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第三讲 信息概括题这类题目难度大、要求高、得分低,考生要在透彻理解文章的基础上,根据文中相关信息综合分析后提炼出新词。此类题目主要分为两种类型:(1)总结性词汇。设题大多数情况下是概括文章的标题、段落大意、事件过程、文章的目的、意义以及得出的结论等。解题关键(2)归纳词。有的题目在原文中可能找不到具体的信息句。这就要求我们首先要确定信息区域,然后对该区域进行认真地分析归纳。解题关键注意信息概括题有时必须结合表格本身才能正确解答。典例1(2017江苏高考)Statistics show that the average number of births per woman has fallen from 4.9 in the early 1960s to 2.5 nowadays.Furthermore,around 50% of the worlds population live in regions where the figure is now below the replacement level(i.e.2.1 births per woman)and almost all developed nations are experiencing sub-replacement birth rate.You might think that developing nations would make up the loss(especially since 80% of the worlds people now live in such nations),but youd be wrong.Declining birth rate is a major problem in many developing regions too,which might cause catastrophic global shortages of work force within a few decades.It would be difficult for developed countries to maintain the (72)_of population.分析第一步:根据题干大意可定位到文章第二段。第二步:根据第二段内容,特别是“almost all developed nations are experiencing sub-replacement birth rate”和“Declining birth rate is a major problem in many developing regions too,which might cause catastrophic global shortages of work force within a few decades.”可知,发达国家保持人口的现有规模也是困难重重。size/scale表示“尺寸,大小,规模”,符合文意。第三步:确定答案为size/scale。典例2(2017江苏高考)In the north of India,the population is booming due to high birth rates,but in the south,where most economic development is taking place,birth rate is falling rapidly.In a further twist,birth rate is highest in poorly educated rural areas and lowest in highly educated urban areas.In total,25% of Indias working-age population has no education.In 2030,a sixth of the countrys potential work force could be totally uneducated.Leaving aside the birth rate issue,Indias economy may take off when the country achieves (78)_of educational opportunity.分析:第一步:根据题干中的“Indias economy”以及“educational”,可以定位到文章第五段。第二步:根据第五段中对于印度人口出生率以及经济发展与教育的关系的叙述可以得出这样的结论:印度若能实现公民受教育机会的平等化,它的经济会有大的增长。第三步:确定答案为equality。知识链接1信息概括常用词1.原因与结果:reason (for),result;cause (of),consequence2.异同点与优缺点:difference,similarity; advantage,disadvantage3.功能:function4.观点与态度:opinion,view (on/about),viewpoint,idea; attitude (to/towards) 5.评论与评价:ment (on),remark (on/upon),assessment6.方式与方法:means,way,method (of); solution,approach (to doing sth);(take) measures (to do sth)7.目的:purpose,aim,goal8.积极与消极:positive,negative9.建议:advice,suggestion,tip10.概括与总结:summary,conclusion11.特点:feature,characteristic12.种类:kind,type,category,class13.精神上与身体上:mentally,physically14.影响:influence,impact,effect (on)15.情形,状况:situation,condition16.方面与项目条款:aspect,item17.材料:materials18.知识与消息:knowledge,information19.日程计划:schedule,agenda20.百分比:percentage21.性别:sex22.年龄:age23.(不)熟悉:familiar/unfamiliar24.个人,个人的:individual25.细节:description,detail26.文化:culture27.责任:(take) responsibility28.贡献:(make) contributions (to)29.重要:value,importance,significance30.比较:contrast,parison31.时期:period,time32.存在:existence,exist33.人口:population34.天气与气候:weather,climate35.位置:location36.主题:theme37.背景:setting,background38.情节:plot39.高潮:climax40.反对者与支持者:opponent,supporter知识链接2同义替换常考词汇1result fromarise from由导致2at randomrandomly随意地3in particularparticularly尤其,特别4in peacepeacefully平静地;安宁地5in advanceahead of time (schedule)预先6in partpartly在一定程度上7in silencesilently寂静地,沉默地8in harmonyharmoniously和谐地9be accused ofbe charged with被指控10put forwarde up with提出11on behalf ofrepresent代表12show upturn upappear出现13including sthsth included包括某物14be exposed toexposure to暴露于,接触到15account formake up占据比例16lack sthbe short of sthbe lacking in sth缺少某物17at handhandy在手边18escape fromflee逃离19stand/bear/tolerate/put up with忍受20at the same timemeanwhile同时21make fun oflaugh atteasemock取笑22treat sb badlyabuse sb虐待某人23take pride inbe proud of对感到自豪24be dressed inwear sth穿着25burst into tearsburst out crying突然大哭26look aftertake care ofattend to照顾27pensate formake up for补偿28onlineon the Internet在网上29matter/count/be important重要30catch onpopularize流行31take upoccupy占据32believe intrust信任33take in sthabsorb sth理解,吸收某物34starve to deathdie of hunger/starvation饿死35acpany sbkeep sb pany陪伴某人36turn to sb for helpask sb for help向某人求助37100 years1 century10 decades 100年38a fortnighttwo weeks两周39every yearyearlyannual每年的40363 dozen 3打41face sthbe faced with sth面对某事42facing sthfaced with sth(状语)面临某事43supportbe in favor offavorsubscribe to支持44be of use/valuebe useful/valuable对有用45do withdeal withcope withhandle处理46be absorbed inbe lost inbe buried in专心于47object to doing sthoppose doing sthbe opposed to doing sthraise an objection to doing sth反对做某事48convince sbmake sb convinced使某人信服49the remaining moneythe money left剩下的钱50now and thensometimesoccasionally有时51make an apology to sbapologize to sb向某人道歉52a variety ofn.varieties ofn.variousn.