2019高考英语一轮达标 Unit 4 Sharing练题(含解析)新人教版选修7.doc

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Unit 4 Sharing一、阅读理解。The Anchorage Museum is expanding to the north with the addition of 25,000 square feet of new gallery space for the museums art collection and exploration of art of the north.Construction timeline:February 2016 September 2017.Focus:This expansion is about more than bringing works from the collection out on public view.Its also about creating a wonderful description for the north through the lens(镜头)of art and furthering the museums mission of expanding awareness of the north,its landscape and cultures.An expanded museum will:Provide greater public access to the museums art collectionCreate physical space for each kind of the museums missionart,history,science,cultureTell the story of the north and Alaska through art that represents their landscape and peopleCreate positive,engaging and relevant museum experiencesHelp museum visitors understand Alaska and the north through a variety of experiencesConnect people and encourage global dialogue about the north and its different environmentProject partners:The $24 million expansion is funded entirely by private dollars,including $12 million gifts from both the Rasmuson family and the Rasmuson Foundation.Anchorage Museum625 C StreetAnchorage,AK 995019079299200 | General9079299228 | MembershipAdmission:Member:FreeAdult:$15Senior,Student:$10Child 312:$72 and younger:Free1What is the aim of the expansion?ATo make the museum unique.BTo reward the project partners.CTo make the public know the north better.DTo bring works from the collection out on public view.2What is the deadline of the construction?AIn September 2017.BIn February 2017.CIn May 2017.DIn April 2017.3Through the expansion,the museum may hope that _.Amore people will travel to AlaskaBmuch money will be donated to the museumCinternational attention will be paid to the northDlocal people will bee the members of the museum4If Jack visits the museum with two high school students and his 5yearold son,he should pay_.A$30 B$36C$40 D$42【解题导语】本文主要介绍了Anchorage Museum扩建的相关事项。1C考查推理判断。根据Focus部分中的“Its also about creating a wonderful description for the north through the lens(镜头)of art and furthering the museums mission of expanding awareness of the north,its landscape and cultures”可知,这次扩建也是关于通过艺术的镜头创造一个关于北方的精彩的描述并推进博物馆提高对北方及其景观和文化的意识的使命,也就是让公众更好地了解北方,故选C。2A考查细节理解。根据文中的“Construction timeline:February 2016 September 2017”可知,扩建的截止时间是2017年9月,故选A。3C考查细节理解。根据文中的“Connect people and encourage global dialogue about the north and its different environment”可知,扩建后的博物馆希望把人们联系起来,鼓励(人们)就北方及其不一样的环境进行全球对话,由此可推断出博物馆希望通过扩建让北方得到全球的关注,故选C。4D考查细节理解。根据Admission部分可知,Jack和两个高中生及他5岁的儿子去博物馆应付151010742(美元),故选D。二、单句语法填空1This machine is very easy _ (operate). Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes.答案:to operate主beadj.to do . 为固定句式。其中to do以主动形式表被动含义。2We are dying _ (know) the results after every exam.答案:to knowbe dying to do . “渴望/极想做某事”。3We have made an _ (adjust) to our price and give you a special discount of 3 percent.答案:adjustmentmake an adjustment to . “对作出调整”。4There is no need _ (put) the meeting ahead because we still have three weeks before the end of the term.答案:to putThere is no need to do . “没有必要做某事”。5Alice stood at the window from _ she could see the scenery of the park.答案:where句意:艾丽斯站在窗前,从那里她可以看到公园的景色。该句为from where 引导的定语从句。6Who will be in charge of the _ (distribute) of food and clothing to the flood victims?答案:distribution定冠词the后应为名词形式,故填distribution。7Not the teacher but the students _ (be) hoping to go there.答案:arenot . but . “不是而是”,当连接两主语时,谓语动词的数遵循就近原则,故填are。8In a word, we should offer our help and love to the persons _ need.答案:inin need “在困难中;在危急中”。9I doubt _ he is fit for the job.答案:whetherdoubt用于肯定句,后面常用whether引导宾语或同位语从句。I doubt whether . “我怀疑是否”。10The problems of global warming cannot be solved without the _ (participate) of all countries.答案:participation分析句子结构及由介词without和定冠词the可知,应填participate的名词形式。三、完形填空。Falling off a boxcar and landing on my head,I lost my sight when I was four years old.Now I am thirtytwo.I can _1_ remember the brightness of sunshine.It would be wonderful to see again,_2_ a tragedy can do strange things to people.It _3_ to me that I might not have e to love life as I do now if I hadnt been blind.My parents and my teacher saw something _4_ me,and they made me want to _5_ against blindness.The hardest _6_ I had to learn was to believe in myself.If I hadnt been able to do that,I would have _7_ down for the rest of my life.When I say _8_ in myself I am not talking about _9_ the kind of selfconfidence that _10_ me down an unfamiliar staircase(楼梯)alone.But I mean something bigger than that:the assurance that I am a real positive person _11_ imperfections.It took me years to obtain this _12_.It had to start with the _13_.Once a man gave me an indoor _14_.