2019高考英语二轮复习 精编优选练(二十六)完形填空提升练-记叙文2.doc

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精编优选练(二十六)完形填空记叙文2(限时:35分钟)AKeith Davison, 94, is struggling since losing his beloved wife of 66 years, Evy. To take his attention away from his _1_, the retired judge built a pool into his backyard, and _2_ all those in his neighborhood to play anytime theyd like. He hoped that the _3_ of water splashing (飞溅)and children playing would _4_ the silence that has engulfed (吞没) his home in the days after Evys passing. “I had a _5_ life, and after my wife _6_, that ended,” says Davison. “You get used to having a person there to enjoy life with, and now this place is so _7_.”The neighborhood children have been lining up to play since the pool opened. Davisons only _8_ is that a childs parent must be _9_ to take care of them. Jessica Huebner, a neighbor of Davison, says that Davison and Evy were always _10_ to the kids in the neighborhood.“Its about spreading _11_ and happiness to our neighborhood and these children _12_ he sees them as the face of the future, ”says Huebner.“He is just a very kind man.”Huebner _13_ brings cookies and homecooked meals to Davison to show her _14_ for what he has done. “He built the pool for us and our children, _15_ we can do more to visit with him, ” she says. “Thats what he wants; he wants to _16_ with the kids.”Still, Davison is _17_ the absence of his wife. The walls of the house still remind him of her, because she _18_ them to her taste, something he very much _19_. But Davison thinks Evy would be happy to see the neighborhood having so much _20_ in their backyard. He just wishes she was there to see it.语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。一位94岁的美国老爷爷在自家后院建了一座免费游泳池,既给附近的孩子们提供了一个解暑、玩耍的地方,同时也缓解了自己失去妻子的痛苦与寂寞。1A.fearBsadnessCsickness Dworry解析:根据上文中的losing his beloved wife of 66 years可知,Davison想从失去妻子的“悲伤 (sadness)”中解脱出来。答案:B2A.invited BadvisedCinspired Dexpected解析: 游泳池建好后,Davison“邀请(invited)” 附近的孩子们来玩耍。 答案:A3A.colors BsoundsCeffects Dproblems解析:根据下文中的the silence that has engulfed his home可知,Davison希望孩子们玩闹泼水的“声音(sounds)”能“掩盖(mask)”家里的静寂。mask此处用作动词。答案:B4A.remember BkeepCbring Dmask解析:见上题解析。答案:D5A.secret BdifficultChappy Dtraditional 解析: 根据上文中的his beloved wife of 66 years,Evy和下文中的having a person there to enjoy life with可知,妻子过世前,他们过着“幸福的(happy)”生活。答案:C6A.died BretiredCescaped Dreturned解析:根据上文中的losing his beloved wife和after Evys passing可知,Davison的妻子“去世(died)”后,幸福生活也结束了。答案:A7A.cold BdirtyCquiet Dcrowded 解析:根据上文中的the silence that has engulfed his home可知,现在的家里很“安静(quiet)”。答案:C8A.movement BdevelopmentCrequirement Dachievement解析:根据下文中的a childs parent must be. to take care可知,Davison的唯一“要求 (requirement)”是孩子的父亲或母亲必须照看着。答案:C9A.ahead Bupstairs Cindoors Dnearby解析:根据下文中的take care of them可知,孩子的父亲或母亲必须在“附近(nearby)”。答案:D10A.nice BstrangeCterrible Dfair 解析:根据下文中的He is just a very kind man.可知,Davison夫妇对附近的孩子很“友好(nice)”。答案:A11A.desire Bsuccess Cwealth Djoy解析:根据上文中的children have been lining up to play和下文中的happiness可知,Davison建免费游泳池给孩子们带来了“快乐 (joy)”。答案:D12A.while Bunless Cbecause Dalthough解析: he sees them as the face of the future是 Its about spreading_11_and happiness to our neighborhood and these children的原因,故 because符合语境。答案:C13A.normally BregularlyCinstantly Dcarefully解析: 根据下文中的we can do more to visit with him可知,Huebner会“经常(regularly)” 带一些饼干或家里烹制的饭菜给Davison。答案:B14A.doubt BsurpriseCexcitement Dappreciation解析:给Davison送饼干等是为了表示“感激 (appreciation)”。答案:D15A.in turn Bin contrastCin return Din advance解析:Davison建了游泳池供邻居们娱乐,“作为回报(in return)”,大家也应该为他多做些事情。答案:C16A.go BtradeCplay Dconnect解析:Davison建游泳池的目的是想和孩子们“联系(connect)”起来。答案:D17A.dealing with Blooking intoCpreparing for Dlearning about解析:根据上文中的Keith Davison,94,is struggling since losing his beloved wife和下文中的The walls of the house still remind him of her可知,Davison正在努力“应对(dealing with)”失去妻子的痛苦。答案:A18A.rented BdecoratedCbought Dremended解析:根据上文中的The walls of the house still remind him of her可知,墙是按照妻子的品位“装饰(decorated)”的,Davison非常“喜欢(enjoyed)”。答案:B19A.hated BenjoyedCregretted Dmissed解析:见上题解析。答案:B20A.fun BluckCmoney Dtime解析:根据上文中的The neighborhood children have been lining up to play since the pool opened.可知,邻居们在后院玩得很“开心 (fun)”。