2019版高考英语一轮复习 Module 6 The Tang Poems 外研版选修8.doc

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Module 6 The Tang Poems 一积词汇见多识广课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1astronomy n天文学2.altitude n 高度;海拔3surplus n. 剩余;过剩 4.sponsor n. 赞助商5damp adj. 潮湿的 6.arbitrary adj. 任意的;随机的(二)表达词汇写其形1part v 分手;分离 2.shadow n 影子,阴影3share v. 分享,共享 4.reveal v. 揭示,揭露;显露5cater v. 满足需求 6.correspond v. 通信7expense n. 费用 8.update v. 更新;刷新9glance v. 一瞥;迅速看一眼 10.whichever pron. 无论哪个(三)拓展词汇灵活用*1.expansion n扩张expand v扩大,扩张,膨胀2.suffering n(肉体或精神上的)痛苦;苦难suffer v遭受(痛苦);患*3.tolerant adj.宽容的;容忍的tolerance n容忍tolerate v忍受;容忍4.failure n失败者;失败fail v失败5.prove v证明是;被发现是proof n证据;证明6.approve v赞成;同意approval n赞许;赞成*7.caution v警告;劝小心 n谨慎,小心cautious adj.小心的;谨慎的cautiously adv.小心地;谨慎地*8.decorate v装点;美化decoration n装饰;装修;装饰品decorative adj.装饰(用)的9.independence n独立independent adj.独立的dependent adj.依靠的,依赖的depend v依靠,依赖10.typically adv.典型地;有代表性地;向来,一向typical adj.典型的11.reflect v反映,显示;表达reflection n反映;反射;映像;沉思用上面标注*的单词的正确形式填空1He is a cautious man and is always doing things with caution. You should get on with him cautiously.(caution)2The students usually decorate their classroom with paper flowers and balloons. But this year they intend to buy some decorative lights and special decorations.(decorate)3I admire you for your tolerance,_because you can tolerate things which cant be tolerant.(tolerant)4They all agreed to expand the new pany, but the expansion will cost them a lot of money.(expand)话题单词积累1works/wks/ n著作,作品2contrary/kntrrI/ n. 反面,对立面adj. 相反的,对立的3spot/spt/ vt. 发现,认出n. 斑点,污点,地点4adventure/dvent/ n. 奇遇,冒险5manner/mn/ n. 礼貌,举止,方式6business/bIznIs/ n. 商业,生意7patience/peI()ns/ n. 耐性,忍耐8stare/ste/ vi. 凝视,盯着看9amount/mant/ n. 数量10seek/sik/ v. 寻找,探索,寻求11indeed/Indid/ adv. 真正地,确实,实在12pavement/peIvm()nt/ n. 人行道13unbelievable/nbIlivb()l/ adj. 难以置信地14literary/lIt()(r)rI/ adj. 文学的15appreciate/priIeIt/ v. 鉴赏16adjust/dst/ v. 调整;适应17cover/kv/ v. 覆盖,包括18represent/reprIzent/ v. 代表;象征19enjoy/IndI/ v. 享受,享有20scenery/sin()rI/ n. 风景21rude/rud/ adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的22sorrow/sru/ n. 悲伤,悲痛,懊悔23sad/sd/ adj. 难过的,悲哀的24aim/eIm/ n. 目标;目的v. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力25darkness/darkns/ n. 黑暗,漆黑26dark/dk/ adj. 黑暗的27reputation/repjuteI()n/ n. 名声,名誉28precious/pres/ adj. 宝贵的29effective/IfektIv/ adj. 有效的30essential/Isen()l/ adj. 必不可少的31outstanding/atstndI/ adj.杰出的 二积短语顿挫抑扬课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语1.take_hold_of抓住,握住2.all_at_once 突然;同时*3.on_second_thoughts 重新考虑后*4.approve_of_sth. 赞成某事;满意某事*5.glance_at 瞥见,迅速看一眼*6.take_on 呈现;具有;雇用*7.cater_for 满足的要求*8.correspond_with 与通信,与相一致9.a_chorus_of 异口同声的10.hand_in_hand 手拉手(二)用上面标注*的短语完成下列句子1Ted had made up his mind to give it up, but on_second_thoughts he determined to try a third time.2Jim stole a glance at Mary to see if she approved_of what he was suggesting.3Our country has indeed undergone rapid development and taken_on a new look.4She glanced_at her watch just to make sure that she was not late.5The language training programme caters_for teenagers who want to go abroad to study.6She still corresponds_with American friends she met in New York two years ago.