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2019人教高考英语一轮题型组合练题(9)一、阅读理解。ALife satisfaction is the way persons evaluate their lives and how they feel about their directions and options for the future. Its a measure of well-being and may be evaluated in terms of mood, satisfaction with relations with others and with achieved goals and self-concepts to cope with daily life. Its having a favorable attitude towards ones life as a whole rather than just an evaluation of current feelings. Life satisfaction has been measured in relation to economy, education, experiences, and residence, as well as many other topics.Life satisfaction can reflect experiences that have influenced a person in, a positive way. These experiences have the ability to motivate people to pursue and reach their goals. As a matter of fact, in these experiences there are two kinds of emotions that may positively influence how people understand their life. Hope and optimism both consist of emotional processes that are usually directed towards the reaching of goals. People who have higher life satisfaction are always full of hope for a better future; additionally, optimism is linked to higher life satisfaction, while pessimism is related to symptoms in depression.The psychologist, Yuval Palgi, studied the old-old-people who were primarily in their nineties. This subject group was found to have thought highly of their past and present, but they thought lower of their future. A large factor that was talked about in life satisfaction was intelligence. The experiments talk of how life satisfaction grows as people bee older because they bee wiser and more knowledgeable, so they begin to see that life will be better as they grow older and understand the important things in life more. But when they step into their nineties, future bees a luxury to them.According to Seligman, the happier people are, the less they are focused on the negative. Happier people also have a greater tendency to like other people, which promotes a happier environment, which then correlates to a higher level of the persons satisfaction with their life.1.What can we learn about life satisfaction from Paragraph 1?A. It can be easily measured through ine and education.B. It includes a positive attitude towards peoples entire life.C. It merely determines peoples attitude towards the future.D. It has nothing to do with the evaluation of current feelings.2.What emotions have a positive effect on life satisfaction?A. Motivation and dream.B. Hope and depression.C. Optimism and pessimism.D. Hope and optimism.3.What was the attitude of most old-old towards their future?A. They were less hopeful about it.B. They thought highly of it.C. They felt satisfied with it.D. They were scared of it.4.What may be the best title for the text?A. Old People Have Much More Life SatisfactionB. Life Satisfactionthe Key to a Happier LifeC. Optimism Ensures Life SatisfactionD. Emotions Affect Life Satisfaction【文章大意】本文为议论文。讲述的是生活满足感是人们的生活更加幸福的关键。1.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第三句话中的“Its having a favorable attitude towards ones life as a whole”可知生活满足感包括对人们整个生活的积极肯定的态度,故选B。3.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段第二句话中的“but they thought lower of their future.” 可知大多数old-old对他们的未来不太乐观,故选A。4.B 【解析】主旨大意题。纵观全文可知本文讲的是生活满足感是人们的生活更加幸福的关键,故选B。BSusan Brownell Anthony was a lady ahead of her time. She fought for womens rights long before they became a popular issue.Susan was born on February 15, 1820, in Adams,Massachusetts. At that time, women had few rights. They could not own property. Money earned by a married woman belonged to her husband. Major decisions regarding children were made by the fathers. Women could not vote.At the age of 15, Susan became a schoolteacher. She taught for 15 years. Then she began organizing womens groups to promote causes that were important to women. She helped gain better educational rights for women. She helped give married women possession of their earnings.After the Civil War, Susan became very involved in the womens suffrage movement. After years of lecturing, writing, and appealing by Susan and other women, some parts of the United States changed their laws to give women the right to vote. The first state was Wyoming in 1869. Other areas and states gradually followed Wyomings decision. It was not until 1920 that the US. Constitution was changed to give all women voting rights.Susan Brownell Anthony died in 1906 at the age of 86. She was elected to the Hall of Fame for Great Americans in 1950. She was the first American woman to have a likeness(肖像) of her face on a coin. It was the 1979 Susan Brownell Anthony dollar.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了美国历史上著名的女权运动领袖Susan Brownell Anthony。她努力为妇女争取了财产权、投票权等权利。1What was the situation of American women like when Susan was born?AThey had low social status.BThey could vote after getting married.CThey managed money for their husbands.DThey were responsible for decisionmaking.A解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的“At that time, women had few rights.Women could not vote”可知,在那时,女性没有什么权利,地位是低下的,故A项正确。B、C和D项均与此表述不符。2What is the third paragraph mainly about?ASusans teaching experiences.BSusans educational background.CSusans efforts to abolish slavery.DSusans fighting for womens causes.D解析:段落大意题。通读第三段尤其是“Then she began organizing womens groups to promote causes that were important to women.”可知,本段主要讲述Susan Brownell Anthony为争取女权而斗争的情况,故D项正确。3What does the underlined word “decision” in the fourth paragraph refer to?APromoting the social movement.BChanging the US. Constitution.CGiving women voting rights.DUniting other areas and states.C解析:词义猜测题。