各种各样的53make full use ofmake the most (best) oftake advantage of利用54be related tobe associated withbe linked tobe connected with跟有关55put off doingdelay doingpostpone doingbuy time to do推迟做56an approach to doing stha way of doing stha way to do sthhow to do sth做某事的方法57replace B with Asubstitute A for Btake the place of B with A用A替代B58resemblelook likebe similar tobear a resemblance to像,类似于59sb makes sense of sthsb understands sth某人明白某事60be accessible tohave access tobe available to可获得的61be drunk withbe addicted tobe hooked on沉迷于62manage to do sthsucceed in doing sth(设法)做成某事63to be honest/frank/stricthonestly/frankly/strictly speaking坦率地/直白地/严格地说64be tired/sick ofbe bored withbe fed up with对感到厌倦65have an edge/advantage overbe superior tobe better than胜过,比强66be consistent withbe in line withcorrespond withagree with与相一致67take the place of Abe in place of Areplace A取代A68at your conveniencewhen it is convenient for you当你方便时69on ones ownby onselfalone独自地70be aware/conscious ofrealizerecognize意识到71be responsible fortake responsibility foranswer for对负责72in spite of/despite短语though/although/while/as句子 虽然(用as要倒装)73beyond beliefincredibleunbelievable难以置信的74out of the questionimpossible不可能的out of questionno problem没问题75be unaware offail to noticeoverlookignoreneglect忽视76stress/underline/emphasize the importance of sth强调某事/物的重要性77sth benefits sbsth be beneficial to sbsth be of benefit to sbsb benefits from sth某人从某事中受益78make preparations forbe in preparations forprepare for为做准备79take an active part in sthtake part in sth actively积极参加某事have a positive influence oninfluence sth positively对某物有积极影响80sth kills sbsth costs sb the lifesth claims ones life某物杀了某人81be tired outbe worn outbe exhaustedbe burnt outbe weary累坏了82e into being/existenceform/exist存在,形成83make ones dream e truerealize/achieve ones dream实现某人的梦想84be overendput.to an ende to an end结束85dont/never doavoid doingkeep away from doing避免做86be able to do sthbe capable of doing sth能够做某事87use uprun out of用光run outgive outbe used up耗尽88cause sb to participate in sthinvolve sb in sth让某人参加某事89A be responsible for BA causes/results in/leads to BA是B的起因90bring about/result in/lead to/contribute to/account for/cause/make for导致A(2018苏北四市高三第一次调研)Ownership used to be about as straightforward as writing a cheque.If you bought something,you owned it.If you broke it,you fixed it.If you no longer wanted it,you sold it or threw it away.Some firms found ways of squeezing out more profit in the after-sale services,using authorized repair shops,and strategies such as selling cheap printers and expensive ink,which,however,did not challenge the nature of ownership.In the digital age ownership has bee more ambiguous.Since the arrival of smart phones,consumers are forced to accept that they do not control the software in their devices; they are only licensed to use it.But as more digital devices are springing up,who owns and who controls which objects is being a problem.Buyers should be aware that some of their most basic property rights are under threat.Needless to say,manufacturers seeking to restrict what owners do with increasingly plex technology have good reasons to protect their copyright,ensure that their machines do not malfunction (发生故障),maintain environmental standards and prevent hacking.Sometimes panies use their control over a products software for the owners benefit.When Hurricane Irma hit Florida this month,Tesla,a start-up for electric vehicles,remotely upgraded the software controlling the batteries of some models to give owners more range to escape the storm.The more digital strings(数字串) are attached to goods,the more the balance of control tilts(倾斜) towards producers and away from owners.Already this has given rise to controversy (争议) over owners property rights.Items from smart phones to washing machines have bee increasingly hard to fix,meaning that they are thrown away instead of being repaired.Privacy is also at risk.Users were alarmed when it came out that iRobot,a robotic vacuum cleaner,not only cleans the floor but creates a digital map of the homes interior that can then be sold to advertisers though the manufacturer says it has no intention of doing so.Such issues should remind people how desperately they ought to protect their property rights.In America this idea has already taken root in the “right to repair” movement.In France appliance-makers must tell buyers how long a device is likely to lasta sign of how repairable it is.Regulators should encourage petition by,for instance,insisting that independent repair shops have the same access to product information,spare parts and repair tools as manufacturer-owned ones.Ownership is not about to go away,but its meaning is changing.Devices,by and large,are sold on the basis that they empower (授权) people to do what they want.To the extent they are controlled by somebody else,that freedom is promised.