2019高考英语一轮选训习题 Unit 5 The power of nature(含解析)新人教版选修6.doc

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2019高考英语一轮选训习题 Unit 5 The power of nature(含解析)新人教版选修6.doc_第1页
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选修6Unit 5The power of nature一、阅读理解A guide to Beijing museums during Spring FestivalThe Capital MuseumThe Beijing Capital Museum is presenting a special monkey-themed exhibition that decodes the cultural roots of the monkey in traditional Chinese culture. The exhibit shows more than 40 antique collections, including paintings, calligraphy, stamps, and 12 classic Monkey King pictures based on the great Chinese novel, Journey to the West. The museum also prepared a series of cultural activities for children, such as making paper-cuts for window decoration and painting monkeys. The National Museum of China Pasting Spring Festival couplets too doors is a traditional custom in Chinese culture. An exhibition Calligraphy Art of Couplets for the Year of the Money is ongoing, with more than 30 calligraphers couplet pieces on display. A major exhibition, Treasures of Romania, showcasing Romanias history from the pre-historical period to the end of the 18th century, is still underway.National Art Museum of ChinaThe 2016 New Year show, National Art Exhibition of the Great Unity of China is a visual feast that will last until March 7. The works reflect the reality that people of all nationalities in China unite as one and jointly construct a moderately prosperous society. The works also highlight their positive mental attitude and present their picturesque and colorful national customs.Zhoukoudian Relies MuseumA Spring Festival folk custom culture exhibition will introduce traditional Spring Festival customs in detail. Visitors can enjoy nearly 100 precious exhibits from the late Qing Dynasty (1644-1911)and Minguo Era(1912-1949), including New Year paintings and musical instruments. Children can also take part in the treasure hunt games organized by the museum, watch 4D movies and experience the primitive way of hunting fishing and chipping stone tools in the science experience pavilion.1. In which column of the newspaper may this article appear?A. Travel B. BusinessC. LifestyleD. Culture2. Which of the following statement is True according to the article?A. The 40 antique collections in the Capital Museum are based on Journey to the West.B. All four museums provide exhibits of traditional Spring Festival customsC. Children can be involved in some activities about the primitive life in Zhoukoudian Relics MuseumD. Visitors can appreciate exhibits of Minguo Era in National Art Museum of China3. Which one is the best choice among the four museums for visitors whod like to enjoy history of both China and foreign countries?A. The National Museum of China B. Zhoukoudian Relics MuseumC. The Capital Museum D. National Art Museum of China【文章大意】春节期间北京博物馆指南。本文共介绍了北京的四个博物馆,介绍了传统的文化,中外历史等内容。1.D 【解析】推理判断题。根据本文题目A guide to Beijing museums during Spring Festival春节期间北京博物馆指南。本文共介绍了北京的四个博物馆,介绍了传统的文化,中外历史等,可知文章应该出现在报纸的文化专栏,故选D。3.A 【解析】推理判断题。根据The National Museum of China中的Pasting Spring Festival couplets too doors is a traditional custom in Chinese culture. An exhibition Calligraphy Art of Couplets for the Year of the Money is ongoing, with more than 30 calligraphers couplet pieces on display. A major exhibition, Treasures of Romania, showcasing Romanias history from the pre-historical period to the end of the 18th century, is still underway.可知,欣赏中外历史的最佳博物馆应该是The National Museum of China,故选A。