根据第四段第二句中的“some parts of the United States changed their laws to give women the right to vote”可知,在Susan Brownell Anthony的努力下,美国一些地区修改了法律,给了妇女投票权;结合该段第三、四句可以判断,画线词指代“给妇女投票权”这一决定,故C项正确。4What may be the best title for the text?AThe First American Woman to Invent CoinsBThe Problem of Womens Rights in the US.CThe Most Popular Women OrganizationsDA Pioneer in Fighting for Womens RightsD解析:标题归纳题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了美国历史上著名的女权运动领袖Susan Brownell Anthony。她为妇女争取了财产权、投票权等权利。据此可知D项最适合作文章标题。二、七选五。Imagine that youre an actor or actress performing in a play for the first time.Youve learned all your lines and you know where to walk on stage.Waiting behind the closed curtain,you can hear the audience whispering.Then your big moment arrives!The curtain goes up,and the crowd falls silent.All you can see is the spotlight shining down on you._1_ The inside of your mouth is dry,and your hands are wet.If youve experienced a moment like this,you know all too well what it means to have stage fright.Its one of the most mon types of fear._2_ You can experience this kind of fear when playing sports,giving a talk,or even speaking in class._3_ The experience differs from person to person,but the same chemical process occurs on each of us.In reaction to anxiety,our bodies produce a chemical that prepares us to either fight or run away quickly.Scientists refer to this as our bodies “fight for fright” reaction.As a result,we feel the great energy that makes our hands sweat,our hearts race and knees shake._4_ Practicing your performance and following some simple tips can help you calm down and manage the feelings caused by anxiety.Firstly,dress fortably and appropriately.Secondly,before the performance,take deep breaths and stretch to help relax your body.Thirdly,stay away from drinks that contain caffeine(咖啡因)_5_ Instead,try a banana!Some doctors believe that eating a banana can help calm your heart and the rest of your body.Finally,when you look into a crowd,try to focus on particular people rather than the whole group.These tips have helped many people learn to deal with their fears.AThey might make your heart race even faster.BMaybe you dont have to be onstage to get stage fright.CStage fright is really part of the bodys reaction to stress.DWith practice,we can learn how to relax while playing sports.EThen you try to speak your lines,but nothing seems to e out.FTheres a time when stage fright prevents you from stepping onstage.GHowever,the good news about stage fright is that there are ways to deal with it.【解题导语】本文主要介绍了人们经常会经历的舞台恐惧及应对舞台恐惧的几种方法。1E上文提到了站在舞台上的所听所见,下文提到了舞台恐惧的表现,所以中间连接句也应是在舞台上的表现,所以选E项。2B下文提到在参加体育运动、演讲甚至在课堂上发言都可能会经历这种恐惧,所以空处应讲的是有时这种恐惧不一定只出现在舞台上,所以选B项。3C本段讲的是舞台恐惧产生的过程及身体对压力的反应,所以空处应该解释舞台恐惧与身体反应的联系,所以选C项。4G下文讲的是应对舞台恐惧的方法,所以空处应统领本段内容,所以选G项。5A上文提到要远离含有咖啡因的饮料,下文应该陈述原因,所以选A项。三、短文改错。假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(2018淄博市高三模拟考试)My new friend Tom is good at English writing.One day,I asked him how he did such well in written English.He told me that he has a habit of keep a diary every day.“You can try them,too.Im sure you will improve your written English quickly in this way,”he said.I thought Tom was right,but I decided to follow his advices.I started to write down something interested every day.Sometimes when I didnt know how to spell a word,I would look it up in a dictionary.When I didnt know how to write a sentence correct,I would ask my teacher for the help.My written English has really improved a lot because that.【答案】My new friend Tom is good at English writing.One day,I asked him how he did suc well in written English.He told me that he a habit of a diary every day.“You can try ,too.Im sure you will improve your written English quickly in this way,”he said.I thought Tom was right, I decided to follow his .I started to write down something every day.Sometimes when I didnt know how to spell a word,I would look it up in a dictionary.When I didnt know how to write a sentence ,I would ask my teacher for help.My written English has really improved a lot because that.第一处:考查副词。根据后面的副词“well”可判断出,此处应用副词so。第二处:考查动词的时态。根据上下文语境可判断出,此处描述的是过去发生的事情,所以应用一般过去时。第三处:考查非谓语动词。介词of后面应接v.ing形式。第四处:考查代词。此处应用it指代“写日记”这一习惯。第五处:考查连词。语境表示,作者认为Tom所言是正确的,于是作者决定按他的建议去做。根据语境可判断出,前后句是并列关系或者因果关系,所以此处应用连词and/so。第六处:考查名词。advice是不可数名词,不能变成复数形式。第七处:考查形容词。此处应用interesting作后置定语修饰不定代词“something”,说明事物的特征,表示“有趣的事情”。第八处:考查副词。此处应用副词correctly修饰动词“write”。第九处:考查固定短语。ask for help是固定短语,意为“求助”。第十处:考查介词。because后接原因状语从句,because of后常接名词或代词。根据后面的“that”可判断出,此处应加介词of。四。书面表达。假定你是学生李华,你刚刚收到你的英国笔友Nathan的电子邮件,说他即将利用寒假来你的城市进行研学旅行。请你给他回复一封邮件,在气候、饮食、交通和安全等方面提一些建议。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Nathan,I am so glad to receive your mail.参考范文Dear Nathan,I am so glad to receive your mail.You said in your letter that you would e to my city to do a study research.Since your customs are quite different from ours,and in order to make your stay here safe and fortable,Id like to give you some advice.First,it is quite cold here in winter,so youd better wear heavy clothes when you are out.Second,Chinese food may look strange to people like you,so you are supposed to learn to adapt to the food here and gradually you will find it rather delicious.Besides,what is the most important is the traffic.In China,we drive on the right pared with the situation in your country.So be sure to have it in your mind when you have got a chance to drive a car.Hope you will enjoy your stay here.Li Hua

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