浙江专用2020版高考英语大一轮新优化复习考点强化练13Unit3TheMillionPoundBankNote新人教版必修3 .doc

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Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note.阅读理解A(2018浙江)Steven Stein likes to follow garbage trucks.His strange habit makes sense when you consider that hes an environmental scientist who studies how to reduce litter,including things that fall off garbage trucks as they drive down the road.What is even more interesting is that one of Steins jobs is defending an industry behind the plastic shopping bag.Americans use more than 100 billion thin film plastic bags every year.So many end up in tree branches or along highways that a growing number of cities do not allow them at checkouts(收银台).The bags are prohibited in some 90 cities in California,including Los Angeles.Eyeing these headwinds,plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein to make the case that their products are not as bad for the planet as most people assume.Among the bag makers arguments:many cities with bans still allow shoppers to purchase paper bags,which are easily recycled but require more energy to produce and transport.And while plastic bags may be ugly to look at,they represent a small percentage of all garbage on the ground today.The industry has also taken aim at the product that has appeared as its replacement:reusable shopping bags.The stronger a reusable bag is,the longer its life and the more plastic-bag use it cancels out.However,longer-lasting reusable bags often require more energy to make.One study found that a cotton bag must be used at least 131 times to be better for the planet than plastic.Environmentalists dont dispute(质疑) these points.They hope paper bags will be banned someday too and want shoppers to use the same reusable bags for years.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。在美国,一些地区禁止使用塑料袋,然而有一部分科学家却被塑料袋制造商雇佣,来证明他们的产品并不像大多数人想象的那样糟糕,到底是使用塑料袋、环保袋,还是有更好的选择?1.What has Steven Stein been hired to do?A.Help increase grocery sales.B.Recycle the waste material.C.Stop things falling off trucks.D.Argue for the use of plastic bags.答案D解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段的最后一句“What is even more interesting is that one of Steins jobs is defending an industry behind the plastic shopping bag.”可知,Steven Stein的工作是保护塑料购物袋背后的行业,为其辩护,故选D项。2.What does the word “headwinds” in paragraph 2 refer to?A.Bans on plastic bags.B.Effects of city development.C.Headaches caused by garbage.D.Plastic bags hung in trees.答案A解析词义猜测题。根据上下文语境可知,美国施行了许多关于禁止使用塑料袋的办法,塑料袋制造商雇佣像Stein这样的科学家,来证明他们的产品并不像大多数人想象的那样糟糕,因此headwinds指代前面施行的禁止使用塑料袋的法令,故选A项。3.What is a disadvantage of reusable bags according to plastic-bag makers?A.They are quite expensive.B.Replacing them can be difficult.C.They are less strong than plastic bags.D.Producing them requires more energy.答案D解析细节理解题。根据文章第四段的第三句“However,longer-lasting reusable bags often require more energy to make.”可知,制造使用更持久的环保袋通常需要更多的能量,这是它们的弊端,故选D项。4.What is the best title for the text?A.Plastic,Paper or NeitherB.Industry,Pollution and EnvironmentC.Recycle or Throw AwayD.Garbage Collection and Waste Control答案A解析主旨大意题。纵观全文及文章最后一段可知,本文主要介绍了塑料袋与环保袋的使用问题。最后,作者表明,环保人士希望有一天环保袋也能够被更好的可再生的袋子所替代,故A项最能全面地概括本文的主旨。