2019高考英语一轮复习 强调句导学案.doc

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强调句强调句用法小结近年来,在高考及各地优秀高考模拟试卷中,强调句型频繁出现,已成为测试中的热点之一。该句型看似简单,但要真正掌握它却颇有难度。下面就让我们全面了解一下这个句型及其相关知识点:“it be +被强调部分+that/ who + 句子剩余部分”是其基本结构。使用这一句型时有两点要注意:(1)强调句型开头总用it不能使this或 that。(2) 谓语动词通常用Is/Was,强调现在情况用is,强调过去情况用was, 不能用are, were不管后面跟的是什么内容。也可以根据实际需要使用will be, is going to be, might be, must have been等形式。(3)无论被强调部分在原句中充当什么成分,都可用that;当被强调部分指人时,也可用who,但不可用when指时间,用which指物,或用where指地点。例如:It might be tomorrow that she will e. It must have been an actor that I came across yesterday. It is jack that/who often helps me. It was me that/who jack often helped.二、强调句的使用范围该句型通常强调句子中的主语,宾语和补足语。 应注意: 被强调部分可能短至一个单词,一个短语,也可能长至一个句子。强调谓语动词通常用助动词do, does, did. 例如:It was I that/who saw him in the street yesterday afternoon. (强调主语)It was him that/who I saw in the street yesterday afternoon.(强调宾语)。It was in the street that I saw him yesterday afternoon.(强调地点状语)。It was yesterday that I saw him in the street.( 强调时间状语) It was green that they have painted the wall. (强调宾补) It is “Iron man” that he is called.(强调主语补语) He did write to you last week.(强调谓语) Tom does study hard now. (强调谓语)三、强调句型的几种特殊形式 1. 一般疑问句形式(只要把 be动词放在it之前, 其它部分照抄下来,句末加上问号就可以了)。It was yesterday that I lent her my bike.- was it yesterday that you lent her your bike?2. 特殊疑问句形式 (其结构为“特殊疑问词+be动词+it that句子剩余部分”,它相当于对被强调部分进行提问。) It was yesterday that I lent her my bike.-when was it that you lent her your bike? It was my bike that I lent her yesterday.- what was it that you lent her yesterday?3. 强调句型的反意疑问句形式It was alice and her boyfriend who sent the old man to the hospital, wasnt it ?四、主谓一致问题 当被强调部分是主语时要注意句中主谓一致的问题。It is Jack that/who often helps me.(谓语动词与主语 Jack 保持一致)It is I who am responsible for this project.It was you, not he that were asked to gather information for the pany.( 句中谓语动词与被肯定的主语you保持一致.五、与 not . until 句型结合It was not until nearly a month later I received the managers reply.A. since B. when C. as D. that 答案是 D。I did not receive the managers reply until nearly a month.Not until nearly a month did I receive the managers reply.再如:He did not go to bed until ten oclock-Not until ten oclock did he go to bed -It was not until ten oclock that he went to bed.六、强调句型与其它句型的辨析问题强调句型与定语从句、主语从句等句型很容易混淆,解决问题的关键是学会正确判断强调句(先设定句子为强调句,然后将It is/was .that. 去掉,再将被强调部分还原至句子本来位置,如是一个完整的句子,就是强调句,反之则不是)如:It was six years ago that he went to Tokyo. (可以看出,去掉强调句结构后,句子仍是一个完整的句子,所以这是一个强调句。) 接下来,让我们通过具体的例子来学习他们之间的区别:It was at the theater that lincoln was nurdered.(强调句)。It was the theatre where Lincoln was murdered. (定语从句)。It was on Oct.1st, 1949 that the Peoples Republic of Cina was founded.(强调句)。It was Oct. 1st , 1949 when the Peoples Republic of China was ounded. (定语从句)。It is a fact that English is being accepted all over the world.( 同位语从句)。It is a piyt that I didnt win the prize yesterday. (主语从句)。It will be five years before I e to Fuzhou.(时间状语从句)。It is the teacher taught me when I was a child I am going to visit.A. that; which B. who; which C who; that D. whom; that题解: 本题测试定语从句被放在强调句中加以强调的情况。第一个空是定语从句的关系代词,第二个空才是强调句的连接词。句子正常语序为 I am going to visit the teacher who taught me when I was a child. 故答案为C It was nearly midnight I got back home yesterday.A. that B. which C when D. at which 题解:本句不是强调句型,it用来指时间,从句为时间状语从句,表示“昨晚我到家时已经快半夜了。”答案是C,。

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