话题短语积累1fairy tale 童话故事2classical literature/works 古典文学/作品3detective novel 侦探小说4mystery novel 悬疑小说5science fiction 科幻小说6works appreciation 作品欣赏7a book review 书评8be set in 以为背景9adapt .from . 根据改编10translate .into . 把翻译成11for sale 待售12widen ones horizons 开阔某人的眼界13due to 由于;因为14a range of 各种各样的15in short 总之16be acknowledged as 被公认为17win the Nobel Prize in Literature 获得诺贝尔文学奖18enrich ones life 丰富某人的生活 三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1not so .as .“和不一样”例句As he was not so successful as some of the other young men of his time in the Civil Service Examination to bee a government official .仿写就英文而言,它并不像你所认为的那样难。So far as English is concerned, it is not_so_difficult_as you might think.2“while v.ing” 构成的时间状语从句的省略例句It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the Moon.仿写他在上大学的时候写了第一篇小说。He wrote his first novel while_studying in the university.3if only 常引导虚拟语气的条件句、感叹句,意为“但愿,要是就好了”例句If only people could see me inside.仿写要是我能够回去重启我的目标该多好呀。(2015重庆高考)If only I could_go_back and reset my goals.话题佳句背诵1Nowadays, many famous poets in ancient China and their great works are still influencing us, among whom Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi are my favourite ones.现在,许多中国古代著名诗人和他们的佳作仍然影响我们,其中李白、杜甫、白居易是我最喜欢的诗人。2As an ancient Chinese poet, his poems, once read, can inspire people to have great passion for their country.作为一个中国古代诗人,他的诗一旦读起来就能激起人们的爱国热情。3Literature is a kind of intellectual light, which, like the light of the sun, may sometimes enable us to see what we do not like.文学是一种理智之光,它和阳光一样,有时能使我们看到我们不喜欢的东西。四背语段语感流畅As is known to all, Tang Poetry is an important literary form which enjoyed great popularity in the Tang Dynasty.As the golden age of Chinese poetry, the Tang Dynasty saw many outstanding poets in Chinese history, among whom the most wellknown three are Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi. The Tang poems have different forms and cover a wide range of topics like life, love, politics, and beautiful scenery, etc.Due to their beautiful language and profound meaning, the Tang poems represent the Chinese culture and are popular all over the world. 众所周知,唐诗是深受大众欢迎的一种重要的唐代文学形式。作为中国诗歌的黄金时代,唐代在中国历史上诞生了许多杰出的诗人,其中最著名的三位是李白、杜甫和白居易。唐诗有着不同的形式,涵盖了生活、爱情、政治、美丽的风景等广泛的主题。由于其美丽的语言和深远的意义,唐诗代表中国文化,在世界各地都很受欢迎。第一板块重点词汇突破师生共研词汇1prove linkv.证明是;被发现是 vt.证明,证实高考佳句However, the railway quickly proved to be a great success and within six months, more than 25,000 people were using it every day.(2017全国卷语法填空)然而,这条铁路很快就被证明了十分成功,在六个月内,每天大约有25,000人使用它。(1)prove sth. to sb.向某人证明某事prove oneself to be . 证明自己是prove (to be)n./adj. 证明是,结果是It is proved that . 据证明,据证实(2)proof n. 证据;证明Theres (no) proof that . (没)有证据证明The boy tried to prove himself to_be (be) a good student and he really proved best.这个男孩努力证明自己是一个好学生,结果他确实是很棒的。The book has_proved_very_popular,_giving students a sense of motivation and achievement.事实证明这本书很受欢迎,它给了学生们动力和成就感。名师指津当prove表示“证明是,显示出是”时是系动词,无被动语态,要用主动形式表示被动意义。2approve vi.赞成;同意 vt.批准;通过高考佳句People plain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often arbitrary rather than based on fixed criteria.