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第3课时Grammar Unit7Poems Module4Colourfullife 广东学导练七年级下册配上海教育版 选择填空 1 yourumbrella oryou llcatchacoldonsucharainyday 2016攀枝花 A TakeB TotakeC TakingD Taken 2 Let s anoise Someoneissleeping 2016齐齐哈尔 A notmakeB nomakingC nottomake 3 Thefiremendidalltheirbesttoputoutthefire excellentfiremen 2016孝感 A WhatB WhatanC How A A A 4 greatnewsitis We llhaveaschooltripnextweek 2016长春 A WhataB WhatC How 5 heavytherainstormis Yes thetownhasexperiencedthemostseriousfloodduringthepasttenyears 2016连云港 A HowB WhatC Whata B A 祈使句1 祈使句表示请求 命令 建议 劝告和号召等含义 其肯定形式是以动词原形开头 否定形式是在动词原形之前加don t 如 Pleasegivemeanotherchance Iwilldoitbetter 请再给我一次机会吧 我会做得更好的 表请求 Don tplaywithfire 不要玩火 表命令 Don tbenervouswhenyouhaveaninterview 你在面试时不要紧张 表建议 2 以let开头的祈使句 后面加宾语和动词原形 否定形式是在动词前面加not 如 Let sprotectourEarthtogether 让我们一起保护地球吧 Letusnottalkaboutthatmatter 我们不要谈论那件事 3 回答祈使句的时候 通常用will won t 如 Don tforgettoturnoffthelightsbeforeyouleavethelab 离开实验室前别忘记关灯 No Iwon t 好 我不会忘记的 感叹句感叹句一般是用来表示说话时的喜悦 惊讶等情感 英语中的感叹句常用 what 和 how 引导 1 由 what 引导的感叹句 what意为 多么 用作定语 修饰名词 单数可数名词前要加不定冠词a an 复数可数名词或不可数名词前不用冠词 这类感叹句的结构是 1 What a an 形容词 单数可数名词 主语 谓语 如 Whataclevergirlsheis 她是一个多么聪明的姑娘呀 2 What 形容词 复数可数名词 不可数名词 主语 谓语 如 Whatgoodchildrentheyare 他们是多么好的孩子呀 Whatdeliciousfooditis 多么美味的食物呀 2 由 how 引导的感叹句 how意为 多么 用作状语 修饰形容词或副词 如果修饰形容词 则句中的谓语动词用系动词 如果修饰副词 则句中的谓语动词用行为动词 这类感叹句的结构是 1 How 形容词 主语 谓语 如 Hownicethepicturesare 多么漂亮的图画呀 2 How 副词 主语 谓语 如 Howwellshedances 她跳舞跳得多好呀 3 How 主语 谓语 如 Howtimeflies 时间过得真快啊 3 what引导的感叹句与how引导的感叹句的转换 如 Whatahotdayitis Howhotthedayis 多么热的天气呀 Whattallbuildingstheyare Howtallthebuildingsare 多么高的楼房呀 Whatbrightsunshineitis Howbrightthesunshineis 多么明亮的阳光呀 4 感叹句在表示激动 强烈的感情时 口语中常常把后面的主语和谓语省略 如 Whatredapples 多么红的苹果呀 Howwonderful 精彩极了 一 用所给动词的适当形式填空 使句子成为祈使句1 It sanimportantmeeting notbe late 2 look out Acariscoming 3 give ustenyearsandjustseewhatourcountrywillbelike 4 hurry up oryouwillmissthebus 5 notdo yourhomeworknow Lucy Youhavetogooutsidewithme Don tbe Look Give Hurry Don tdo 二 用what或how填空1 usefulelectricityitis 2 interestingbookstheyare 3 deliciousthedishis 4 beautifulthedressis 5 wellshesings 三 语法填空Oneday Itookmydaughtertothepark Assoonaswegotthere mydaughter1 run totheswing 秋千 andaskedforapush WhenIwashelping What What How How How ran mydaughter Inoticedanothergirltryingtomakeherownswing2 go highbyherself Heroldgrandmotherwassittinginthechairnearbyandsmilingatus Gradually mydaughterwaspushedhigherandhigher3 me ThenIwalkedtowardsthelittlegirl IaskedifI4 can giveabigpushtoher Shesmiledandsaid Yes Forthenexthour Ipushedtheswings andplayedwithmydaughterandthelittlegirl Whenwewenthome I5 be tiredbutveryhappy Onedaytwoyearslater afteraday swork Iwent6 pick upmydaughterbeforegoinghome go by could was topick WhileI7 wait outsidetheschoolgate alittlegirlsmiledsweetlyatmeandgavemeabighug AsIwatchedher8 run away IrealizedthatshewasthegirlwhomIgaveabigpushinthepark Sofar Ihaven