2019高考英语一轮基础达标练题 Unit 4 Wildlife Protection(含解析)新人教版必修2.doc

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Wildlife Protection一、阅读理解About six months ago, I was working in a job where I sat at a puter in an office for 50 hours or so each week. My best friend, Dusty,also sat in an office at a puter all day. We often talked about what a waste it seemed to be, spending our time inside in front of a puter all day long. I ended up leaving my job, and so did Dusty. Neither one of us are sitting in an office all day. Last week, Dusty came to my home and declared,“Im going to travel.” Of course, traveling is exciting. Its getting to experience new things, getting to be a slightly different version of ourselves, but I think the point is more about the mindset(心态) that it allows for than the actual reality that es with it. Waking up every day with a sense of excitement for the unknown. Approaching each interaction during the day with a sense of wonder. Not thinking about yesterday or tomorrow, and just about whatevers right in front of you.However, the thing is, we dont need to be in transit to be able to approach our days this way. It is possible for me to be living my normal life and be excited for the unknown of the day. I meet new people and do new things every day. Yes, they might be in Santa Monica, a few blocks from my apartment, but whats the difference between a new person here and a new person in Australia?I read an Alan Watts quote recently, and it goes as follows:“If I ask you what you did, saw, heard, smelled, touched and tasted yesterday, I am likely to get nothing more than the thin, sketchy outline of the few things that you noticed, and of those only what you thought worth remembering. But suppose you could answer,It would take me forever to tell you, and I am much too interested in whats happening now.”Our generation seems to be eager to expand our horizons(视野). But I agree with Alan Watts. There is a lot of opportunity for horizonexpansion wherever we happen to be. I think Ill wake up tomorrow, walk down the street, and put on my adventurers cap.【解题导语】旅行之所以吸引人是因为它可以让人们探索未知,但是并不一定非要去旅行才可以达到这个目的。正如阿兰沃茨建议的,我们应该关注当下,因为我们看似平淡的日常生活同样可以很精彩。1According to the text, the author quit his job mainly because Ait didnt pay very wellBDusty advised him to do soChe wanted to spend some time travelingDhe didnt want to stay inside all day longD解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的“. what a waste it seemed to be, spending our time inside in front of a puter all day long. I ended up leaving my job. in an office all day.”可知,作者和朋友都不喜欢每天待在室内,坐在电脑前,所以他们辞掉了工作。故选D项。2The underlined words “in transit” in the third paragraph probably mean “ ”Amoving aroundBworking hardCfilled with curiosityDfull of enthusiasmA解析:词义猜测题。第二段内容讲述旅游的魅力所在,第三段首句使用单词 However(然而)表转折,表明本段表述的内容与第二段内容不同,即我们不需要到处逛,也可以使我们的生活一样精彩,moving around 意为“走来走去”符合句意,故选A项。3Whats the best title for the text?AAn Exciting but Normal LifeBAdventures in Our Own BackyardCGo to Travel and Expand Your HorizonDGet Outside and Explore for the Unknown二、单句语法填空1(2017江苏高考)He hurried home, never once looking back to see if he _ (follow)答案:was being followed这里if引导的宾语从句用过去进行时表示过去某一时刻(hurried home)正在进行的动作。又因he与follow之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。2Not _(employ) by a wellknown pany doesnt necessarily mean that you have no bright future.答案:being employed此处在陈述一个一般性的事实,且you和employ之间为被动关系,故用动名词的被动式作主语。3His house stands on a hill and can be seen from a _ (distant) of two miles.答案:distance由空前的a可知,此处应填名词,from a distance “从远处”。4Parents spare no effort to pave the way for the _ (succeed) of their children.