2019年高考英语一轮优练题 Unit 1 Women of achievement(含解析)新人教版必修4.doc

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Women of achievement一、阅读理解。OPENINGS AND PREVIEWSAntlia PneumaticaIn a new play by Anne Washburn, directed by Ken Rus Schmoll, a group of estranged friends gather at a Texas farm house to bury one of their peers. (Peter Jay Sharp, 416 W. 42nd St. 212-279-4200. In previews.)Bright StarSteve Martin and Edie Brickell wrote this bluegrass-and-Americana musical, in which a magazine editor meets a soldier returning from the Second World War. Walter Bobbie directs. (Cort, 138 W. 48th St. 212-239-6200. In previews.)The CrucibleIvo van Hove directs Arthur Millers classic drama about the Salem witch trials, starring Saoirse Ronan, Ben Whishaw, Ciaran Hinds, and Sophie Okonedo. (Walter Kerr, 219 W. 48th St. 212-239-6200. In previews.)Dry PowderJohn Krasinski, Claire Danes, and Hank Azaria star in Sarah Burgesss play, in which an executive at a private-equity firm (私人股本公司) tries to rebound from a P.R. disaster. Thomas Kail directs. (Public, 425 Lafayette St. 212-967-7555. In previews. Opens Oct. 28, 2017)The FatherFrank Langella stars in a play by the French writer Florian Zeller, translated by Christopher Hampton and directed by Doug Hughes for Manhattan Theatre Club, about an eighty-year-old man who is losing his grip on his own life story. (Samuel J. Friedman, 261 W. 47th St. 212-239-6200. Previews begin Oct. 28, 2017)1.If youre interested in American music, where can you get entertained?A. Peter Jay Sharp, 416 W. 42nd St.B. Cort, 138 W. 48th St.C. Walter Kerr, 219 W. 48th St.D. Public, 425 Lafayette St.2.If you want to preview a play now, which of the following is not available?A. Bright StarB. The CrucibleC. Dry PowderD. The Father3.The authors purpose of writing the passage is to _ .A. informB. entertainC. persuadeD. describe【文章大意】本文是一篇应用文,主要是向读者介绍四部影片。1.B 【解析】细节理解题。根据Bright Star中的“Steve Martin and Edie Brickell wrote this bluegrass-and-Americana musical”及“Cort, 138 W. 48th St. 212-239-6200. In previews.”可知,可以在Cort, 138 W. 48th St. 欣赏美国音乐,故B项正确。3.A 【解析】推理判断题。通读文章内容可知,本文主要是向读者介绍四部影片,故A 项正确。二、单句语法填空1I had a great sense of (achieve) when I won the first prize in the speech contest.答案:achievement2It was foolish of him to refer his notes during the test, and as a result, he got punished.答案:to3We must carry till success in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.答案:on4The international agreement, (intend) to encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit, was signed on February 27, 2018.答案:intended5What (inspire) news it is that my father will take me to Happy Valley this weekend, which has been open to the public since April 29, 2017!答案:inspiring6Is there any news for the missing boy?Yes, he was observed (play) puter games at 8 oclock yesterday.答案:playing7It is no use (argue) with her over the matter. She is quite stubborn and will never change her mind.答案:arguing8It was not until he went to American as an exchange student he realized the importance of learning English well.答案:that9I hope airlines can show more respect passengers and improve service.答案:for10 students decide which college to go to, they should research the admission procedures(入学手续)答案:Once三、完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可能填入空白处的最佳选项。That was a sunny day.My father and I were on the way _1_ my uncles home.People on the street were walking leisurely and chatting _2_ ,while my father was walking in a hurry.I tried my best to _3_ him.But I was still left behind.I could not understand why he _4_ so fast.Due to the fast speed,I lost my _5_ and was pletely with sweat.Somehow,I began to be angry at him.He always did not think about my_6_.“Why do you walk so fast? Dont you see me behind you?”I said _7_.“You are always like this.Why must you _8_ so loudly?”he said and his face got red right away.In fact,I deliberately spoke loudly and made him angry.“It is your _9_ !”I shouted at him immediately.“You always like to _10_ others!”he cried out.This made me fall into a rage(愤怒)Then we _11_ on the street.Whatever he said,I quickly answered back.At that time,I was like a wild beast,losing my temper.Many people stopped to look at us.I was so _12_ that I could feel my face burning,for I saw some people _13_ me,which made me lose face.I touched my face _14_ glared at him.