江苏省2020年高考英语总复习 专题五 非谓语动词学案(含解析).docx

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专题五非谓语动词挖命题【考情探究】考点内容20182017201620152014合计预测热度非谓语动词的用法现在分词、过去分词及动词不定式作状语、定语和补足语的基本用法;动名词和动词不定式作主语、宾语、表语的基本用法。111115分析解读非谓语动词是江苏高考必考内容,而非谓语动词作状语为考查的重点。试题的特征呈现出情景化、结构复杂化和设问角度多样化的趋势。相对于非谓语动词作状语,作定语也是比较重要的考点。近几年江苏高考英语试题中很少考查非谓语动词作主语、宾语、补语和表语,但掌握相关的知识对情景理解和句子结构分析还是很有必要的。【真题典例】破考点【考点集训】1.(2018江苏扬州高三上学期期末,31)With WeChat becoming more and more popular in China, we seem the art of chatting face to face. A.losingB.to be lostC.to be losingD.having lost答案C2.(2018江苏无锡高三上学期期末,30)There was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently what he thought was a reason for this American characteristic.A.givingB.to be givenC.givenD.having given答案A3.(2018江苏常州一模,23)When Americans objected to this, what did the British do?They did not compromise, but increased control, away many of their rights, and soldiers there.A.taking;stationingB.taking;to stationC.took;stationingD.took;to station答案A4.(2018江苏苏锡常镇3月教学情况调研,23)The Lifelong Learning Programme to enable people to take part in learning experiences has taken off across Europe.A.having been designedB.being designedC.designedD.designing答案C5.(2018江苏南京、盐城一模,28)White snow the small village after a big snowfall, tourists found themselves stepping into a fantastic fairyland.A.blanketingB.blanketedC.being blanketedD.to blanket答案A6.(2018江苏海安中学高三下学期开学考试,29)In the film, the actor threw himself off the horse as if to death. A.shotB.shootingC.to be shotD.having shot答案A7.(2018江苏苏北七市5月联考,29)to a pension and free medical care, senior citizens in our village are properly looked after and live happy lives. A.EntitlingB.Being entitledC.EntitledD.Having entitled答案C8.(2018江苏苏锡常镇5月教学情况调研,25)An app that rewards students for time away from their phones is being released in the UK.A.spendingB.spentC.to spendD.spend答案B9.(2017江苏南京、盐城二模,33) seven Golden Globes, the musical La La Land surprisingly does not appeal to Chinese viewers.A.WinningB.WonC.Having wonD.To win答案C10.(2017江苏镇江一模,28)Women deserve to be treated with dignity and they should make their voices in the world.A.heardB.having heardC.hearingD.to be heard答案A炼技法【方法集训】方法一1.(2018江苏苏北六市3月联考,31)A hurricane struck the east coast and the Red Cross for help for victims, over two million dollars have been raised. A.has appealedB.appealedC.to appealD.appealing答案D2.(2017江苏苏北四市第一次调研,30)The company chose Shenzhen for its first expansion point because its the second largest market for their brand, Shanghai the first.A.wasB.beingC.will beD.to be答案B方法二1.(2018江苏南京、盐城二模,33)What you do not want to yourself, do not do to others. A.doingB.doneC.being doneD.having done答案B2.(2018江苏苏北六市3月联考,33)We dont hope to see children nothing in their families, for children can be easily spoiled. A.denyingB.deniedC.to denyD.being denied答案B3.(2018江苏苏北四市高三一模,24)Big data is the driving force behind this zones development, a steady stream of new big data construction projects constantly .A.being introducedB.introducingC.having introducedD.to be introduced答案A4.(2018江苏镇江一模,29)A report finds millions of children are still missing out on the benefits offered by the Internet and calls on these inequalities .A.to be addressedB.addressingC.being addressedD.to address答案A方法三1.(2018江苏南通泰州一模,22)Feng Chu, reported the National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology in 2017, is a post-90s PhD candidate.A.winningB.to have wonC.to winD.having won答案B2.(2017江苏苏北六市3月联考,29)What does Nickys job involve as a public relations director? quite a lot of time with other people. A.SpendingB.Having spentC.To spendD.To have spent答案A3.(2017江苏南通第一次调研,28)Many natural disasters took place across the country, severe losses to peoples life and property. A.to have broughtB.bringingC.only to bringD.having brought答案B过专题【五年高考】A组自主命题江苏卷题组1.(2018江苏,26)Around 13,500 new jobs were created during the period, the expected number of 12,000 held by market analysts. A.having exceededB.to exceedC.exceededD.exceeding答案D2.(2017江苏,21)Many Chinese brands, their reputations over centuries, are facing new challenges from the modern market.A.having developedB.being developedC.developedD.developing答案A3.(2016江苏,28)In art criticism,you must assume the artist has a secret message within the work. A.to hideB.hiddenC.hidingD.being hidden答案B4.