答案:success由空前的the可知此处应用名词success “成功”。5Im fed up with your _(end) plaining.答案:endless此处endless形容词“无休止的”修饰动名词plaining。6This defeat was a _ (power) blow to the enemy.答案:powerful此处形容词powerful “有力的;强大的”修饰名词blow。7After the exam, I felt an incredible sense of _(relieve)答案:relief介词of后应跟名词relief “减轻或解除”。8We had no choice and had to be _the mercy of the sea.答案:atat the mercy of . “受摆布”。9Greek yogurt _(contain) much less fat than double cream.答案:containscontain “包含”,且描述一般事实,应用一般现在时。10My opinion _(affect) by the recent development of events.答案:has been affectedaffect “影响”,为动词,与My opinion存在逻辑上的动宾关系,且本句描述过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响,故应用现在完成时的被动语态。三、完形填空For me,two of the loveliest words in English are “Life persists”I _1_ them years ago as a college student,sitting in the library,_2_,working on a paper.Out of nowhere,those words came _3_ off the page in a quote(引语):“In the midst of death life persists,in the midst of _4_ truth persists,in the midst of darkness light persists.”Suddenly I wasnt unhappy and impatient any more.Then I _5_ my granddad.I loved to talk with him.And I was _6_ to hear what hed think of it.He had poor hearing,so I had to _7_ it a few times,but once he _8_ it,he laughed.“All I can say to that is totally _9_,” he said on the phone.I told him how glad I was,after a long winter,to finally see spring and _10_ to find that quote.“Why is that?” he asked.“Well,spring is a sure _11_ that life persists.And it just makes me _12_.”He laughed again,and then _13_ his lovely voice,he recited for me his _14_“spring time” words:“The desert shall rejoice(高兴),and _15_ as the rose does.even with joy and singing.”Many years later,_16_ my husband and I drove across a desert with many wildflowers and blooming(盛开的)cactuses,I could _17_ hear my granddad laughing:“The desert shall rejoice.”Life persists,and so do we,in the silence of _18_ and the blooming of cactuses;and in the dead of _19_ and the green of spring.Spring _20_ us that were alive forever.1A.looked for Bhappened onCpicked out Dmade up2A.bored BconcentratedCtired Dconfused3A.running BdancingCrushing Dmoving4A.fear BaccusationCsuspicion Duntruth5A.called BvisitedCconsulted Dinformed6A.patient BconfidentCupset Ddesperate7A.copy BprintCrepeat Drecite8A.got BmadeCundertook Dmanaged9A.puzzlement BscepticismCagreement Ddisapproval10A.practically BespeciallyCobviously Dnaturally11A.way BinspirationCremark Dsign12A.astonished BenergeticCmerry Dalive13A.in BwithCof Dbeyond14A.impressive BsuperbCclassical Dfavorite15A.exist BflowerCsurvive Dsow16A.after BwhenCuntil Dalthough17A.hardly BalwaysCalmost Dmostly18A.journeys BwordsCworld Ddesert19A.winter BspringCsummer Dautumn20A.convinces BassuresCreminds Dstrikes【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,讲述的是作者有感于春天的活力,从偶然读到的一段话联想到生命的意义与坚持。生命长存于漫漫沙漠的植物中,长存于冬去春来的绿意中。冬去春来,生命依然长存,而我们也要继续前行。1B根据语境可知,几年前坐在大学的图书馆里作者偶然遇到这两个单词“Life persists”。happen on“偶然遇到或发现”,符合语境。pick out“挑选,辨别出”;make up“编造”。2A根据下文中的“Suddenly I wasnt unhappy and impatient any more”可知,作者当时在图书馆里的心情是很烦闷的。故选bored“厌倦的,烦闷的”。3B这两个词突然从书页上的引语中跃入作者的眼帘。dancing在此形象生动地描述了这两个词所富含的美好活力以及作者遇到它们的偶然性。4D在死亡中,生命依然坚持;在谎言中,真理依然长存;在黑暗中,光明依然永驻。根据句中的death与life, darkness与light的对应关系可知,此处应填truth的反义词。untruth“虚假,不真实”,符合语境。accusation“控告”;suspicion“怀疑”。5A根据下文中的“on the phone”可知,作者给爷爷打电话。call“(给)打电话”,符合语境。visit“看望,拜访”;consult“咨询”;inform“告知”。6D根据语境及上文中的“I loves to talk with him”可知,作者很想听到爷爷(对这句话)是怎么看的。desperate“极想,渴望”。patient“耐心的”;upset“不安的”。7C根据上文中的“He had poor hearing,so I had to”和下文中的“a few times”可知,爷爷的听觉不灵,所以作者不得不多次重复(repeat)这句话。copy“抄写”;print“打印”;recite“背诵”。8A但是一旦作者的爷爷明白(got it)了,他就笑了起来。