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提分专练(六).完形填空On a trip to California, my family stopped for lunch. As we walked toward the entrance to the restaurant, a man, with a _1_ beard and dirty hair, jumped up from a bench outside the restaurant and opened the door for us. Regardless of his _2_, he greeted us in a friendly way.Once inside, my daughters whispered, “Mom, he _3_.” After we ordered our lunch, I explained, telling the kids to look _4_ the dirt. We then watched other customers approach the restaurant but many _5_ him. Seeing this rudeness truly upset me. The day I became a mother, I had determined to set a good _6_ to my children. Yet sometimes when things didnt go right, being a good example was _7_. When our meal arrived, I realized I had left the carsick pills in the truck. With the windiest trip ahead, the kids needed them, so I _8_ myself from the meal and went to get them.Just then, the “doorman” was opening the door for a couple. They rushed past him without even acknowledging his _9_. Letting them in first, I said a loud “thank you” to him as I _10_.When I returned, we talked a bit. He said he was not allowed inside _11_ he purchased food. I went back and told my family his _12_. Then I asked our waitress to add one soup and sandwich.The kids looked _13_ as we had already eaten, but when I said the order was for the “doorman”, they smiled. When it was time to _14_ our trip, I found the “doorman” enjoying his meal. Upon seeing me, he stood up and thanked me heartily. He then _15_ out his hand for a handshake and I gratefully accepted. I suddenly _16_ the tears in his eyes tears of gratitude. What happened next drew great astonishment: I gave the “doorman” a _17_. He pulled away, with tears _18_ down his face.Back in truck, I fell into deep thought. While we cant choose many things in life, we can choose when to show gratitude. I said thanks to a man who had _19_ held open a door for me, and also said thanks for that _20_ to teach my children by example.1A.messyBcleanCpretty Dbright解析:选Amessy“凌乱的;肮脏的”;clean“干净的,清洁的”;pretty“漂亮的;可爱的”;bright“明亮的;鲜明的”。根据下文脏的头发可知他的胡须也是脏乱的。故选A项。2A.service BstateCappearance Dattitude解析:选C句意:他不顾及他的外表,很友好地向我们打招呼,问候我们。service“服务”;state“状态;州;国家”;appearance“外表,外貌”;attitude“态度;看法”。3A.smokes BsmellsCsighs Dsmiles解析:选B句意:一到里面,我的女儿们就小声对我说:“他的身上散发着臭味”。smoke“吸烟”;smell“嗅,闻,闻起来有臭味”;sigh“叹息”;smile“微笑”。4A.around BoverCbeyond Dinto解析:选C句意:我们点了午餐之后,我向孩子解释,让孩子要超越污垢,要看实质的事情。around“周围;环绕”;over“在之上;结束”;beyond“超越,超过”;into“在里面”。5A.ignored BhatedCmissed Drefused解析:选A句意:我们看了一下进餐馆的其他顾客,但是许多人都没有理他。ignore“忽略,忽视”;hate“憎恨,讨厌”;miss“思念;错过”;refuse“拒绝”。6A.target BruleCrecord Dexample解析:选D句意:看到这些粗鲁的行为我很不安,从我做母亲的那天起,我就决定要为我的孩子树立一个好榜样。target“目标,靶子”;rule“规则,规章”;record“记录”;example“例子,榜样”。7A.stressful BaccessibleCawkward Dtough解析:选D句意:然而有时候,事情发展并不总是顺利的,做一个好榜样是很难的。stressful“紧张的,有压力的”;accessible“易接近的,可进入的”;awkward“尴尬的,笨拙的”;tough“强硬的,困难的”。8A.excused BrefreshedCprevented Dforgave解析:选A句意:当我们的饭来的时候,我才意识到我把晕车药忘在车里了,在往前充满大风的旅行中,孩子需要它,因此我就去取药了。excuse“托辞,借口”;refresh“使恢复,使更新”;prevent“阻止,阻碍”;forgive“宽恕,原谅”。9A.pany BpresenceCchallenge Dattack解析:选B句意:正在那时,“看门人”正在为一对夫妇开门,他们迅速地从他身边过去了,甚至没有意识到他的存在。pany“公司;同伴”;presence“存在,出席,参加”;challenge“挑战”;attack“袭击,攻击”。10A.quitted BmarchedCexited Dapproached解析:选C句意:让他们先进来,然后在我出去的时候,我大声地向他说谢谢。quit“停止,叫停”;march“前进,进军,行进,游行”;exit“出口,出去”;approach“接近”。11A.before BunlessCthough Dsince解析:选B句意:当我回来的时候,我们聊了几句,他说,他不被允许进入餐厅,除非他买吃的。before“在之前”;unless“除非”;though“虽然”;since“既然”。12A.story BdeedCdesire Ddemand解析:选A句意:我回去以后,把他的故事告诉给了我的家人。story“故事”;deed“行动,功绩”;desire“欲望,要求”;demand“要求,需求”。13A.concerned BpuzzledCexcited Dbored解析:选B句意:我让服务员加了一份汤和三明治。孩子们看上去有些困惑,因为我们已经吃完了。但当我说这份餐点是给那位看门人的时候,他们笑了。concerned“有关的,关心的”;puzzled“困惑的,迷茫的”;excited“激动的,兴奋的”;bored“无聊的,无趣的”。14A.make BstartCcontinue Dtake解析:选C句意:到我们继续旅行的时间了,我发现那位“看门人”正在享受着他的大餐。make“制造,使得”;start“开始,着手”;continue“继续”;take“带走,耗费”。旅程不是开始而是继续。15A.waved BwashedCraised Dreached解析:选D句意:当他看见我的时候,他站起来真心地感谢了我。他接着伸出他的手和我握手,我很感激地接受了。wave“波动,起伏”;wash“洗涤,洗刷”;raise“举起,升起”;reach“延伸,伸出手”。16A.watched BinspectedCwitnessed Dnoticed解析:选D句意:我突然注意到了他眼里的泪水,那是感激的泪水。watch“观察,注视”;inspect“检查,视察”;witness“目睹”;notice“注意到”。这里不是观察,而是注意到了这一点。17A.hug BnodClift Dstrike解析:选A句意:接下来的事情更让人吃惊,我给了这个“看门人”一个拥抱。hug“拥抱”;nod“点头”;lift“电梯;搭便车”;strike“罢工,打击,殴打”。18A.slipping BrushingCrolling Dbreaking解析:选C句意:他离开了,热泪滚下了他的脸。slip“滑动”;rush“猛冲,催促”;roll“滚落,旋转”;break“破坏”。眼泪应是顺着他的脸滚落了下来。19A.firmly BsimplyCconstantly Dpolitely解析:选B句意:回到车上,我陷入了沉思,尽管在生活中,我们不能选择许多事情,但可以选择我们能够表示感谢的一刻。我向那位仅仅为我们开门的看门人说了声谢谢。firmly“坚定地,坚决地”;simply“简单地”;constantly“不断地”;politely“有礼貌地”。20A.journey BwisdomCmunity Dopportunity解析:选D句意:也为这个能够教育孩子的机会说声谢谢。journey“旅行,旅程”;wisdom“聪明,明智”;munity“社区,群落”;opportunity“机会,机遇”。.