“I will never talk to him,”I said to myself angrily._15_ could make people forget everything that your beloved had done for you.When I went to college,I still hated him.I did not say anything to him,_16_ I were not his daughter.Always I pretended to plain that I was too_17_ when he called me.However,it was his tears from the wornout_18_ that made me feel guilty when we met.He had given me everything he had,but I could not._19_ ,I realized that I should not hate him.Now I begin to phone him and ask him to take care of himself.Although sometimes parents will _20_ wrong,they just hope we can be better.1A.at BtoCfor Dof2A.perfectly BeagerlyCanxiously Denjoyably3A.make fun of Bcatch up withCmake way for Dget rid of4A.walked BranCstarted Dtrained5A.temper BconfidenceCbreath Dbalance6A.beliefs BbehaviorCfeelings Drequests7A.calmly BfrequentlyCsoftly Dloudly8A.tell BclaimCread Dspeak9A.fault BcrueltyCorigin Dbusiness10A.enjoy BadmireCblame Dabuse11A.fought BbargainedCconsulted Dquarreled12A.alarmed BafraidCashamed Damazed13A.asking for Blaughing atCwaiting for Daiming at14A.and BsoCbut Dor15A.Anger BSenseCCare DShame16A.in case Bas ifCunless Dafter17A.wrong BcrazyCbusy Dinnocent18A.arm BfaceChead Dbody19A.Naturally BOccasionallyCObviously DGradually20A.do BgiveCfind Dkeep【解题导语】作者因一件小事和父亲在大街上争吵,致使自己颜面尽失,于是下定决心不再与父亲说话。但随着岁月的流逝,作者意识到是愤怒让自己忘记了自己最爱的人为自己所做的一切,于是逐渐改变了自己对父亲的态度。1B根据语境可知,作者与父亲是在去叔叔家的路上。on the way to.意为“在去的路上”,符合语境。故选B项。2D该句中while表示对比,意为“然而”。此处是说作者和父亲走得比较匆忙,而街上的其他人走得比较悠闲,边走边开心地(enjoyably)聊着天。故选D项。perfectly意为“完美地”;eagerly意为“急切地”;anxiously意为“焦虑地”。3B从下文的I was still left behind可知,父亲走得很快,作者试图赶上他,但是仍然被落在了后面。catch up with意为“赶上”,符合语境。故选B项。make fun of意为“取笑”;make way for意为“给让路”;get rid of意为“摆脱;除去”。4A根据第二段开头的Why do you walk so fast?可知,此处指作者不知道为什么父亲走(walked)得那么快。故选A项。5C根据空后的pletely with sweat可知,由于走得太快,作者气喘吁吁、汗流浃背。lose ones breath意为“喘不过气来”,符合语境。故选C项。temper意为“脾气”;confidence意为“信心”;balance意为“平衡”。6C根据上文中的I began to be angry at him可知,作者对父亲很生气,认为他根本不考虑作者的感受(feelings)。故选C项。belief意为“信念”;behavior意为“行为;举止”;request意为“请求;要求”。7D上文提到作者很生气,所以说话的声音应该是很大的。根据第8空后的so loudly也可知答案。故选D项。calmly意为“平静地”; frequently意为“频繁地”;softly意为“温柔地”。8D根据下文的In fact,I deliberately spoke loudly and.可知,此处指父亲埋怨作者说话声音大。故选D项。9A作者责怪父亲走太快,自己跟不上,因此,此处指作者认为这都是父亲的过错(fault)。故选A项。cruelty意为“残忍”;origin意为“起源”;business意为“事情;商业”。10C作者在埋怨父亲,而此时父亲也非常生气。因此,父亲在说作者总是责备(blame)别人。故选C项。enjoy意为“喜欢”;admire意为“欣赏”;abuse意为“虐待;滥用”。11D根据下文Whatever he said,I quickly answered back.At that time, I was like a wild beast,losing my temper.可知,作者大发脾气,与父亲在大街上吵了起来,所以选quarreled,意为“争吵”。fight意为“打架”;bargain意为“讨价还价”;consult意为“咨询”。12C根据空后的I could feel my face burning可知,和父亲吵架引来很多路人驻足观看,作者感觉自己的脸滚烫,因此可推断,作者感到羞愧(ashamed)。alarmed意为“担忧的;恐慌的”;afraid意为“害怕的”;amazed意为“惊奇的”。13B由空后的made me lose face可知,作者觉得很丢人,因为看到路人在嘲笑她。laugh at意为“嘲笑”,符合语境。故选B项。ask for意为“请求;要求”;wait for意为“等待”;aim at意为“针对;以为目标”。14A句意为:我摸了摸我的脸,怒视着他。touched和glared是作者先后做的两个并列的动作,所以用and连接。15A文中反复提到angry,通过对与父亲吵架的描述可知,此处指生气能让人忘记你所爱的人为你做的一切。故选A项。16B设空后的I were not his daughter为虚拟语气,作者因怒生恨,吵架后不与父亲说话,就好像自己不是父亲的女儿似的。as if意为“好像”,符合语境。in case意为“以防”;unless意为“除非”;after意为“在之后”。17C父亲每次打电话时,作者总是抱怨太忙。busy意为“忙碌的”,符合语境。故选C项。wrong意为“错误的”;crazy意为“疯狂的”;innocent意为“无辜的”。18B眼泪应该是从脸上流下来,所以选face。句意为:但是,当我们见面时,父亲那饱经沧桑的脸上流下的泪水使我感到内疚。19D根据空后的I realized that I should not hate him可知,作者越来越理解父亲,认识到不应该再恨父亲,此处强调的是一个心理逐渐变化的过程。gradually意为“慢慢地;逐渐地”,符合语境。故选D项。naturally意为“自然地”occasionally意为“偶然”;obviously意为“明显地”。20A尽管有时候父母会做错事,但是他们希望我们能更好。此处指可能会做错事,所以选A项。四、单句改错1It didnt occur him that she would refuse his invitation. 答案:occur后加to2Tom, rather than his teammates, were to blame for the failure of the volleyball match yesterday. 答案:werewas3The young girl devotes all her spare time to study English. 答案:study studying4He hates to be looked down, so we treat him as our honored guest. 答案:down后加on/upon5The Internet gives students the chance to have the materials they need deliver to them quickly and cheaply. 答案:deliverdelivered五、单元语法主谓一致1(2018重庆一中期中)Leaving the less important things until tomorrow (be) often acceptable.答案:is2(2018沈阳育才中学模拟)English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of which (use) it differently.答案:uses3Would you please keep silent? The weather report (broadcast) and I want to listen.答案:is being broadcast4A survey of the opinions of experts (show) that three hours of outdoor exercise a week (be) good for ones health.答案:shows; is5It is not I but you who (be) the first to run to the goal in that petition.答案:are

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