tforgottenhersweetsmileandthewarmhugthatshegaveme Infact ifwegivelovetoothers love9 find itswaybacktous Itmaytravelfromhearttoheartoritmayblossom 开花 intheheart Theloveweshare thekindnesswe10 give andthehappinesswecreatewillcomebacktouswithapleasantsurprise waswaiting running willfind give 一 选择填空 1 talkinclass Jim Sorry I doitagain A Not don tB Don t won tC Not won t 2 Let s makesomuchnoisehere A don tB noC not 3 yourturnwhenthetrafficlightisred You reright A WaitB WaitforC Waitingfor B C B 4 oryou llfailtheexam A StudyinghardB StudyhardC Tostudyhard 5 nicetimetheboyshadplayingfootballwiththenationalteamlastSunday A WhatB WhataC How 6 badweatheritis Ithasbeenrainingfortwoweeks A WhatB WhataC How 7 youhaveofferedme Iamoutoftroublenow A WhatvaluableadviceB WhatvaluablesuggestionC Howusefulsuggestions B B A A 8 usefuldictionaryforbeginnersofEnglish Wheredidyougetit A HowB WhataC Whatan 9 WearegoingtotakepartinRunningMan excitingnews A WhatB WhatanC How 10 JanewonthefirstprizeintheEnglishspeechcontest bigprogressshehasmade SheusedtobeweakinEnglish A HowB HowaC What B A C 二 用how或what填空或用所给单词的适当形式填空1 JackwonthefirstprizeintheEnglishcompetition excellentheis 2 bravethewomanistosavetheboyfromthedangerofearthquake 3 anexcitingmatchitis Wonderfulplayersandwonderfulteams 4 SomanypeopleliketowatchTheVoiceofChina wonderfulitis Ilikeitverymuch 5 dangerousitistoridefastonabusyroad How How What How How 6 hardTonyisworking Yes Weshouldlearnfromhim 7 excitingnews Wewilllistentothemusicaftertheexam 8 heavilyitisraining 9 happychildren 10 wonderfulmusicitis Ilikeitverymuch 11 stand tooclosetoNorthAmericans Givethemmorepersonalspace 12 IsthereaNo 2busstopnearhere Yes thereis turn leftatthesecondcrossing andyouwillfindit How What How What What Don tstand Turn 13 talk Thebabyissleeping I msorry 14 Ifthegreenlightisn ton wait aminute 15 be lateforschoolagain Tim Sorry IpromisethatI will 三 语法填空Adogenteredabutcher sshopwithanoteinhismouth Thenoteread 10oflambchops 羊排 please Don ttalk wait Don tbe won t Thebutcherwasvery1 surprise Hetookthemoney putabagofchopsinthe2 dog mouth andthenheclosedtheshop3 quick Hefollowedthedogandwatchedhimwaitforagreenlight Thenthedogcrossedtheroadtoabusstop Hecheckedthetimetableandsatonthebench Whenabusarrived thedogcheckedthenumberandgot4 it Asthebustravelledoutintothecountryside thedogenjoyedthescenery After5 while hestoodonhisbackpaws 爪子 6 push the stop surprised dog s quickly on a topush button Thenthebutcherfollowed7 he off Thedogranuptoahouseanddroppedhisbagontheground Hewentbackdownthepath tookabigrun and8 throw himselfagainstthedoor Noanswer Herepeatedtheactionafewtimes Thenabigmanopenedthedoor9 startedcomplainingaboutthedogandbeatinghim Seeingthis thebutcherranupandshoutedattheman Whatareyoudoing Thisdogisagenius Themanreplied Genius Noway Hehasforgottenhiskeyforthe10 four timethismonth him threw and fourth

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