答案:ABI had no idea she would be there. My apologies for her _1_ had been prepared. When my teacher announced that we would be having a(n) _2_ motherdaughter tea, I felt _3_ I would not be serving my mother at this special event. So I will never forget _4_ the beautifully decorated gym and there she was, sitting calmly and _5_ ! As I looked at her, I imagined all the arrangements this _6_ woman must have had to make to be able to be with me for that one hour. Who was _7_ Granny? She was ill in bed, and Mom had to do everything for her. How did she get here? We didnt own a car, and she couldnt _8_ a taxi. It was a long walk to get the bus, plus at least five more blocks to the _9_ .And the pretty dress she was _10_ , red with tiny white flowers, was just right for the tea. There was no money for extra clothes, and I knew she had gone into _11_ again at our coal pany store to have it. I was so proud! I served her tea with a _12_ , thankful heart, and introduced her to the group when our _13_ came. I sat with my mother that day, just like the rest of the _14_ , and that was very _15_ to me. The look of love in her eyes told me she _16_ .I have never forgotten. One of the _17_ I made to myself and to my children was that I would always be there for them. That promise is _18_ to keep in todays busy world. But I have a(n) _19_ before me that puts any _20_ excuses to rest. I just recall (想起) again when Mother came to tea.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了妈妈排除一切困难陪女儿参加茶会的故事。1A.errorBabsenceClateness Drudeness解析:根据上文中的I had no idea she would be there和下文中的I would not be serving my mother at this special event可知,“我”原以为妈妈会“缺席(absence)”茶会。答案:B2A.formal BurgentCprivate Dfrequent解析:根据下文中的beautifully decorated gym 和And the pretty dress she was.was just right for the tea.可知,这次茶会很“正式 (formal)”。答案:A3A.proud BangryCcertain Dembarrassed解析:联系上文中的My apologies for her absence had been prepared和下文中的I imagined all the arrangements this _6_ woman must have had to make to be able to be with me for that one hour 可知,“我”认为妈妈“一定(certain)”不会来参加这一活动。答案:C4A.staying at Bwalking intoCreturning to Ddropping into解析:根据下文中的there she was, sitting calmly 可知,“我”“走进(walking into)”装饰华美的体育馆时看到妈妈坐在那里。答案:B5A.sobbing BsingingCsmiling Dsleeping解析:联系上文中的sitting calmly和下文中的 The look of love in her eyes可知,妈妈当时安静地坐在那里,“微笑(smiling)”着。答案:C6A.great Blonely Cstrange Deducated解析:妈妈排除万难来参加女儿的茶会,因此在女儿眼中,妈妈是“伟大的(great)”。答案:A7A.chatting with Blaughing atCcheering for Dlooking after解析:根据下文中的She was ill in bed, and Mom had to do everything for her.可知,“我” 担心妈妈走后谁来“照顾(looking after)”奶奶。答案:D8A.stop BdriveCafford Darrange解析:联系上文中的We didnt own a car和下文中的It was a long walk to get the bus可知,妈妈没有能力“支付(afford)”打车费。答案:C9A.home BschoolCstation Dmarket解析:根据上文中的my teacher announced that we would be having a(n) formal motherdaughter tea可知,妈妈来“学校(school)”参加茶会。答案:B10A.wearing BmakingCdesigning Dholding解析:根据下文中的was just right for the tea可知,妈妈“穿着(wearing)”的这件漂亮礼服很适合茶会。 答案:A11A.detail BbusinessCdebt Daction解析:根据上文中的There was no money for extra clothes可知,为了买这件衣服,妈妈又负“债(debt)”了。答案:C12A.strong BbraveCbroken Dhappy解析: 妈妈穿着得体地来参加茶会,这让女儿感到很“幸福(happy)”。答案:D13A.turn BchanceCmessage Ddecision解析:在茶会上应该是轮流作介绍,所以当“轮到(turn)”我们的时候,“我”怀着一颗感恩的心把妈妈介绍给大家。答案:A14A.team BclassCfamily Dpany解析:根据上文中的my teacher announced that we would be having a(n) formal motherdaughter tea可知,参加茶会的都是“班上(class)”的女同学和她们的妈妈。答案:B15A.annoying BsurprisingCinteresting Dimportant解析:根据上文中的I was so proud! I served her tea with a happy,_thankful heart可知,能像其他同学一样和妈妈坐在一起参加茶会,这对于“我”来说很“重要(important)”。答案:D16A.agreed BacceptedCunderstood Dremembered解析: 根据上文中的The look of love in her eyes可知,妈妈“懂得(understood)”“我”的心思。答案:C17A.choices Bpromises Cefforts Dmistakes解析:下文中的I would always be there for them是“我”对自己和孩子们许下的“诺言(promises)”。后文的“promise”亦是提示。答案:B18A.unfair Bwise Cfalse Ddifficult解析: 根据下文中的in todays busy world可知,在如今这个忙碌的世界,遵守这样的诺言很“难(difficult)”。答案:D19A.goal BruleClesson Dexample解析:根据下文中的I just recall again when Mother came to tea.可知,妈妈给“我”树立了一个“榜样(example)”。答案:D20A.poor BpoliteCawkward Dmeaningful解析:根据下文中的excuses to rest可知,这些借口是“没有说服力的(poor)”。答案:A

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