(2015江苏,24)Much time sitting at a desk,office workers are generally troubled by health problems. A.being spentB.having spentC.spentD.spending答案C5.(2014江苏,29)The lecture ,a lively question-and-answer session followed. A.being givenB.having givenC.to be givenD.having been given答案DB组统一命题、省(区、市)卷题组1.(2018北京,3)along the old Silk Road is an interesting and rewarding experience. A.TravelB.TravelingC.Having traveledD.Traveled答案B2.(2018北京,6)During the Mid-Autumn Festival, family members often gather together a meal, admire the moon and enjoy moon cakes. A.shareB.to shareC.having sharedD.shared答案B3.(2018北京,10)Ordinary soap, correctly, can deal with bacteria effectively. A.usedB.to useC.usingD.use答案A4.(2018天津,7)I need a new passport so I will have to have my photograph .A.takingB.takenC.being takenD.take答案B5.(2018天津,12)I didnt mean anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldnt help it.A.to eat;to tryB.eating;tryingC.eating;to tryD.to eat;trying答案D6.(2017北京,27)Many airlines now allow passengers to print their boarding passes online their valuable time. A.saveB.savingC.to saveD.saved答案C7.(2017北京,30)The national park has a large collection of wildlife, from butterflies to elephants.A.rangingB.rangeC.to rangeD.ranged答案A8.(2017北京,32)Jim has retired, but he still remembers the happy time with his students. A.to spendB.spendC.spendingD.spent答案D9.(2017天津,10)I was watching the clock all through the meeting, as I had a train .A.catchingB.caughtC.to catchD.to be caught答案C10.(2017天津,14)The hospital has recently obtained new medical equipment, more patients to be treated. A.being allowedB.allowingC.having allowedD.allowed答案B11.(2016浙江,10)To return to the problem of water pollution, Id like you to look at a study in Australia in 2012. A.having conductedB.to be conductedC.conductingD.conducted答案D12.(2016浙江,19)I had as much fun sailing the seas as I now do with students. A.workingB.workC.to workD.worked答案A13.(2016北京,28) over a week ago, the books are expected to arrive any time now. A.OrderingB.To orderC.Having orderedD.Ordered答案D14.(2016北京,32)Newly-built wooden cottages line the street, the old town into a dreamland. A.turnB.turningC.to turnD.turned答案B15.(2016天津,4)The cooling wind swept through our bedroom windows, air conditioning unnecessary. A.makingB.to makeC.madeD.being made答案A16.(2015浙江,18)Listening to music at home is one thing;going to hear it live is quite another. A.performB.performingC.to performD.being performed答案D17.(2015陕西,18)Back from his two-year medical service in Africa,Dr.Lee was very happy to see his mother good care of at home. A.takingB.takenC.takeD.be taken答案B18.(2015安徽,27) the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make. A.IgnoreB.IgnoringC.IgnoredD.Having ignored答案B19.(2015天津,8) for two days,Steve managed to finish his report on schedule. A.To workB.WorkedC.To be workingD.Having worked答案D20.(2015湖南,30)When the clerk saw a kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile,she stood rooted to the ground, whether to stay or leave. A.wonderingB.wonderC.to wonderD.wondered答案A21.(2015重庆,11)Like ancient sailors,birds can find their way the sun and the stars. A.usedB.having usedC.usingD.use答案C22.(2015北京,23)The park was full of people, themselves in the sunshine. A.having enjoyedB.enjoyedC.enjoyingD.to enjoy答案C23.(2014浙江,14)Amie Salmon,disabled,is attended throughout her school days by a nurse to guard her. A.to appointB.appointingC.appointedD.having appointed答案C24.(2014北京,28)There are still many problems before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon. A.solvingB.solvedC.being solvedD.to be solved答案D25.(2014天津,5)Anxiously,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,only it didnt fit. A.to findB.foundC.findingD.having found答案A26.(2014天津,7)Clearly and thoughtfully ,the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.A.writingB.to writeC.writtenD.being written答案C27.(2014福建,30)For those with family members far away,the personal computer and the phone are important in staying .A.connectedB.connectingC.to connectD.to be connected答案A28.(2014山东,9)Its standard practice for a company like this one a security officer. A.employedB.being employedC.to employD.employs答案C29.(2014江西,26)When it comes to in public,no one can match him. A.speakB.speakingC.being spokenD.be spoken答案B30.(2014江西,34)He is thought foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job. A.to actB.to have actedC.actingD.having acted答案B31.