2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材复习 题组提分练39 Unit 4 Pygmalion 新人教版选修8.doc

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题组提分练39 Unit 4 Pygmalion限时70分钟完形填空(2018山西河南联考)体裁:记叙文话题:日常活动难度:The Moment of Truth“This is Ms. Hill.”Mr. Lopez told the volunteers at the animal shelter. “Ms. Hill is a reporter. She is here to _1_ a story on the shelter for the newspaper. Emi, Id like you to be in the photograph. You have _2_ the most hours this month.”(照顾猫是Emi而非Carmen的责任)Emi opened her mouth to murmur something but quickly closed it. Emi asked Carmen, her best friend, to take her _3_ those days because she had to practise softball. Carmens picture should be in the newspaper. _4_, Carmen decided not to say anything, because she didnt want to _5_ Emi.Just then a(n) _6_ sound came from the Cat Room. Everyone _7_ in to see what had happened. A dirty cat named Jack was standing in front of a cage which _8_ a female cat and her babies. Jack was sounding_9_ at the mother cat. Protecting her babies, the mother cat _10_ fiercely.Mr. Lopez quickly picked Jack up and _11_ him into his own cage. Afraid for her babies, the mother cat still stood with her fur straight _12_. Redfaced, Mr. Lopez checked the volunteer _13_ on the wall and asked, “Emi, its your _14_ to feed the cats today, right?Did you forget to lock Jacks cage?”Emi thought that Carmen _15_ have forgotten to lock Jacks cage, so she said, “Uh., I guess I did forget. Im very sorry.”Carmen couldnt let her friend take the _16_ for something she had done. “Mr. Lopez,”she _17_. “Im the one who forgot to lock Jacks cage.”(Carmen替Emi值班照顾猫,却忘记关门,但Emi却主动承认过失)Emi told Mr. Lopez the truth and _18_ taking Carmens picture for the newspaper story. Mr. Lopez said with a smile, “I think both of you have learned _19_ about telling the truth. Why dont we _20_ pictures of both of you in the newspaper?By the way, please remember to lock all the animal cages from now on.”1A. tell B. writeC. make up D. set up2A. explored B. wastedC. volunteered D. performed3A. measure B. chanceC. place D. time4A. However B. ThusC. Therefore D. Instead5A. support B. disturbC. annoy D. embarrass6A. gentle B. uniqueC. unforgettable D. terrible7A. marched B. rushedC. came D. stepped8A. housed B. fedC. protected D. put9A. angrily B. noisilyC. merrily D. surprisingly10A. moved back B. fought backC. held back D. came back11A. forced B. ledC. placed D. chased12A. backward B. forwardC. down D. up13A. form B. scheduleC. notice D. sign14A. turn B. ideaC. request D. dream15A. should B. couldC. must D. would16A. lead B. dutyC. apology D. blame17A. spoke up B. stood upC. lit up D. shouted out18A. admitted B. delayedC. continued D. suggested19A. anything B. everythingC. something D. nothing20A. declare B. includeC. send D. describe答案与解析【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了动物庇护所的两位志愿者,为一次偶然疏忽而导致的意外事件争着承担过错的故事。1B由上文可知,Ms. Hill是记者,她来动物庇护所采访并写(write)一个故事。tell“讲”;make up“编造”; set up“建立;创立”。2C从下文可知,Emi和Carmen都是志愿者,Mr. Lopez觉得Emi这个月做义工(volunteer)时间最长,该上报纸。explore“探索”;perform“执行;表演”。3CEmi因为练习垒球,让她的好朋友Carmen这些日子顶替她,所以她觉得Carmen应该上报纸。take ones place“代替某人”;take ones chance“碰运气”;take ones measure“给某人量尺寸”; take ones time“别着急;慢慢来”。4A然而,Carmen决定保持沉默,因为她不想让Emi尴尬。however“然而”,符合语境。