(2013湖北高考多选) 人们抱怨说,决定颁发许可证或者拒绝授予许可证,这些决定通常都是随意性的(行为),而不是以确定的标准为基础的。(1)approve of sth./doing sth. 赞成某事/同意做某事approve of sb. doing sth. 同意某人做某事(2)approval n. 赞成;同意;批准meet with sb.s approval 得到某人的批准win/earn sb.s approval 取得某人的同意/赞成with/without approval of 经过/未经的批准I approve of your trying (try) to make some money, but please dont neglect your studies.我赞成你设法赚些钱,但请不要荒废学业。His parents approved of his plan to go abroad for further education.他父母赞成他出国深造的计划。3caution n谨慎,小心,警告 vt.警告;劝小心;告诫;提醒经典例句As a first offender, she got off with a caution.她由于是初犯,被从轻发落,只受到了警告。(1)caution sb.not to do sth./against (doing) sth.警告某人不要做某事caution sb. about/that . 警告某人with caution 小心地,谨慎地(2)cautious adj. 小心的,谨慎的cautiously adv. 小心地,谨慎地be cautious about/of . 对很小心We are advised to be cautious about/of making friends on the Internet.我们被建议在网上交朋友要小心谨慎。The nurse was told that the patient needed to be treated with_caution/cautiously.护士被告知这个病人需要谨慎地对待。Sam cautioned him against_making/not_to_make a hasty decision.萨姆告诫他不要草率做出决定。4reflect v反映,显示;表达;反射;思考,反省高考佳句When the time came to make the final decision for a course, I decided to apply for the one that reflected my interest.(2016浙江高考单选)当面临做选课的最终决定时,我决定申请反映我兴趣的那门课程。(1)reflect on/upon仔细考虑/沉思/反省be reflected in 被映照在中;被反映在(2)reflection n. 反映,表现;倒影,影像;思考,反省on/upon reflection 经过考虑后(改变看法)a reflection of 的反映Your performance as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting_on/upon how you learn. 作为学生,如果你养成了对你如何学习进行思考的习惯,你的表现会很棒的。Susans strong love for her country is_reflected_in her recently published poems.苏珊强烈的爱国热情被反映在她最近出版的诗歌之中。词汇过关练.单句语法填空1I cant imagine lying (lie) like that. I would go crazy.2(2014广东高考写作)A great deal of money was_donated (donate) to a university by an ordinary worker, which aroused public attention.3With the Teachers Day approaching, weve decided which classrooms to_decorate (decorate)4It is hard to imagine the pain and suffering (suffer) they went through in the war.5There are some pieces of information that Id like to share with you.6We made the acquaintance of him while waiting for a bus.7At first I thought her ideas were crazy, but on reflection, I realized there was some truth in what she said.8On closer examination we found that the painting proved (prove) to be a fake.9I dont really approve of children wearing makeup.10Ive always been cautious about/of giving my address to strangers.单句改错1Though not everyone approved the new dance, the dance did find enough supporters.approve后加of2We can conclude from the results that the experiment was failure.failure前加a3Typical, he would e in late and then say that he had to go early.TypicalTypically4Reflected on his past mistakes, Ted realized that he had stayed around the wrong people.ReflectedReflecting5The promotion was proved to be a turning point in his career.去掉was.单句写作(补全句子/句型转换)1事实证明,暴力电视节目对儿童(的成长)有不良影响。(It is proved that .)It_is_proved_that_TV_programs_of_violence have a bad influence on children.2如果你能给我一个机会,我将向你证明这件事。(prove sth. to sb.)If you can give me a chance, I_will_prove_it_to_you.3坦诚的说,我和他只是泛泛之交。