任务型阅读(2019江苏名校联考) Youre in your twenties and you feel as if you have all the time and energy to do whatever you want. But the twenties is just like any other life stage, and before you know it, it is gone. To prevent your 20s leaving you with regrets, you should try to avoid some mon mistakes people in their 20s often make.In other words, firstly, dont spend money on a careless basis. Buying whatever you want and eating out almost every day may make you feel good at the moment, but itll make you poor in the long run. Even if you have a salary thats more than enough for your living expenses, you still wont be able to make progress in your financial goals if you constantly spend more than what you earn. Remember that your financial choices today will make an impact on your future. Ensure you spend your money on things that will move you forward towards your financial goals.Secondly, dont stick to a deadend job, a job with low wages and no chance of progress. With piles of student debt, you find it bad just to consider quitting your job. But have you thought of the time and energy youre wasting on a job that doesnt suit your strengths and interests? If you havent figured out what your dream job is, then use this stage to find out what it is. To achieve this, create a list of career ideas that you think will suit your strengths and interests, and then get your feet wet. Ask people who are in these industries about the job and what needs to be done to take you there. These steps help build the bridge to your dream job.Thirdly, dont give up dreams because youre afraid youll fail. Fear is a powerful emotion. You feel it especially when youre chasing something thats bigger than yourself. But dont let it stop you. Whether you dream of traveling the world or starting your own business, dont let the fear of failure keep you from taking action. There will always be mistakes and failures when you pursue your dream and trying wont do you harm. The most successful people have also felt the fear but what sets them apart from the rest is that they take action anyway.Last but not least, dont give in to naysayers (经常否定的人). On your journey towards your dream, there will be people who dont believe in your ability and your dream. Dont give in to their negativity and dont argue with them. Just let them say what they have to say and do your own things. Sometimes you need these people to help you evaluate how badly you want your dream to e true. If you really want it, then youll still pursue it even if no one believes you.You should avoid making mon mistakes in your 20sIntroductionYou may consider your twenties as a (1)_ life stage.You should enjoy your twenties best by getting rid of mon mistakes people often mit in their twenties.Spending money(2)_Often spending more than what you earn can (3)_ you achieving your financial goals.Make wise financial choices and spend your money on what is helpful in reaching your financial goals.Sticking to a hopeless jobMany people waste time and energy on a job (4)_ for their strengths and interests.To find your dream job, list career ideas that interest you, and then give them a (5)_Consult some relevant people, and youll know how to get your dream job.Quitting dreams for (6)_ of failureOnce youve decided to do something, take action.Realize mistakes and failures cant be (7)_ and that trying is always good.Giving in to naysayersDont be influenced by naysayers who (8)_ your ability.(9)_ their negative remarks and keep doing your own things.Their negativity sometimes can help you make an (10)_ of your goals.答案:1.free2.carelessly3.prevent/stop4.unsuitable5.try6.fear7.avoided8.doubt9.Ignore10.evaluation.书面表达(2020届高三苏锡常镇四市调研)请认真阅读下面关于Summer Slide的漫画及相关文字,并按照要求用英语写一篇150词左右的文章。写作内容1根据漫画,请用约30个词谈谈什么是Summer Slide;2结合图片信息谈谈漫画作者对Summer Slide现象的态度和建议;3你是否赞成漫画作者的观点,并说明理由。写作要求1写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;3不必写标题。评分标准内容完整,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当。参考范文:According to the caricature, summer slide refers to the academic loss to students who prefer playing to learning during summer holidays.The sharp decline in reading scores is an evident example.Obviously, the author of the caricature is worried about the phenomenon.Readers, especially parents, are warned of their childrens “sliding down”Students are therefore advised to do some reading every day.From my perspective, its important not to fall into the pitfall of “summer slide”Although vacations are meant for a rest to us students, it should not be at the expense of our study.We should respond to the authors call to do daily reading.Anyway, abandoning ourselves in reading is actually another way of leisure.In addition, wed better ask our parents to create an academic ground for us, like reading together with us, etc.With the joint efforts of both, the summer slide can surely be avoided.


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