thus/therefore“因此”;instead“相反”。错解分析此题容易误选D。however表示转折关系,但是侧重说明后面陈述的内容与前面的内容相反,意为“然而;不过”;而instead的意思侧重于“取而代之”,意为“而不是;反而”。5D解析同上。embarrass“(使)尴尬”,符合语境。support“支持”;disturb“打扰;妨碍”;annoy“干扰;使烦恼”。6D就在这时,一阵刺耳的声音从猫舍传了出来。terrible“可怕的”,符合语境。gentle“柔和的”;unforgettable“难忘的”;unique“独一无二的”。7B每个人都冲进去看发生了什么。rush in“跑进”,符合语境。march in“入场”;step in“介入”;e in“进来”。8A一只脏兮兮的猫Jack站在住着另一只母猫和她孩子们的笼子前,正生气地(angrily)冲着母猫吼叫。house“让居住”,符合语境。feed“喂养”;protect“保护”。9A解析同上。angrily“生气地”,符合语境。noisily“嘈杂地”;merrily“高兴地”;surprisingly“令人惊讶地”。10B护着自己孩子的同时,母猫奋力回击。fight back“回击”,符合语境。move back“退回来”;hold back“退缩;隐瞒;抑制”;e back“回来”。11CMr.Lopez飞快抱起Jack并把它放回(place)自己的笼子里。force“迫使”;lead“引导”;chase“追赶”。12D害怕孩子受到伤害,母猫仍然毛发直竖(up)地站在那儿。13B感到窘迫,Mr.Lopez查看了墙上的志愿者日程安排(schedule)。form“表格”;notice“告示”;sign“标志牌”。14A今天轮到Emi值班。Its ones turn to do sth.“轮到某人做某事”。15CEmi知道Carmen肯定是忘记了锁猫笼,她自己愿意替朋友承认这个过失。must have done“肯定已做某事”,符合语境。could have done“本来能够做某事”;should have done“本来应该做某事”;would have done“本来会做某事”。16DCarmen不会让她的好朋友为自己承担过错,因此她大声地说出了(speak up)真相。take the blame“承担过错”,符合语境。take the lead“带头”;take the duty“担负重任”。17A解析同上。speak up“大声地说出”,符合语境。stand up“站起来”;light up“照亮”;shout out“大声喊”。18DEmi告诉Mr.Lopez事情原委,并且建议把Carmen的照片登上报纸。suggest“建议”,符合语境。admit“承认”;delay“延误”;continue“继续”。19CMr.Lopez微笑着说:“你们两个都懂得了讲真话,我们何不把你们两个的照片都登上报纸呢?”learn something about“学习关于的东西或知识”。20B解析同上。include“包括”,符合语境。declare“宣布”;send“发送”;describe“描述”。语法填空(2018张家口质检)体裁:记叙文话题:个人情况难度:Socrates was a famous philosopher in ancient Greece. However, extremely little is known about his early life. It was not the custom for people in those days 1._ (write) much of anything. He didnt talk about himself much, either. The best source for his thoughts and deeds is 2._ (probable) the Dialogues of Plato, a student of the great teacher.Socrates was once a soldier in the Athenian army. These soldiers had to buy 3._ (they) own armors (盔甲). 4._ he wasnt rich, he must have had some money to buy that armor. He also 5._ (fight) in several major battles in the Peloponnesian War.When he grew older, however, he came to hate money and what it did to people.He seems to have spent most of his time in the marketplace, discussing all 6._ (sort) of things. That could partly explain 7._ he was poor; he wasnt making 8._ living. What he liked to do most was to ask people fundamental questions, like “What is justice?” or “What is 9._ (true)?” To the answers the people gave, Socrates would add more questions, until a logical case could be made that the people knew far less than they thought they did about things. This emphasis on questions as means of making an argument now 10._ (call) the Socratic Method.答案与解析【语篇解读】苏格拉底是古罗马的著名哲学家,但是对他早年的记录却寥寥无几。1to write考查非谓语动词。it is the custom for sb. to do sth.“做某事是某人的风俗/习惯”不定式是真正的主语,it是形式主语。2probably考查词性转换。设空在句中作状语,修饰谓语,应用副词,故填probably。 3their考查代词。设空后是own, 故该空应填形容词性物主代词their。 ones own“某人自己的”。4Though/Although/While考查状语从句。根据语境“尽管他没钱,但是他要自己买盔甲”可知设空处应填Though/Although/While引导让步状语从句。5fought考查动词时态。设空处所填词在句中作谓语,指过去的事情,应用一般过去时,故填过去式fought。 fight(战斗)foughtfoughtfighting。6sorts考查名词的数。设空前是all, 故该空应填复数名词。all sorts of各种各样的。7why考查名词性从句。“_7_ he was poor”作谓语could explain的宾语,且从句中缺少原因状语,故用why引导宾语从句。8a考查固定短语。make a living“谋生”。9truth考查词性转换。设空在句中作表语,指“事实;真相”, 应用名词truth。 10is called考查动词时态和语态。