(have a passing/nodding acquaintance with sb.)To be honest, I_only_have_a_passing/nodding_acquaintance_with_him.4你的父母不会同意你这么小的年纪就离开学校。(approve of sb. doing sth.)Your parents wont approve_of_you_leaving_school_at_so_young_an_age. 5他希望通过在班上好好表现来赢得老师们的赞许。(win sb.s approval)He hopes that he_can_win_the_teachers_approval_by_doing_well_in_class. 6你应该腾出点时间来仔细考虑一下自己的成败。(reflect on)You should set aside some time to_reflect_on_your_successes_and_failures.7我们被警告晚上十点钟以后不要大声喧闹。(caution sb. not to do sth.)We_were_cautioned_not_to_make_a_lot_of_noise after ten in the evening. 8作为好朋友,他们同甘共苦。(share in)As good friends, they share_in_sorrow_and_happiness.9They hope this new evidence will prove his innocence.They hope this new evidence will prove_him_innocent. They hope this new evidence will prove_him_to_be_innocent.They hope this new evidence will prove_he_is_innocent.第二板块短语、句式突破1cater for 满足的要求;顾及;为提供所需教材原句It catered for all tastes and included living and dead poems from the homeland and from all over the Englishspeaking world .它顾及了各类品味,包括人们经常读的和不经常读的诗,有英国的,还有出自本土和其他英语国家的cater v 满足需求;迎合;提供饮食cater for sb. 为某人提供服务;满足某人要求cater for a party/wedding/meeting, etc. 为聚会/婚礼/会议等筹办酒席/提供服务cater to 迎合;投合He runs a restaurant and also caters_for weddings and parties.他经营饭店,还承办婚礼和宴会酒席。Varieties of programmes in the TV station cater_to/for many different types of interests and tastes among the public.电视台里各种各样的节目迎合了民众的多种不同兴趣和喜好。2correspond with 与通信;与相一致;相符合经典例句Have you been corresponding with him since you graduated from the university?自从大学毕业后,你一直和他通信吗?(1)correspond v通信;相一致;类似correspond to 相当于;相一致;符合(2)correspondence n. 通信;一致;符合keep up correspondence with 与某人保持通信联系be in correspondence with 与一致;与有通信联系The goods do not correspond_to the samples you sent me.这批货和你送来的样品不一样。My father has_been_in_correspondence_with old rades in arms.我爸爸一直和老战友保持通信联系。3If_only_ people could see me inside.要是人们能看到我的内心世界就好了。if only“要是就好了,但愿”,常用来表示强烈的愿望和遗憾,它引导的句子要用虚拟语气。(1)if only句式中虚拟语气的三种情况:表示与现在事实相反用一般过去时;表示对将来的愿望用“could/would/might动词原形”;表示与过去事实相反用过去完成时。(2)only if表示“只有,只要”,引导条件状语从句,不用虚拟语气;若其引导的从句置于句首,且与主句之间没用逗号隔开,则主句要用倒装语序。If only she would_listen (listen) to me carefully.但愿她能仔细听我讲话。If only there were (be) more people donating money to charities!但愿有更多的人捐款给慈善机构!Its too bad that I failed in the math exam. If only I had worked (work) hard at it!我数学考试不及格真是太糟糕了,要是我之前努力学习它就好了!In a word, only if you learn English by using it can_you_learn it well.总之,只有通过使用英语的方法学英语,你才能学好它。短语、句式过关练.用cater相关短语补全句子/句式升级1(2017江苏高考满分作文)A good film should cater_to/for (迎合) public taste.2The store stays open to midnight to_cater_for (为满足的需求) latenight shoppers.3Last year, to_cater_for_people (为了满足人们的需求), we opened a gym and made some workout plans.4The workout plans could_cater_to_different_customers_needs (能迎合不同顾客的需求)5用定语从句连接句3和句4Last_year,_to_cater_for_people,_we_opened_a_gym_and_made_some_workout_plans,_which_could_cater_to_different_customers_needs.用correspond相关短语补全句子/同义替换1自从毕业后,我一直跟我大学时代的朋友保持通信。I have_kept_up_correspondence_with my college friends since graduation.2The content of the book corresponds with (is_in_correspondence_with) what our teacher said in class.用if only句型补全句子1要是所有的孩子都对读书感兴趣就好了。