2019高考英语一轮基础步练 Unit 4 Cyberspace(含解析)北师大版必修2.doc

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Unit 4 Cyberspace【阅读理解】City Year UK is founded on the belief that young people can change the world. As“near peer(同等的人)” role models and tutors, our volunteers support pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to enjoy themselves and succeed at school. But thats not all. Over the course of their City Year, they also have the opportunity to develop as leaders, with the passion, values, experience and skills to go on to lead change in their munities long after their year of service. Our Goal Our mission is to inspire the role models to help children in need succeed in school: * We give our volunteers the training and personal development they need to bee powerful and effective leaders. * We show the power of individual action to drive collective impact. Our Values PROGRESSION: we are devoted to the personal and professional development of all. ACTION: we dont just talk, we do. We are always ready. EXCELLENCE: we struggle for nothing less, no matter where we start. Our Future Plans We believe that cumulative (累积的)effect of the work of many devoted people and organizations can have a great impact.We are mitted to increasing opportunities for young people to “act” and to create more hope. Our ambition is that, by 2020, 10 years after launching in the UK, we will have at least 500 young people a year serving around 40, 000 children across five cities. Our History Click here for further information about our history, development and achievement.1.Who will probably benefit from City Year UK?A.Young people hoping to build up their body.B.School kids lacking good living conditions or education.C.Teachers who need professional and personal training.D.Leaders trying to make great changes in their munities.2.What will you do if you work for City Year UK?A.Help young people to stand out with hope.B.Manage to raise education funds for five cities.C.Take in more volunteers to enlarge the munity.D.Do some housework for old and disabled people.3.The underlined word “they ”in Para. 1 refers to “_”.A.the leadersB.the pupilsC.the volunteersD.the researchers4.What type of writing is this passage?A.A news report.B.An exhibition guide.C.An official document.D.An organization instruction.参考答案: 1.B; 2.A; 3.C; 4.D解析: 1.事实判断题。根据第一段: As “near peer” role models and tutors, our volunteers support pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to enjoy themselves and succeed at school 和Our Goal部分:Our mission is to inspire the role models to help children in need succeed in school可得答案。2.细节理解题。根据Our Future Plans部分:increasing opportunities for young people to “act” and to create more hope可得答案。3.词义猜测题。根据第一段:our volunteers support pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds to enjoy and succeed at school. 和.long after their year of service可推出该词指代的对象。4.推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,本文主要介绍了一个公益组织的概况,故应该是一个机构介绍。 完形填空Nancy Mace was 18 when she entered The Citadel, the worldfamous military college in Charleston, South Carolina.The Citadel was 154 years old and was only _1_ to men until 1995, when the courts forced the school to _2_ women.In 1997 Nancy Mace was one of four women to be _3_She had an extreme amount of _4_ to attend such a challenging college, but she was not the first in her family.Her father, Emory Mace, is a retired army general and The Citadels most decorated living graduate.When she arrived, Nancy had to cut her hair and learn _5_ language:“Sir, yes, sir!Sir, no, sir!” The first week was known as “Hell Week”, and Nancy has said thats _6_ what it was.Outside students rooms they were not allowed to speak _7_ spoken to.The physicaltraining tests were also _8_, but she beat 145 of 150 cadets(学员) in the twomile run and _9_ to do 59 pushups and 70 situps.As if the _10_ wasnt enough, she also had to deal with the _11_ of her male classmates and even professors, who werent always weling.Her _12_ called her “Mr.Mace” and people hissed(发嘘声) when her name was _13_ at a gathering.She has said that in class the desks around her were the last to be _14_Entering a formerly allmale institution was extremely _15_, but in May 1999, she became the first female graduate.Nancy Mace is remarkably _16_There were so many reasons for her to leave The Citadel, but she _17_Ive always been interested in a military education, but have had _18_ about whether Id be able to do it.Nancy has given me _19_She was put under a great deal of pressure, but it _20_I admire her greatly.