2019年高考英语一轮优练题 Unit 5 First Aid(含解析)新人教版必修5.doc

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Unit 5 First Aid一、阅读理解。The last thing Caitlin Hipp would have expected as she prepared to turn 28 years old was to be living at home with her parents. All shes ever wanted to do is to bee an elementary school teacher. However, Hipp has racked up(累计) $100,000 (about 0.67 million yuan) in student loan debt and isnt able to earn enough through working as a part-time skating instructor and restaurant server tolive anywhere other than home.To some degree, multigenerational households have always been a part of American life. However, the number of adults who have been moving back in with their parents or never leaving home in the first place has been growing steadily.The Pew Research Center recently reported that 2016 was a milestone in the evolving living arrangements of young adults in the US. Until 2016, the most mon living arrangement for young adults was to be living in their own property as part of a couple. UBS Financial Services, a Swiss global financial services pany, released a report that even suggests one reason for the growing number of young adults still living at home could be that their family doesnt want them to leave. The report shows that 74 percent of millennials(千禧一代) get some kind of financial support from their parents after college. Millennials see their parents as peers, friends and mentors(导师). In return, their parents happily provide financial support well into adulthood, helping fund everything for them. Stuart Hoffman, chief economist for the PNC Financial Group in the US, said “Although job growth for millennials since 2014 has improved, that doesnt necessarily mean that millennials are starting to fly the nest, he said. “They may like living at home and being able to save money.”He added, “While it has held back household formation and purchases on things, they are probably traveling more and eating out more. I dont know if it represents a change in moral values, its much more mon for adult children to live in their parents homes because its being part of the culture.”1.Whats the purpose of Caitlin Hipps story?A. To prove the authors view.B. To introduce her situation.C. To present the topic.D. To make readers rethink about the problem.2.What does the underlined part (Paragraph1) probably refer to?A. live with parentsB. live independentlyC. stay at homeD. leave home3.According to Hoffman, which of the following is true?A. It isnt necessary for millennials to leave the nest.B. They can spend less money on their daily life.C. Moral values are changing gradually.D. Young adults are living in a different life style.4.Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Why is the number of the millennial growing steadily?B. Why has the percentage of adults living with their parents been on the rise?C. Why are parents willing to help fund for young adults?D. Why do more adults treat their parents as peers, friends and guides?【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了在美国,现在和父母同住的年轻人的数量持续增加这一社会现象。1.C 【解析】推理判断题。根据第二段中的“However, the number of adults who have been moving back in with their parents or never leaving home in the first place has been growing steadily.”可知,文章开头举Caitlin Hipp的例子就是为了引出本文话题越来越多的美国青年倾向于和父母同住。3.D 【解析】细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“its much more mon for adult children to live in their parents homes because its being part of the culture.”可知,霍夫曼认为现在的年轻人和父母同住是一种很正常的社会现象,这是不同以往的,说明年轻人的生活方式发生了变化。4.B 【解析】主旨大意题。根据文章内容,特别是第二段中的“However, the number of adults who have been moving back in with their parents or never leaving home in the first place has been growing steadily”可知,本文主要介绍了在美国,现在和父母同住的年轻人的数量持续增加这一社会现象。二、单句语法填空1With the local munity (aid) us with our investigation, we soon found out the criminal.答案:aiding2The employee wont stand (treat) like that by his new boss. Hell leave the factory.答案:being treated3Youd better put things back place. Otherwise, it will be difficult to find them.答案:in4The global warming, if not properly (control), might lead to more natural disasters.答案:controlled5The students are forbidden, they have special excuses, to stay out after 11 pm.答案:unless6Thank you so much for making me feel important and showing me that I could make a (different)答案:difference7The new technology, if (apply) to rice growing, will help increase the grain output.答案:applied8(2018四川绵阳诊断)There is little doubt you will be able to judge truth and error if you have confidence in yourself.答案:that9They have earned lots of money, so I (firm) believe that the business is a success.答案:firmly10(福建卷)It was the culture,rather than the language, made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.答案:that三、完形填空。