If_only_all_the_children_had interest in reading books.2要是我更苗条、更漂亮、更富有、更聪明一些,那么我会更高兴。If_only_I_were slimmer, more beautiful, richer, more clever, then I would be happier.3要是我采纳了她的建议,现在一切就都好了。If_only_I_had_taken/followed her advice, everything would be all right now.4要是雨停了,我们就可以出去走走。If_only_it_would_stop raining, we could go for a walk.提能一用课文词汇写高分作文part, prove, failure, correspond with, on reflection, approve of, make the acquaintance of, share . with, take hold of, cater for, to ones relief, share in 1补全要点句(“黑体”部分选用上面方框中的单词或短语)自从去年和你分别以来,我对你非常想念,希望我们能够经常通信保持联系。I have been missing you very much since I parted from you last year. I hope we can keep in touch by regularly corresponding_with each other.经过再三考虑,我不赞同你这么小就辍学打工。On_reflection,_I dont approve_of your dropping out of school to work at such a young age.学习成绩不理想并不证明一个人就是一个失败者。The low scores in study dont prove one is a failure.结识几个爱学习的朋友,你可以和他们分享自己的烦恼与快乐。Make_the_acquaintance_of some friends who are fond of study. You can share your trouble and happiness with them.抓住每个机会,找到适合自己的学习方法,你会逐渐取得进步。If you take_hold_of every opportunity and find a way catering_for you, you will make progress gradually.令我宽慰的是,从你父母那里我听说你的思想认识上已经有了积极的变化。期盼着分享你的成功。To_my_relief,_I heard from your parents that you have had a positive change in your mind. Looking forward to sharing_in your success.2升级平淡句(1)用if only句式升级句If only you could make the acquaintance of some friends who are fond of study. You can share your trouble and happiness with them.(2)用“祈使句and陈述句”句式升级句Take hold of every opportunity and find a way catering for you, and you will make progress gradually.3衔接成语篇(注意使用适当的过渡衔接词汇:and, personally, moreover)I have been missing you very much since I parted from you last year and I hope we can keep in touch by regularly corresponding with each other. On reflection, I dont approve of your dropping out of school to work at such a young age. Personally, the low scores in study dont prove one is a failure. If only you could make the acquaintance of some friends who are fond of study. You can share your trouble and happiness with them. Moreover, take hold of every opportunity and find a way catering for you, and you will make progress gradually. To my relief, I heard from your parents that you have had a positive change in your mind. Looking forward to sharing in your success. 提能二用课文句型解构高考长难句本单元突破点含有状语从句省略形式的较长复杂句经典例句比较分析真题尝试翻译课文长难句It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the Moon.该句中“while trying to take hold of the reflection of the Moon”是一个省略形式的状语从句。她给了我一个欣慰的笑容,一边耐心倾听一边点头,然后立刻把票打印了出来。真题长难句She gave me a forting smile, nodded while listening patiently, and then printed out the ticket immediately.(2016全国卷完形填空) 该句中“while listening patiently”是一个省略形式的状语从句;gave, nodded和printed是三个并列的谓语动词。历史长河,波涛汹涌,携带厚厚的黄土,向东奔去。诗歌,就像那汹涌长河边的一条清澈温柔的小溪,反射着如钻石般晶莹的光芒。回顾历年高考试题,有关此话题的题目通常在阅读理解和书面表达等题型中考查。