2019届高三英语一轮总复习 Module 1 Deep South Module 2 The Renaissance课时跟踪训练 外研版选修8.doc

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2019届高三英语一轮总复习 Module 1 Deep South Module 2 The Renaissance课时跟踪训练 外研版选修8.doc_第1页
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2019届高三英语一轮总复习 Module 1 Deep South Module 2 The Renaissance课时跟踪训练 外研版选修8.doc_第2页
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2019届高三英语一轮总复习 Module 1 Deep South Module 2 The Renaissance课时跟踪训练 外研版选修8.doc_第3页
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Module 1 Deep South Module 2 The Renaissance.单词拼写/用所给词的正确形式填空1He got rapid _ (晋升), and ended up as a manager.答案promotion2If you meet with any difficulty in your study, dont be _ (泄气)答案discouraged3They will make a _ (声明) about the accident tomorrow.答案statement4Move slowly, then be sure to keep your _ (平衡) and dont let your body shake.答案balance5You should take _ (有效的) measures to improve your English.答案effective6It is _ (believe) that the painting wasnt drawn by Leonardo.答案believed7She has a strange way _ (make) her classes lively and interesting.答案to make8_ (inspire) by the speech, the little girl made up her mind to work even harder.答案Inspired9They can get different amounts of pensions, _ (depend) on the money they have paid for their social insurance.答案depending10The parents are _ (blame) each other for the childs education.答案blaming.单句改错1She is in a poor state health, which worries her mother much._答案state后加of2A strong earthquake struck the country, caused great damage to buildings._答案causedcausing3I feel it is your husband who is to be blamed for the spoiled child._答案be blamedblame4You have to follow closely if you want to avoid left behind._答案left前加being5His speech was inspired and touched everyones heart._答案inspiredinspiring6You have left off a zero in this phone number._答案offout.阅读理解(2017河南郑州高三质量预测)Traveling to Europe to see its famous monuments like the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Colosseum (古罗马竞技场) in Rome, is not exactly the ideal vacation for kids. Fortunately, Europe has more to offer than lots of old churches and ancient history. You can enjoy some fun with your kids in the sun at some of the famous beaches of the continent.Mykonos , GreeceThe closer you get to the equator, the longer the beach season is, and Greece is wonderful for that. You can enjoy beautiful green water, public chairs and lovely umbrellas at the beaches in Mykonos.Dubrovnik, CroatiaTheres nothing more attractive than the beautiful beaches bordering Dubrovnik, Croatias most beautiful city. Its surrounded by stone walls like a castle. It almost makes you feel like youre suntanning (晒黑皮肤) at Hogwarts, where the hero Harry Potter of the story is trained!Sicily, ItalyRabbit Beach on the island of Sicily offers shallow and crystal clear waters, making it a perfect beach for families with young children. And if you want to add interest to your experience, try snorkeling (浮潜)Nice, FranceLined with palm trees and firstclass hotels, the city of Nice, located on the French Riviera, offers a whole coastline of Mediterranean beaches. Because theyre in the heart of the city, these beaches attract a large crowd. So if youre looking for something more private, youll have to travel a few miles outside, of the city center.Ribadeo, SpainAt low tide, Playa de las Catedrales in Ribadeo, Spain is the perfect beach to take in the natural wonders without urban amusements like restaurants, bars or huge crowds. It boasts beautiful wild flowers and unique rock formations making it truly picture worthy.语篇解读:本文向带小孩度假的父母们推荐了几个欧洲的海滩,它们有美丽的海滨风光,还有自己的特色。1What makes Dubrovnik so special?AIt is surrounded by stone walls.BIt has the most attractive coastline.CIt has the longest beach season.DIt is the training center of Harry Potter.解析细节理解题。根据文章Dubrovnik,Croatia部分的第二句Its surrounded by stone walls like a castle.可知,杜布罗夫尼克海滩与其他海滩不同之处是它有石墙围绕。故选A项。答案A2If you plan to go to a beach in the city,where should you go?AMykonos. BSicily.CNice. DRibadeo.解析细节理解题。根据Nice,France部分的第二句Because theyre in the heart of the city, these beaches attract a large crowd.可知,法国的尼斯海滩位于城里。故选C项。答案C3Which of the following is true about Ribadeo?AVisitors can try snorkeling there.BIt offers visitors firstclass hotels.CIt has restaurants,bars and huge crowds.DVisitors can enjoy unique rock formations there.解析细节理解题。根据文章Ribadeo, Spain部分的最后一句It boasts beautiful wild flowers and unique rock formations making it truly picture worthy.可知,里瓦德奥海滩拥有独一无二的岩层,故选D项。A项是西西里岛的特点;B项是尼斯的特点;里瓦德奥海滩以自然风光而闻名,没有饭馆和酒吧,故C项错误。答案D4What do all the beaches have in mon?AThey have beautiful wild flowers.BThey are famous European beaches.CThey are wellknown for their green water.DThey provide visitors with urban amusements.解析推理判断题。根据文章第一段第一句Traveling to Europe.和最后一句You can enjoy some fun with your kids in the sun at some of the famous beaches of the continent.可知,本篇介绍的都是欧洲的著名海滩,故选B项。A、C、D三项仅是部分海滩的特点。答案B

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