2019高考英语考前天天背 考前语基回扣第9组.doc

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考前语基回扣第9组阅读理解之障碍词汇1atmosphere n. 大气;气氛;环境2awful adj. 可怕的;讨厌的;糟糕的3adolescent adj. 青春期的;青少年的n. 青少年4botanical adj. 植物学的5characteristic adj. 典型的;独特的6certificate n. 证书;证明7clumsy adj. 笨拙的;愚笨的8coincidence n. 巧合;巧事9distinction n. 区别;差别10dilemma n. 窘境;困境;进退两难11enthusiastic adj. 热情的;热心的12fantasy n. 幻想;怪念头13involve v. 包含;使参与;牵涉14numb adj. 失去知觉的;麻木的;惊呆的15prescription n. 处方16phenomenon n. 现象17sacrifice vt. 牺牲;献祭n. 牺牲;祭品18sensitive adj. 敏感的19vacant adj. 空的;空缺的;空虚的;茫然的20welfare n. 福利;救济完形填空之熟词生义1shoot n. 嫩芽;新枝(熟义:v. 射击;射中)The trees give out new shoots in spring.2shoulder v. 承担(熟义:n. 肩膀)Young people should learn to shoulder the blame.3sound adj. 健全的;酣睡的(熟义:n. 声音)Its important to have a sound body.My wife is a sound sleeper.4spring v. 跳;跃;突然出现(熟义:n. 春天;泉水)Fast food restaurants are springing up all over the city.5spot v. 瞥见;发现(熟义:n. 地点;场所)I read through the first page of the book and spotted a spelling mistake.6strength n. 强项;优点;优势(熟义:n. 力气)Maths is not my strength.7stand v. 忍受n. 货摊(熟义:v. 站;站立;直立)The author could not stand living in a wooden house.I found the fish stand surrounded in a sea of customers.8subject n. 实验对象adj. 易受影响的(熟义:n. 科目;话题)The subjects of this experiment were men aged 1850.The child is a subject to colds.9taste n. 鉴赏力;爱好(熟义:v. 品尝;尝出的味道)While she was in Paris,she developed a taste for fine art.10ticket n. 罚单(熟义:n. 票)The new driver got a ticket for speeding.语法填空之派生词汇1形容词后缀-ive(1)attractive 吸引人的(2)impressive 使印象深刻的(3)creative 创造性的(4)constructive 建设性的(5)expensive 昂贵的2形容词后缀-ed(1)crowded 拥挤的(2)polluted受到污染的(3)skilled 熟练的(4)experienced 有经验的(5)limited 有限的3名词后缀-y(1)honesty 诚实(2)difficulty 困难(3)modesty 谦虚(4)discovery 发现(5)delivery 投递;交付4名词后缀-sion(1)permission 允许(2)decision 决定(3)discussion 讨论(4)possession 拥有(5)explosion 爆炸书面表达之高级词汇动词短语普通用词高级词汇think of想起come up withbe bored with厌烦be tired of/be fed up withtry/do ones best to do努力做spare no efforts to do/take pains to dowant to do想要做intend/desire to dohave to do不得不做cant help but do/have no choice but to dolook after照看attend tobe/get used to习惯于be/get accustomed tobe busy with忙于be occupied/buried/engaged inbe made up of由组成consist of/be composed ofask sb.for help向某人寻求帮助turn to sb.for help


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