本句时间状语是now, 故谓语用一般现在时,主语the emphasis与call是被动关系,故用一般现在时的被动语态,故填is called。 短文改错We all hope to make our acquaintances with some people. Generally spoken, true friends should respect, help and care for each other. However, it is disgusted that a handful of cheats will pass themselves off your good friends. The other day, a stranger calls up my sister. He said he was one of my sisters friends and that he was in a great need of help. My sister immediately realized he was just cheating, so she condemning him on the phone. Our family all looked at her on amazement and praised her. In our daily life, we must not overlooked such things. Once you meet such a situation, never hesitate to telling the police about it.答案与解析We all hope to make our with some people. Generally , true friends should respect, help and care for each other. However, it is that a handful of cheats will pass themselves off your good friends. The other day, a stranger up my sister. He said he was one of my sisters friends and that he was in great need of help. My sister immediately realized he was just cheating, so she him on the phone. Our family all looked at her amazement and praised her. In our daily life, we must not such things. Once you meet such a situation, never hesitate to the police about it.acquaintancesacquaintance考查名词的数。make ones acquaintance with sb. “结识某人”。spokenspeaking考查固定短语。generally speaking “一般而言”。disgusteddisgusting考查形容词。说明事情的性质,表“令人讨厌的”,应用形容词disgusting。off后加as考查固定短语。pass oneself off as . “把自己冒充为”。callscalled考查动词时态。根据句中时间状语The other day 可知谓语动词用一般过去时,故calls改为called。去掉a考查固定短语。in great need of help “急需帮助”。condemningcondemned考查动词时态。so后的句子中谓语动词的时态与前一句中的谓语动词realized时态一致,应用一般过去时,故condemning 改为condemned。onin考查介词短语。in amazement “吃惊地”。overlookedoverlook考查情态动词。情态动词之后应用动词原形,故overlooked改为overlook。tellingtell考查非谓语动词。hesitate to do sth. “迟疑做某事”。书面表达(2018运城质检)体裁:申请信假定你是李华,正在英国暑期学校学习,看到以下广告,请你给医院图书馆负责人Elizabeth Mamo写一封邮件,申请做志愿者。Library Volunteers WantedDo you enjoy reading magazines and books and want to share that experience with patients? Library volunteers are needed to bring the library cart filled with books and magazines to hospital patients.Were looking for devoted volunteers interested in visiting patients.Tuesday and Friday mornings 9 am.12 noon.注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Elizabeth Mamo,_Yours,Li Hua范文Dear Elizabeth Mamo,I am Li Hua, an exchange student from China. I am writing to you in expectation of obtaining the volunteer work as a volunteer in the hospital.For one thing, I have taken delight in reading since I was a little child, which will surely fuel my enthusiasm for sharing what I read with patients. For another, as I have a caring and considerate personality, I am willing to contribute myself to helping the patients. More importantly, having great municative petence and a good mand of English has guaranteed a series of my success in volunteering. Besides, I am available for the required time. Thus, Im fully confident that I have the relevant qualifications of serving as a volunteer. If I am considered qualified for being the volunteer, I promise to provide the most pleasing service.Im looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua


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