make it“获得成功,准时到达”。9C根据上文中的“laughed”和下文中作者的爷爷所背诵的语句与该句话的主题的一致性可知,作者的爷爷对这句话所表达的主题是完全同意的。puzzlement“疑惑”;scepticism “怀疑”;agreement“赞同,同意”;disapproval“反对,不赞成”。10B作者告诉爷爷她在漫长的冬天过后,最终看到春天,特别是偶然发现这句引语,自己是有多高兴。especially“特别,尤其”,符合语境。practically“实际地,差不多”;obviously“明显地”;naturally“自然而然地”。11D春天就是一个可信的迹象,它表明生命是长存的。sign“迹象,征兆”符合语境。inspiration“鼓舞人心的人(或事物)”。12C根据上文中的“I wasnt unhappy”,下文中的“rejoice(高兴)”“joy”及文章的主题可知,这句话使作者感到开心(merry)。astonished“震惊的”;energetic“精力充沛的”。13A作者的爷爷又笑了笑,然后用他那悦耳的嗓音为作者背诵了他最喜欢的语句。in.voice是固定搭配,表示“以的嗓音”。14D参见上题解析。impressive“给人印象深刻的”;superb“极佳的,质量极高的”;classical“经典的”;favorite“最喜欢的”。15B沙漠应该高兴,像玫瑰一样盛开。根据空后的“as the rose does”可知,flower“开花”符合语境。16B多年后,当作者和丈夫驱车穿越一个有很多野花和盛开的仙人掌的沙漠时,她几乎又听到了爷爷笑着说“沙漠应该高兴”。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导时间状语从句,且在从句中作时间状语,故选when。17C参见上题解析。almost“几乎,差不多”,符合语境。18D根据空后的“the blooming of cactuses.”和上文中的“a desert with many wildflowers and blooming(盛开的)cactuses”及“The desert shall rejoice”可知,生命长存,同样的,我们也要坚持。生命长存于寂静的沙漠(desert)中和盛开的仙人掌里。19Ain the dead of winter“在隆冬,在严冬”。空前的dead形象地表现出了冬季万物萧条的景象,与春季的绿意及万物复苏的景象形成鲜明的对比。20C春天提醒我们,我们永远充满活力。convince“使相信”;assure“使确信”;remind“提醒”;strike“突然想到”。四、单句改错1I would appreciate very much if you could give me an early reply._答案:appreciate后加itI would appreciate it if . 是固定句式,意为“如果我会十分感激”。2The climbers knew how they could protect themselves from injured._答案:from后加beingfrom是介词,且themselves和injure之间存在被动关系,因此使用动名词的被动结构,即being injured。3The government should pay attention the problems that stayathome children are faced with._答案:attention后加topay attention to “注意”。4The wild population of koalas is in danger of dying away._答案:awayoutdie out “灭绝”。5She was pleased with the way which he had accepted her criticism._答案:which前加in或whichthat或去掉whichthe way作先行词,且在定语从句中作状语时,其引导词有三种形式:in which或that或不填。五、短文改错(2017湖南省部分重点中学考前演练)I usually go to school by bike.And this morning I went on foot.On the way to school,I happen to witness an accident.A middleaged woman was knocked down by a car while crosses the street.Seeing that was happening on the scene,I made rush for the woman to help.One passerby got out of his cellphone and called the police.I helped to carry the woman to safe and dress her wound. Around ten minutes late, an ambulance arrived and took him to hospital.I continued my way to school,feeling happily that I could offer some help in time.【答案】I usually go to school by bike. this morning I went on foot.On the way to school,I to witness an accident.A middleaged woman was knocked down by a car while the street.Seeing was happening on the scene,I made rush for the woman to help.One passerby got out his cellphone and called the police.I helped to carry the woman to and dress her wound. Around ten minutes , an ambulance arrived and took to hospital.I continued my way to school,feeling that I could offer some help in time.第一处:AndBut。考查连词。前后句之间是转折关系,故用But。第二处:happenhappened。考查时态。根据上文中的“I went on foot”可知,此处描述的是发生在过去的事情,应该用一般过去时。第三处:crossescrossing。考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,cross与A middleaged woman之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故应用现在分词形式。第四处:thatwhat。考查名词性从句。这里指“看到现场发生的事情”。此处在句中引导宾语从句,且在从句中作主语,表示“的事情”,故用what。第五处:rush前加a。考查冠词。此处指作者冲向那位女士以提供帮助。make a rush for“冲向,奔向”是固定搭配。第六处:删除out后的of。考查固定搭配。一位路人拿出他的手机并给警察打了电话。get“取来,拿来”,是及物动词,其后可直接接宾语;out在此为副词。而get out of sth.意为“离开(某地),摆脱,放弃”,显然不符合此处的语境。故of多余。第七处:safesafety。考查名词。此处充当介词的宾语,应该用名词形式。safety“安全的地方”。第八处:latelater。考查副词。虽然late和later都可用作副词,但前者表示“迟,晚”,后者表示“后来,随后”。根据句意可知,应将late改为later。第九处:himher。考查代词。此处指的是救护车将那个受伤的女士带去了医院,故应用her。第十处:happilyhappy。考查形容词。feel是系动词,其后应用形容词作表语。


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