答案1.challenged根据第一段最后一句中的challenge可知答案。2.clear/definite/certain第二段首句中的ambiguous 意为模糊的,也就是不清楚、不明确的意思,此处填其反义词。3.threatened第二段末句“Buyers should be aware that some of their basic property rights are under threat.”中的under threat 意为处于威胁之中,被威胁。改变形式即可。4.issues在讨论所有权问题的争议。第五段有such issues 的出现。5.restrictions第三段首句“Needless to say,manufacturers seeking to restrict.”的restrict改变形式即可。6.favour/interest第三段中间“Sometimes panies use their control over a products software for the owners benefit.”中的for ones benefitin ones favor/interest。7.tends第四段首句“.the more the balance of control tilts towards producers and away from owners.”中的tilt towards意为tend to倾向于,往往。8.light第四段末句“Users were alarmed when it came out that.”中的e oute to light。9.taken固定搭配take action。10.promised/damaged第六段末句“.that freedom is promised”中的原词重现。B(2018通、扬、泰、淮高三三模)We all need to feel understood,recognized and affirmed(证实)by our friends,family and romantic partners.We all need to find our tribe.Research has shown that among the benefits that e with being in a relationship or group,feeling accepted is regarded as the most important driver of meaning.When other people think you matter and treat you as if you matter,you believe you matter,too.Though we all share a need to belong,in the first decades of the 20th century,many influential psychologists and physicians did not acknowledge this fundamental aspect of human nature.The idea that children needed parental love and care to live a full and meaningful life was not only considered medically dangerous,but it was dismissed as immoral and disgusting.As behavioural psychology came into fashion and academic psychologists turned their attention to child-raising,this view shifted and they began to examine and affirm the vital importance of attachment in early life.They discovered that people,whatever their age,needed more than food and shelter to live full and healthy lives.But,sadly,many of us lack close ties.At a time when we are more connected digitally than ever before,rates of social isolation(孤立)are rising.The results of an Age UK poll published recently suggest that half a million people over the age of 60 usually spend each day alone,and its not unusual for another half a million people to go five or six days without seeing or speaking to someone.All these figures reveal more than a rise in lonelinessthey reveal a lack of meaning in peoples lives.In surveys,we list our close relationships as our most important sources of meaning.Research shows that people who are lonely and isolated feel their lives are less meaningful.While close relationships are critical for living a meaningful life,they are not the only important social bonds we need to cultivate(培养).Psychologists have also discovered the value of small moments of intimacy(亲昵行为).“High-quality connections”,as one researcher calls them,are positive,short-term interactions between two people when a couple holds hands on a walk or when two strangers have an empathetic(移情作用的)conversation on a plane.High-quality connections have the potential to unlock meaning in our interactions with acquaintances,colleagues and strangers.We cant control whether someone will make a high-quality connection with us,but we can all choose to start one.We can say hello to a stranger on the street rather than look away.We can choose to value people rather than devalue them.We can invite people to belong.Passage outlineSupporting detailsThe need to belongEveryone hopes to develop a (1)_ of belonging in a group.Peoples self-respect is (2)_ by other peoples opinion.The changing (3)_ to belongingMany famous experts in the first decades of the 20th century (4)_ that people had the need to belong.Experts later came to realize that people,regardless of their age,needed (5)_ to enjoy full and healthy lives.Consequences of (6)_ close tiesMany people are cut off from the world and feel (7)_.People who do not have enough close relationships find their life has less (8)_.Another way to meet the needHigh-quality connections make a (9)_ in helping satisfy our need to belong.We should (10)_ to make a high-quality connection.【语篇解读】本文是说明文。每个人都想在团体中有归属感,为此我们应该主动建立高质量的社会纽带。1.sense/feeling根据第一段中的“We all need to find our tribe.”和第二段中的“.in a relationship or group,feeling accepted is regarded as the most important driver of meaning”可知,每个人都想在团体中有归属感。a sense/feeling of belonging “归属感”。2.influenced/affected/shaped/determined/decided根据第二段中的“When other people think you matter and treat you as if you matter,you believe you matter,too.”可知,人的自尊受其他人观点的影响,所以空格处用influenced/affected/shaped/determined/decided。3.attitudes根据第三段中的“The idea that children needed.as immoral and disgusting.”