(2014湖南,27)There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland, at the night sky.A.to stareB.staringC.staredD.having stared答案BC组教师专用题组1.(2016北京,26) it easier to get in touch with us, youd better keep this card at hand. A.MadeB.MakeC.MakingD.To make答案D2.(2015北京,21) the early flight,we ordered a taxi in advance and got up very early.A.CatchingB.CaughtC.To catchD.Catch答案C3.(2015天津,5) in painting,John didnt notice evening approaching. A.To absorbB.To be absorbedC.AbsorbedD.Absorbing答案C4.(2015福建,28) more about Chinese culture,Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course.A.LearnB.LearnedC.To learnD.To be learning答案C5.(2015湖南,34)Sometimes I act as a listening ear for fellow students what is bothering them.A.to talk overB.talked overC.talk overD.having talked over答案A6.(2015重庆,6) in the poorest area of Glasgow,he had a long,hard road to becoming a football star. A.Being raisedB.RaisingC.RaisedD.To raise答案C7.(2014四川,7)I hope to take the computer course.Good idea. more about it,visit this website.A.To find outB.Finding outC.To be finding outD.Having found out答案A8.(2014江西,31) nearly all our money,we couldnt afford to stay at a hotel. A.Having spentB.To spendC.SpentD.To have spent答案A9.(2014福建,27) the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong,Linda appears more mature than those of her age. A.SpendingB.SpentC.Having spentD.To spend答案C10.(2014山东,6)Theres a note pinned to the door when the shop will open again.A.sayingB.saysC.saidD.having said答案A11.(2014重庆,5)The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras to our shop for quality problems. A.returningB.returnedC.to returnD.to be returned答案B12.(2014北京,35)The film star wears sunglasses.Therefore,he can go shopping without .A.recognizingB.being recognizedC.having recognizedD.having been recognized答案B13.(2014陕西,12)Its quite hot today.Do you feel like for a swim? A.to goB.goingC.goD.having gone答案B14.(2014湖南,23) your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions. A.UnderstandingB.To be understoodC.Being understoodD.Having understood答案A15.(2014四川,5)The manager was satisfied to see many new products after great effort.A.having developedB.to developC.developedD.develop答案C【三年模拟】A组20172019年模拟基础题组1.(2019届江苏常州武进礼嘉中学10月阶段测试,23)My teachers advice in planning for the future set me .A.involved;thinkingB.involve;thinkC.involving;to thinkD.to involve;thinking答案A 2.(2019届江苏淮安淮海中学10月阶段测试,22)It will take time and patience to get these changes.A.to acceptB.having been acceptedC.acceptedD.accepting答案C3.(2019届江苏徐州邳州四中阶段练习,29)What did David demand in the meeting just now? a chance to join the debating club.A.Being offeredB.Having been offeredC.To be offeredD.To have been offered答案C4.(2019届江苏南通海安高中第二次月考,32)Why is Tom in the teachers office?He was said with John when the class teacher entered the classroom.A.fightingB.to fightC.to have been fighting D.to be fighting答案D5.(2019届江苏东海高中第一次学分认定考试,32)The flag,which is made up of a red band over a white one, is based on a national flag to the 13th century,which had nine red and white stripes.A.dated backB.dated fromC.dating backD.dating from答案C6.(2019届江苏苏州5市4区期初调研,26) Four boys out of 12 young soccer team members have been rescued after in a cave in northern Thailand for more than two weeks.A.being trappedB.having trappedC.trappedD.trapping答案A7.(2019届江苏南京溧水高中10月学情调研,22)On the first day of this term, there were crowds of people in the dormitory, for where they should go.A.all lookedB.all were lookingC.all to lookD.all looking答案D8.(2018江苏南京高淳区97校联考,31)A new bridge has been built in recent years, only it much easier for cars to reach the hotel on the mountaintop.A.having madeB.makingC.to makeD.to have made答案B9.(2018江苏溧阳高三阶段性调研测试,24)When the Americans opposed the rule,the British increased control over their American colonies instead, many of their rights,and soldiers there to ensure their obedience.A.took away;stationedB.taking away;stationedC.taking away;stationingD.took away;stationing答案C10.(2018江苏启东中学第二次月考,24) that his father would come back soon, the little boy calmed down. A.Having convincedB.ConvincingC.Being convincedD.Convinced答案D11.(2018江苏无锡期中,31)Life affords no higher pleasure than that of overcoming difficulties, from one step of success to another.A.to passB.having passedC.passedD.passing答案D12.