“I cant use this,”I said.“Take it with you,” he _15_ me,“and roll it around.”The _16_ stuck in my head.“Roll it around!” By rolling the ball I could hear where it went.This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought _17_. At the School for the Blind I _18_ a new kind of baseball called the “ground ball”All my life I have set a series of goals and then tried to reach them,one at a time.I had to learn my _19_.I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made _20_.1A.randomly BabruptlyCroughly Dpletely2A.so BbutCthus Dand3A.occurred BreferredCbrought Dturned4A.of BforCto Din5A.get BfightCfind Ddrop6A.method BexperienceClesson Dmanner7A.broken BputCsettled Dlay8A.courage BambitionCbelief Dpower9A.firmly BsimplyCfairly Dslightly10A.stops BhelpsCfinds Dgives11A.despite BbesidesCwithout Dunlike12A.description BexistenceCaccusation Drecognition13A.intelligence BincidentCtrouble Ddetermination14A.chair BbaseballCgame Ddesign15A.urged BblamedCgreeted Dteased16A.goals BwordsCimages Dideas17A.valuable BreasonableCimpossible Dunbearable18A.discovered BequippedCformed Dinvented19A.limitations BadvantagesCpuzzles Dpersonalities20A.sense BprogressCmistakes Ddecisions【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要讲述了“我”在四岁的时候失去了视力,但通过一件小事,“我”学会了自信,并逐渐取得进步的过程。【核心词汇】tragedy悲剧imperfection缺点on the average一般来说roughly粗略地1C考查副词。“我”四岁时失去视力,现在已经三十二岁了。由此可推知,此处表示“我”粗略地记得,故选C。roughly“粗略地,大致上”。2B考查连词。根据语境可知,上下文之间是转折关系,故选B。3A考查动词。“我”想到如果“我”没有失明“我”可能不会像现在这样热爱生活。It occurs to sb.that.为固定句型,意为“某人想到”。4D考查介词。“我”父母以及老师看到了“我”内在的一些东西,他们让“我”想要与失明作斗争。根据语境可知,此处应选D。5B考查动词。参见上题解析。fight against.“与作斗争”。6C考查名词。“我”学到的最困难的一课(lesson)就是要相信“我”自己。7A考查动词。如果“我”做不到那样的话,“我”可能已经精神崩溃了。break down“(在健康或精神等方面)垮掉”。8C考查名词。根据上文中的“to believe in myself”可知,此处应选C项与上文相照应。9B考查副词。“我”说的信心并不仅仅(simply)指帮助(helps)“我”走下陌生楼梯的自信。10B考查动词。参见上题解析。11A考查介词。尽管“我”是一个不完美的人,但是“我”是一个积极的人。despite“尽管”,符合语境。12D考查名词。“我”花了很多年才认识到这一点。A项意为“描述”;B项意为“存在”;C项意为“控告”;D项意为“认识”。13B考查名词。这从一件小事开始。A项意为“智慧”;B项意为“小事”;C项意为“麻烦”;D项意为“决心”。14B考查名词。根据下文中的“a new kind of baseball”可知,此处指棒球。15A考查动词。根据语境可知,此处指他一直在敦促“我”。urge“强烈要求,敦促”。16B考查名词。他所说的话(words)印在“我”的脑海中,故选B。17C考查形容词。这给了“我”一个如何实现”我”认为不可能(impossible)的目标的想法。A项意为“有价值的”;B项意为“合情理的”;C项意为“不可能的”;D项意为“无法容忍的”。18D考查动词。在盲人学校“我”发明(invented)了一种新的被称之为“地滚球”的棒球。A项意为“发现”;B项意为“配备”;C项意为“形成”;D项意为“发明”。19A考查名词。“我”不得不了解自己的不足之处。limitation“(某人或某物的) 局限性,不足之处”。20B考查名词。“我”有时会失败,但一般说来“我”取得了进步。make progress“取得进展”。四、单句改错1The house stands at the place that the two roads meet._答案:thatwherewhere在此处是定语从句的引导词,替代先行词place并在从句中作地点状语。2Deeds are better than words when people are in need help._答案:need后加ofin need of . “需要”。3He is being operated by some experienced doctors and nurses._答案:operated后加onoperate on sb. “给某人做手术”。4It took us some time to adjust the dark cave._答案:adjust后加toadjust to . “适应”。5Bill Gates made a generous donation for the charity._答案:fortomake a donation to . “给捐赠”。五、短文改错Most people directly link senior high school life with plenty of stress and endless homeworks.However, some interested activities indeed contribute to reduce the pressure.Last week the entertainment department of our Student Union organized the activity in which each class shoot a short movie.Our class chose a story setting in World War ,that showed the preciousness of peace.I think this process was a good lesson that taught to me how to strike a balance between studying or relaxation.Now I am determined than ever to treasure everything I have and fight for my future.【答案】Most people directly link senior high school life with plenty of stress and endless .However, some activities indeed contribute to the pressure.Last week the entertainment department of our Student Union organized activity in which each class a short movie.Our class chose a story in World War , showed the preciousness of peace.I think this process was a good lesson that taught me how to strike a balance between studying relaxation.Now I am determined than ever to treasure everything I have and fight for my future.第一处:homeworkshomework。考查名词。homework为不可数名词,没有复数形式。 第二处:interestedinteresting。考查形容词。interesting修饰物,意为“有趣的”;根据该句中的名词activities可知答案;interested修饰人,意为“感兴趣的”。第三处:reducereducing。考查动名词。该句中短语“contribute to”中的to为介词,后接动名词。第四处:thean。考查不定冠词。根据语境可知,该处泛指“一次活动”,故用不定冠词。第五处:shootshot。考查动词的时态。根据该句的时间状语“Last week”可知,该句陈述的事情发生在过去,故用一般过去时。第六处:settingset。考查过去分词。a story和set之间为动宾关系,表示“以二战为背景的故事”,故用过去分词作后置定语。第七处:thatwhich。考查关系代词。分析该句结构可知,该句为非限制性定语从句,关系词指代前面的a story,在从句中作主语,故用which。第八处:删除to。考查固定用法。teach为及物动词,后直接加宾语,不需要接to。teach sb.sth.为固定用法,意为“教某人”。第九处:or改为and。考查连词。该处表示在学习和放松之间取得平衡。between.and.意为“在和之间”。第十处:在am后加more。考查比较级。根据该句中的than可知,该处应用比较级。


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