2019年高考英语 书面表达必背范文80篇 第01周 节假日活动(含解析).doc

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2019年高考英语 书面表达必背范文80篇 第01周 节假日活动(含解析).doc_第1页
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2019年高考英语 书面表达必背范文80篇 第01周 节假日活动(含解析).doc_第2页
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2019年高考英语 书面表达必背范文80篇 第01周 节假日活动(含解析).doc_第3页
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第01周 节假日活动范文1 邀请朋友参加艺术展假定你是李华,想邀请你的朋友Henry一起参观中国剪纸(paper-cutting)艺术展。请给他写封邮件,内容包括:1.展览时间、地点;2.展览内容。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_【思路点拨】题目要求写封邮件邀请外教参观中国剪纸艺术展。写作情境设置真实,任务要求符合学生能力水平,自然地融入了我国优秀传统文化(剪纸papercutting)的内容,能够引导学生在使用外语了解世界的同时,注重传承发扬中华民族优秀文明成果,运用中国元素讲中国故事,增强文化自信。考生成文时应注意:1. 结构采用三段成文:第一段自我介绍并引出话题;第二段具体交代活动时间、地点;第三段较为详细地交代展览内容。2. 时态:以一般将来时和一般现在时为主。3. 人称:第一人称。4. 注意恰当使用一些连词,使文章自然、流畅。5. 适当使用一些高级词汇和句型以提高作文档次。【必背范文】Dear Henry,Im Li Hua, one of your students in your cultural class. I know youre interested in one of Chinese traditional art forms papercutting. So I invite you to attend an exhibition of it. Itll be held from June 10 to July 10 this year and the opening time is from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm from Monday to Saturday and the place of the exhibition is at the City Gallery, which is located at 118, Jian Guo Road, Hai Dian District. Shall we go there together this Friday afternoon? I will meet you at 2:00 pm at the teaching building gate if you like. You know we Chinese have a lot of traditional art forms, of which papercutting is one of the most popular. In the exhibition, you will enjoy many special kinds of papercuttings. Maybe you can learn one or two skills of the cutting. Looking forward to your early reply.Regards, Li Hua范文2 写信介绍中国结假如你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom想了解中国结,请你给他写一封信,详细介绍一下。中国结(theChineseknot)是一种古老的编织(weave)艺术。中国人自汉朝(HanDynasty)起就把中国结用作装饰品。现在,人们仍然对传统中国结复杂的美而着迷。“结”在中文的含义是团聚、友谊、温暖和结婚等等,所以中国结也成为团聚、幸运、和谐和爱的象征。今天,中国结已成为国际流行的重要元素之一。为了与现代生活的需要相适应,它被开发出各式各样既美观又实用的产品。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Tom,I learned that you want to know something about_ Yours LiHua【思路点拨】题目要求写信向外国朋友详细介绍中国结这种优秀传统文化。本文相关内容提示比较多,主要以翻译为主,但要注意运用适当的连词连接。时态以一般现在时为主。词汇方面难度稍大,主要语言要点如下:befascinatedby;reunion;etobe;elementofinternationalfashion;tomeettheneedsof【必背范文】Dear Tom,I learned that you want to know something about the Chinese knot,and I am writing to you in detail. The Chinese knot is actually an ancient art of weaving. Chinese people have used knots as decorations since the Han Dynasty. Now people are still fascinated by the plicated beauty of traditional red knots. “Knot” in Chinese has the meanings of reunion, friendship, warmth, marriage, etc, so the Chinese knot has e to be the symbol of reunion, luck, harmony and love.Today, it has bee an important element of international fashion. To meet the needs of modern life, it has been developed into various products that are both decorative and practical. Yours LiHua范文3 写信介绍中秋节假如你是李华,你的美国笔友 即将随其父母来中国,并在中国度过中秋节。他来信向你询问有关中秋节的习俗,请你告诉他有关中秋节的习俗。 要点如下: 1.历史悠久2.中国人独有的传统节日3.家庭团圆4.共进晚餐5.吃月饼 6.赏月要求: 1. 词数100左右。 2. 可适当添加细节。 3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数Dear Mike, Im glad to know that _Yours Li Hua【思路点拨】题目要求写一篇介绍中国传统节日中秋节的短文。比较接近学生真实生活,符合学生写作能力水平。