二、完形填空My mother was a responsible teacher and she retired.So I decided to give her one of my old puters to help her pass the time.She had a little bit of puter _1_,so I just set it up for her and let her _2_ with it on her own.As time went on,I _3_ the puter was hardly touched.She said she didnt know _4_ to use it.I decided to teach her.I sat and _5_ everything and she seemed OK with what I said.Unfortunately,my sister called me at that moment _6_ we talked on the phone for an hour.Then when I saw her again,she was sitting in front of the puter,looking quite _7_.The screen saver(屏幕保护程序) had appeared and she didnt know how to _8_ it off.She had tried _9_ every key and it didnt work.I told her,“Just _10_ the mouse a little.” What I meant was that she just needed to move the mouse around to _11_ the puter up.What she did was to _12_ the mouse and start shaking it around in midair until the _13_ went pletely black.I couldnt help laughing because of her funny _14_.The more I laughed the _15_ she got.She thought that I was a(n)_16_ teacher and she decided to figure the thing out herself.Well,at least I helped her overe her _17_ of breaking something and encouraged her to _18_ a little.About a week later,I found a homemade _19_ card with a mouse on the front making a funny face _20_ to my door.It said,“Thanks for the puter lessons.Love,Mom.”1A.theoryBknowledgeCtechnology Dhistory2A.watch BtrainCplay Dsee3A.found BheardCthought Dignored4A.why BwhenChow Dwhere5A.learned BdescribedCexplained Ddiscussed6A.and BbutCbecause Dsince7A.amusing BrelaxedCinteresting Ddiscouraged8A.get BbreakCcut Dturn9A.hitting BfeelingCchanging Dremoving10A.hang BshakeCrub Dpush11A.clean BwakeCbring Dtake12A.put up Bcut offCpick up Dput away13A.screen BcurtainCcover Dwindow14A.adjustment BimitationCexpression Daction15A.ruder BhappierCangrier Dbetter16A.impatient BhumorousCcareful Dhelpful17A.sadness BpressureCfear Ddepression18A.reply BobserveCanswer Dexperiment19A.inviting BgreetingCshopping Dbirthday20A.appeared BstuckCbined Dprinted【解题导语】该文主要讲述了作者教退休的母亲玩电脑的有趣故事。1B根据下文中的“She said she didnt know _4_ to use it.I decided to teach her”可推知,作者的母亲对电脑所知甚少,此处指电脑知识(knowledge)。2C根据上文中的“So I decided to give her one of my old puters to help her pass the time”可知,作者给母亲一台自己的旧电脑是让退休的母亲自己玩。play with.“玩”。3A随着时间的推移,作者发现(found)电脑几乎没被碰过。4C根据下文中的“I decided to teach her”可推知,母亲并不知道怎么(how)使用电脑,于是作者决定教她。5C根据空处前一句“I decided to teach her”和空后的“and she seemed OK with what I said”可推知,作者给母亲讲解(explained)了相关的电脑知识。6A根据语境可知,空处应填连词and,表示“然后,接着”。7D结合语境可推知,母亲不会玩电脑,感到很泄气(discouraged)。8D根据空前的“The screen saver(屏幕保护程序)had appeared”及常识可推知,电脑出现屏幕保护程序,母亲不知道怎么把它关掉。turn off“关掉”。9A根据空后的“and it didnt work”可推知,母亲因为不懂得怎么关掉屏幕保护程序,于是就按(hitting)了每一个键。10B根据语境可推知,作者教母亲稍微晃动(shake)鼠标即可。下文中的“start shaking it”也是提示。11B根据语境可推知,作者是让母亲移动鼠标,唤醒电脑。wake up“唤醒”,符合语境。12C根据空后的“start shaking it around in midair”可推知,母亲听了作者的话就把鼠标拿起来(pick up),在空中摇晃。13A根据语境可推知,母亲不会玩电脑,拿着鼠标乱晃,结果电脑屏幕(screen)全黑了。14D根据语境可知,作者被母亲搞笑的行为(action)给逗乐了。15C根据语境可知,作者越笑,母亲越生气(angrier)。16A根据空后的“she decided to figure the thing out herself”可推知,身为老师的母亲对作者教自己玩电脑这件事很有看法,认为作者没有耐心(impatient)。17C根据语境可推知,作者帮助母亲走出了害怕(fear)损坏东西的阴影,鼓励母亲再尝试一下。18D参见上题解析。experiment“尝试”,符合语境。19B根据语境可知,母亲自己制作了一张贺卡(greeting card) ,对作者表示感谢。20B根据语境可知,此处指卡片贴在了作者的门上。stick to.意为“粘/贴在”。三、七选五(2018长郡中学新高三实验班选拔考试)We eat in our cars, at our desks, on the go, and in front of the TV. We eat takeout, packaged and prepared meals. Why? Because it fits our notenoughtimeintheday lifestyles._1_ Well, Im certainly not the first one to think it or say it, but we all need to slow down.Consumer trends around the globe show that over the past three decades people are purchasing more prepared foods at groceries and eating out more than ever before. Its predicted that well spend more at restaurants in the ing years._2_ However, were getting less healthy. While debates can be seen in different media over the food industrys contribution to our growing waistlines and our health problems, the bottom line is this:_3_ We can choose to eat a fastfood lunch on the go. We can throw a frozen meal in the microwave and call it dinner. We can eat without thinking, in front of the tube, at our puters, and while driving a car. _4_ Studies have shown meaningful links between family meals and kids mental and physical