My mother was a gift giver.The occasion never _1_ Christmas,birthdays,anniversaries or no occasion at all.She was always thinking about who might_2_ what.Creativity and _3_ went into the gifts she gave,and she _4_ a thankyou note.Once she sent out notes to her own children and grandchildren who had not acknowledged gifts,_5_ that they were now on her“Fecal Roster(黑名单)”and would not be removed_6_ she had received a proper thank you.Even if you didnt _7_ a thank you,shed give you another gift the next_8_ she had.She figured_9_ manners were your problem,not hers.Every time Mom and Dad_10_ to visit,all of us would gather in the driveway as they unloaded luggage.There was always something for the kids,_11_ a couple of little toys or a big _12_ of homemade cookies.They werent gifts for particular occasions.They were _13_ “Isnt life great?”gifts.One spring when they came to visit,she handed me a _14_ bag.Inside was a painting that _15_ :“A Special Daughter.Youve _16_ laughter and joy to our lives and so much love to our hearts.The most precious things we can _17_ for you are the things you have given us._18_ and Love.”Mom was a _19_ gift giver,but the best gifts we will always remember her for were her love for _20_ and her love for us.1A.matteredBoccurredCvaried Darose2A.wonder BpraiseCenjoy Dapprove3A.thoughtfulness BsympathyCjustice Dauthority4A.ignored BappreciatedCpromised Dresisted5A.assuming BabusingCstating Dcorrecting6A.once BafterCwhen Duntil7A.send BpurchaseCconduct Dobtain8A.moment BchanceCfestival Dholiday9A.mistaken BbadCsilly Dridiculous10A.walked by Bwandered aroundCdrove over Drode away11A.often BalwaysCnever Dseldom12A.tank BcageCcontainer Dholder13A.fairly BapparentlyCespecially Dsimply14A.cookie BtoyChand Dgift15A.read BtoldCwrote Dappeared16A.showed BawardedCdevoted Dbrought17A.apply BwishCremend Dask18A.Assistance BPrivilegeCHappiness DSatisfaction19A.extreme BseriousCgrand Dgreat20A.life BkidsCfamilies Dgifts【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者的母亲喜欢给别人赠送礼物来表达自己的爱意。她用自己的行动表达了爱,传播了生活的美好。1A根据空后的“Christmas,birthdays,anniversaries or no occasion at all”可知,母亲的给予是不分场合的,即给予的场合不重要。故A项符合语境。2C根据该句“She was always thinking about who might _2_ what”并结合常识可知,送礼物要根据别人的喜好,所以作者的母亲会想别人喜欢什么。故选C项。3A根据“She was always thinking about who might _2_ what”和空前的“Creativity”可知,作者的母亲经常思考,所送的礼物既要有新意又要很体贴。thoughtfulness意为“体贴,关切”;sympathy意为“同情”;justice意为“公平”; authority意为“权威”。故选A项。4B根据第一段的第一句“My mother was a gift giver”可知,作者的母亲是一个给予者;结合该句中的“Creativity and _3_ went into the gifts she gave,and she_4_ a thankyou note”可知,她很欣赏感谢便条。故B项正确。5C根据该句中的“Once she sent out notes to her own children and grandchildren who had not acknowledged gifts,_5_ that they were now on herFecal Roster(黑名单)”可知,有一次她给收到礼物却没有表达感谢的孩子和孙子发了纸条,纸条上说他们现在在她的“黑名单”上。assume意为“假设”; abuse意为“滥用”;state意为“陈述,说明”;correct意为“纠正”。故选C项。6D根据该句中的“she had received a proper thank you”并结合上文可知,母亲不会将孩子们(的名字)从“黑名单”上删除,直到她收到一句谢谢。故选D项。7A根据上文可知,作者的母亲送礼物的时候,希望得到一句谢谢。send意为“发送”;purchase意为“购买”;conduct意为“进行”;obtain意为“获得”。故选A项。8B根据第一段第二句中的“Christmas,birthdays,anniversaries or no occasion at all”可知,不只是在节假日,母亲在很多情况下都会准备礼物;结合该句中的“shed give you another gift the next_8_ she had”可知,她会在下一次有机会时赠给你另一件礼物。B项意为“机会”,符合语境。9B她认为没有礼貌是你的问题,而不是她的问题。得到礼物不回谢应该是没有礼貌的行为,故B项符合语境。10C根据空后的“all of us would gather in the driveway as they unloaded luggage”可知,作者的父母是开车过去的。drive over意为“驱车前来”,符合语境,故选C项。11A根据该句中的“There was always something for the kids”及下文可知,他们总是给孩子们带一些东西,通常是一些小玩具或者是自制的饼干。故选A项。12C根据该句中的“a couple of little toys or a big _12_ of homemade cookies”及常识可知,饼干是放在盒子之类的容器(container)里的。tank意为“(贮放液体或气体的)箱”,cage意为“笼子”,holder意为“持有者”,均不符合语境。故选C项。13D根据该句和前一句“They werent gifts for particular occasions”可知,它们不是为特殊场合而准备的礼物,只是(simply)关于“难道生活不美好吗?”的礼物。“Isnt life great?” gifts可以理解为“彰显生活美好的礼物”。故选D项。14D一个春天,当作者的父母来拜访时,母亲递给作者一个礼物包。结合第一段中的“My mother was a gift giver”可知,这里指“礼物包”。故选D项。15A根据空后的“A Special Daughter.Youve.and Love”并结合该句可知,礼物包里面是一幅画,画上写着下文中的几句话。read“写着”,符合语境。16D此处表示,你为我们的生活带来欢笑和欢乐,对我们的爱如此之深。由常识可知,此处表示孩子为父母带来欢声笑语。故选D项。17B根据该句中的“The most precious things we can _17_ for you are the things you have given us”可知,父母希望子女得到的是子女给予他们的,即欢声笑语和爱。故选B项。18C根据上文中的“Youve _16_ laughter and joy to our lives and so much love to our hearts”及空后的“Love”并结合选项可知,孩子可以为父母带来幸福和爱。assistance意为“援助”;privilege意为“特权”;happiness意为“幸福”;satisfaction意为“满意”。故选C项。19D根据本文第一句“My mother was a gift giver”并结合上下文可知,母亲是一个极好的礼物赠送者。故选D项。20A根据该句中的“but the best gifts we will always remember her for were her love for_20_ and her love for us”可知,此处表示我们永远记得她给的最好的礼物是她对生活的热爱和她对我们的爱。从文中作者母亲的行为可以看出作者的母亲对生活的热爱。故A项符合语境。四、 单句改错1He was writing a report while one of his friends called on him. 答案:whilewhen2Under the aid of our English teacher, we have made great progress this term. 答案:UnderWith3The doctor said that she had got injure badly and should be sent to hospital immediately. 答案:injureinjured4Whether he could get support from his parents made great difference to the plan. 答案:made后加a5Mr. Li fell ill, so his colleague attended the conference in the place of him. 答案:去掉第二个the五、单元语法省略1(2016天津卷)Though (will) to get started, we cannot seem to do the job right.答案:willing2(2015湖南卷)Video games can be a poor influence if (leave) in the wrong hands.答案:left3(福建卷)The climate here is quite pleasant, the temperature rarely, ever, reaching 30 in summer.答案:if4(安徽卷)When (ask) for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.答案:asked5Just now the patient opened her mouth as if (say) something to her husband.答案:to say

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