2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 20 New Frontiers单元检测B-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版选修7.doc

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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 20 New Frontiers单元检测B-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版选修7.doc_第1页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 20 New Frontiers单元检测B-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版选修7.doc_第2页
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2019版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 20 New Frontiers单元检测B-完形填空精准练+失分题型强化练 北师大版选修7.doc_第3页
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Unit 20 New Frontiers单元检测B完形填空精准练失分题型强化练完形填空精准练Research shows that when we are absorbed in an activity, even minor distractions (分心) can have a huge effect. According to a study, regaining our _1_ drive following an interruption can take about 20 minutes.Multitasking (多任务), as many studies have shown, is a myth (谬论). A more accurate _2_ of what happens when we tell ourselves we are multitasking is that were rapidly _3_ between activities, sucking our mental energy. And the _4_ can be surprisingly serious. An experiment found that we lose as many as 10 IQ points when we allow our work to be _5_ by distractions like emails and text messages.The _6_ is that multitasking is enjoyable. Its fun to satisfy your curiosity. Who knows what that next email or text message holds _7_? Finding out provides immediate satisfaction. _8_, resisting distractions and staying on task requires _9_ and mental effort.So, what are we to do?Our strategy is to change the _10_ to move temptation further away: shut down your email program or _11_ your phone. Its a lot easier to stay on task when youre not _12_ fighting off mental desires.The alternative, which most of us consider mon, is _13_ to dieting in a bakery. We all need the willpower to resist the temptations, but doing so es with _14_ costs to our limited supply of willpower.Another worthwhile _15_ is to collect similar activities together, keeping transition (转换) time to a _16_ point. Instead of spreading phone calls, meetings and emails throughout your day, try _17_ related tasks so that there are fewer transitions.In some jobs, multitasking is _18_. Some of us truly do need to stay _19_ to our clients, colleagues and managers. So its worth noting that limiting disruptions is the only solution.Remember, the more you do to minimize taskswitching over the course of the day, the more ability youll have for activities that actually _20_. Even small changes can make a big difference.语篇解读:研究显示,当我们全神贯注于某一活动时,即便是小小的一个分心都会对活动的效果产生巨大的影响。1A.initialBpersonalCinner Dambitious解析:选AA项意为“最初的;原始的”;B项意为“个人的”;C项意为“内在的”;D项意为“有野心的;有抱负的”。句意:研究表明,在一次分心之后,我们想要再次获得干劲(专注于某一活动),需要20分钟。根据句意可知,A项符合语境,即获得原来的干劲。2A.plan BaccountCprediction Dinsight解析:选B根据上文“正如许多研究表明,多任务是一种谬论”可知,B项表示“叙述;描述”,符合语境。A项意为“计划”;C项意为“预言;预测”;D项意为“洞察力”。当我们告诉自己正处于多任务时,对于此时所发生的事情的一个更加确切的描述是,我们是在几项活动间不停地转换。3A.switching BswingingCswapping Dshuttling解析:选AA项意为“变换;转换”;B项意为“摇摆”;C项意为“交换;换掉”;D项意为“穿梭”。参见上题解析,A项符合语境,即在几项活动间不停地转换。4A.benefits BreasonsCconsequences Dchallenges解析:选CA项意为“好处”;B项意为“理由”;C项意为“后果;结果”;D项意为“挑战”。根据本句中的“surprisingly serious”以及后一句中的“loses as many as 10 IQ points”可知,C项符合语境,即这样做的后果有多么严重。5A.guided BchangedCadapted Dinterrupted解析:选DA项意为“指导”;B项意为“改变”;C项意为“适应;改编”;D项意为“中断;打扰”。根据题意可知,D项正确。句意:根据一项试验,当我们的工作被分心打扰(中断)时,我们将损失多达10个点的IQ。6A.advantage BemphasisCtrouble Dpractice解析:选C文章上一段讲到负面的影响,本段则介绍的是产生的原因,也就是具体的问题所在虽然有负面影响,人们为什么还乐此不疲呢?因此选C(trouble在这里指“问题;麻烦”)符合语境。7A.in stock Bin storeCin check Din possession解析:选BA项意为“有现货的”;B项意为“将要发生”;C项意为“在控制中”;D项意为“占有;持有”。句意:谁知道下一封邮件或短信中会有什么内容呢?hold in store意为“蕴藏”。故B项符合语境。8A.As a rule BAs a resultCIn short DIn contrast解析:选DA项意为“通常来说”;B项意为“结果”;C项意为“总之”;D项意为“相反的是;相比之下”。根据上下文语境可知,前后句意相反,上一句说的是分心的情况,后一句则讲的是如何抵制分心。故选D。9A.patience BdisciplineCcourage Dattention解析:选B句意:要抵制分心的诱惑,并注重于我们的工作,需要自制力(discipline)和内心的努力。根据句意可知,选B项。A项意为“耐心”;C项意为“勇气”;D项意为“注意力”。