【解题导语】Nancy Mace是世界著名军校的第一名女毕业生。在校期间, 她以坚强的毅力克服各种问题。作者非常敬佩她。1A.open BimportantCessential DbeneficialA解析:该军校在1995年以前只对男生开放。open“开放的”;important“重要的”;essential“极其重要的”;beneficial“有利的”。2A.receive BacceptCinclude DcontainB解析:1995年法院迫使该军校接受女生。accept意为“接受”。3A.allowed BadaptedCadopted DadmittedD解析:Nancy是被录取的四名女生之一。admit表示“准许加入, 接收(入学)”。4A.reason BenergyCcourage DgratitudeC解析:根据下文可知, 这是一所具有挑战性的学校,因此进入该学校是非常需要勇气的。5A.official BformalCspecial DmilitaryD解析:根据下文引号中的语言以及这是一所“military college”可知, 是军事语言。6A.exactly BrarelyCsimply DfairlyA解析:入学的第一周被称为“地狱周”, 而Nancy也觉得确实如此。exactly“准确地”;rarely“很少”;simply“简单地, 仅仅”;fairly“相当地”。7A.when BthoughCunless DifC解析:他们不能说话, 除非有人跟他们说。8A.tough BefficientCvarious DwideA解析:体能训练同样很艰难, 但是她却能够在两英里跑步中打败150名学员中的145名学员。tough意为“艰难的”。9A.wished BattemptedCmanaged DdecidedC解析:她能成功做完50个俯卧撑和70个仰卧起坐。10A.coaching BtrainingCtime DmoneyB解析:下文描述了Nancy遇到的其他问题, 故此处指如果训练还不够。training“训练”。11A.thoughts BwordsCopinions DattitudesD解析:因为她是该军校的第一批女生, 所以遇到了其他男同学甚至教授对她不欢迎的态度的问题。attitude意为“态度, 看法”。12A.parents BfriendsCprofessors DclassmatesC解析:教授以Mace先生来称呼她。13A.ignored BdeletedCcollected DmentionedD解析:当她的名字在聚会上被提及时, 人们都发出嘘声。14A.settled BfilledCdecorated DremovedB解析:她说她旁边的座位是最后一个被坐的。因为她是女生, 所以其他同学一般都不会坐到她旁边。15A.disappointing BastonishingCannoying DchallengingD解析:进入一个全是男生的学校是非常具有挑战性的, 但是她却在1999年成为第一个女毕业生。16A.determined BworriedCsurprised DlivedA解析:根据下文中的“There were so many reasons for her to leave The Citadel”可知, 她相当有毅力。17A.reformed BrefusedCremained DrecoveredC解析:根据上下文逻辑可知, 她有很多理由离开, 但是最后却留了下来。remain“留下”。18A.doubts BimpressionsCproblems DideasA解析:作者对军校教育一直感兴趣, 但是却一直怀疑自己能否做到。19A.love BhopeCinterest DgloryB解析:Nancy的例子让作者看到了希望。20A.took off Bpaid offCsent off Dwent offB解析:Nancy承受了巨大的压力, 但是最后成功了。take off“起飞”;pay off“成功”;send off“寄出”;go off“离开, 中断”。 语法填空Think fast: How close do you live to your local grocery store? Most of us dont know.As long as its close to home, its not a problem.But when you dont have a local grocery store, or you have one but its too far away to get to 1._ transportation, figuring out how youll buy your groceries 2._(bee) a big problem.For the past decade, Americans have driven 3._ average of 6 miles between home and their closest grocery store.For rural Americans, 4._(especial) those in the South, the trip can be much 5._(long)for example, in the food landscape of the Lower Mississippi Delta, youll likely find one supermarket 6._(serve) a 190.5squaremile area.There, residents could expect 7._(drive) 30 miles or more from home to store.This phenomenon 8._ (call) a food desert.The term dates back at least a decade 9._ it was used to describe how urban supermarkets in the United Kingdom were receding(退去) into the suburbs.But since the imbalance of food 10._ (choose) isnt limited to one region of the world, the expression is now used to describe the occurrence around the globe, including areas of North America, Latin America, Asia and Australia.1without解析:考查介词。根据语境可知,此处指没有交通工具便很难到达杂货店,故填without。2bees/will bee解析:考查时态和主谓一致。本文的基本时态为一般现在时,此处也应用一般现在时;又因动词的ing形式作主语,谓语动词使用单数。此外,这里也可理解为将来的一种情况,从句用一般现在时表将来,主句用一般将来时。3an解析:考查冠词。过去十年里,美国人平均开6英里的车程以往返于家和最近的杂货店。an average of“平均”。4especially解析:考查副词。此处指特别是住在南方的美国乡下人,especially“特别,尤其”。5longer解析:考查形容词比较级。根据上下文语境及空前的“much”可知,此处指美国乡下人,特别是住在南方的美国乡下人去购物的旅途更远,故使用比较级。6serving解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,find为谓语动词,one supermarket与serve之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故此处应用动词的ing形式作后置定语。