia and capture the bird and then ship them off, usually up to our city where there is a strong demand for pet birds. This is what has fueled the decline of this species in its native range. But its really interesting because that same cause also had another effect: some of the people who were keeping this species here accidentally or intentionally released them.” As a result of enough of the birds set free, it allowed a new self-sustaining population to be established in this city.The government in of Dr. Gibsons city has made it illegal to capture the species, even though it is a non-native species. Because the city is affluent and relatively well educated, the cases of people breaking the law are extremely rare, explained Dr Gibson, unlike in its native range in Indonesia, where capturing birds forms a major source of ine.However, there can be downsides(缺点) to the newly established population of endangered species, such as a limited genetic pool, and suffering from novel diseases. It did also present a possible “very interesting” opportunity for conservationists, Dr. Gibson suggested. This would involve harvesting some of the newly established secondary population, which may provide a way to help slow global biodiversity loss.1.What was beyond Gibsons expectations according to the first paragraph?A. The high rate of wildlife trade.B. The preciousness of the birds.C. The fact that the birds nearly disappear.D. The news that the birds were poached.2.What happened unexpectedly when the birds were shipped abroad?A. They formed a separate population.B. They were kept as pet birds.C. They were traded illegally.D. They were killed for research.3.Which can replace the underlined word “affluent”?A. Peace-loving.B. Rich.C. Free.D. Environment friendly.4.For what purpose did the author write the passage?A. To appeal to everyone to stop the wildlife trade.B. To explain the challenge the wild birds are facing.C. To introduce a creative approach to wildlife conservation.D. To raise peoples awareness of protecting endangered species.【文章大意】本文为说明文。讲述的是一项研究表明逃跑的非法交易的濒危物种形成了次级群体,为它们的长期生存提供了希望,也呈现了野生生物保护的一种可能的方法。1.C 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句话 He learned that the species was critically endangered, which surprised him.可知他没有料到的是这些鸟是非常濒危的物种,与C项一致,故选C。2.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句话可知有些养这种鸟的人偶然地或者故意地放了它们,由此在这个城市里形成了单独的自我维持数量的鸟,故选A。4.C 【解析】观点态度题。根据最后一段最后两句话It did also present a possible “very interesting” opportunity for conservationists, Dr. Gibson suggested. This would involve harvesting some of the newly established secondary population, which may provide a way to help slow global biodiversity loss.可知本文作者是为了介绍野生生物保护的一种创新的方法,故选C。


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