时态以一般现在时为主;文章分三段,内容上主要介绍中秋节的传统习俗;写作时注意复合句等高级句式的运用。【必背范文】Dear Mike, Im glad to know that you are ing to China with your parents and spend the Mid-Autumn Day here. The Mid-Autumn Day is a traditional festival with a long history which is celebrated only by Chinese people. It falls on August 15th of the Chinese lunar year, when people of a family get together and enjoy the dinner together. After that they eat mooncakes, which stands for the spirits of the festival-unity. Often ,if the weather permits, they will go out of the house to enjoy the bright moonlight, talking about something pleasant. It is one of the most important festivals for Chinese people. I wish you a pleasant journey and Im sure you will like our traditional Mid-Autumn Day. Yours Li Hua范文4写信介绍春节 假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Mike想了解中国的春节,请你给他写封回信介绍这个节日。要点如下:1)春节的由来及寓意;2)春节的庆祝活动;3)邀请他到来中国欢度春节。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Mike,In your last letter, you mentioned that you want to know something about the Spring Festival. I am writing to tell you about it._Yours ,Li Hua【思路点拨】题目要求写信介绍中国的春节。春节是中国人耳熟能详的重要传统节日,符合学生认知能力以及写作水平。时态以一般现在时和一般过去时为主写作内容从三部分去写,先春节的由来及寓意,然后详细列举春节期间的庆祝活动,最后邀请他来中国。【必背范文】Dear Mike,In your last letter, you mentioned that you want to know something about the Spring Festival. I am writing to tell you about it. Spring Festival has a long history, which was originally celebrated to scare away a fierce beast “Nian”. Slightly different from that in the past, it is now given new meanings and regarded as a way for people to enjoy reunion with their families however far they live or work. On the New Years Eve, each family has its members gathered together. They tell each other their lives in the past year, exchange gifts and eat a lot of delicious meals in the warmth of the family. Children can get lucky money in red paper. People have a good time, holding opera performances, and other celebrations.I hope you will e here and experience this wonderful festival.Yours,Li Hua范文5 写信介绍端午节假定你是李华。你刚从英国为期五天的旅游回来,感谢好友Rick的款待。得知他对中国的文化非常的感兴趣,特别是即将到来的端午节,请你写一封信介绍中国的端午节。内容要点:1)感谢他的招待。2)介绍中国的端午节(时间,意义,风俗等)3)欢迎他来中国。注意:1)词数100左右;2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3)开头和结尾已为你写好。Dear Rick,How is everything going?_Best wishes.Yours sincerely,Li Hua【思路点拨】本文是形式上是一篇感谢信,但其中主要内容是以介绍中国的端午节为主。时态:以一般过去时和一般现在时为主人称:以第一和第三人称为主结构:分为三段,第一段表示感谢,第二段介绍端午节,第三段欢迎来中国。【必背范文】Dear Rick,How is everything going? I had a five-day trip to London last week. I would like to express my gratitude for your hospitality and kindness when I was in London.Knowing that you take a great fancy to Chinese culture, especially the Dragon Boat Festival, I would love to introduce it to you. The Dragon Boat Festival, one of the most traditional festivals in China, falls on the May 5th in the lunar calendar. People celebrate this festival in memory of Qu Yuan, who was a Chinese poet. Besides, people in China will also hold a variety of activities to honor him, such as dragon boat racing, eating zongzi and so on.Wele to China. You will have an unforgettable experience if you e to China before this festival.Best wishes.Yours sincerely, Li Hua


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