一、话题与语篇考题示例(2016全国卷阅读C)1Reading can be a social activity. Think of the people who belong to book groups. They choose books to read and then meet to discuss them. Now, the website BookCrossing. turns the page on the traditional idea of a book group.2 Members go on the site and register the books they own and would like to share. BookCrossing provides an identification number to stick inside the book. Then the person leaves it in a public place, hoping that the book will have an adventure, traveling far and wide with each new reader who finds it.3 Bruce Pederson, the managing director of BookCrossing, says, “The two things that change your life are the people you meet and books you read. BookCrossing bines both.”4 Members leave books on park benches and buses, in train stations and coffee shops. Whoever finds their book will go to the site and record where they found it.5 People who find a book can also leave a journal entry describing what they thought of it. Emails are then sent to the BookCrossers to keep them updated about where their books have been found. Bruce Pederson says the idea is for people not to be selfish by keeping a book to gather dust on a shelf at home.6 BookCrossing is part of a trend among people who want to get back to the “real” and not the virtual (虚拟). The site now has more than one million members in more than one hundred thirtyfive countries.1Why does the author mention book groups in the first paragraph?ATo explain what they are.BTo introduce BookCrossing.CTo stress the importance of reading.DTo encourage readers to share their ideas.2What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?AThe book.BAn adventure.CA public place.DThe identification number.3What will a BookCrosser do with a book after reading it?AMeet other readers to discuss it.BKeep it safe in his bookcase.CPass it on to another reader.DMail it back to its owner.4What is the best title for the text?AOnline Reading: A Virtual TourBElectronic Books: A New TrendCA Book Group Brings Tradition BackDA Website Links People through Books策略指导(一)这样读文第1步:宏观把握文章大意分层抓关键句概括层意行文结构第1段第1段画波浪线部分这个网站成立目的先提出成立该网站的目的,然后依次介绍这个网站的具体做法,该做法的优势,如何进行分享图书,最后提出该做法流行的原因。第2段第2段画波浪线部分这个网站的具体做法第3段第3段画波浪线部分优势第45段第45段画波浪线部分如何分享图书第6段第6段画波浪线部分流行的原因第2步:微观突破理解障碍自主翻译然后,这个人把它放在一个公共场所,希望这本书会经历一次冒险,与发现它的每一位新读者到处旅行。 自主翻译然后向“图书漂流人”发送邮件,让它们保持更新状态,以便于人们知道他们的书是在哪里被发现的。(二)这样做题名师解题1写作手法题。选B第一段提到“book groups”旨在引出下面的网站“BookCrossing”。A、C、D三项皆与题意不符。2代词指代题。选A根据第二段的“the book will have an adventure, traveling far and wide with each new reader who finds it”可知,此处指书会有一次旅行,与发现它的每一位新读者到处旅行。由此可知,此处it指前面提到的书。3推理判断题。选C根据第二、四段的内容可知,读过书的人会把读完的书放在某一个地方,让发现这本书的人继续读这本书。A项为第一段中提到传统的做法;B、D两项在原文中没有提及,为“无中生有”型错误。4标题归纳题。选D本文介绍了一个让人们分享更多书的网站BookCrossing,通过这个网站,网站会员不断地让书去远行,让阅读传递下去。A、B两项范围偏了,不属于在线阅读内容;也不属于电子图书类别;C项仅仅是原文中的一部分。阅读理解系列技法35巧用“就近原则”解代词指代题代词指代题考查依据语境逻辑推断人称代词和指示代词意义的能力。人称代词指代的判断要求对it, they, them, she, he等人称代词的正确指代做出判断。指示代词指代判断主要考查对this, these, that, those等指示代词指代意义的判断。历年高考题中代词指代题常出现在人物变换多或动作变换频繁的语境中。解题时,要注意代词指代的总原则就近指代,即代词指代在性(阴或阳)、数(单数或复数)、格(主格或宾格)、逻辑、意义、位置等方面与之接近的名词。也就是说代词所指代的词通常在本句或其前句中。例如上文第2题,根据题干要求,定位在代词it所在的句子:“Then the person leaves it in a public place, hoping that the book will have an adventure, traveling far and wide with each new reader who finds it.”根据“就近原则”,我们可以在这一句话中找名词,有“reader, adventure, book, public place”等,根据上下文的语境,我们不难确定答案为the book。(三)这样积累1tradi


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