wellbeing. Eating sensibly doesnt take much time or money, but it does require you to make a conscious decision to do so. Wrapped up in endless work, appointments and social activities, we often fail to enjoy a relaxing meal with our families. While it can be a challenge to always put healthy eating first, just do your best. Remember that the food you eat has a more significant effect on your health, weight and wellbeing than almost any other activities you do._5_ Every meal made at home even just once or twice a week is a step closer to a healthier body and a slower eating style.ALunch is the biggest calorie intake when it es to eating out.BTreat it with the importance that it deserves, but start small.COur food matches our lives.DPurchase food locally and skip as many packaged items as you can.EWhat we eat, where we eat and how we eat are all under our control.FWere consuming an increasing number of calories.GWe can devote an hour of the day to enjoying a meal with our families.【文章大意】本文是一篇议论文。因为生活节奏加快,许多人习惯于吃快餐。事实上,快餐并不健康,并且消费很大;为此作者呼吁人们远离快餐,重视饮食习惯。1答案与解析:C根据空前内容可知,随着人们生活节奏的加快,人们的饮食习惯也发生了改变。所以,C项“我们的食物适应我们的生活(方式)”符合语境。2答案与解析:F根据空前的“Its predicted that well spend more at restaurants in the ing years”可知,人们越来越多地在外面吃饭,摄入越来越多的卡路里,然而,人们正在变得越来越不健康。故F项符合语境。3答案与解析:E根据空后内容可知,吃什么、在哪里吃以及怎样吃都由我们自己掌控。故E项符合语境。4答案与解析:G根据空后的“Studies have shown meaningful links between family meals and kidsmental and physical wellbeing”可知,与家人一块吃饭有很大的好处。所以,G项符合语境。5答案与解析:B根据第五段内容可知,饮食对人们的健康很重要。作者建议人们尽量在家吃饭。又结合空后内容可知,把健康饮食放在第一位可从小事做起。B项符合语境。四、书面表达阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Some experts argue the fact that almost one in four teens is constantly online is a dangerous thing, yet I believe that its an opportunity. Technology brings us closer together and can help us in everyday life rather than replacing friends with screens.First, I believe that technology takes the embarrassment out of face-to-face contact, as talking to someone may make you unfortable. You could not say what is on your mind. A much simpler way of municating is through texts. By texting a person, there is no resistance(抵抗) to what you are trying to say. You are able to revise your words before you send them, hopefully not saying something you will later regret or that could hurt someones feelings. Apart from making friends face-to-face, there are other ways of interaction using technology. Technology can help bond people together by showing similar interests.Second, technology can help friends and family keep in touch. When moments together are not within reach, the next best thing is to use technology to catch up on each others life and share precious moments through videos and calls. The ability to play back a memory on a screen is amazing, something that can be cherished and kept forever.Some may argue technology is the problem in the world, but I do not. I believe that technology helps you escape the evil and pressure in the world and has the ability to let you create your own world where what others say or think doesnt matter. After a stressful time, technology is there to help you municate and remind you what you should be grateful for, or just make your day a little better.In conclusion, I believe that not only is technology not replacing friends with screens but its actually bringing us closer together and establishing relationships among teens. Overall, I believe this topic makes the world a better place by making it easier to create friends, and make otherwise lost friends keep in touch._【内容概要】Paragraph 1:尽管一些专家认为将近四分之一的青少年经常上网是一件令人担忧的事情,但我认为它是一个机会。科技能使我们更加亲近彼此,有助于我们的日常生活。Paragraph 2:科技可以帮助人们避免面对面交流时会遇到的尴尬,因为与他人交谈可能会使人们感到不自在。Paragraph 3:科技可以帮助朋友和家人保持联系,使人们了解彼此的生活,通过视频和电话分享生活中的珍贵时刻,珍藏美好回忆。Paragraph 4:科技能帮助人们避开不好的事情和压力,让人们创造属于自己的世界,帮助人们进行交流,提醒人们懂得感恩。Paragraph 5:总之,科技不仅不会用屏幕来取代朋友,而且能拉近人和人之间的距离,帮助青少年建立友谊,挽回失去的朋友,以让世界变得更美好。

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