(2018江苏如东高级中学期中,48)Opportunities favor the prepared mind;for a dream ,one has to make preparations every single day.A.to realizeB.being realizedC.to be realizedD.realizing答案C13.(2018江苏盐城中学第一次阶段性考试,31)One of the programmes organized by the World Food Programme is the Food-for-Growth programme, people at risk.A.targetingB.targetedC.targeting atD.targets答案A14.(2018江苏苏州期中,22)With the three historic tasks, we Chinese should keep on working with great determination. A.accomplishB.accomplishingC.accomplishedD.to accomplish答案D15.(2018江苏海安高中10月月考,23)It was careless of you your car unlocked all night.Oh,dear!.A.to leave;So did IB.leaving;So did IC.to have left;So I didD.having left;So I did答案C16.(2017江苏扬州期中,29)Throughout their long history, many troubles, the Romany have different ways of life, and yet stick to traditions strange to the country they move to. A.being facedB.having facedC.to faceD.faced答案B17.(2017江苏盐城期中,26) , the text became easier for us to learn. A.Explaining new wordsB.New words explainedC.Being explained new wordsD.Having explained new words答案B18.(2017江苏泰州中学高三上学期第二次质检,28)According to Global Blue, a tax-free shopping consultancy, Chinese shoppers were said to be the biggest overseas spenders in 2013, each customer an average of 1,367 per transaction. A.spentB.to spendC.spendingD.has spent答案C19.(2017江苏苏北四市高三摸底,24)Nowadays, more and more people like to post the photos of delicious foods on their blogs, especially those in the oven. A.to bakeB.bakedC.bakingD.being baked答案B20.(2017江苏泰州中学期中,26)There is a shop selling all kinds of knives in the center of the city where you can get one as a present. A.carveB.carvedC.carvingD.to carve答案C21.(2017江苏四校联考,24)Despite his death, Castros courage and wisdom are always believed a new generation of political leaders in Latin America. A.to inspireB.inspiringC.to have inspiredD.having inspired答案CB组20172019年模拟综合题组1.(2019届江苏徐州邳州四中阶段练习,23)While food programs once turned chefs into stars, The Twelve Feng Taste turns stars into chefs. Singer-actor Nicholas Tse it, the reality TV show returned for a second season last month on Zhejiang Television.A.hosted B.is hostingC.hostsD.hosting答案D2.(2019届江苏南京溧水高中期初模拟,34)The terror attack at the Kunming railway station in south-west Chinas Yunnan Province, 29 lives and leaving 143 , has brought condemnation from around the world this week.A.claimed;woundingB.claiming;woundedC.claimed;woundedD.claim;wound答案B3.(2019届江苏南通如东高中阶段测试一,30)She took her son, ran out of the house, andhim in the car, drove quickly to the nearest doctors office.A.putB.puttingC.to putD.having put答案D4.(2019届江苏淮安清江中学期初检测,21)If they win the final tonight, the team are going to tour around the city by their enthusiastic supporters.A.being cheeredB.be cheeredC.to be cheered D.were cheered答案C5.(2019届江苏常州武进期中,31)When entering the office, .A.Winifred was found sitting at a deskB.Winifred was found sat at a deskC.we found Winifred seated at a deskD.we found Winifred seating at a desk答案C6.(2019届江苏苏州4市5区期中调研,22)The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge(HZMB) is a 55-kilometre bridge-tunnel system of cable-stayed bridges, an undersea tunnel, and four artificial islands.A.consistedB.having consistedC.consistingD.being consisted答案C7.(2019届江苏南京高三年级学情调研,1) a striking look with a sea of lavender flowers, Guli has become a famous attraction in Nanjing.A.WearingB.To wearC.To be wearingD.Having won答案A8.(2019届江苏常州一中10月阶段测试,27)To get a slim figure,this 30-year-old woman has taken a lot of weight-loss pills,but in vain.So now she is reduced anything for lunch and supper.A.not to eatingB.not to eatC.to not eatingD.to not eat答案C9.(2019届江苏南京溧水高中10月学情调研,21)Difficult as rumors on microblog or weibo are , the authorities will step up supervision so that people will not be easily misled.A.to preventB.to be preventedC.preventedD.preventing答案A10.(2019届江苏泰州中学、宜兴中学第一次月考,24)I think my mother must have faced many big challenges kids for many years as a single mother.A.raisedB.to have raisedC.having raisedD.raising答案D11.(2019届江苏南通中学10月阶段考试,22)Much of the money for the reconstruction of the quake-stricken town has been allocated by the government,the rest from the coming charity concerts.A.to be collectedB.having been collectedC.being collectedD.to have been collected答案A12.(2018江苏启东中学第二次月考,32)It is never easy for graduates to find their ideal jo


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