7to drive解析:考查非谓语动词。动词expect后接不定式作宾语。expect to do sth.“期待做某事”。8is called解析:考查动词的时态和语态。这种现象被称为食物沙漠。本文的基本时态为一般现在时,故用一般现在时;又因This phenomenon与call之间是被动关系,故使用被动语态。9when解析:考查关系词。a decade为先行词,表示时间,后面是定语从句,句中缺少时间状语,故填when。10choice(s)解析:考查名词。食物选择的不均衡性并不局限在世界某个区域。空前有名词作定语,空处作介词of的宾语,故空处应用名词形式。choice“选择”既可作可数名词,又可作不可数名词,故填choice(s)。、七选五Everyone knows that fish is good for health. 1 But it seems that many people dont cook fish at home. Americans eat only about fifteen pounds of fish per person per year, but we eat twice as much fish in restaurants as at home. Buying, storing, and cooking fish isnt difficult. 2 This text is about how to buy and cook fish in an easy way. 3 Fresh fish should smell sweet: you should feel that youre standing at the oceans edge. Any fishy or strong smell means the fish isnt fresh. 4 When you have bought a fish and arrive home, youd better store the fish in the refrigerator if you dont cook it immediately, but fresh fish should be stored in your fridge for only a day or two. Frozen fish isnt as tasty as the fresh one.There are many mon methods used to cook fish. 5 First, clean it and season it with your choice of spices (调料). Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound. (A larger one will take more time.) Then, its ready to serve.A. Do not buy it.B. The easiest is to steam it.C. This is how you can do it.D. It just requires a little knowledge.E. The fish will go bad within hours.F. When buying fish, you should first smell it.G. The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.【语篇解读】本文向大家介绍了如何用简单的方法购买和烹制鱼。1.G 【解析】考查与首句语意的一致性。由空后的句意表示转折可知,转折前的句子在语意上应该保持一致,即说明吃鱼对健康的益处。故选G。2.D 【解析】考查句子的承上启下作用。空前一句提到对鱼的选购、储存和烹制并不困难,空后一句讲本文是关于如何以一种简单的方式购买和烹制鱼的,故选D这只需要一点点知识就能做好。3.F 【解析】考查主题句。段落的支撑细节始终围绕主题句展开,本段中第二、三句围绕如何通过嗅觉来鉴别鱼是否新鲜,因此可以判断F项正确。4.A 【解析】考查段落中句子间语意的连贯性和代词的正确使用。空前提到,浓烈的气味说明鱼已不新鲜,故不能买这种鱼。据此可知A项正确。、短文改错Dear Chris,Im Li Ming,monitor of Class One,Senior One.Im glad to hear that you will e to our school as exchange student next term.I feel it an honor of us to study with you.Now I have something to tell you about.Firstly,with the climate changing,you should prepared enough clothes.Then there are different kind of foods and snacks which will give you a chance to experiencing rich Chinese food culture.In addition,every student is friendly to foreign friends,that will make it easy for you to get along good with them.Last but not least,we can do what we can to help you,and you must get prepared to meet trouble.During your stay here,I hope you can tell us more about American culture.Only by understanding and learn from each other can we spend these days together happily.Yours,Li Ming.文章大意:短文为李明写给交换生Chris的一封信,表示在他来我校交换期间会帮助他适应环境,以及互相学习。答案:Dear Chris,Im Li Ming,monitor of Class One,Senior One.Im glad to hear that you will e to our school asexchange student next term.I feel it an honor us to study with you.Now I have something to tell you about.Firstly,with the climate changing,you should enough clothes.Then there are different of foods and snacks which will give you a chance to rich Chinese food culture.In addition,every student is friendly to foreign friends, will make it easy for you to get along with them.Last but not least,we can do what we can to help you, you must get prepared to meet trouble.During your stay here,I hope you can tell us more about American culture.Only by understanding and from each other can we spend these days together happily.解析:考查冠词,student是可数名词,前需加冠词,exchange是以元音音素开头的单词,因此使用不定冠词an。解析:考查固定搭配,表达“对于某人而言”使用介词for。解析:考查固定搭配,此处是“告诉某人”,使用tell sb.,多了介词about。解析:考查动词,should是情态动词,后接动词原形,因此使用prepare。解析:考查名词的复数形式,kind“种类”是可数名词,表示“不同的种类”,different后接其复数形式。解析:考查动词的用法,a chance to do sth.“做某事的机会”,to为动词不定式,后接动词原形,因此使用experience。解析:考查定语从句引导词,考查非限制性定语从句的引导词,使用which。解析:考查固定搭配,表达“与某人相处融洽”使用动词短语get along well with sb.,因此good改为well。解析:考查连词的用法,前后句子为转折的关系,and为并列的关系,因此改为but。解析:考查动名词形式,此处and连接两个并列的结构,by后接动名词,因此learn使用其动名词形式learning。


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