B(2018浙江杭州教学质量检测)What horrors hide in our subconscious (潜意识)?According to a new French study on sleep-talking,researchers found the most monly used word is “no”,and the French swearword (骂人的话) “putain” occurred,reports the New York Times,“800 times more often in sleep than when awake”.The study also found that men sleep-talked more than women and used more swearwords.Sleep-talking is a form of sleep disorders.“In my experience,it can be linked to the nervous system being overactive,which can be related to the overuse of technology before bed or too much coffee,” says Dr Nerina.“But these sorts of behaviours can happen with people who are quite hard on themselves.Theyre perfectionists,but they often hold back on saying what they really want to say.When they go to bed at night,it es out into the sleep.”The idea that you can find someones deepest secrets while they are asleep is irresistible.There are apps that record sleep-talking.But can you admit to a murder in your sleep?Or to having a lover?Prof.Horne suggests we shouldnt read too much into what is said.“Sleep-talking tends to occur in very light sleep,” he says.Sleep-talking isnt related to dreaming but to the lighter sleep.Its really the wanderings of a rather confused mind.”It is much more mon in children,and the majority of people grow out of it.“Anxiety and stress tend to bring it on,” says Horne.“Sleep-talkers are generally reflecting some sort of aspect of a worry.I think its best not to place too much concern on sleep-talking and not take the words said by someone seriously.”However,sleep-talking might tell you one thing.Someone who often does it is probably quite anxious and it might be a good idea to find out what is worrying them.【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。梦呓,即说梦话,属于睡眠障碍的一种,常与神经系统的过度活跃有关。梦呓产生的原因有很多种,大多是由于焦虑引起的,但对于梦呓,我们无需太过担心。5.What can we learn from the text?A.Swearwords occur more often when people are awake.B.Adults sleep-talk less since they are happier than kids.C.Sleep-talking has an obvious connection with dreaming.D.People dont need to worry too much about sleep-talking.答案D解析细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的“its best not to place too much concern on sleep-talking”可知,人们对于梦呓没必要太过于担心。故选D项。6.According to the text,the most likely cause of sleep-talking is .A.hard work and lack of sleepB.advances in modern technologyC.ones deepest secretsD.constant worry and tension答案D解析推理判断题。根据文章第四段中的“Anxiety and stress tend to bring it on.”以及“Sleep-talkers are generally reflecting some sort of aspect of a worry.”可知,梦呓主要是由于持续的紧张担忧等情绪引起的。故选D项。7.What is the text mainly about?A.How subconscious works.B.When sleep disorders arise.C.What sleep-talking means.D.Why people feel anxious.答案C解析主旨大意题。文章主要是围绕“梦呓”这一话题展开阐述的,介绍了梦呓的起因及人们对此应该持有的态度等。故选C项。.完形填空(2018浙江温州一模)Mum said they might not be back until after eleven.My brother Greg and I 1 to play hide-and-seek.But there was not much 2 except in the front room.The 3 was that we were not allowed in there by ourselves.4,we just took the risk.Once there,both of us were cautious and moved about5 for some while.Then,when I hid behind a tapestry (壁毯),6 by my brother,I jumped out.With a sense of 7,I felt my right elbow (手肘) striking something hard.We heard a crash.Even 8 we dared to look,we knew that the vase lay broken.When Mum and Dad came home and viewed the pieces,we knew any9 would only serve to fuel their anger.Mum ordered us to sit on the bare floor,beside the ruin.She cried,“How 10 the two