10A.expectation BtaskCenvironment Dvision解析:选C根据冒号后面的内容可知,C项符合语境,即改变工作环境或学习环境。11A.replace BsilenceCanswer Dpick解析:选BB项意为“使沉默”,符合语境,即将电话调成静音状态。12A.continuously BfinallyCpassionately Ddirectly解析:选AA项意为“连续不断地”;B项意为“最终”;C项意为“热情地”;D项意为“直接地”。句意:当你不再需要持续击退内心欲望时,专心于工作便会变得更加容易。根据句意可知A项符合语境。13A.similar BrelevantCsuperior Dopposite解析:选AA项意为“相似的”;B项意为“相关的”;C项意为“较高的”;D项意为“对立的;相反的”。句意:这个选择和在面包店里节食一样。根据语境可知A项正确。14A.affordable BbasicCconsiderable Dmodest解析:选CA项意为“负担得起的”;B项意为“基本的”;C项意为“相当大的;相当多的”;D项意为“谦虚的;适度的”。句意:(尽管)我们需要抵制诱惑的意志力,但是这种做法(在面包店节食)会极大地消耗我们有限的意志力。根据句意可知,选C项。15A.research BaspectCreaction Dapproach解析:选DA项意为“研究”;B项意为“方面”;C项意为“反应”;D项意为“方法”。根据上文可知,这里是在教我们集中注意力的方法,所以选D。16A.minimum BmaximumCturning Dfixed解析:选AA项意为“最小的”;B项意为“最大的”;C项意为“转折的”;D项意为“固定的”。句意:另一种方法是将相似的工作归类在一起完成,这样可以将不同工作之间切换的时间缩短到最小。根据语境可知A项正确。17A.analyzing BgroupingCassigning Dundertaking解析:选B根据上题可知,B项的group指“分类、归类”,符合语境,即将相关的工作分组归类。A项意为“分析”;C项意为“布置;分派”;D项意为“承担;从事”,均不符合语境。18A.disturbing BannoyingCunavoidable Dunnecessary解析:选CA项意为“令人不安的”;B项意为“令人恼火的”;C项意为“不可避免的”;D项意为“没有必要的”。根据下文可知有些工作中,多任务是无法避免的。故C项正确。19A.sympathetic BloyalCaccustomed Dconnected解析:选DA项意为“有同情心的”;B项意为“忠诚的”;C项意为“习惯的”;D项意为“有联系的”。句意:我们不得不和我们的客户、同事和经理保持联系。根据语境可知D项正确。20A.matter BfunctionCwork Dinterfere解析:选Amatter在这里是不及物动词,意为“重要”,符合语境,即你将有更多的能力去处理那些真正重要的事情。失分题型强化练.语法填空There are many different taboos (禁忌) around the world. A taboo is a social action that is not _1_ (allow). Almost every culture in the world has _2_ (it) own taboos. When you meet people from different cultures, it is important _3_ (understand) what you can and cannot do. If we are not aware _4_ these differences, some unusual _5_ (thing) might happen. For instance, in China, it _6_ (be) rude to put the chopsticks into a bowl of rice straightly as it is often done for the dead. If you visit Nepal, you will find Nepalese often greet each other with the hands pressed together instead of shaking hands, _7_ in North America and the UK, people greet one another by _8_ (shake) hands. If you will do business with a South American, it seems _9_ (impolitely) to be dressed in the light colors. What about Japanese? They dislike the lotus and _10_ not give it as a gift to Japanese because they regard it as the mourning flower. While these different customs might seem strange to you, remember that what you consider normal probably seems just as unusual to others.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。介绍了世界各地的风俗禁忌,如尼泊尔人双手合十打招呼而北美、英国人则握手打招呼;在中国将筷子笔直地插入饭中是禁忌;在日本将莲花作为礼物是禁忌等。1allowed考查动词的语态。该句是一个复合句,在that引导的定语从句中关系词that代指a social action,和动词allow之间是被动关系,故用被动语态。2its考查代词。该句主语every culture和空后的own taboos之间为所有关系,故用形容词性物主代词its。3to understand考查非谓语动词。分析该句结构可知,该句使用了it is/wasadj.to do sth.的句型,其中it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语。4of考查固定搭配。be aware of为固定搭配,意为“意识到”;该句句意:如果我们没有意识到这些不同点,则可能发生一些不寻常的事情。5things考查名词的数。根据该句中的some可知,可数名词thing应用复数形式。6is考查动词的时态和主谓一致。该句主语为it,故用单数形式;该句表示将筷子笔直地插进饭中是不礼貌的行为,因为此举通常是为死人做的,根据语境可知,该句陈述的是一般常识,故用一般现在时。7while考查连词。根据语境可知,此处表示尼泊尔人双手合十打招呼,而在北美和英国,人们通过握手打招呼。该空前后为转折关系,故用while。8shaking考查动名词。空前的by为介词,故该空用动名词作介词的宾语。9impolite考查形容词。该句中的seems为系动词,意为“似乎,看起来像”,后接形容词。该句句意:如果你将要和一个南美人做生意,穿着浅色服装似乎是不礼貌的。10do考查动词的时态和主谓一致。结合语境可知,该句陈述的是一般常识,应用一般现在时,且主语为they,故该空用助动词do。.短文改错Li Ming, the engineer, was born on February 9, 1960 in Hubei, China. After he graduated Qinghua University in 1982, he made an important decisions in his life. He decided to go to the United States for his farther study. After four years hard work, he mastered new management ideas and advancing technologies in puter field. In 1989, he got his doctors degree. In 2001, he made one another decision.He was determined to turn to his motherland and started a pany. However, his wife and daughter have got used to the American way of life, but they still stay in the United States.答案:第一句:thean第二句:graduated后加from; decisionsdecision第三句:fartherfurther第四句:yearsyears; advancingadvanced第六句:去掉one第七句:turnreturn; startedstart第八句:butso


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