和第四段中的“.this view shifted”可知,该部分的主题是人们对归属感态度(attitudes)的改变。4.denied根据第三段中的“Though we all share a need.aspect of human nature.”可知,20世纪初期的很多专家否认(denied)人们需要归属感。5.attachment/love/care根据第四段中的“.they began to examine and affirm the vital importance of attachment in early life.to live full and healthy lives.”可知,专家后来意识到人们需要依恋或关爱(attachment/love/care)来享受充实、健康的生活。6.lacking第五段中的“But,sadly,many of us lack close ties.”是第五、六段论述的要点。再结合右栏的内容可知,该部分谈及缺乏(lacking)亲密关系的后果。7.lonely/isolated/alone根据第五段中的内容可知,很多人与世隔绝,感到孤独寂寞(lonely/isolated/alone)。8.meaning根据第六段中的“we list our close relationships as.are less meaningful.”可知,缺乏亲密关系的人觉得生活的意义(meaning)更小。9.difference根据第七段中的“High-quality connections,as one researcher calls them.and strangers.”可知,高质量的社会纽带在帮助人们满足归属需求方面有重大意义。make a difference “有(重要)作用,有影响,有关系”。10.start/offer/try/attempt根据最后一段中的“We cant control.to start one”可知,人们应该主动开始/提出/尝试(start/offer/try/attempt)建立高质量的社会纽带。A(2018南京市高三三模)What can we learn from Amish people?Many people think of the Amish as living without.These devout munities,predominantly located in Pennsylvania,Ohio and Indiana,go without cars,TVs,puters,phones or even the electricity needed to run so much of 21st century gadgetry.But what researchers who have studied them have found is what the Amish have a surplus of: good health in late life.The average American life expectancy is currently just under 79 years.Back in 1,900,it was only 47,but for early-20th century Amish it was already greater than 70.Over the decades,most Americans have caught up in overall life expectancy,but the Amish still have a significant edge in late-life health,with lower rates of cancer,cardiovascular disease,diabetes and more.So how do they do it?Start with lifestyle.Amish munities are agrarian,with no modern farm equipment,meaning all the work has to be done by hand.In 2004,the American College of Sports Medicine fitted Amish volunteers with pedometers to determine how much physical activity they performed.The results were dramatic.Amish men took 18,425 steps a day and women 14,196 steps,pared with non-Amish people who are encouraged by doctors to shoot for at least 10,000 stepsand typically fail.Including other forms of manual laborlifting,chopping,sowing,plantingthe Amish are six times as active as a random sample of people from 12 countries.One result of this is that only 4% of Amish people are obese,pared with 36.5% of the overall US population.Amish children are about one-third as likely as non-Amish to be obese,according to a 2012 study in PLOS One.This means 50% lower rates of Type 2 diabetes.The near absence of tobacco in the Amish munitysome men do smoke cigarsresults in a 63% lower rate of tobacco-related cancers,according to a 2004 study of Ohios Amish population.The Amish also had rates of all cancers that were 40% lower than the rest of the Ohio population.Cardiovascular disease is one area in which the Amish dont have an edge,with blood-pressure and heart-disease rates slightly higher than those of other populations.Some of this might be attributed to the Amish diet,which is heavy on pancakes,eggs and sausage for breakfast,and meat,potatoes,gravy and bread for dinner.Working the farm can burn off those calories,but all the fat and salt and carbs still have a bad effect.The most powerful weapon in the Amish long-life arsenal,however,may be genes.The Amish population in the US is about 318,000,descended from just 200 families that immigrated in the 1,700s.They mostly marry within their own munities,which means the genes that existed when their ancestors got to America have remained.That can be a dangerous thing if bad genes are hidden in the mix but a good thing if the genes are sound.While no munity is without genetic problems,the Amish seem to have gotten a lucky draw.In a study released last November,researchers announced the discovery of a gene in an Amish munity that seemed to be associated with an average life span 10% longer than that of people without the gene.While much of the Amish advantage is unique to the Anish themselves,there is one long-life lesson on they can teach everyone else.Almost all elderly people in the Amish munity are cared for at home,by relatives.This isnt always realistic or possible in the non-Amish world,but when it is,it plays huger health dividends than medicine does.What can we learn from Amish people?OutlineSupporting detailsIntroduction to the AmishThe Amish (1)_ the average American by more than 20 years last century.The Amish in general enjoy better health than most people when they are (2)_.Factors in the Amishs (3)_LifestylesThe Amish have to (4)_ by hand due to the lack of agricultural equipment.Thus,they are

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