of you have done this?” Greg and I,too 11 to cry,could voice no answer.After a while,she 12 us and stayed there alone by herself,much like a statue.Greg and I13 throughout that night,struggling to decide what we might do to 14 for it.We hoped with the money we had saved we might just have 15 to buy a vase.The next day,we set off to search 16 every local shop until we found a good copy.When we17 home in silence,we 18 Mum and Dad with what wed bought.Dad 19 out,took it from Greg and then passed it to Mum.She sighed,“You broke our Ming vase.” But we believed they knew we were 20.【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。兄弟俩在家里玩捉迷藏时不小心把一个很贵重的花瓶摔碎了。兄弟俩认识到了自己的错误,最后他们用自己存下来的钱买了一个花瓶作为赔偿。1.A.decidedB.expectedC.pretendedD.happened答案A解析根据文章第一句“Mum said they might not be back until after eleven.”可知,母亲说他们可能要到11点以后才回来,所以“我”和Greg才决定(decided)玩捉迷藏。expect“期望”;pretend“假装”;happen“碰巧”。2.A.timeB.spaceC.lightD.work答案B解析句意:除了前屋外,其他地方都没有足够的空间(space)供“我们”玩捉迷藏了。3.A.puzzleB.reasonC.problemD.answer答案C解析根据该句中的“we were not allowed in there by ourselves”可知,“我们”想去前屋玩游戏,但问题(problem)是“我们”不被允许单独去那里。puzzle“谜;难题”。4.A.MoreoverB.InsteadC.ThereforeD.Anyway答案D解析根据下文可知,“我们”最后还是去前屋玩捉迷藏了,故本句意为:无论如何(anyway),“我们”想要冒险试试。moreover“而且”;instead“代替”;therefore“因此”。5.A.freelyB.quicklyC.excitedlyD.carefully答案D解析根据该句中的“cautious”可知,“我们”刚开始很小心地(carefully)走动。freely“自由地”;quickly“快速地”;excitedly“激动地”。6.A.heardB.followedC.discoveredD.taken答案C解析根据当时的情景可推知,当“我”在躲藏中被Greg发现(discovered)以后,我跳了出来。此处为过去分词discovered做状语,意为“被发现”。follow“跟随”。7.A.excitementB.horrorC.joyD.disappointment答案B解析根据下文中的“I felt my right elbow(手肘) striking something hard.”以及“We heard a crash.”可知,“我”知道闯祸了,所以我感到一阵惊恐(horror)。excitement“激动”;joy“高兴”;disappointment“失望”。8.A.afterB.beforeC.whenD.until答案B解析根据当时的情景以及本句中的“Even”可知,甚至在“我们”转身查看之前(before),“我们”就已经知道是花瓶摔碎了。9.A.permissionB.informationC.explanationD.instruction答案C解析句意:当父母回来看到花瓶碎片时,“我们”知道任何的解释(explanation)都反而会激发他们的愤怒。permission“允许”;information“信息”;instruction“指导”。10.A.mustB.mightC.couldD.would答案C解析根据上文中的“Mum ordered us to sit on the bare floor”可知,母亲很生气并责问“我们”:“你们两个怎么能(could)做这样的事情呢?”11.A.politeB.frightenedC.annoyedD.stupid答案B解析对于母亲的责问,“我们”由于很害怕(frightened),什么都回答不出来。polite“礼貌的”;annoyed“恼怒的”;stupid“愚蠢的”。12.A.questionedB.answeredC.dismissedD.forted答案C解析根据该句中的“stayed there alone by herself”可知,母亲遣散(dismissed)了“我们”,独自一人呆在那里。question“询问”;answer“回答”;fort“安慰”。13.A.sleptB.listenedC.workedD.talked答案D解析根据该句中的“struggling to decide what we might do”可知,“我们”整个晚上都在谈论(talked)“我们”该怎么做才能弥补(make up for)我们所犯的错误。14.A.make upB.carry onC.look afterD.get away答案A解析解析同上。make up“弥补”;carry on“继续”;look after“照顾”;get away“远离”。15.A.moreB.enoughC.lessD.some答案B解析句意:“我们”希望“我们”存下来的钱足够(enough)买一个花瓶(作为赔偿)。16.A.afterB.throughC.withD.for答案B解析紧接上文,“我们”第二天出发去搜寻(searched through)每一家当地商店并终于买到了一个不错的花瓶。search (through)“搜查”;search for“寻找”。17.A.remainedB.stayedC.arrivedD.left答案C解析句意:当“我们”静静地到(arrived)家后,“我们”把花瓶交给(presented)了父母。remain“留下;保持”。18.A.sparedB.servedC.connectedD.presented答案D解析spare“宽恕;抽出(时间等)”;serve“服务”;connect“连接”。根据句意可知选D项。19.A.cameB.reachedC.watchedD.cried答案B解析根据该句中的“took it from Greg and then passed it to Mum”可知,父亲伸出手(reached out),接过花瓶,然后递给母亲。reach out“伸手拿”;watch out“小心”。20.A.sorryB.proudC.delightedD.clumsy答案A解析根据上下文可知,母亲虽然在叹息,但“我们”相信父母肯定能体会到“我们”的歉意(sorry)。sorry“懊悔的,感到歉意的”;proud“骄傲的,自豪的”;delighted“高兴的”;clumsy“笨拙的”。

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